Add the SBE runner

Works for the test dataset, now time to make sure everyone agrees.
Bradlee Speice 2019-09-04 23:47:10 -04:00
parent df5198993b
commit e58861458e
7 changed files with 525 additions and 429 deletions

View File

@ -59,23 +59,26 @@
<field name="timestamp" id="3" type="int64"/>
SBE specifically doesn't have "union" types, so we include both a `trade` and `quote`
here and the tag to identify.
SBE specifically doesn't have "union" types, so we include a type tag, and both
`trade` and `quote` as "optional". This style was chosen to approximate how
Cap'n Proto and Flatbuffers do it:
In the future, there are a couple options:
1. Create a "payload header" type and promote "trade" and "quote" to <sbe:message>,
since the SBE message header is already able to distinguish between message types
2. Create a "group" for each message type, and just include no elements of that type.
Uses a `u16` for each message type, instead of padding bytes for the message size.
3. Split up the message components and use "session types" to chain things together,
as in
For now, this message format was chosen to approximate the schemas of Cap'n Proto and Flatbuffers
However, space is actually reserved for *both* `trade` and `quote` in the message;
that is, the payload size is the same if neither, one, or both are filled.
Other ways you can try to emulate unions:
1. Use a "payload header" composite type and promote "trade" and "quote" to <sbe:message>;
SBE can distinguish message types based on the SBE header.
2. Create a "group" for each message type; adds an extra `u16` per type, but overall payload
size goes down because we no longer reserve space that is potentially unused.
3. Split up the message components into individual <composite/> blocks, and write
a state machine (by hand) to chain the blocks. For a better explanation,
see "session types" in:
<field name="msg_type" id="4" type="MsgType"/>
<field name="trade" id="5" type="Trade"/>
<field name="quote" id="6" type="Quote"/>
<field name="trade" id="5" type="Trade" presence="optional"/>
<field name="quote" id="6" type="Quote" presence="optional"/>
<data name="symbol" id="100" type="varAsciiEncoding"/>

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
// This file is needed for tests outside the main source tree to find the project files
pub mod marketdata_capnp;

View File

@ -17,9 +17,11 @@ use crate::iex::IexParser;
pub mod marketdata_capnp;
pub mod marketdata_generated; // Flatbuffers
pub mod marketdata_sbe;
mod capnp_runner;
mod flatbuffers_runner;
mod sbe_runner;
mod iex;
mod parsers;
@ -81,6 +83,7 @@ fn main() {
let mut capnp_writer = capnp_runner::CapnpWriter::new();
for iex_payload in parser {
//let iex_payload =;
@ -93,6 +96,20 @@ fn main() {
while let Ok(_) = capnp_reader.deserialize_unpacked(&mut read_buf, &mut summarizer) {
parsed_msgs += 1;
let mut sbe_writer = sbe_runner::SBEWriter::new();
for iex_payload in parser {
//let iex_payload =;
sbe_writer.serialize(&iex_payload, &mut output_buf);
let sbe_reader = sbe_runner::SBEReader::new();
let mut read_buf = StreamVec::new(output_buf);
let mut parsed_msgs: u64 = 0;
while let Ok(_) = sbe_reader.deserialize(&mut read_buf, &mut summarizer) {
parsed_msgs += 1;

View File

@ -144,17 +144,17 @@ pub mod multi_message {
impl Pipeline {
mod _private {
use capnp::private::layout;
use capnp::private::layout;
pub const STRUCT_SIZE: layout::StructSize = layout::StructSize { data: 1, pointers: 1 };
pub const STRUCT_SIZE: layout::StructSize = layout::StructSize { data: 1, pointers: 1 };
pub const TYPE_ID: u64 = 0xd13b_1bd4_36e1_ca9f;
pub mod message {
pub use self::Which::{Quote, Trade};
pub use self::Which::{Quote, Trade};
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Owned;
impl <'a> ::capnp::traits::Owned<'a> for Owned { type Reader = Reader<'a>; type Builder = Builder<'a>; }
impl <'a> ::capnp::traits::OwnedStruct<'a> for Owned { type Reader = Reader<'a>; type Builder = Builder<'a>; }
@ -362,9 +362,9 @@ pub mod message {
impl Pipeline {
mod _private {
use capnp::private::layout;
use capnp::private::layout;
pub const STRUCT_SIZE: layout::StructSize = layout::StructSize { data: 2, pointers: 2 };
pub const STRUCT_SIZE: layout::StructSize = layout::StructSize { data: 2, pointers: 2 };
pub const TYPE_ID: u64 = 0x91d7_2965_3a3d_4be4;
pub enum Which<A0,A1> {
@ -506,9 +506,9 @@ pub mod trade {
impl Pipeline {
mod _private {
use capnp::private::layout;
use capnp::private::layout;
pub const STRUCT_SIZE: layout::StructSize = layout::StructSize { data: 2, pointers: 0 };
pub const STRUCT_SIZE: layout::StructSize = layout::StructSize { data: 2, pointers: 0 };
pub const TYPE_ID: u64 = 0xd29e_10bd_4e5f_c241;
@ -668,9 +668,9 @@ pub mod level_update {
impl Pipeline {
mod _private {
use capnp::private::layout;
use capnp::private::layout;
pub const STRUCT_SIZE: layout::StructSize = layout::StructSize { data: 2, pointers: 0 };
pub const STRUCT_SIZE: layout::StructSize = layout::StructSize { data: 2, pointers: 0 };
pub const TYPE_ID: u64 = 0xe664_c3b5_6628_c453;

View File

@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ extern crate core;
/// Errors that may occur during the course of encoding or decoding.
