mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 06:41:39 -04:00
Use traits for reader/writer
Should make it easier to write analysis code
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,22 +10,11 @@ use capnp::serialize_packed::{read_message as read_message_packed, write_message
use nom::bytes::complete::take_until;
use nom::IResult;
use crate::{StreamVec, Summarizer};
use crate::{RunnerDeserialize, RunnerSerialize, StreamVec, Summarizer};
use crate::iex::{IexMessage, IexPayload};
use crate::marketdata_capnp::{multi_message, Side};
use crate::marketdata_capnp::message;
fn __take_until<'a>(tag: &'static str, input: &'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8], &'a [u8]> {
fn parse_symbol(sym: &[u8; 8]) -> &str {
// TODO: Use the `jetscii` library for all that SIMD goodness
// IEX guarantees ASCII, so we're fine using an unsafe conversion
let (_, sym_bytes) = __take_until(" ", &sym[..]).unwrap();
unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked(sym_bytes) }
pub struct CapnpWriter<'a> {
// We have to be very careful with how messages are built, as running
// `init_root` and rebuilding will still accumulate garbage if using
@ -33,10 +22,11 @@ pub struct CapnpWriter<'a> {
// https://github.com/capnproto/capnproto-rust/issues/111
words: Vec<capnp::Word>,
scratch: ScratchSpace<'a>,
packed: bool,
impl<'a> CapnpWriter<'a> {
pub fn new() -> CapnpWriter<'a> {
pub fn new(packed: bool) -> CapnpWriter<'a> {
// Cap'n'Proto words are 8 bytes, MTU is 1500 bytes, theoretically need only 188 words.
// In practice, let's just make sure everything fits.
let mut words = capnp::Word::allocate_zeroed_vec(1024);
@ -48,6 +38,7 @@ impl<'a> CapnpWriter<'a> {
CapnpWriter {
@ -60,8 +51,10 @@ impl<'a> CapnpWriter<'a> {
std::mem::transmute(&mut self.scratch)
pub fn serialize(&mut self, payload: &IexPayload, mut output: &mut Vec<u8>, packed: bool) {
impl<'a> RunnerSerialize for CapnpWriter<'a> {
fn serialize(&mut self, payload: &IexPayload, mut output: &mut Vec<u8>) {
// First, count the messages we actually care about.
let num_msgs = payload.messages.iter().map(|m| {
match m {
@ -76,14 +69,14 @@ impl<'a> CapnpWriter<'a> {
// And actually serialize the IEX payload to CapNProto format
// This is the safe builder used for testing
//let mut builder = capnp::message::Builder::new_default();
//let mut multimsg = builder.init_root::<multi_message::Builder>();
// This is the unsafe (but faster) version
let mut builder = self.builder();
let mut multimsg = builder.init_root::<multi_message::Builder>();
// And the safe version used for testing
//let mut builder = capnp::message::Builder::new_default();
//let mut multimsg = builder.init_root::<multi_message::Builder>();
let mut messages = multimsg.init_messages(num_msgs as u32);
@ -95,7 +88,7 @@ impl<'a> CapnpWriter<'a> {
current_msg_no += 1;
let sym = parse_symbol(&tr.symbol);
let sym = crate::parse_symbol(&tr.symbol);
message.reborrow().init_symbol(sym.len() as u32);
@ -108,7 +101,7 @@ impl<'a> CapnpWriter<'a> {
current_msg_no += 1;
let sym = parse_symbol(&plu.symbol);
let sym = crate::parse_symbol(&plu.symbol);
message.reborrow().init_symbol(sym.len() as u32);
@ -122,28 +115,33 @@ impl<'a> CapnpWriter<'a> {
let write_fn = if packed { write_message_packed } else { write_message };
let write_fn = if self.packed { write_message_packed } else { write_message };
write_fn(&mut output, &builder).unwrap();
pub struct CapnpReader {
read_opts: ReaderOptions
read_opts: ReaderOptions,
packed: bool
impl CapnpReader {
pub fn new() -> CapnpReader {
pub fn new(packed: bool) -> CapnpReader {
CapnpReader {
read_opts: ReaderOptions::new()
read_opts: ReaderOptions::new(),
pub fn deserialize_packed(&self, buf: &mut StreamVec, stats: &mut Summarizer) -> Result<(), Error> {
impl CapnpReader {
fn deserialize_packed<'a>(&self, buf: &'a mut StreamVec, stats: &mut Summarizer) -> Result<(), ()> {
// Because `capnp::serialize_packed::PackedRead` is hidden from us, packed reads
// *have* to both allocate new segments every read, and copy the buffer into
// those same segments, no ability to re-use allocated memory.
