mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 10:30:08 -05:00
--User changes
-Attempt to preserve xaos when adding xforms. Note this is not an exact copy, but just a preservation of some values based on position. -Add some acceleration to the changing of spinner values when dragging the right mouse button to adjust. -Make the pivot be the center of the viewable area when doing drag/rotate/scale with the right mouse button. --Clamp minimum scale to 10 --Draw a line from the mouse position to the pivot. -Keep a cache of the last added final xform with each flame so that it can be quickly added, removed, then added back for testing its effect. --This is not saved with the xml file and is solely for interactive editing. --Bug fixes -File filtering in open and save dialogs were broken. -Right clicking on integer spin boxes was causing the context menu to pop up, when it should be supressed just like double spin boxes. -Deleting xforms was still broken. --Code changes -Refactor the code for adding and pasting xforms into a single global static function called AddXformsWithXaos().
This commit is contained in:
@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ public:
CopyCont(m_EmberMotionElements, ember.m_EmberMotionElements);
m_Solo = ember.m_Solo;
m_CachedFinal = ember.m_CachedFinal;
return *this;
@ -1724,9 +1725,6 @@ public:
//The list of motion elements for the top-level flame params
vector<EmberMotion<T>> m_EmberMotionElements;
//Index of xform to have non-zero opacity, while all others have zero. This is an interactive rendering parameter and is not saved to Xml. -1 means solo is not used.
intmax_t m_Solo = -1;
/// <summary>
/// The type of scaling used when resizing.
@ -1810,6 +1808,13 @@ private:
for (size_t k = 0; k < size; k++)
xform->*m += coefs[k] * embers[k].GetTotalXform(i)->*m;
//Index of xform to have non-zero opacity, while all others have zero. This is an interactive rendering parameter and is not saved to Xml. -1 means solo is not used.
intmax_t m_Solo = -1;
//Cached copy of the final xform which makes it easy to add and remove the final repeatedly during editing without losing information. Used only with interactive rendering.
Xform<T> m_CachedFinal;
/// <summary>
@ -793,6 +793,43 @@ static vector<const Variation<T>*> FindVarsWithout(const vector<const Variation<
return vec;
/// <summary>
/// Add a vector of xforms to the passed in ember, and optionally preserve the xaos based on position.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ember">The ember to add xforms to</param>
/// <param name="xforms">The vector of xforms to add</param>
/// <param name="preserveXaos">True to preserve xaos else false.</param>
template <typename T>
static void AddXformsWithXaos(Ember<T>& ember, std::vector<Xform<T>>& xforms, bool preserveXaos)
auto origXformCount = ember.XformCount();
for (auto& it : xforms)
for (auto i = 0; i < ember.XformCount(); i++)
auto xf = ember.GetXform(i);
if (i < origXformCount)
for (auto j = 0; j < ember.XformCount(); j++)
if (j >= origXformCount)
xf->SetXaos(j, 0);
for (auto j = 0; j < ember.XformCount(); j++)
if (j < origXformCount)
xf->SetXaos(j, 0);
else if (!preserveXaos)
xf->SetXaos(j, 1);
else if (i - origXformCount < xforms.size())//Should never be out of bounds, but just to be safe.
xf->SetXaos(j, xforms[i - origXformCount].Xaos(j - origXformCount));
/// <summary>
@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ void DoubleSpinBox::OnTimeout()
int xdistance = m_MouseMovePoint.x() - m_MouseDownPoint.x();
int ydistance = m_MouseMovePoint.y() - m_MouseDownPoint.y();
int distance = abs(xdistance) > abs(ydistance) ? xdistance : ydistance;
distance = Sqr(distance) * (distance < 0 ? -1 : 1);
double scale, val;
double d = value();
bool shift = QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers().testFlag(Qt::ShiftModifier);
@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ QStringList Fractorium::SetupOpenXmlDialog()
connect(m_FileDialog, &QFileDialog::filterSelected, [&](const QString & filter) { m_Settings->OpenXmlExt(filter); });
m_FileDialog->setNameFilter("Flam3 (*.flam3);;Flame (*.flame);;Xml (*.xml)");
m_FileDialog->setWindowTitle("Open Flame");
@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ QStringList Fractorium::SetupOpenXmlDialog()
auto defaultFilter(m_Settings->OpenXmlExt());
auto filenames = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this, tr("Open Flame"), m_Settings->OpenFolder(), tr("Flame Files (*.flam3 *.flame *.xml)"), &defaultFilter);
auto filenames = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this, tr("Open Flame"), m_Settings->OpenFolder(), tr("Flam3(*.flam3);; Flame(*.flame);; Xml(*.xml)"), &defaultFilter);
if (!filenames.empty())
@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ QString Fractorium::SetupSaveXmlDialog(const QString& defaultFilename)
//This is most likely a bug in QFileDialog.