pub enum CodecErr {
/// Too few bytes in the byte-slice to read or write the data structure relevant
/// to the current state of the codec
/// Too few bytes in the byte-slice to read or write the data structure relevant
/// to the current state of the codec
/// Groups and vardata are constrained by the numeric type chosen to represent their
/// length as well as optional maxima imposed by the schema
/// Groups and vardata are constrained by the numeric type chosen to represent their
/// length as well as optional maxima imposed by the schema
pub type CodecResult<T> = core::result::Result<T, CodecErr>;
@ -23,208 +23,206 @@ pub type CodecResult<T> = core::result::Result<T, CodecErr>;
/// Scratch Decoder Data Wrapper - codec internal use only
pub struct ScratchDecoderData<'d> {
data: &'d [u8],
pos: usize,
data: &'d [u8],
pos: usize,
impl<'d> ScratchDecoderData<'d> {
/// Create a struct reference overlaid atop the data buffer
/// such that the struct's contents directly reflect the buffer.
/// Advances the `pos` index by the size of the struct in bytes.
fn read_type<T>(&mut self, num_bytes: usize) -> CodecResult<&'d T> {
let end = self.pos + num_bytes;
if end <= {
let s =[self.pos..end].as_ptr() as *mut T;
let v: &'d T = unsafe { &*s };
self.pos = end;
} else {
/// Create a struct reference overlaid atop the data buffer
/// such that the struct's contents directly reflect the buffer.
/// Advances the `pos` index by the size of the struct in bytes.
fn read_type<T>(&mut self, num_bytes: usize) -> CodecResult<&'d T> {
let end = self.pos + num_bytes;
if end <= {
let s =[self.pos..end].as_ptr() as *mut T;
let v: &'d T = unsafe { &*s };
self.pos = end;
} else {
/// Advances the `pos` index by a set number of bytes.
fn skip_bytes(&mut self, num_bytes: usize) -> CodecResult<()> {
let end = self.pos + num_bytes;
if end <= {
self.pos = end;
} else {
/// Advances the `pos` index by a set number of bytes.
fn skip_bytes(&mut self, num_bytes: usize) -> CodecResult<()> {
let end = self.pos + num_bytes;
if end <= {
self.pos = end;
} else {
/// Create a slice reference overlaid atop the data buffer
/// such that the slice's members' contents directly reflect the buffer.
/// Advances the `pos` index by the size of the slice contents in bytes.
fn read_slice<T>(&mut self, count: usize, bytes_per_item: usize) -> CodecResult<&'d [T]> {
let num_bytes = bytes_per_item * count;
let end = self.pos + num_bytes;
if end <= {
let v: &'d [T] = unsafe {
core::slice::from_raw_parts([self.pos..end].as_ptr() as *const T, count)
self.pos = end;
} else {
/// Create a slice reference overlaid atop the data buffer
/// such that the slice's members' contents directly reflect the buffer.
/// Advances the `pos` index by the size of the slice contents in bytes.
fn read_slice<T>(&mut self, count: usize, bytes_per_item: usize) -> CodecResult<&'d [T]> {
let num_bytes = bytes_per_item * count;
let end = self.pos + num_bytes;
if end <= {
let v: &'d [T] = unsafe {
core::slice::from_raw_parts([self.pos..end].as_ptr() as *const T, count)
self.pos = end;
} else {
/// Scratch Encoder Data Wrapper - codec internal use only
pub struct ScratchEncoderData<'d> {
data: &'d mut [u8],
pos: usize,
data: &'d mut [u8],
pos: usize,
impl<'d> ScratchEncoderData<'d> {
/// Copy the bytes of a value into the data buffer
/// Advances the `pos` index to after the newly-written bytes.
fn write_type<T>(&mut self, t: &T, num_bytes: usize) -> CodecResult<()> {
let end = self.pos + num_bytes;
if end <= {
let source_bytes: &[u8] = unsafe {
core::slice::from_raw_parts(t as *const T as *const u8, num_bytes)
self.pos = end;
} else {
/// Copy the bytes of a value into the data buffer
/// Advances the `pos` index to after the newly-written bytes.
fn write_type<T>(&mut self, t: &T, num_bytes: usize) -> CodecResult<()> {
let end = self.pos + num_bytes;
if end <= {
let source_bytes: &[u8] = unsafe {
core::slice::from_raw_parts(t as *const T as *const u8, num_bytes)
self.pos = end;
} else {
/// Advances the `pos` index by a set number of bytes.
fn skip_bytes(&mut self, num_bytes: usize) -> CodecResult<()> {
let end = self.pos + num_bytes;
if end <= {
self.pos = end;
} else {
/// Advances the `pos` index by a set number of bytes.
fn skip_bytes(&mut self, num_bytes: usize) -> CodecResult<()> {
let end = self.pos + num_bytes;
if end <= {
self.pos = end;
} else {
/// Create a struct reference overlaid atop the data buffer
/// such that changes to the struct directly edit the buffer.
