mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 16:01:29 -04:00
Generalize the sort.
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,34 +11,56 @@ _CODE = tempita.Template(r"""
#define GRPSZ {{group_size}}
#define RBITS {{radix_bits}}
#define RDXSZ {{radix_size}}
#define BLKSZ 512
#define get_radix(r, k, l) \
asm("bfe.u32 %0, %1, %2, {{radix_bits}};" : "=r"(r) : "r"(k), "r"(l))
// TODO: experiment with different block / group sizes
void prefix_scan_8_0(
void prefix_scan(
int *offsets,
int *pfxs,
const unsigned int *keys
const unsigned int *keys,
const int lo_bit
) {
const int tid = threadIdx.x;
__shared__ int shr_pfxs[RDXSZ];
{{if radix_size <= 512}}
if (tid < RDXSZ) shr_pfxs[tid] = 0;
int i = tid + GRPSZ * blockIdx.x;
{{for i in range(0, radix_size, 512)}}
shr_pfxs[tid+{{i}}] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < GRP_BLK_FACTOR; j++) {
int idx = tid + GRPSZ * blockIdx.x;
for (int i = 0; i < GRP_BLK_FACTOR; i++) {
// TODO: load 2 at once, compute, use a BFI to pack the two offsets
// into an int to halve storage / bandwidth
// TODO: separate or integrated loop vars? unrolling?
int radix = keys[i] & 0xff;
offsets[i] = atomicAdd(shr_pfxs + radix, 1);
i += BLKSZ;
int key = keys[idx];
int radix;
get_radix(radix, key, lo_bit);
offsets[idx] = atomicAdd(shr_pfxs + radix, 1);
idx += BLKSZ;
{{if radix_size <= 512}}
if (tid < RDXSZ) pfxs[tid + RDXSZ * blockIdx.x] = shr_pfxs[tid];
{{for i in range(0, radix_size, 512)}}
pfxs[tid + {{i}} + RDXSZ * blockIdx.x] = shr_pfxs[tid + {{i}}];
// Calculate group-local exclusive prefix sums (the number of keys in the
@ -67,10 +89,10 @@ void calc_local_pfxs(
// might be better to halve the chunk size and lose some coalescing
// efficiency; need to benchmark. It's a relatively cheap step, though.
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
for (int j = 0; j < RDXSZ / 32; j++) {
int jj = j << 5;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
int base_offset = (i << 8) + jj + base + tid;
int base_offset = (i << RBITS) + jj + base + tid;
int swap_offset = (i << 5) + ((i + tid) & 0x1f);
swap[swap_offset] = pfxs[base_offset];
@ -84,7 +106,7 @@ void calc_local_pfxs(
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
int base_offset = (i << 8) + jj + base + tid;
int base_offset = (i << RBITS) + jj + base + tid;
int swap_offset = (i << 5) + ((i + tid) & 0x1f);
locals[base_offset] = swap[swap_offset];
@ -194,14 +216,15 @@ void radix_sort_direct(
#undef BLKSZ
#define BLKSZ 1024
#define BLKSZ {{group_size / 8}}
void radix_sort(
int *sorted_keys,
const int *keys,
const int *offsets,
const int *pfxs,
const int *locals
const int *locals,
const int lo_bit
) {
const int tid = threadIdx.x;
const int blk_offset = GRPSZ * blockIdx.x;
@ -214,7 +237,8 @@ void radix_sort(
for (int i = tid; i < GRPSZ; i += BLKSZ) {
int key = keys[i+blk_offset];
int radix = key & 0xff;
int radix;
get_radix(radix, key, lo_bit);
int offset = offsets[i+blk_offset] + shr_offs[radix];
defer[offset] = key;
@ -227,7 +251,8 @@ void radix_sort(
#pragma unroll
for (int j = 0; j < GRP_BLK_FACTOR; j++) {
int key = defer[i];
int radix = key & 0xff;
int radix;
get_radix(radix, key, lo_bit);
int offset = shr_offs[radix] + i;
sorted_keys[offset] = key;
i += BLKSZ;
@ -238,15 +263,19 @@ void radix_sort(
class Sorter(object):
mod = None
group_size = 8192
radix_size = 256
radix_bits = 8
def init_mod(cls):
if cls.mod is None:
if cls.__dict__.get('mod') is None:
cls.radix_size = 1 << cls.radix_bits
code = _CODE.substitute(group_size=cls.group_size,
cls.mod = pycuda.compiler.SourceModule(code)
for name in ['prefix_scan_8_0', 'prefix_sum_condense',
radix_bits=cls.radix_bits, radix_size=cls.radix_size)
cubin = pycuda.compiler.compile(code)
cls.mod = cuda.module_from_buffer(cubin)
with open('/tmp/sort_kern.cubin', 'wb') as fp:
for name in ['prefix_scan', 'prefix_sum_condense',
'prefix_sum_inner', 'prefix_sum_distribute']:
f = cls.mod.get_function(name)
setattr(cls, name, f)
@ -254,16 +283,15 @@ class Sorter(object):
cls.calc_local_pfxs = cls.mod.get_function('calc_local_pfxs')
cls.radix_sort = cls.mod.get_function('radix_sort')
def __init__(self, size, dst=None):
def __init__(self, max_size):
assert size % self.group_size == 0, 'bad multiple'
if dst is None:
dst = cuda.mem_alloc(size * 4)
self.size, self.dst = size, dst
self.doffsets = cuda.mem_alloc(self.size * 4)
self.grids = self.size / self.group_size
self.dpfxs = cuda.mem_alloc(self.grids * self.radix_size * 4)
self.dlocals = cuda.mem_alloc(self.grids * self.radix_size * 4)
self.max_size = max_size
assert max_size % self.group_size == 0
max_grids = max_size / self.group_size
self.doffsets = cuda.mem_alloc(self.max_size * 4)
self.dpfxs = cuda.mem_alloc(max_grids * self.radix_size * 4)
self.dlocals = cuda.mem_alloc(max_grids * self.radix_size * 4)
# There are probably better ways to choose how many condensation
# groups to launch. TODO: maybe pick one if I care
@ -271,15 +299,28 @@ class Sorter(object):
self.dcond = cuda.mem_alloc(self.radix_size * self.ncond * 4)
self.dglobal = cuda.mem_alloc(self.radix_size * 4)
def sort(self, src, stream=None):
self.prefix_scan_8_0(self.doffsets, self.dpfxs, src,
block=(512, 1, 1), grid=(self.grids, 1), stream=stream)
def sort(self, dst, src, size, lo_bit=0, stream=None):
Sort 'src' by the bits from lo_bit+radix_bits to lo_bit, where 0 is
the LSB. Store the result in 'dst'.
