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synced 2025-03-15 16:01:29 -04:00
Experiments with multi-pass sort (still has bugs)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pycuda.driver as cuda
import pycuda.compiler
@ -18,7 +20,16 @@ _CODE = tempita.Template(r"""
#define get_radix(r, k, l) \
asm("bfe.u32 %0, %1, %2, {{radix_bits}};" : "=r"(r) : "r"(k), "r"(l))
// TODO: experiment with different block / group sizes
// This kernel conducts a prefix scan of the 'keys' array. As each radix is
// read, it is immediately added to the corresponding accumulator. The
// resulting value is unique among keys in this block with the same radix. We
// will use this offset later (along with the more typical prefix sums) to
// insert the key into a shared memory array by radix, so that they can be
// written in fewer transactions to global memory (which is important given
// the larger radix sizes used here).
// Note that the indices generated here are unique but not necessarily
// monotonic, so using these directly leads to a mildly unstable sort.
void prefix_scan(
int *offsets,
@ -40,10 +51,10 @@ void prefix_scan(
int idx = tid + GRPSZ * blockIdx.x;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < GRP_BLK_FACTOR; i++) {
// TODO: load 2 at once, compute, use a BFI to pack the two offsets
// into an int to halve storage / bandwidth
// TODO: separate or integrated loop vars? unrolling?
int key = keys[idx];
int radix;
get_radix(radix, key, lo_bit);
@ -60,7 +71,108 @@ void prefix_scan(
pfxs[tid + {{i}} + RDXSZ * blockIdx.x] = shr_pfxs[tid + {{i}}];
// Populate 'indices' so that indices[i] contains the largest value 'x' such
// that keys[x] < i. If no value is smaller than i, indices[i] is 0.
void binary_search(
int *indices,
const unsigned int *keys,
const int prev_lo_bit,
const int mask,
const int length
) {
int tid_full = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int target = tid_full << prev_lo_bit;
int lo = 0;
// Length must be a power of two! (Guaranteed by runtime.)
for (int i = length >> 1; i > 0; i >>= 1) {
int mid = lo | i;
if (target > (keys[mid] & mask)) lo = mid;
indices[tid_full] = lo;
// When performing a sort by repeatedly applying smaller sorts, the non-stable
// nature of the prefix scan done above will cause errors in the output. These
// errors only affect the correctness of the sort inside those groups which
// cover a transition in the radix of the previous sort passes. We re-run
// those groups with a more careful algorithm here. This doesn't make the sort
// stable in general, but it's enough to make multi-pass sorts correct.
// (Or it should be, although it seems there's a bug either in this code or in
// my head.)
void prefix_scan_repair(
int *offsets,
int *pfxs,
const unsigned int *keys,
const unsigned int *trans_points,
const int lo_bit,
const int prev_lo_bit,
const int mask
) {
const int tid = threadIdx.x;
const int blkid = blockIdx.y * gridDim.x + blockIdx.x;
__shared__ int shr_pfxs[RDXSZ];
__shared__ int blk_starts[GRP_BLK_FACTOR];
__shared__ int blk_transitions[GRP_BLK_FACTOR];
// Never need to repair the start of the array.
if (blkid == 0) return;
// Get the start index of the group to repair.
int grp_start = trans_points[blkid] & ~(GRPSZ - 1);
// If the largest prev_radix in this block is not equal to than our blkid,
// it means that another thread block will also attend to the same thread
// block (in which case we cede to it), or the transition point happens to
// be on a group boundary. In either case, we should bail.
// Note that prev_* holds a masked but not shifted value.
int prev_max = keys[grp_start + (GRPSZ - 1)] & mask;
if (prev_max != (blkid << prev_lo_bit)) return;
int prev_incr = 1 << prev_lo_bit;
// For each block of keys that this thread block will analyze, determine
// how many transitions occur within that block.