/// Note that the initial content of the struct's fields may be garbage.
/// Advances the `pos` index to after the newly-written bytes.
fn writable_overlay<T>(&mut self, num_bytes: usize) -> CodecResult<&'d mut T> {
let end = self.pos + num_bytes;
if end <= {
let v: &'d mut T = unsafe {
let s = as isize) as *mut T;
&mut *s
self.pos = end;
} else {
/// Create a struct reference overlaid atop the data buffer
/// such that changes to the struct directly edit the buffer.
/// Note that the initial content of the struct's fields may be garbage.
/// Advances the `pos` index to after the newly-written bytes.
fn writable_overlay<T>(&mut self, num_bytes: usize) -> CodecResult<&'d mut T> {
let end = self.pos + num_bytes;
if end <= {
let v: &'d mut T = unsafe {
let s = as isize) as *mut T;
&mut *s
self.pos = end;
} else {
/// Copy the bytes of a value into the data buffer at a specific position
/// Does **not** alter the `pos` index.
fn write_at_position<T>(&mut self, position: usize, t: &T, num_bytes: usize) -> CodecResult<()> {
let end = position + num_bytes;
if end <= {
let source_bytes: &[u8] = unsafe {
core::slice::from_raw_parts(t as *const T as *const u8, num_bytes)
} else {
/// Copy the bytes of a value into the data buffer at a specific position
/// Does **not** alter the `pos` index.
fn write_at_position<T>(&mut self, position: usize, t: &T, num_bytes: usize) -> CodecResult<()> {
let end = position + num_bytes;
if end <= {
let source_bytes: &[u8] = unsafe {
core::slice::from_raw_parts(t as *const T as *const u8, num_bytes)
} else {
/// Create a mutable slice overlaid atop the data buffer directly
/// such that changes to the slice contents directly edit the buffer
/// Note that the initial content of the slice's members' fields may be garbage.
/// Advances the `pos` index to after the region representing the slice.
fn writable_slice<T>(&mut self, count: usize, bytes_per_item: usize) -> CodecResult<&'d mut [T]> {
let end = self.pos + (count * bytes_per_item);
if end <= {
let v: &'d mut [T] = unsafe {
core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut([self.pos..end].as_mut_ptr() as *mut T, count)
self.pos = end;
} else {
/// Create a mutable slice overlaid atop the data buffer directly
/// such that changes to the slice contents directly edit the buffer
/// Note that the initial content of the slice's members' fields may be garbage.
/// Advances the `pos` index to after the region representing the slice.
fn writable_slice<T>(&mut self, count: usize, bytes_per_item: usize) -> CodecResult<&'d mut [T]> {
let end = self.pos + (count * bytes_per_item);
if end <= {
let v: &'d mut [T] = unsafe {
core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut([self.pos..end].as_mut_ptr() as *mut T, count)
self.pos = end;
} else {
/// Copy the raw bytes of a slice's contents into the data buffer
/// Does **not** encode the length of the slice explicitly into the buffer.
/// Advances the `pos` index to after the newly-written slice bytes.
fn write_slice_without_count<T>(&mut self, t: &[T], bytes_per_item: usize) -> CodecResult<()> {
let content_bytes_size = bytes_per_item * t.len();
let end = self.pos + content_bytes_size;
if end <= {
let source_bytes: &[u8] = unsafe {
core::slice::from_raw_parts(t.as_ptr() as *const u8, content_bytes_size)
self.pos = end;
} else {
/// Copy the raw bytes of a slice's contents into the data buffer
/// Does **not** encode the length of the slice explicitly into the buffer.
/// Advances the `pos` index to after the newly-written slice bytes.