m_FileDialog->setNameFilter("Flam3 (*.flam3);;Flame (*.flame);;Xml (*.xml)");
m_FileDialog->setWindowTitle("Save flame as xml");
@ -1922,10 +1922,13 @@
<item row="0" column="1">
<widget class="SpinBox" name="AddLayerSpinBox">
<widget class="QSpinBox" name="AddLayerSpinBox">
<property name="focusPolicy">
<property name="buttonSymbols">
<property name="suffix">
<string> Xforms</string>
@ -8374,11 +8377,6 @@
@ -699,8 +699,7 @@ void FractoriumEmberController<T>::PasteSelectedXforms()
for (auto& it : m_CopiedXforms)
AddXformsWithXaos(m_Ember, m_CopiedXforms, true);
if (!m_CopiedFinalXform.Empty())
@ -180,28 +180,9 @@ void FractoriumEmberController<T>::AddLayer(int xforms)
auto origXformCount = m_Ember.XformCount();
std::vector<Xform<T>> vec(xforms);
AddXformsWithXaos(m_Ember, vec, false);
for (auto i = 0; i < m_Ember.XformCount(); i++)
auto xf = m_Ember.GetXform(i);
if (i < origXformCount)
for (auto j = 0; j < m_Ember.XformCount(); j++)
if (j >= origXformCount)
xf->SetXaos(j, 0);
for (auto j = 0; j < m_Ember.XformCount(); j++)
if (j < origXformCount)
xf->SetXaos(j, 0);
xf->SetXaos(j, 1);
@ -210,25 +191,35 @@ void FractoriumEmberController<T>::AddLayer(int xforms)
void Fractorium::OnAddLayerButtonClicked(bool checked) { m_Controller->AddLayer(ui.AddLayerSpinBox->value()); }
/// <summary>
/// Toggle all xaos values in one row.
/// Toggle all xaos values in one row on left mouse button double click and resize all cells to fit their data.
/// Skip toggling and only refit on right mouse button double click.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="logicalIndex">The index of the row that was double clicked</param>
void Fractorium::OnXaosRowDoubleClicked(int logicalIndex)
ToggleTableRow(ui.XaosTableView, logicalIndex);
auto btn = QApplication::mouseButtons();
if (!btn.testFlag(Qt::RightButton))
ToggleTableRow(ui.XaosTableView, logicalIndex);
/// <summary>
/// Toggle all xaos values in one column.
/// Toggle all xaos values in one column on left mouse button double click and resize all cells to fit their data.
/// Skip toggling and only refit on right mouse button double click.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="logicalIndex">The index of the column that was double clicked</param>
void Fractorium::OnXaosColDoubleClicked(int logicalIndex)
ToggleTableCol(ui.XaosTableView, logicalIndex);
auto btn = QApplication::mouseButtons();
if (!btn.testFlag(Qt::RightButton))
ToggleTableCol(ui.XaosTableView, logicalIndex);
@ -224,9 +224,7 @@ void FractoriumEmberController<T>::DuplicateXform()
}, eXformUpdate::UPDATE_SELECTED_EXCEPT_FINAL, false);
for (auto& it : vec)
AddXformsWithXaos(m_Ember, vec, true);
int index = int(m_Ember.TotalXformCount(forceFinal) - (forceFinal ? 2 : 1));//Set index to the last item before final.
FillXforms(index);//Handles xaos.