let reader = read_message_packed(buf, self.read_opts)?;
let reader = read_message_packed(buf, self.read_opts)
.map_err(|_| ())?;
let multimsg = reader.get_root::<multi_message::Reader>().unwrap();
for msg in multimsg.get_messages().unwrap().iter() {
@ -166,10 +164,10 @@ impl CapnpReader {
pub fn deserialize_unpacked(&self, buf: &mut StreamVec, stats: &mut Summarizer) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut data = buf.fill_buf()?;
fn deserialize_unpacked(&self, buf: &mut StreamVec, stats: &mut Summarizer) -> Result<(), ()> {
let mut data = buf.fill_buf().map_err(|_| ())?;
if data.len() == 0 {
return Err(capnp::Error::failed(String::new()));
return Err(());
let orig_data = data;
@ -179,7 +177,7 @@ impl CapnpReader {
Read into `OwnedSegments`, which means we copy the entire message into a new Vec. Note that
the `data` pointer is modified underneath us, can figure out the message length by
checking the difference between where we started and what `data` is afterward.
This is a trick you learn only by checking the fuzzing test cases.
This is a trick you learn only by looking at the fuzzing test cases.
let reader = capnp::serialize::read_message(&mut data, reader_opts)?;
let bytes_consumed = orig_data.len() - data.len();
@ -190,11 +188,12 @@ impl CapnpReader {
but still forces a Vec allocation for `offsets`. Also requires us to copy code from
Cap'n'Proto because `SliceSegments` has private fields, and `read_segment_table`
is private. And all this because `read_segment_from_words` has a length check
that triggers an error if our buffer is too large.
There is no other documentation on how to calculate `bytes_consumed` in this case
that triggers an error if our buffer is too large. What the hell?
There is no documentation on how to calculate `bytes_consumed` when parsing by hand
that I could find, you just have to guess and check until you figure this one out.
let (num_words, offsets) = read_segment_table(&mut data, reader_opts)?;
let (num_words, offsets) = read_segment_table(&mut data, reader_opts)
.map_err(|_| ())?;
let words = unsafe { capnp::Word::bytes_to_words(data) };
let reader = capnp::message::Reader::new(
SliceSegments {
@ -207,18 +206,19 @@ impl CapnpReader {
let msg_bytes = num_words * size_of::<capnp::Word>();
let bytes_consumed = segment_table_bytes + msg_bytes;
let multimsg = reader.get_root::<multi_message::Reader>()?;
for msg in multimsg.get_messages()?.iter() {
let sym = msg.get_symbol()?;
let multimsg = reader.get_root::<multi_message::Reader>()
.map_err(|_| ())?;
for msg in multimsg.get_messages().map_err(|_| ())?.iter() {
let sym = msg.get_symbol().map_err(|_| ())?;
match msg.which()? {
match msg.which().map_err(|_| ())? {
message::Trade(trade) => {
let trade = trade.unwrap();
stats.append_trade_volume(sym, trade.get_size().into());
message::Quote(quote) => {
let quote = quote.unwrap();
let is_buy = match quote.get_side()? {
let is_buy = match quote.get_side().unwrap() {
Side::Buy => true,
_ => false
@ -232,6 +232,18 @@ impl CapnpReader {
impl RunnerDeserialize for CapnpReader {
fn deserialize<'a>(&self, buf: &'a mut StreamVec, stats: &mut Summarizer) -> Result<(), ()> {
// While this is an extra branch per call, we're going to assume that the overhead
// is essentially nil in practice
if self.packed {
self.deserialize_packed(buf, stats)
} else {
self.deserialize_unpacked(buf, stats)
pub struct SliceSegments<'a> {
words: &'a [capnp::Word],
@ -7,21 +7,10 @@ use capnp::data::new_builder;
use flatbuffers::buffer_has_identifier;
use nom::{bytes::complete::take_until, IResult};
use crate::{StreamVec, Summarizer};
use crate::{RunnerDeserialize, RunnerSerialize, StreamVec, Summarizer};
use crate::iex::{IexMessage, IexPayload};
use crate::marketdata_generated::md_shootout;
fn __take_until<'a>(tag: &'static str, input: &'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8], &'a [u8]> {
fn parse_symbol(sym: &[u8; 8]) -> &str {
// TODO: Use the `jetscii` library for all that SIMD goodness
// IEX guarantees ASCII, so we're fine using an unsafe conversion
let (_, sym_bytes) = __take_until(" ", &sym[..]).unwrap();
unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked(sym_bytes) }
pub struct FlatbuffersWriter<'a> {
builder: flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder<'a>,
message_buffer: Vec<flatbuffers::WIPOffset<md_shootout::Message<'a>>>,
@ -34,8 +23,10 @@ impl<'a> FlatbuffersWriter<'a> {
message_buffer: Vec::new(),
pub fn serialize(&mut self, payload: &IexPayload, output: &mut Vec<u8>) {
impl<'a> RunnerSerialize for FlatbuffersWriter<'a> {
fn serialize(&mut self, payload: &IexPayload, output: &mut Vec<u8>) {
// Because FlatBuffers can't handle nested vectors (specifically, we can't track
// both the variable-length vector of messages, and the variable-length strings
@ -46,8 +37,7 @@ impl<'a> FlatbuffersWriter<'a> {
let msg_args = match iex_msg {
IexMessage::TradeReport(tr) => {
// The `Args` objects used are wrappers over an underlying `Builder`.