fn write_slice_without_count<T>(&mut self, t: &[T], bytes_per_item: usize) -> CodecResult<()> {
let content_bytes_size = bytes_per_item * t.len();
let end = self.pos + content_bytes_size;
if end <= {
let source_bytes: &[u8] = unsafe {
core::slice::from_raw_parts(t.as_ptr() as *const u8, content_bytes_size)
self.pos = end;
} else {
/// Convenience Either enum
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum Either<L, R> {
/// Enum Side
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub enum Side {
Buy = 0u8,
Sell = 1u8,
NullVal = 255u8,
Buy = 0u8,
Sell = 1u8,
NullVal = 255u8,
impl Default for Side {
fn default() -> Self { Side::NullVal }
fn default() -> Self { Side::NullVal }
/// Enum MsgType
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub enum MsgType {
Trade = 0u8,
Quote = 1u8,
NullVal = 255u8,
Trade = 0u8,
Quote = 1u8,
NullVal = 255u8,
impl Default for MsgType {
fn default() -> Self { MsgType::NullVal }
fn default() -> Self { MsgType::NullVal }
/// Quote
#[repr(C, packed)]
pub struct Quote {
pub price: u64,
pub size: u32,
pub flags: u8,
pub side: Side,
pub price: u64,
pub size: u32,
pub flags: u8,
pub side: Side,
impl Quote {}
@ -233,8 +231,8 @@ impl Quote {}
#[repr(C, packed)]
pub struct Trade {
pub price: u64,
pub size: u32,
pub price: u64,
pub size: u32,
impl Trade {}
@ -243,10 +241,10 @@ impl Trade {}
#[repr(C, packed)]
pub struct MessageHeader {
pub block_length: u16,
pub template_id: u16,
pub schema_id: u16,
pub version: u16,
pub block_length: u16,
pub template_id: u16,
pub schema_id: u16,
pub version: u16,
impl MessageHeader {}
@ -255,8 +253,8 @@ impl MessageHeader {}
#[repr(C, packed)]
pub struct GroupSizeEncoding {
pub block_length: u16,
pub num_in_group: u16,
pub block_length: u16,
pub num_in_group: u16,
impl GroupSizeEncoding {}
@ -265,24 +263,24 @@ impl GroupSizeEncoding {}
#[repr(C, packed)]
pub struct VarAsciiEncoding {
pub length: u32,
pub var_data: u8,
pub length: u32,
pub var_data: u8,
impl VarAsciiEncoding {}
/// MessageHeader Decoder entry point
pub fn start_decoding_message_header<'d>(data: &'d [u8]) -> CodecResult<(&'d MessageHeader, ScratchDecoderData<'d>)> {
let mut scratch = ScratchDecoderData { data: data, pos: 0 };
let v = scratch.read_type::<MessageHeader>(8)?;
Ok((v, scratch))
let mut scratch = ScratchDecoderData { data: data, pos: 0 };
let v = scratch.read_type::<MessageHeader>(8)?;
Ok((v, scratch))
/// MultiMessage Fixed-size Fields (8 bytes)
#[repr(C, packed)]
pub struct MultiMessageFields {
pub sequence_number: u64,
pub sequence_number: u64,
@ -291,293 +289,279 @@ impl MultiMessageFields {}
/// MultiMessage specific Message Header
#[repr(C, packed)]
pub struct MultiMessageMessageHeader {
pub message_header: MessageHeader
pub message_header: MessageHeader
impl MultiMessageMessageHeader {
pub const BLOCK_LENGTH: u16 = 8;
pub const TEMPLATE_ID: u16 = 1;
pub const SCHEMA_ID: u16 = 1;
pub const VERSION: u16 = 0;
pub const BLOCK_LENGTH: u16 = 8;
pub const TEMPLATE_ID: u16 = 1;
pub const SCHEMA_ID: u16 = 1;
pub const VERSION: u16 = 0;
impl Default for MultiMessageMessageHeader {
fn default() -> MultiMessageMessageHeader {
MultiMessageMessageHeader {
message_header: MessageHeader {
block_length: 8u16,
template_id: 1u16,
schema_id: 1u16,
version: 0u16,
fn default() -> MultiMessageMessageHeader {
MultiMessageMessageHeader {
message_header: MessageHeader {
block_length: 8u16,
template_id: 1u16,
schema_id: 1u16,
version: 0u16,
/// Group fixed-field member representations
#[repr(C, packed)]
pub struct MultiMessageMessagesMember {
pub timestamp: i64,
pub msg_type: MsgType,
pub trade: Trade,
pub quote: Quote,
pub timestamp: i64,
pub msg_type: MsgType,
pub trade: Trade,
pub quote: Quote,
impl MultiMessageMessagesMember {}
/// MultiMessageDecoderDone
pub struct MultiMessageDecoderDone<'d> {
scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>,
scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>,
impl<'d> MultiMessageDecoderDone<'d> {
/// Returns the number of bytes decoded
pub fn unwrap(self) -> usize {
/// Returns the number of bytes decoded
pub fn unwrap(self) -> usize {
pub fn wrap(scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>) -> MultiMessageDecoderDone<'d> {
MultiMessageDecoderDone { scratch: scratch }
pub fn wrap(scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>) -> MultiMessageDecoderDone<'d> {
MultiMessageDecoderDone { scratch: scratch }
/// symbol variable-length data
pub struct MultiMessageMessagesSymbolDecoder<'d> {
parent: MultiMessageMessagesMemberDecoder<'d>,
parent: MultiMessageMessagesMemberDecoder<'d>,
impl<'d> MultiMessageMessagesSymbolDecoder<'d> {
fn wrap(parent: MultiMessageMessagesMemberDecoder<'d>) -> Self {
MultiMessageMessagesSymbolDecoder { parent: parent }
pub fn symbol(mut self) -> CodecResult<(&'d [u8], Either<MultiMessageMessagesMemberDecoder<'d>, MultiMessageDecoderDone<'d>>)> {
let count = *self.parent.scratch.read_type::<u32>(4)?;
Ok((self.parent.scratch.read_slice::<u8>(count as usize, 1)?, self.parent.after_member()))
fn wrap(parent: MultiMessageMessagesMemberDecoder<'d>) -> Self {
MultiMessageMessagesSymbolDecoder { parent: parent }