Note that this is *not* a stable sort! It won't jumble your data
haphazardly, but one- or two-position swaps are very common. This will
hopefully be resolved soon, but until then, it is unsuitable for
implementing larger sorts from multiple passes of this sort.
assert size <= self.max_size and size % self.group_size == 0
grids = size / self.group_size
self.prefix_scan(self.doffsets, self.dpfxs, src, np.int32(lo_bit),
block=(512, 1, 1), grid=(grids, 1), stream=stream)
self.calc_local_pfxs(self.dlocals, self.dpfxs,
block=(32, 1, 1), grid=(self.grids / 32, 1), stream=stream)
block=(32, 1, 1), grid=(grids / 32, 1), stream=stream)
ngrps = np.int32(self.grids)
grpwidth = np.int32(np.ceil(float(self.grids) / self.ncond))
ngrps = np.int32(grids)
grpwidth = np.int32(np.ceil(float(grids) / self.ncond))
self.prefix_sum_condense(self.dcond, self.dpfxs, ngrps, grpwidth,
block=(self.radix_size, 1, 1), grid=(self.ncond, 1), stream=stream)
@ -288,35 +329,67 @@ class Sorter(object):
self.prefix_sum_distribute(self.dpfxs, self.dcond, ngrps, grpwidth,
block=(self.radix_size, 1, 1), grid=(self.ncond, 1), stream=stream)
self.radix_sort(self.dst, src, self.doffsets, self.dpfxs, self.dlocals,
block=(1024, 1, 1), grid=(self.grids, 1), stream=stream)
self.radix_sort(dst, src,
self.doffsets, self.dpfxs, self.dlocals, np.int32(lo_bit),
block=(self.group_size / 8, 1, 1), grid=(grids, 1), stream=stream)
def test(cls, count, correctness=False):
keys = np.uint32(np.random.randint(0, 1<<cls.radix_bits, size=count))
dkeys = cuda.to_device(keys)
dout = cuda.mem_alloc(count * 4)
sorter = cls(count)
stream = cuda.Stream()
def test_stub(shift):
for i in range(10):
evt_a = cuda.Event().record(stream)
sorter.sort(dout, dkeys, count, shift, stream=stream)
evt_b = cuda.Event().record(stream)
dur = evt_b.time_since(evt_a) / 1000.
print ( ' Overall time: %g secs'
'\t%g %d-bit keys/sec\t%g 32-bit keys/sec') % (
dur, count/dur, sorter.radix_bits,
count * sorter.radix_bits / (dur * 32) )
print '\n\n%d bit sort' % cls.radix_bits
print 'Testing speed'
if '-s' not in sys.argv:
print '\nTesting correctness'
out = cuda.from_device(dout, (count,), np.uint32)
sort = np.sort(keys)
if np.all(out == sort):
print 'Correct'
assert False, 'Oh no'
print '\nTesting speed at shifts'
for b in range(cls.radix_bits - 1):
print 'Performance with %d sig bits' % (cls.radix_bits - b)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
import pycuda.autoinit
np.set_printoptions(precision=5, edgeitems=20,
linewidth=100, threshold=90)
count = 1 << 26
keys = np.uint32(np.fromstring(np.random.bytes(count), dtype=np.uint8))
dkeys = cuda.to_device(keys)
sorter = Sorter(count)
print 'Testing speed'
stream = cuda.Stream()
for i in range(10):
evt_a = cuda.Event().record(stream)
sorter.sort(dkeys, stream)
evt_b = cuda.Event().record(stream)
dur = evt_b.time_since(evt_a)
print 'Overall time: %g secs (%g 8-bit keys/sec)' % (
dur / 1000., 1000 * count / dur)
print 'Testing correctness'
out = cuda.from_device(sorter.dst, (count,), np.uint32)
sort = np.sort(keys)
print 'Sorted correctly?', np.all(out == sort)
correct = '-s' not in sys.argv
for g in (8192, 4096):
print '\n\n== GROUP SIZE %d ==' % g
Sorter.group_size = g
for b in [7,8,9,10]:
if g == 4096 and b == 10: continue
Sorter.radix_bits = b
Sorter.test(count, correct)
del Sorter.mod
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