if (tid < GRP_BLK_FACTOR) {
int prev_lo = keys[grp_start + tid * BLKSZ] & mask;
int prev_hi = keys[grp_start + tid * BLKSZ + BLKSZ - 1] & mask;
blk_starts[tid] = prev_lo;
blk_transitions[tid] = (prev_hi - prev_lo) >> prev_lo_bit;
{{if radix_size <= 512}}
if (tid < RDXSZ) shr_pfxs[tid] = 0;
{{for i in range(0, radix_size, 512)}}
shr_pfxs[tid+{{i}}] = 0;
int idx = grp_start + tid;
for (int i = 0; i < GRP_BLK_FACTOR; i++) {
int key = keys[idx];
int prev_radix = blk_starts[i];
int this_prev_radix = key & mask;
int radix;
get_radix(radix, key, lo_bit);
if (this_prev_radix == prev_radix)
offsets[idx] = atomicAdd(shr_pfxs + radix, 1);
for (int j = 0; j < blk_transitions[i]; j++) {
prev_radix += prev_incr;
if (this_prev_radix == prev_radix)
offsets[idx] = atomicAdd(shr_pfxs + radix, 1);
idx += BLKSZ;
// Calculate group-local exclusive prefix sums (the number of keys in the
@ -265,6 +377,8 @@ class Sorter(object):
group_size = 8192
radix_bits = 8
warn_issued = False
def init_mod(cls):
if cls.__dict__.get('mod') is None:
@ -276,20 +390,31 @@ class Sorter(object):
with open('/tmp/sort_kern.cubin', 'wb') as fp:
for name in ['prefix_scan', 'prefix_sum_condense',
'prefix_sum_inner', 'prefix_sum_distribute']:
'prefix_sum_inner', 'prefix_sum_distribute',
'binary_search', 'prefix_scan_repair']:
f = cls.mod.get_function(name)
setattr(cls, name, f)
cls.calc_local_pfxs = cls.mod.get_function('calc_local_pfxs')
cls.radix_sort = cls.mod.get_function('radix_sort')
def __init__(self, max_size):
def __init__(self, max_size, offsets=None):
Create a sorter. The sorter will hold on to internal resources for as
long as it is alive, including an 'offsets' array of size 4*max_size.
To share this cost, you may pass in an array of at least this size to
__init__ (to, for instance, share across different bit-widths in a
multi-pass sort).
self.max_size = max_size
assert max_size % self.group_size == 0
max_grids = max_size / self.group_size
self.doffsets = cuda.mem_alloc(self.max_size * 4)
if offsets is None:
self.doffsets = cuda.mem_alloc(self.max_size * 4)
self.doffsets = offsets
self.dpfxs = cuda.mem_alloc(max_grids * self.radix_size * 4)
self.dlocals = cuda.mem_alloc(max_grids * self.radix_size * 4)
@ -299,15 +424,28 @@ class Sorter(object):
self.dcond = cuda.mem_alloc(self.radix_size * self.ncond * 4)
self.dglobal = cuda.mem_alloc(self.radix_size * 4)
def sort(self, dst, src, size, lo_bit=0, stream=None):
def warn(self):
if not self.warn_issued:
warnings.warn('You know multi-pass is broken, right?',
RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=3)
self.warn_issued = True
def sort(self, dst, src, size, lo_bit=0,
prev_lo_bit=None, prev_bits=None, stream=None):
Sort 'src' by the bits from lo_bit+radix_bits to lo_bit, where 0 is
the LSB. Store the result in 'dst'.
Note that this is *not* a stable sort! It won't jumble your data
haphazardly, but one- or two-position swaps are very common. This will
hopefully be resolved soon, but until then, it is unsuitable for
implementing larger sorts from multiple passes of this sort.
GIANT ENORMOUS WARNING. The single pass sort is not quite stable, even
with the multi-pass repair kernel. This means that multi-pass sort is
bugged. Don't use it unless your application can handle non-monotonic
values in your "sorted" array.
To perform a multi-pass sort, pass 'prev_lo_bit' and 'prev_bits',
indicating the lowest bit considered across the entire sort and the
number of bits previously sorted. This uses 2^(prev_bits+2) bytes of
memory and performs about group_size*2^(prev_bits+1) extra operations,
so it's useful up to three passes but probably not four.
assert size <= self.max_size and size % self.group_size == 0
@ -316,6 +454,22 @@ class Sorter(object):
self.prefix_scan(self.doffsets, self.dpfxs, src, np.int32(lo_bit),
block=(512, 1, 1), grid=(grids, 1), stream=stream)
# Intentionally ignore prev_bits=0
if prev_bits:
assert not (size & (size - 1)), \
'Size must be a power of two, due to my enduring laziness'
didx = cuda.mem_alloc(4 << prev_bits)
mask = np.uint32(((1 << prev_bits) - 1) << prev_lo_bit)
self.binary_search(didx, src, np.int32(prev_lo_bit),
mask, np.int32(size),
block=(128, 1, 1), grid=((1<<prev_bits)/128,1))
grid=(1 << min(prev_bits, 15), 1 << max(0, prev_bits-15))
self.prefix_scan_repair(self.doffsets, self.dpfxs, src, didx,
np.int32(lo_bit), np.int32(prev_lo_bit), mask,
block=(512, 1, 1), grid=grid, stream=stream)
self.calc_local_pfxs(self.dlocals, self.dpfxs,
block=(32, 1, 1), grid=(grids / 32, 1), stream=stream)
@ -333,59 +487,88 @@ class Sorter(object):
self.doffsets, self.dpfxs, self.dlocals, np.int32(lo_bit),
block=(self.group_size / 8, 1, 1), grid=(grids, 1), stream=stream)
def multisort(self, scratch_a, scratch_b, src, size, lo_bit=0,
rounds=1, stream=None):
Sort 'src', using scratch buffers 'scratch_a' and 'scratch_b' to hold
the output of intermediate stages. Return whichever of the scratch
buffers holds the final sorted data.