pub fn symbol(mut self) -> CodecResult<(&'d [u8], Either<MultiMessageMessagesMemberDecoder<'d>, MultiMessageDecoderDone<'d>>)> {
let count = *self.parent.scratch.read_type::<u32>(4)?;
Ok((self.parent.scratch.read_slice::<u8>(count as usize, 1)?, self.parent.after_member()))
/// MultiMessageMessages Decoder for fields and header
pub struct MultiMessageMessagesMemberDecoder<'d> {
scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>,
max_index: u16,
index: u16,
scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>,
max_index: u16,
index: u16,
impl<'d> MultiMessageMessagesMemberDecoder<'d> {
fn new(scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>, count: u16) -> Self {
assert!(count > 0u16);
MultiMessageMessagesMemberDecoder {
scratch: scratch,
max_index: count - 1,
index: 0,
fn new(scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>, count: u16) -> Self {
assert!(count > 0u16);
MultiMessageMessagesMemberDecoder {
scratch: scratch,
max_index: count - 1,
index: 0,
pub fn next_messages_member(mut self) -> CodecResult<(&'d MultiMessageMessagesMember, MultiMessageMessagesSymbolDecoder<'d>)> {
let v = self.scratch.read_type::<MultiMessageMessagesMember>(35)?;
self.index += 1;
Ok((v, MultiMessageMessagesSymbolDecoder::wrap(self)))
fn after_member(self) -> Either<MultiMessageMessagesMemberDecoder<'d>, MultiMessageDecoderDone<'d>> {
if self.index <= self.max_index {
} else {
pub fn next_messages_member(mut self) -> CodecResult<(&'d MultiMessageMessagesMember, MultiMessageMessagesSymbolDecoder<'d>)> {
let v = self.scratch.read_type::<MultiMessageMessagesMember>(35)?;
self.index += 1;
Ok((v, MultiMessageMessagesSymbolDecoder::wrap(self)))
fn after_member(self) -> Either<MultiMessageMessagesMemberDecoder<'d>, MultiMessageDecoderDone<'d>> {
if self.index <= self.max_index {
} else {
pub struct MultiMessageMessagesHeaderDecoder<'d> {
scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>,
scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>,
impl<'d> MultiMessageMessagesHeaderDecoder<'d> {
fn wrap(scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>) -> Self {
MultiMessageMessagesHeaderDecoder { scratch: scratch }
pub fn messages_individually(mut self) -> CodecResult<Either<MultiMessageMessagesMemberDecoder<'d>, MultiMessageDecoderDone<'d>>> {
let dim = self.scratch.read_type::<GroupSizeEncoding>(4)?;
if dim.num_in_group > 0 {
Ok(Either::Left(MultiMessageMessagesMemberDecoder::new(self.scratch, dim.num_in_group)))
} else {
fn wrap(scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>) -> Self {
MultiMessageMessagesHeaderDecoder { scratch: scratch }
pub fn messages_individually(mut self) -> CodecResult<Either<MultiMessageMessagesMemberDecoder<'d>, MultiMessageDecoderDone<'d>>> {
let dim = self.scratch.read_type::<GroupSizeEncoding>(4)?;
if dim.num_in_group > 0 {
Ok(Either::Left(MultiMessageMessagesMemberDecoder::new(self.scratch, dim.num_in_group)))
} else {
/// MultiMessage Fixed fields Decoder
pub struct MultiMessageFieldsDecoder<'d> {
scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>,
scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>,
impl<'d> MultiMessageFieldsDecoder<'d> {
pub fn wrap(scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>) -> MultiMessageFieldsDecoder<'d> {
MultiMessageFieldsDecoder { scratch: scratch }
pub fn multi_message_fields(mut self) -> CodecResult<(&'d MultiMessageFields, MultiMessageMessagesHeaderDecoder<'d>)> {
let v = self.scratch.read_type::<MultiMessageFields>(8)?;
Ok((v, MultiMessageMessagesHeaderDecoder::wrap(self.scratch)))
pub fn wrap(scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>) -> MultiMessageFieldsDecoder<'d> {
MultiMessageFieldsDecoder { scratch: scratch }
pub fn multi_message_fields(mut self) -> CodecResult<(&'d MultiMessageFields, MultiMessageMessagesHeaderDecoder<'d>)> {
let v = self.scratch.read_type::<MultiMessageFields>(8)?;
Ok((v, MultiMessageMessagesHeaderDecoder::wrap(self.scratch)))
/// MultiMessageMessageHeaderDecoder
pub struct MultiMessageMessageHeaderDecoder<'d> {
scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>,
scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>,
impl<'d> MultiMessageMessageHeaderDecoder<'d> {
pub fn wrap(scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>) -> MultiMessageMessageHeaderDecoder<'d> {
MultiMessageMessageHeaderDecoder { scratch: scratch }
pub fn header(mut self) -> CodecResult<(&'d MessageHeader, MultiMessageFieldsDecoder<'d>)> {
let v = self.scratch.read_type::<MessageHeader>(8)?;
Ok((v, MultiMessageFieldsDecoder::wrap(self.scratch)))
pub fn wrap(scratch: ScratchDecoderData<'d>) -> MultiMessageMessageHeaderDecoder<'d> {
MultiMessageMessageHeaderDecoder { scratch: scratch }
pub fn header(mut self) -> CodecResult<(&'d MessageHeader, MultiMessageFieldsDecoder<'d>)> {
let v = self.scratch.read_type::<MessageHeader>(8)?;
Ok((v, MultiMessageFieldsDecoder::wrap(self.scratch)))
/// MultiMessage Decoder entry point
pub fn start_decoding_multi_message<'d>(data: &'d [u8]) -> MultiMessageMessageHeaderDecoder<'d> {
MultiMessageMessageHeaderDecoder::wrap(ScratchDecoderData { data: data, pos: 0 })
MultiMessageMessageHeaderDecoder::wrap(ScratchDecoderData { data: data, pos: 0 })