// We trust release builds to optimize out the wrapper, but would be
// interesting to know whether that's actually the case.
// We trust release builds to optimize out the wrapper.
let trade = md_shootout::Trade::create(
&mut self.builder,
&md_shootout::TradeArgs {
@ -56,18 +46,11 @@ impl<'a> FlatbuffersWriter<'a> {
let mut trade_builder = md_shootout::TradeBuilder::new(self.builder);
let trade = trade_builder.finish();
let sym_str = self.builder.create_string(parse_symbol(&tr.symbol));
let sym_str = self.builder.create_string(crate::parse_symbol(&tr.symbol));
Some(md_shootout::MessageArgs {
ts_nanos: tr.timestamp,
symbol: Some(sym_str),
body_type: md_shootout::MessageBody::Trade,
// Why the hell do I need the `as_union_value` function to convert to UnionWIPOffset???
body: Some(trade.as_union_value()),
@ -82,7 +65,7 @@ impl<'a> FlatbuffersWriter<'a> {
let sym_str = self.builder.create_string(parse_symbol(&plu.symbol));
let sym_str = self.builder.create_string(crate::parse_symbol(&plu.symbol));
Some(md_shootout::MessageArgs {
ts_nanos: plu.timestamp,
symbol: Some(sym_str),
@ -124,8 +107,10 @@ impl FlatbuffersReader {
pub fn new() -> FlatbuffersReader {
FlatbuffersReader {}
pub fn deserialize<'a>(&self, buf: &'a mut StreamVec, stats: &mut Summarizer) -> Result<(), ()> {
impl RunnerDeserialize for FlatbuffersReader {
fn deserialize<'a>(&self, buf: &'a mut StreamVec, stats: &mut Summarizer) -> Result<(), ()> {
// Flatbuffers has kinda ad-hoc support for streaming: https://github.com/google/flatbuffers/issues/3898
// Essentially, you can write an optional `u32` value to the front of each message
// (`finish_size_prefixed` above) to figure out how long that message actually is.
@ -5,11 +5,13 @@ use std::hash::Hasher;
use std::io::{BufRead, Read};
use std::io::Error;
use std::path::Path;
use std::time::SystemTime;
use std::str::from_utf8_unchecked;
use std::time::{Instant, SystemTime};
use clap::{App, Arg};
use nom::{bytes::complete::take_until, IResult};
use crate::iex::IexParser;
use crate::iex::{IexParser, IexPayload};
// Cap'n'Proto and Flatbuffers typically ask that you generate code on the fly to match
// the schemas. For purposes of auto-complete and easy browsing in the repository,
@ -68,10 +70,14 @@ fn main() {
while let Ok(_) = capnp_reader.deserialize_packed(&mut read_buf, &mut summarizer) {
parsed_msgs += 1;
let mut fb_writer = flatbuffers_runner::FlatbuffersWriter::new();
for iex_payload in parser {
let now = Instant::now();
fb_writer.serialize(&iex_payload, &mut output_buf);
let serialize_nanos = Instant::now().duration_since(now).as_nanos();
let mut read_buf = StreamVec::new(output_buf);
@ -81,13 +87,15 @@ fn main() {
while let Ok(_) = fb_reader.deserialize(&mut read_buf, &mut summarizer) {
parsed_msgs += 1;
let mut capnp_writer = capnp_runner::CapnpWriter::new();
for iex_payload in parser {
//let iex_payload = parser.next().unwrap();
let now = Instant::now();
capnp_writer.serialize(&iex_payload, &mut output_buf, false);
let serialize_nanos = Instant::now().duration_since(now).as_nanos();
let capnp_reader = capnp_runner::CapnpReader::new();
@ -98,6 +106,7 @@ fn main() {
let mut sbe_writer = sbe_runner::SBEWriter::new();
for iex_payload in parser {
//let iex_payload = parser.next().unwrap();
@ -110,6 +119,7 @@ fn main() {
while let Ok(_) = sbe_reader.deserialize(&mut read_buf, &mut summarizer) {
parsed_msgs += 1;
@ -197,3 +207,22 @@ impl BufRead for StreamVec {
self.pos += amt;
trait RunnerSerialize {
fn serialize(&mut self, payload: &IexPayload, output: &mut Vec<u8>);
trait RunnerDeserialize {
fn deserialize<'a>(&self, buf: &'a mut StreamVec, stats: &mut Summarizer) -> Result<(), ()>;