It is okay to pass the same array for 'src' and 'scratch_b'.
Otherwise, 'src' won't be touched.
if rounds > 1:
for i in range(rounds):
b = i * self.radix_bits
self.sort(scratch_a, src, size, lo_bit + b, lo_bit, b, stream)
scratch_a, scratch_b, src = scratch_b, scratch_a, scratch_a
return src
def test(cls, count, correctness=False):
keys = np.uint32(np.random.randint(0, 1<<cls.radix_bits, size=count))
dkeys = cuda.to_device(keys)
dout = cuda.mem_alloc(count * 4)
dout_a = cuda.mem_alloc(count * 4)
dout_b = cuda.mem_alloc(count * 4)
sorter = cls(count)
stream = cuda.Stream()
def test_stub(shift):
for i in range(10):
evt_a = cuda.Event().record(stream)
sorter.sort(dout, dkeys, count, shift, stream=stream)
evt_b = cuda.Event().record(stream)
dur = evt_b.time_since(evt_a) / 1000.
def test_stub(shift, trials=10, rounds=1):
# Run once so that evt_a doesn't include initialization time
sorter.multisort(dout_a, dout_b, dkeys, count, shift,
rounds, stream=stream)
evt_a = cuda.Event().record(stream)
for i in range(trials):
buf = sorter.multisort(dout_a, dout_b, dkeys, count, shift,
rounds, stream=stream)
evt_b = cuda.Event().record(stream)
dur = evt_b.time_since(evt_a) / (rounds * trials)
print '%6.1f,\t%4.0f,\t%4.0f' % (dur, count / (dur * 1000),
count * sorter.radix_bits / (dur * 32 * 1000))
print ( ' Overall time: %g secs'
'\t%g %d-bit keys/sec\t%g 32-bit keys/sec') % (
dur, count/dur, sorter.radix_bits,
count * sorter.radix_bits / (dur * 32) )
if shift == 0 and correctness:
print '\nTesting correctness'
out = cuda.from_device(buf, (count,), np.uint32)
sort = np.sort(keys)
if np.all(out == sort):
print 'Correct'
nz = np.nonzero(out != sort)[0]
print sorted(set(nz >> 13))
for i in nz:
print i, out[i-1:i+2], sort[i-1:i+2]
assert False, 'Oh no'
print '\n\n%d bit sort' % cls.radix_bits
print 'Testing speed'
if '-s' not in sys.argv:
print '\nTesting correctness'
out = cuda.from_device(dout, (count,), np.uint32)
sort = np.sort(keys)
if np.all(out == sort):
print 'Correct'
assert False, 'Oh no'
print '\nTesting speed at shifts'
for b in range(cls.radix_bits - 1):
print 'Performance with %d sig bits' % (cls.radix_bits - b)
for b in range(cls.radix_bits - 3):
print '%2d (%2d sig bits),\t' % (cls.radix_bits, cls.radix_bits - b),
if not correctness:
for r in range(2,3):
keys[:] = np.uint32(
np.random.randint(0, 1<<(cls.radix_bits*r), count))
cuda.memcpy_htod(dkeys, keys)
print '%2d x %d,\t\t\t' % (cls.radix_bits, r),
test_stub(0, rounds=r)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
import pycuda.autoinit
np.set_printoptions(precision=5, edgeitems=20,
linewidth=100, threshold=90)
count = 1 << 26
np.set_printoptions(precision=5, edgeitems=200,
linewidth=95, threshold=9000)
count = 1 << 25
correct = '-s' not in sys.argv
correct = '-c' in sys.argv
for g in (8192, 4096):
print '\n\n== GROUP SIZE %d ==' % g
print '\n\n== GROUP SIZE %d ==,\t msec,\tMK/s,\tMK/s norm' % g
Sorter.group_size = g
for b in [7,8,9,10]:
if g == 4096 and b == 10: continue
Reference in New Issue
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