/// MultiMessageEncoderDone
pub struct MultiMessageEncoderDone<'d> {
scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>,
scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>,
impl<'d> MultiMessageEncoderDone<'d> {
/// Returns the number of bytes encoded
pub fn unwrap(self) -> usize {
/// Returns the number of bytes encoded
pub fn unwrap(self) -> usize {
pub fn wrap(scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>) -> MultiMessageEncoderDone<'d> {
MultiMessageEncoderDone { scratch: scratch }
pub fn wrap(scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>) -> MultiMessageEncoderDone<'d> {
MultiMessageEncoderDone { scratch: scratch }
/// symbol variable-length data
pub struct MultiMessageMessagesSymbolEncoder<'d> {
parent: MultiMessageMessagesMemberEncoder<'d>,
parent: MultiMessageMessagesMemberEncoder<'d>,
impl<'d> MultiMessageMessagesSymbolEncoder<'d> {
fn wrap(parent: MultiMessageMessagesMemberEncoder<'d>) -> Self {
MultiMessageMessagesSymbolEncoder { parent: parent }
pub fn symbol(mut self, s: &'d [u8]) -> CodecResult<MultiMessageMessagesMemberEncoder> {
let l = s.len();
if l > 4294967294 {
return Err(CodecErr::SliceIsLongerThanAllowedBySchema);
// Write data length
self.parent.scratch.write_type::<u32>(&(l as u32), 4)?; // group length
self.parent.scratch.write_slice_without_count::<u8>(s, 1)?;
fn wrap(parent: MultiMessageMessagesMemberEncoder<'d>) -> Self {
MultiMessageMessagesSymbolEncoder { parent: parent }
pub fn symbol(mut self, s: &'d [u8]) -> CodecResult<MultiMessageMessagesMemberEncoder> {
let l = s.len();
if l > 4294967294 {
return Err(CodecErr::SliceIsLongerThanAllowedBySchema)
// Write data length
self.parent.scratch.write_type::<u32>(&(l as u32), 4)?; // group length
self.parent.scratch.write_slice_without_count::<u8>(s, 1)?;
/// MultiMessageMessages Encoder for fields and header
pub struct MultiMessageMessagesMemberEncoder<'d> {
scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>,
count_write_pos: usize,
count: u16,
scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>,
count_write_pos: usize,
count: u16,
impl<'d> MultiMessageMessagesMemberEncoder<'d> {
fn new(scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>, count_write_pos: usize) -> Self {
MultiMessageMessagesMemberEncoder {
scratch: scratch,
count_write_pos: count_write_pos,
count: 0,
fn new(scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>, count_write_pos: usize) -> Self {
MultiMessageMessagesMemberEncoder {
scratch: scratch,
count_write_pos: count_write_pos,
count: 0,
pub fn next_messages_member(mut self, fields: &MultiMessageMessagesMember) -> CodecResult<MultiMessageMessagesSymbolEncoder<'d>> {
self.scratch.write_type::<MultiMessageMessagesMember>(fields, 35)?; // block length
self.count += 1;
pub fn done_with_messages(mut self) -> CodecResult<MultiMessageEncoderDone<'d>> {
self.scratch.write_at_position::<u16>(self.count_write_pos, &self.count, 2)?;
pub fn next_messages_member(mut self, fields: &MultiMessageMessagesMember) -> CodecResult<MultiMessageMessagesSymbolEncoder<'d>> {
self.scratch.write_type::<MultiMessageMessagesMember>(fields, 35)?; // block length
self.count += 1;
pub fn done_with_messages(mut self) -> CodecResult<MultiMessageEncoderDone<'d>> {
self.scratch.write_at_position::<u16>(self.count_write_pos, &self.count, 2)?;
pub struct MultiMessageMessagesHeaderEncoder<'d> {
scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>,
scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>,
impl<'d> MultiMessageMessagesHeaderEncoder<'d> {
fn wrap(scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>) -> Self {
MultiMessageMessagesHeaderEncoder { scratch: scratch }
pub fn messages_individually(mut self) -> CodecResult<MultiMessageMessagesMemberEncoder<'d>> {
self.scratch.write_type::<u16>(&35u16, 2)?; // block length
let count_pos = self.scratch.pos;
self.scratch.write_type::<u16>(&0, 2)?; // preliminary group member count
Ok(MultiMessageMessagesMemberEncoder::new(self.scratch, count_pos))
fn wrap(scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>) -> Self {
MultiMessageMessagesHeaderEncoder { scratch: scratch }
pub fn messages_individually(mut self) -> CodecResult<MultiMessageMessagesMemberEncoder<'d>> {
self.scratch.write_type::<u16>(&35u16, 2)?; // block length
let count_pos = self.scratch.pos;
self.scratch.write_type::<u16>(&0, 2)?; // preliminary group member count
Ok(MultiMessageMessagesMemberEncoder::new(self.scratch, count_pos))
/// MultiMessage Fixed fields Encoder
pub struct MultiMessageFieldsEncoder<'d> {
scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>,
scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>,
impl<'d> MultiMessageFieldsEncoder<'d> {
pub fn wrap(scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>) -> MultiMessageFieldsEncoder<'d> {
MultiMessageFieldsEncoder { scratch: scratch }
pub fn wrap(scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>) -> MultiMessageFieldsEncoder<'d> {
MultiMessageFieldsEncoder { scratch: scratch }
/// Create a mutable struct reference overlaid atop the data buffer
/// such that changes to the struct directly edit the buffer.
