2020-08-10 11:16:08 -04:00

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post Static Polymorphism Emulating Traits in C++

Simple Example

Accept parameter types, return known type.

Generic return

Same parameter signature, but return different types - AsRef

Associated types

.as_iter(), and the iterator item types

Arbitrary self


enable_unique_from_this doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but Rust can do it:

struct MyStruct {}

impl MyStruct {
    fn my_function(self: &Box<Self>) {}

fn main() {
    let unboxed = MyStruct {};
    // error[E0599]: no method named `my_function` found for struct `MyStruct` in the current scope
    // unboxed.my_function();

    let boxed = Box::new(MyStruct {});

Interestingly enough, can't bind static version using equality:

#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <concepts>

std::uint64_t free_get_value() {
    return 24;

class MyClass {
    // <source>:11:47: error: invalid pure specifier (only '= 0' is allowed) before ';' token
    std::uint64_t get_value() = free_get_value;

int main() {
    auto x = MyClass {};

Turns out the purpose of enable_shared_from_this is so that you can create new shared instances of yourself from within yourself, it doesn't have anything to do with enabling extra functionality depending on whether you're owned by a shared pointer. At best, you could have other runtime checks to see if you're owned exclusively, or as part of some other smart pointer, but the type system can't enforce that. And if you're not owned by that smart pointer, what then? Exceptions?

UFCS would be able to help with this - define new methods like:

void do_a_thing(std::unique_ptr<MyType> value) {}

In this case, the extension is actually on unique_ptr, but the overload resolution applies only to pointers of MyType. Note that shared_ptr and others seem to work by overloading operator -> to proxy function calls to the delegates; you could inherit std::shared_ptr and specialize the template to add methods for specific classes I guess? But it's still inheriting shared_ptr, you can't define things directly on it.

Generally, "you can just use free functions" seems like a shoddy explanation. We could standardize overload MyClass_init as a constructor, etc., but the language is designed to assist us so we don't have to do crap like that. I do hope UFCS becomes a thing.

Default implementation

First: example of same name, different arguments. Not possible in Rust.

Can you bind a free function in a non-static way? Pseudocode:

template<typename T>
concept DoMethod = requires (T a) {
    { a.do_method(std::declval<std::uint64_t>() } -> std::same_as<std::uint64_t>;
    { a.do_method() } -> std::same_as<std::uint64_t>;

template<typename T> requires DoMethod<T>
std::uint64_t free_do_method(T& a) {

class MyClass {
    std::uint64_t do_method(std::uint64_t value) {
        return value * 2;

    // Because the free function still needs a "this" reference (unlike Javascript which has a
    // floating `this`), we can't bind as `std::uint64_t do_method() = free_do_method`
    std::uint64_t do_method() {
        return free_do_method(this);

Require concept methods to take const this?

Move/consume self as opposed to &self?

Is there a way to force std::move(object).method()?

Require static methods on a class?

override, or other means of verifying a function implements a requirement?

Local trait implementation of remote types?

AKA "extension methods". UFCS can accomplish this, and could use free functions to handle instead, but having the IDE auto-complete .<the next thing> is exceedingly useful, as opposed to memorizing what functions are necessary for conversion. We're not changing what's possible, just making it easier for humans.

Likely requires sub-classing the remote class. Implicit conversions don't really work because they must be defined on the remote type.

Rust makes this weird because you have to use ClientExt to bring the methods in scope, but the trait name might not show up because impl ClientExt for RemoteStruct is defined elsewhere. Alternately, ClientExt: AnotherTrait implementations where the default ClientExt implementation is used. To do this, Rust compiles the entire crate as a single translation unit, and the orphan rule.

Automatic markers?

Alternately, conditional inheritance based on templates?

Trait objects as arguments

trait MyTrait {
    fn some_method(&self);

fn my_function(value: &dyn MyTrait) {


C++ can't explicitly use vtable as part of concepts:

template<typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<...>>
void my_function(T& value) {}

...is equivalent to:

fn my_function<T: MyTrait>(value: &T) {}

vtable is automatically used if declared virtual.

dyn Trait seems to be used in Rust mostly for type erasure - Box<Pin<dyn Future>> for example, but is generally fairly rare, and C++ probably doesn't suffer for not having it. Can use inheritance to force virtual if truly necessary, but not sure why you'd need that.