@ -254,6 +252,7 @@ void Fractorium::OnClearXformButtonClicked(bool checked) { m_Controller->ClearXf
/// <summary>
/// Delete the selected xforms.
/// Cache a copy of the final xform if it's been selected for removal.
/// Will not delete the last remaining non-final xform.
/// Called when the delete xform button is clicked.
/// Resets the rendering process.
@ -263,11 +262,12 @@ template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::DeleteXforms()
bool removed = false;
bool anyChecked = false;
bool haveFinal = m_Fractorium->HaveFinal();
auto combo = m_Fractorium->ui.CurrentXformCombo;
Xform<T>* finalXform = nullptr;
vector<Xform<T>> xforms;
vector<Xform<T>> xformsToKeep;
//Iterating over the checkboxes must be done instead of using UpdateXform() to iterate over xforms
//because xforms are being deleted inside the loop.
//Also manually calling UpdateRender() rather than using the usual Update() call because
@ -280,37 +280,49 @@ void FractoriumEmberController<T>::DeleteXforms()
if (isFinal)
finalXform = m_Ember.NonConstFinalXform();
else if (auto xform = m_Ember.GetXform(i))
anyChecked = true;//At least one was selected for removal.
//They might not have selected any checkboxes, in which case just delete the current.
auto current = combo->currentIndex();
auto count = m_Ember.TotalXformCount();
bool anySelected = xforms.size() < m_Ember.XformCount();
bool finalSelected = !finalXform && haveFinal;
auto totalCount = m_Ember.TotalXformCount();
bool keepFinal = finalXform && haveFinal;
//Nothing was selected, so just delete current.
if (!anySelected && !finalSelected)
if (!anyChecked)
//Disallow deleting the only remaining non-final xform.
if (!(haveFinal && count <= 2 && current == 0) &&//One non-final, one final, disallow deleting non-final.
!(!haveFinal && count == 1))//One non-final, no final, disallow deleting.
if (!(haveFinal && totalCount <= 2 && current == 0) &&//One non-final, one final, disallow deleting non-final.
!(!haveFinal && totalCount == 1))//One non-final, no final, disallow deleting.
m_Ember.DeleteTotalXform(current, haveFinal);
if (haveFinal && m_Ember.IsFinalXform(CurrentXform()))//Is final the current?
m_Ember.m_CachedFinal = *m_Ember.FinalXform();//Keep a copy in case the user wants to re-add the final.
m_Ember.DeleteTotalXform(current, haveFinal);//Will cover the case of current either being final or non-final.
removed = true;
if (!xforms.empty() && (xforms.size() != m_Ember.XformCount()))//Remove if they requested to do so, but ensure it's not removing all.
if (!xformsToKeep.empty())//Remove if they requested to do so, but ensure it's not removing all.
removed = true;
m_Ember.ReplaceXforms(xformsToKeep);//Replace with only those they chose to keep (the inverse of what was checked).
else//They selected all to delete, which is not allowed, so just keep the first xform.
removed = true;
while (m_Ember.XformCount() > 1)
m_Ember.DeleteXform(m_Ember.XformCount() - 1);
if (finalSelected)
if (!keepFinal)//They selected final to delete.
removed = true;
m_Ember.m_CachedFinal = *m_Ember.FinalXform();//Keep a copy in case the user wants to re-add the final.
@ -320,6 +332,7 @@ void FractoriumEmberController<T>::DeleteXforms()
int index = int(m_Ember.TotalXformCount() - (m_Ember.UseFinalXform() ? 2 : 1));//Set index to the last item before final. Note final is requeried one last time.
m_Fractorium->ui.GLDisplay->repaint();//Force update because for some reason it doesn't always happen.
@ -327,6 +340,7 @@ void Fractorium::OnDeleteXformButtonClicked(bool checked) { m_Controller->Delete
/// <summary>
/// Add a final xform to the ember and set it as the current xform.
/// Will only take action if a final xform is not already present.
/// Will re-add a copy of the last used final xform for the current ember if one had already been added then removed.