/// Note that the initial content of the struct's fields may be garbage.
pub fn multi_message_fields(mut self) -> CodecResult<(&'d mut MultiMessageFields, MultiMessageMessagesHeaderEncoder<'d>)> {
let v = self.scratch.writable_overlay::<MultiMessageFields>(8 + 0)?;
Ok((v, MultiMessageMessagesHeaderEncoder::wrap(self.scratch)))
/// Create a mutable struct reference overlaid atop the data buffer
/// such that changes to the struct directly edit the buffer.
/// Note that the initial content of the struct's fields may be garbage.
pub fn multi_message_fields(mut self) -> CodecResult<(&'d mut MultiMessageFields, MultiMessageMessagesHeaderEncoder<'d>)> {
let v = self.scratch.writable_overlay::<MultiMessageFields>(8 + 0)?;
Ok((v, MultiMessageMessagesHeaderEncoder::wrap(self.scratch)))
/// Copy the bytes of a value into the data buffer
pub fn multi_message_fields_copy(mut self, t: &MultiMessageFields) -> CodecResult<MultiMessageMessagesHeaderEncoder<'d>> {
self.scratch.write_type::<MultiMessageFields>(t, 8)?;
/// Copy the bytes of a value into the data buffer
pub fn multi_message_fields_copy(mut self, t: &MultiMessageFields) -> CodecResult<MultiMessageMessagesHeaderEncoder<'d>> {
self.scratch.write_type::<MultiMessageFields>(t, 8)?;
/// MultiMessageMessageHeaderEncoder
pub struct MultiMessageMessageHeaderEncoder<'d> {
scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>,
scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>,
impl<'d> MultiMessageMessageHeaderEncoder<'d> {
pub fn wrap(scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>) -> MultiMessageMessageHeaderEncoder<'d> {
MultiMessageMessageHeaderEncoder { scratch: scratch }
pub fn wrap(scratch: ScratchEncoderData<'d>) -> MultiMessageMessageHeaderEncoder<'d> {
MultiMessageMessageHeaderEncoder { scratch: scratch }
/// Create a mutable struct reference overlaid atop the data buffer
/// such that changes to the struct directly edit the buffer.
/// Note that the initial content of the struct's fields may be garbage.
pub fn header(mut self) -> CodecResult<(&'d mut MessageHeader, MultiMessageFieldsEncoder<'d>)> {
let v = self.scratch.writable_overlay::<MessageHeader>(8 + 0)?;
Ok((v, MultiMessageFieldsEncoder::wrap(self.scratch)))
/// Create a mutable struct reference overlaid atop the data buffer
/// such that changes to the struct directly edit the buffer.
/// Note that the initial content of the struct's fields may be garbage.
pub fn header(mut self) -> CodecResult<(&'d mut MessageHeader, MultiMessageFieldsEncoder<'d>)> {
let v = self.scratch.writable_overlay::<MessageHeader>(8 + 0)?;
Ok((v, MultiMessageFieldsEncoder::wrap(self.scratch)))
/// Copy the bytes of a value into the data buffer
pub fn header_copy(mut self, t: &MessageHeader) -> CodecResult<MultiMessageFieldsEncoder<'d>> {
self.scratch.write_type::<MessageHeader>(t, 8)?;
/// Copy the bytes of a value into the data buffer
pub fn header_copy(mut self, t: &MessageHeader) -> CodecResult<MultiMessageFieldsEncoder<'d>> {
self.scratch.write_type::<MessageHeader>(t, 8)?;
/// MultiMessage Encoder entry point
pub fn start_encoding_multi_message<'d>(data: &'d mut [u8]) -> MultiMessageMessageHeaderEncoder<'d> {
MultiMessageMessageHeaderEncoder::wrap(ScratchEncoderData { data: data, pos: 0 })
MultiMessageMessageHeaderEncoder::wrap(ScratchEncoderData { data: data, pos: 0 })

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
use std::io::{BufRead, Write};
use std::str::from_utf8_unchecked;
use nom::bytes::complete::take_until;
use nom::IResult;
use crate::{marketdata_sbe, StreamVec, Summarizer};
use crate::iex::{IexMessage, IexPayload};
use crate::marketdata_sbe::{Either, MultiMessageFields, MultiMessageMessageHeader, MultiMessageMessagesMember, MultiMessageMessagesMemberEncoder, MultiMessageMessagesSymbolEncoder, Side, start_decoding_multi_message, start_encoding_multi_message};
fn __take_until<'a>(tag: &'static str, input: &'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8], &'a [u8]> {
fn parse_symbol(sym: &[u8; 8]) -> &str {
// TODO: Use the `jetscii` library for all that SIMD goodness
// IEX guarantees ASCII, so we're fine using an unsafe conversion
let (_, sym_bytes) = __take_until(" ", &sym[..]).unwrap();
unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked(sym_bytes) }
pub struct SBEWriter {
/// Buffer to construct messages before copying. While SBE benefits
/// from easily being able to create messages directly in output buffer,
/// we'll construct in a scratch buffer and then copy to more fairly
/// benchmark against Cap'n Proto and Flatbuffers.
