2014-04-21 22:21:24 -04:00

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# HPSTR Jekyll Theme
They say three times the charm, so here is another free responsive Jekyll theme for you. I've learned a ton since open sourcing my first two themes [on Github](, and wanted to try a few new things this time around. If you've used my previous themes most of this should be familiar territory...
## What HPSTR brings to the table:
* Responsive templates for post, page, and post index `_layouts`. Looks great on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.
* Gracefully degrades in older browsers. Compatible with Internet Explorer 8+ and all modern browsers.
* Modern and minimal design.
* Sweet animated menu.
* Readable typography to make your words shine.
* Support for large images to call out your favorite posts.
* Comments powered by [Disqus]( if you choose to enable.
* Social Sharing links for Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ if you choose to enable.
* Simple and clear permalink structure.
* [Open Graph]( and [Twitter Cards]( support for a better social sharing experience.
* Simple [custom 404 page]( to get you started.
* Stylesheets for Pygments and Coderay [syntax highlighting]( to make your code examples look snazzy
* [Grunt]( build script for easy theme development
* [Available in Spanish]( Thanks [@cruznick](!
![HPSTR Theme Preview screenshot](
General notes and suggestions for customizing **HPSTR**.
## Basic Setup for a new Jekyll site
1. [Install Bundler]( `gem install bundler` and then install [Jekyll]( and all dependencies `bundle install`.
2. Fork the [HPSTR Jekyll Theme repo](
3. Clone the repo you just forked and rename it.
4. Edit `_config.yml` to personalize your site.
5. Check out the sample posts in `_posts` to see examples for pulling in large feature images, assigning categories and tags, and other YAML data.
6. Read the documentation below for further customization pointers and documentation.
[Demo the Theme](
**Pro-tip:** Delete the `gh-pages` branch after cloning and start fresh by branching off `master`. There is a bunch of garbage in `gh-pages` used for the theme's demo site that I'm guessing you don't want on your site.
## Setup for an Existing Jekyll site
1. Clone the following folders: `_includes`, `_layouts`, `assets`, and `images`.
2. Clone the following files and personalize content as need: ``, `posts.html`, `index.html`, `tags.html`, and `feed.xml`.
3. Set the following variables in your `config.yml` file:
``` yaml
title: Site Title
description: Describe your website here.
disqus_shortname: shortname
# Your site's domain goes here. When working locally use localhost server leave blank
# PS. If you set this wrong stylesheets and scripts won't load and most links will break.
# PPS. If you leave it blank for local testing home links won't work, they'll be fine for live domains though.
url: http://localhost:4000
# Owner/author information
name: Your Name
avatar: avatar.jpg
bio: "Your bio goes here. It shouldn't be super long but a good two sentences or two should suffice."
# Social networking links used in footer. Update and remove as you like.
# For Google Authorship
# Analytics and webmaster tools stuff goes here
# Option 2 content= goes here
# Links to include in top navigation
# For external links add external: true
- title: Theme Setup
url: /theme-setup
- title: External Link
external: true
timezone: America/New_York
future: true
pygments: true
markdown: kramdown
# Amount of posts to show on home page
paginate: 5
## More Theme Setup Goodness
To learn more about how to customize the theme, include feature images in posts, use the Grunt build script, and some other junk, [read up here](
## Questions?
Having a problem getting something to work or want to know why I setup something in a certain way? Ping me on Twitter [@mmistakes]( or [file a GitHub Issue]( And if you make something cool with this theme feel free to let me know.
## License
This theme is free and open source software, distributed under the [GNU General Public License]( version 2 or later. So feel free to to modify this theme to suit your needs.