/// Called when the add final xform button is clicked.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
@ -339,9 +353,12 @@ void FractoriumEmberController<T>::AddFinalXform()
Xform<T> final;
auto& final = m_Ember.m_CachedFinal;
final.m_Animate = 0;
final.AddVariation(m_VariationList->GetVariationCopy(eVariationId::VAR_LINEAR));//Just a placeholder so other parts of the code don't see it as being empty.
if (final.Empty())
final.AddVariation(m_VariationList->GetVariationCopy(eVariationId::VAR_LINEAR));//Just a placeholder so other parts of the code don't see it as being empty.
int index = int(m_Ember.TotalXformCount() - 1);//Set index to the last item.
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ T GLEmberController<T>::CalcScale()
//Can't operate using world coords here because every time scale changes, the world bounds change.
//So must instead calculate distance traveled based on window coords, which do not change outside of resize events.
v2T windowCenter(T(m_GL->width()) / T(2), T(m_GL->height()) / T(2));
auto windowCenter = ScrolledCenter(false);
v2T windowMousePosDistanceFromCenter(m_MousePos.x - windowCenter.x, m_MousePos.y - windowCenter.y);
v2T windowMouseDownDistanceFromCenter(m_MouseDownPos.x - windowCenter.x, m_MouseDownPos.y - windowCenter.y);
T lengthMousePosFromCenterInPixels = glm::length(windowMousePosDistanceFromCenter);
@ -98,11 +98,43 @@ T GLEmberController<T>::CalcScale()
template <typename T>
T GLEmberController<T>::CalcRotation()
T rotStart = NormalizeDeg180<T>(T(90) - (atan2(-m_MouseDownWorldPos.y, m_MouseDownWorldPos.x) * RAD_2_DEG_T));
T rot = NormalizeDeg180<T>(T(90) - (atan2(-m_MouseWorldPos.y, m_MouseWorldPos.x) * RAD_2_DEG_T));
auto scrolledWorldCenter = ScrolledCenter(true);
T rotStart = NormalizeDeg180<T>((std::atan2(m_MouseDownWorldPos.y - scrolledWorldCenter.y, m_MouseDownWorldPos.x - scrolledWorldCenter.x) * RAD_2_DEG_T));
T rot = NormalizeDeg180<T>((std::atan2(m_MouseWorldPos.y - scrolledWorldCenter.y, m_MouseWorldPos.x - scrolledWorldCenter.x) * RAD_2_DEG_T));
return rotStart - rot;
/// <summary>
/// Return the window coordinates of the center of the viewable area.
/// This is the middle of the parent scroll area plus the scroll bar offset, all scaled by the device pixel ratio.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="toWorld">True to return world coordinates, else return window coordinates.</param>
/// <returns>The coordinates of the center of the viewable area in either window space or world space.</returns>
template <typename T>
v3T GLEmberController<T>::ScrolledCenter(bool toWorld)
auto dprf = m_GL->devicePixelRatioF();
auto wpsa = m_Fractorium->ui.GLParentScrollArea->width();
auto hpsa = m_Fractorium->ui.GLParentScrollArea->height();
auto hpos = m_Fractorium->ui.GLParentScrollArea->horizontalScrollBar()->value();
auto vpos = m_Fractorium->ui.GLParentScrollArea->verticalScrollBar()->value();
v3T v;
if (!m_Fractorium->ui.GLParentScrollArea->horizontalScrollBar()->isVisible() && !m_Fractorium->ui.GLParentScrollArea->verticalScrollBar()->isVisible())
v = v3T(((m_GL->width() / 2)) * dprf,
((m_GL->height() / 2)) * dprf,
v = v3T((hpos + (wpsa / 2)) * dprf,
(vpos + (hpsa / 2)) * dprf,
if (toWorld)
return WindowToWorld(v, true);
return v;
/// <summary>
/// Snap the passed in world cartesian coordinate to the grid for rotation, scale or translation.