scratch_buffer: Vec<u8>,
default_header: MultiMessageMessageHeader,
impl SBEWriter {
pub fn new() -> SBEWriter {
SBEWriter {
// 8K scratch buffer is *way* more than necessary,
// but we don't want to run into issues with not enough
// data to encode messages
scratch_buffer: vec![0; 1024 * 8],
default_header: MultiMessageMessageHeader::default(),
pub fn serialize(&mut self, payload: &IexPayload, output: &mut Vec<u8>) {
let (fields, encoder) = start_encoding_multi_message(&mut self.scratch_buffer[..])
fields.sequence_number = payload.first_seq_no;
let mut encoder = encoder.messages_individually().unwrap();
let mut encoder: MultiMessageMessagesMemberEncoder = payload.messages.iter().fold(encoder, |enc, m| {
match m {
IexMessage::TradeReport(tr) => {
let fields = MultiMessageMessagesMember {
msg_type: marketdata_sbe::MsgType::Trade,
timestamp: tr.timestamp,
trade: marketdata_sbe::Trade {
size: tr.size,
price: tr.price,
let sym_enc: MultiMessageMessagesSymbolEncoder = enc.next_messages_member(&fields).unwrap();
IexMessage::PriceLevelUpdate(plu) => {
let fields = MultiMessageMessagesMember {
msg_type: marketdata_sbe::MsgType::Quote,
timestamp: plu.timestamp,
quote: marketdata_sbe::Quote {
price: plu.price,
size: plu.size,
flags: plu.event_flags,
side: if plu.msg_type == 0x38 { Side::Buy } else { Side::Sell },
let sym_enc: MultiMessageMessagesSymbolEncoder = enc.next_messages_member(&fields).unwrap();
_ => enc
let finished = encoder.done_with_messages().unwrap();
let data_len = finished.unwrap();
pub struct SBEReader;
impl SBEReader {
pub fn new() -> SBEReader {
SBEReader {}
pub fn deserialize<'a>(&self, buf: &'a mut StreamVec, stats: &mut Summarizer) -> Result<(), ()> {
let data = buf.fill_buf().unwrap();
if data.len() == 0 {
return Err(());
let (header, decoder) = start_decoding_multi_message(data)
let (fields, decoder) = decoder.multi_message_fields().unwrap();
let mut msg_decoder = decoder.messages_individually().unwrap();
while let Either::Left(msg) = msg_decoder {
let (member, sym_dec) = msg.next_messages_member().unwrap();
let (sym, next_msg_dec) = sym_dec.symbol().unwrap();
match member.msg_type {
marketdata_sbe::MsgType::Trade => stats.append_trade_volume(
unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked(sym) }, as u64,
marketdata_sbe::MsgType::Quote => stats.update_quote_prices(
unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked(sym) },
match member.quote.side {
Side::Buy => true,
_ => false
_ => ()
msg_decoder = next_msg_dec;
// We now have a `Right`, which is a finished messages block
let msg_decoder = match msg_decoder {
Either::Right(r) => r,
_ => panic!("Didn't parse all messages")
// Interestingly enough, `buf.consume(msg_decoder.unwrap())` isn't OK,
// presumably something to do with when *precisely* the drop of `self`
// happens for `msg_decoder`. Leave it as two statments so that
// Rust is able to prove our immutable borrow of `data` ends in time
// to consume the buffer
let msg_len = msg_decoder.unwrap();

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
use alloc_counter::{AllocCounterSystem, count_alloc, deny_alloc};
use md_shootout::marketdata_capnp::multi_message;
static A: AllocCounterSystem = AllocCounterSystem;
fn reinit_memory_check() {
// Setting up the builder doesn't reserve any heap memory
let mut msg_block = deny_alloc(|| {
// Setting up the root object, however, does reserve a first segment
let (stats, result) = count_alloc(|| {
let multimsg = msg_block.init_root::<multi_message::Builder>();
assert_eq!(stats.0, 4);
assert_eq!(stats.1, 0);
assert_eq!(stats.2, 0);
// If we reinitialize an object on that original builder, we re-use memory
deny_alloc(|| {
let multimsg = msg_block.init_root::<multi_message::Builder>();
// Even if we down-size and up-size the message list size, we don't need
// to re-allocate
let multimsg = msg_block.init_root::<multi_message::Builder>();
let multimsg = msg_block.init_root::<multi_message::Builder>();
// It's only when we init a larger message count that a fresh allocation occurs
let (stats, _) = count_alloc(|| {
let multimsg = msg_block.init_root::<multi_message::Builder>();
// Note: calling `init_messages(33)` doesn't force allocation because
// the Capnproto builder reserved extra memory the first time around
assert_eq!(stats.0, 1);
assert_eq!(stats.1, 3);
assert_eq!(stats.2, 0);