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synced 2025-03-09 16:21:29 -04:00
Flame blending example
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,16 +3,9 @@ import Canvas from "../src/Canvas";
import { Params, chaosGameWeighted } from "./chaosGameWeighted";
import TeX from '@matejmazur/react-katex';
type Transform = (x: number, y: number) => [number, number];
import styles from "../src/css/styles.module.css"
function WeightInput({value, setValue, children}) {
return (
<div style={{paddingLeft: '1.5em', paddingRight: '1.5em'}}>
<input type={'range'} min={0} max={1} step={.01} style={{width: '100%'}} value={value} onInput={e => setValue(Number(e.currentTarget.value))}/>
type Transform = (x: number, y: number) => [number, number];
export default function GasketWeighted() {
const image = new ImageData(600, 600);
@ -42,19 +35,23 @@ export default function GasketWeighted() {
}, [f0Weight, f1Weight, f2Weight]);
const weightInput = (title, weight, setWeight) => (
<div className={styles.inputDiv}>
<p><TeX>{title}</TeX> weight:<span style={{float: 'right'}}>{weight}</span></p>
<input type={'range'} min={0} max={1} step={.01} style={{width: '100%'}} value={weight}
onInput={e => setWeight(Number(e.currentTarget.value))}/>
return (
<Canvas width={image.width} height={image.height} painter={game}/>
<div style={{paddingTop: '1em', display: 'grid', gridTemplateColumns: 'auto auto auto'}}>
<WeightInput value={f0Weight} setValue={setF0Weight}>
<p><TeX>F_0</TeX> weight:<span style={{float: 'right'}}>{f0Weight}</span></p>
<WeightInput value={f1Weight} setValue={setF1Weight}>
<p><TeX>F_1</TeX> weight:<span style={{float: 'right'}}>{f1Weight}</span></p>
<WeightInput value={f2Weight} setValue={setF2Weight}>
<p><TeX>F_2</TeX> weight:<span style={{float: 'right'}}>{f2Weight}</span></p>
{weightInput("F_0", f0Weight, setF0Weight)}
{weightInput("F_1", f1Weight, setF1Weight)}
{weightInput("F_2", f2Weight, setF2Weight)}
@ -2,9 +2,6 @@ function Gasket() {
// Hint: try increasing the iteration count
const iterations = 10000;
// Display the progress every `step` iterations
const step = 1000;
// Hint: negating `x` and `y` creates some interesting images
const transforms = [
(x, y) => [x / 2, y / 2],
@ -21,16 +18,12 @@ function Gasket() {
const i = randomInteger(0, transforms.length);
[x, y] = transforms[i](x, y);
if (count > 20) {
if (count > 20)
plot(x, y, image);
if (count % 1000 === 0) {
if (count % 1000 === 0)
yield image;
yield image;
return (
@ -40,5 +33,4 @@ function Gasket() {
@ -19,13 +19,11 @@ export function* chaosGameWeighted({transforms, image, iterations, step}: Params
// highlight-end
[x, y] = transform(x, y);
if (i > 20) {
if (i > 20)
plot(x, y, image);
if (i % step === 0) {
if (i % step === 0)
yield image;
yield image;
@ -13,13 +13,10 @@ Wikipedia [describes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractal_flame) fractal flame
I think of them a different way: beauty in mathematics.