/// </summary>
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ public:
void ClearAlt();
void ClearShift();
void ClearControl();
eDragState DragState() { return m_DragState; }
virtual void DrawImage() { }
virtual void DrawAffines(bool pre, bool post) { }
virtual void ClearWindow() { }
@ -111,6 +112,7 @@ public:
T CalcScale();
T CalcRotation();
v3T ScrolledCenter(bool toWorld = false);
void CalcDragXAxis();
void CalcDragYAxis();
void CalcDragTranslation();
@ -416,6 +416,8 @@ bool GLWidget::Init() { return m_Init; }
bool GLWidget::Drawing() { return m_Drawing; }
GLint GLWidget::MaxTexSize() { return m_MaxTexSize; }
GLuint GLWidget::OutputTexID() { return m_OutputTexID; }
GLint GLWidget::TexWidth() { return m_TexWidth; }
GLint GLWidget::TexHeight() { return m_TexHeight; }
/// <summary>
/// Initialize OpenGL, called once at startup after the main window constructor finishes.
@ -622,13 +624,28 @@ void GLEmberController<T>::DrawAffines(bool pre, bool post)
QueryVMP();//Resolves to float or double specialization function depending on T.
if (!m_Fractorium->DrawXforms() || (m_DragState == eDragState::DragRotateScale))
if (!m_Fractorium->DrawXforms())
auto ember = m_FractoriumEmberController->CurrentEmber();
bool dragging = m_DragState == eDragState::DragDragging;
bool forceFinal = m_Fractorium->HaveFinal();
if (m_DragState == eDragState::DragRotateScale)
auto dprf = m_GL->devicePixelRatioF();
auto world = ScrolledCenter(true);
m_GL->glLineWidth(1.0f * dprf);
GLfloat vertices[] =
GLfloat(m_MouseWorldPos.x), GLfloat(m_MouseWorldPos.y),//Mouse position while dragging with right button down...
GLfloat(world.x), GLfloat(world.y)//...to center.
QVector4D col(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
m_GL->DrawPointOrLine(col, vertices, 2, GL_LINES);
//Draw grid if control key is pressed.
if ((m_GL->hasFocus() && GetControl()) || m_Fractorium->DrawGrid())
@ -1003,7 +1020,7 @@ void GLEmberController<T>::MouseMove(QMouseEvent* e)
T scale = CalcScale();
ember->m_Rotate = NormalizeDeg180<T>(m_RotationDown + rot);
m_Fractorium->SetRotation(ember->m_Rotate, true);
m_Fractorium->SetScale(m_ScaleDown + scale);//Will restart the rendering process.
m_Fractorium->SetScale(std::max(T(10), m_ScaleDown + scale));//Will restart the rendering process.
@ -1532,6 +1549,14 @@ void GLEmberController<T>::DrawAffine(Xform<T>* xform, bool pre, bool selected)
col = QVector4D(color.r, color.g, color.b, 1.0f);
m_GL->DrawPointOrLine(col, m_Verts, GL_LINES, !pre);
//Line from x to y in the color of the xform combo, solid with no background to somewhat distinguish it.
auto qcol = final ? m_Fractorium->m_FinalXformComboColor : m_Fractorium->m_XformComboColors[index % XFORM_COLOR_COUNT];
m_GL->DrawPointOrLine(QVector4D(qcol.redF(), qcol.greenF(), qcol.blueF(), 1.0f), m_Verts, GL_LINES, !pre);
@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ public:
bool Drawing();
GLint MaxTexSize();
GLuint OutputTexID();
GLint TexWidth();
GLint TexHeight();
virtual void initializeGL() override;
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ SpinBox::SpinBox(QWidget* p, int h, int step)
setMinimumHeight(h);//setGeometry() has no effect, so set both of these instead.
lineEdit()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter);
connect(this, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onSpinBoxValueChanged(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
@ -136,6 +137,7 @@ void SpinBox::OnTimeout()
int xdistance = m_MouseMovePoint.x() - m_MouseDownPoint.x();
int ydistance = m_MouseMovePoint.y() - m_MouseDownPoint.y();
int distance = abs(xdistance) > abs(ydistance) ? xdistance : ydistance;
distance = Sqr(distance) * (distance < 0 ? -1 : 1);
double scale, val;
int d = value();
bool shift = QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers().testFlag(Qt::ShiftModifier);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user