fn __take_until<'a>(tag: &'static str, input: &'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8], &'a [u8]> {
fn parse_symbol(sym: &[u8; 8]) -> &str {
// TODO: Use the `jetscii` library for all that SIMD goodness
// IEX guarantees ASCII, so we're fine using an unsafe conversion
let (_, sym_bytes) = __take_until(" ", &sym[..]).unwrap();
unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked(sym_bytes) }
@ -404,6 +404,7 @@ pub struct MultiMessageFieldsDecoder<'d> {
scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>,
impl<'d> MultiMessageFieldsDecoder<'d> {
pub fn wrap(scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>) -> MultiMessageFieldsDecoder<'d> {
MultiMessageFieldsDecoder { scratch: scratch }
@ -418,6 +419,7 @@ pub struct MultiMessageMessageHeaderDecoder<'d> {
scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>,
impl<'d> MultiMessageMessageHeaderDecoder<'d> {
pub fn wrap(scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>) -> MultiMessageMessageHeaderDecoder<'d> {
MultiMessageMessageHeaderDecoder { scratch: scratch }
@ -518,6 +520,7 @@ pub struct MultiMessageFieldsEncoder<'d> {
scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>,
impl<'d> MultiMessageFieldsEncoder<'d> {
pub fn wrap(scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>) -> MultiMessageFieldsEncoder<'d> {
MultiMessageFieldsEncoder { scratch: scratch }
@ -4,21 +4,10 @@ use std::str::from_utf8_unchecked;
use nom::bytes::complete::take_until;
use nom::IResult;
use crate::{marketdata_sbe, StreamVec, Summarizer};
use crate::{marketdata_sbe, RunnerDeserialize, RunnerSerialize, StreamVec, Summarizer};
use crate::iex::{IexMessage, IexPayload};
use crate::marketdata_sbe::{Either, MultiMessageFields, MultiMessageMessageHeader, MultiMessageMessagesMember, MultiMessageMessagesMemberEncoder, MultiMessageMessagesSymbolEncoder, Side, start_decoding_multi_message, start_encoding_multi_message};
fn __take_until<'a>(tag: &'static str, input: &'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8], &'a [u8]> {
fn parse_symbol(sym: &[u8; 8]) -> &str {
// TODO: Use the `jetscii` library for all that SIMD goodness
// IEX guarantees ASCII, so we're fine using an unsafe conversion
let (_, sym_bytes) = __take_until(" ", &sym[..]).unwrap();
unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked(sym_bytes) }
pub struct SBEWriter {
/// Buffer to construct messages before copying. While SBE benefits
/// from easily being able to create messages directly in output buffer,
@ -38,8 +27,10 @@ impl SBEWriter {
default_header: MultiMessageMessageHeader::default(),
pub fn serialize(&mut self, payload: &IexPayload, output: &mut Vec<u8>) {
impl RunnerSerialize for SBEWriter {
fn serialize(&mut self, payload: &IexPayload, output: &mut Vec<u8>) {
let (fields, encoder) = start_encoding_multi_message(&mut self.scratch_buffer[..])
@ -59,7 +50,7 @@ impl SBEWriter {
let sym_enc: MultiMessageMessagesSymbolEncoder = enc.next_messages_member(&fields).unwrap();
IexMessage::PriceLevelUpdate(plu) => {
let fields = MultiMessageMessagesMember {
@ -74,7 +65,7 @@ impl SBEWriter {
let sym_enc: MultiMessageMessagesSymbolEncoder = enc.next_messages_member(&fields).unwrap();
_ => enc
@ -93,8 +84,10 @@ impl SBEReader {
pub fn new() -> SBEReader {
SBEReader {}
pub fn deserialize<'a>(&self, buf: &'a mut StreamVec, stats: &mut Summarizer) -> Result<(), ()> {
impl RunnerDeserialize for SBEReader {
fn deserialize<'a>(&self, buf: &'a mut StreamVec, stats: &mut Summarizer) -> Result<(), ()> {
let data = buf.fill_buf().unwrap();
if data.len() == 0 {
return Err(());
Reference in New Issue
Block a user