import isDarkMode from '@site/src/isDarkMode'
import bannerDark from '../banner-dark.png'
import bannerLight from '../banner-light.png'
import banner from '../banner.png'
<!-- Why are these backwards? -->
<img src={bannerLight} hidden={isDarkMode()}/>
<img src={bannerDark} hidden={!isDarkMode()}/>
<img src={banner} style={{filter: isDarkMode() ? '' : 'invert(1)'}}/>
<!-- truncate -->
@ -204,6 +201,4 @@ import chaosGameWeightedSource from "!!raw-loader!./chaosGameWeighted";
import BrowserOnly from "@docusaurus/BrowserOnly";
import GasketWeighted from "./GasketWeighted"
<BrowserOnly>{() => <GasketWeighted/>}</BrowserOnly>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
import {useState} from "react";
import { blend } from "./blend";
import { applyCoefs, Coefs } from "../src/coefs"
import {randomBiUnit} from "../src/randomBiUnit";
import {linear} from "../src/linear";
import {julia} from "../src/julia";
import {popcorn} from "../src/popcorn";
import {pdj} from "../src/pdj";
import {Variation} from "../src/variation";
import {Transform} from "../src/transform";
import {
} from "../src/params";
import {randomChoice} from "../src/randomChoice";
import {plotBinary} from "../src/plotBinary"
import Canvas from "../src/Canvas"
import styles from "../src/css/styles.module.css"
type VariationBlend = {
linear: number,
julia: number,
popcorn: number,
pdj: number
export default function FlameBlend() {
const image = new ImageData(400, 400);
const quality = 2;
const step = 5000;
const xform1Default: VariationBlend = {
linear: 0,
julia: 1,
popcorn: 0,
pdj: 0,
const [xform1Variations, setXform1Variations] = useState(xform1Default)
const xform2Default: VariationBlend = {
linear: 1,
julia: 0,
popcorn: 1,
pdj: 0
const [xform2Variations, setXform2Variations] = useState(xform2Default)
const xform3Default: VariationBlend = {
linear: 0,
julia: 0,
popcorn: 0,
pdj: 1
const [xform3Variations, setXform3Variations] = useState(xform3Default)
function buildTransform(coefs: Coefs, variations: VariationBlend): Transform {
return (x: number, y: number) => {
const [varX, varY] = applyCoefs(x, y, coefs);
const varFunctions: [number, Variation][] = [
[variations.linear, linear],
[variations.julia, julia],
[variations.popcorn, popcorn(coefs)],
[variations.pdj, pdj(pdjParams)]
return blend(varX, varY, varFunctions);
function* chaosGame() {
let [x, y] = [randomBiUnit(), randomBiUnit()];
const transforms: [number, Transform][] = [
[xform1Weight, buildTransform(xform1Coefs, xform1Variations)],
[xform2Weight, buildTransform(xform2Coefs, xform2Variations)],
[xform3Weight, buildTransform(xform3Coefs, xform3Variations)]
const iterations = quality * image.width * image.height;
for (let i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
let [_, transform] = randomChoice(transforms);
[x, y] = transform(x, y);
if (i > 20)
plotBinary(x, y, image);
if (i % step === 0) {
console.log(`Checking in; iterations=${i}`)
yield image;
yield image;
const variationEditor = (title, variations, setVariations) => {
return (
<p style={{gridColumn: '1/-1'}}>{title}:</p>
<div className={styles.inputDiv}>
<p>Linear: {variations.linear}</p>
<input type={'range'} min={0} max={1} step={0.01} style={{width: '100%'}} value={variations.linear}
onInput={e => setVariations({...variations, linear: Number(e.currentTarget.value)})}/>
<div className={styles.inputDiv}>
<p>Julia: {variations.julia}</p>
<input type={'range'} min={0} max={1} step={0.01} style={{width: '100%'}} value={variations.julia}
onInput={e => setVariations({...variations, julia: Number(e.currentTarget.value)})}/>
<div className={styles.inputDiv}>
<p>Popcorn: {variations.popcorn}</p>
<input type={'range'} min={0} max={1} step={0.01} style={{width: '100%'}} value={variations.popcorn}
onInput={e => setVariations({...variations, popcorn: Number(e.currentTarget.value)})}/>
<div className={styles.inputDiv}>
<p>PDJ: {variations.pdj}</p>
<input type={'range'} min={0} max={1} step={0.01} style={{width: '100%'}} value={variations.pdj}
onInput={e => setVariations({...variations, pdj: Number(e.currentTarget.value)})}/>
return (
<div style={{paddingTop: '1em', display: 'grid', gridTemplateColumns: 'auto auto auto auto'}}>
{variationEditor("Transform 1", xform1Variations, setXform1Variations)}
{variationEditor("Transform 2", xform2Variations, setXform2Variations)}
{variationEditor("Transform 3", xform3Variations, setXform3Variations)}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
// hidden-start
import { Variation } from "../src/variation"
// hidden-end
export function blend(x: number, y: number, variations: [number, Variation][]): [number, number] {
let [finalX, finalY] = [0, 0];
for (const [weight, variation] of variations) {
const [varX, varY] = variation(x, y);
finalX += weight * varX;
finalY += weight * varY;
return [finalX, finalY];
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ This blog post uses a set of reference parameters ([available here](../params.fl
implementation of the fractal flame algorithm. If you're interested in tweaking the parameters, or generating
your own art, [Apophysis](https://sourceforge.net/projects/apophysis/) is a good introductory tool.
TODO: Include the reference image here
## Transforms and variations
import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock'
@ -120,8 +122,9 @@ import pdjSrc from '!!raw-loader!../src/pdj'
### Blending
Now, one variation is fun, but we can also combine variations in a single transform by "blending."
First, each variation is assigned a value that describes how much it affects the transform function ($v_j$).
Afterward, sum up the $x$ and $y$ values respectively:
Each variation receives the same $x$ and $y$ inputs, and we add together each variation's $x$ and $y$ outputs.
We'll also give each variation a weight ($v_j$) that scales the output, which allows us to control
how much each variation contributes to the transform:
F_i(x,y) = \sum_{j} v_{ij} V_j(a_i \cdot x + b_i \cdot y + c_i, \hspace{0.2cm} d_i \cdot x + e_i \cdot y + f_i)
@ -132,3 +135,7 @@ The formula looks intimidating, but it's not hard to implement:
TODO: Blending implementation?
And with that in place, we have enough to render a first full fractal flame:
import FlameBlend from "./FlameBlend";
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 558 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 557 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 557 KiB |
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
* Translate values in the flame coordinate system to pixel coordinates
* The way `flam3` actually calculates the "camera" for mapping a point
* to its pixel coordinate is fairly involved - it also needs to calculate
* zoom and rotation (see the bucket accumulator code in rect.c).
* We'll make some simplifying assumptions:
* - The final image is square
* - We want to plot the range [-2, 2]
* The reference parameters were designed in Apophysis, which uses the
* range [-2, 2] by default (the `scale` parameter in XML defines the
* "pixels per unit", and with the default zoom, is chosen to give a
* range of [-2, 2]).
* @param x point in the range [-2, 2]
* @param y point in the range [-2, 2]
* @param size image size
* @returns pair of pixel coordinates
export function camera(x: number, y: number, size: number): [number, number] {
return [Math.floor(((x + 2) * size) / 4), Math.floor(((y + 2) * size) / 4)];
* Translate values in pixel coordinates to a 1-dimensional array index
* Unlike the camera function, this mapping doesn't assume a square image,
* and only requires knowing the image width.
* The stride parameter is used to calculate indices that take into account
* how many "values" each pixel has. For example, in an ImageData, each pixel
* has a red, green, blue, and alpha component per pixel, so a stride of 4
* is appropriate. For situations where there are separate red/green/blue/alpha
* arrays per pixel, a stride of 1 is appropriate
* @param x point in the range [0, size)
* @param y point in the range [0, size)
* @param width width of image in pixel units
* @param stride values per pixel coordinate
export function histIndex(x: number, y: number, width: number, stride: number): number {
return y * (width * stride) + x * stride;
@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
export interface Coefs {
a: number, b: number, c: number,
d: number, e: number, f: number
export function applyCoefs(x: number, y: number, coefs: Coefs) {
return [
(x * coefs.a + y * coefs.b + coefs.c),
(x * coefs.d + y * coefs.e + coefs.f)
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
.inputDiv {
padding-left: .5em;
padding-right: 1em;
@ -7,13 +7,18 @@ import { Coefs } from './coefs';
import { linear } from './linear'
import { julia } from './julia'
import { popcorn } from './popcorn'
import { pdj } from './pdj'
import {pdj, PdjParams} from './pdj'
import {Variation} from "./variation"
export const identityCoefs: Coefs = {
a: 1, b: 0, c: 0,
d: 0, e: 1, f: 0,
export const pdjParams: PdjParams = {
a: 1.09358, b: 2.13048, c: 2.54127, d: 2.37267
export const xform1Weight = 0.56453495;
export const xform1Coefs = {
a: -1.381068, b: -1.381068, c: 0,
@ -47,7 +52,7 @@ export const xform3Coefs = {
export const xform3CoefsPost = identityCoefs;
export const xform3Variations = [
[1, pdj(1.09358, 2.13048, 2.54127, 2.37267)]
[1, pdj(pdjParams)]
export const xform3Color = 0.349;
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
// hidden-start
import { Variation } from './variation'
export function pdj(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): Variation {
export type PdjParams = {a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number};
export function pdj({a, b, c, d}: PdjParams): Variation {
return (x, y) => [
Math.sin(a * y) - Math.cos(b * x),
Math.sin(c * x) - Math.cos(d * y)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
import { camera, histIndex } from "./camera"
export function plotBinary(x: number, y: number, image: ImageData) {
const [pixelX, pixelY] = camera(x, y, image.width);
if (
pixelX < 0 || pixelX >= image.width || pixelY < 0 || pixelY > image.height
) {
const pixelIndex = histIndex(pixelX, pixelY, image.width, 4);
image.data[pixelIndex] = 0;
image.data[pixelIndex + 1] = 0;
image.data[pixelIndex + 2] = 0;
image.data[pixelIndex + 3] = 0xff;
@ -1,9 +1 @@
import { Coefs } from './coefs'
import { Variation } from './variation'
export interface Transform {
coefs: Coefs,
variations: [number, Variation][],
coefsPost: Coefs,
color: number
export type Transform = (x: number, y: number) => [number, number];
Reference in New Issue
Block a user