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Get heap allocation before starting main
2019-02-02 20:34:35 -05:00

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post Stacking Up: Fixed Memory Going fast in Rust

const and static are perfectly fine, but it's very rare that we know at compile-time about either values or references that will be the same for the entire time our program is running. Put another way, it's not often the case that either you or your compiler know how much memory your entire program will need.

However, there are still some optimizations the compiler can do if it knows how much memory individual functions will need. Specifically, the compiler can make use of "stack" memory (as opposed to "heap" memory) which can be managed far faster in both the short- and long-term. When requesting memory, the push instruction can typically complete in 1 or 2 cycles (<1 nanosecond on modern CPUs). Heap memory instead requires using an allocator (specialized software to track what memory is in use) to reserve space. And when you're finished with your memory, the pop instruction likewise runs in 1-3 cycles, as opposed to an allocator needing to worry about memory fragmentation and other issues. All sorts of incredibly sophisticated techniques have been used to design allocators:

But no matter how fast your allocator is, the principle remains: the fastest allocator is the one you never use. As such, we're not going to go in detail on how exactly the push and pop instructions work, and we'll focus instead on the conditions that enable the Rust compiler to use the faster stack-based allocation for variables.

With that in mind, let's get into the details. How do we know when Rust will or will not use stack allocation for objects we create? Looking at other languages, it's often easy to delineate between stack and heap. Managed memory languages (Python, Java, C#) assume everything is on the heap. JIT compilers (PyPy, HotSpot) may optimize some heap allocations away, but you should never assume it will happen. C makes things clear with calls to special functions (malloc(3) is one) being the way to use heap memory. Old C++ has the new keyword, though modern C++/C++11 is more complicated with RAII.

For Rust specifically, the principle is this: stack allocation will be used for everything that doesn't involve "smart pointers" and collections. If we're interested in dissecting it though, there are three things we pay attention to:

  1. Stack manipulation instructions (push, pop, and add/sub of the rsp register) indicate allocation of stack memory:

    pub fn stack_alloc(x: u32) -> u32 {
        // Space for `y` is allocated by subtracting from `rsp`,
        // and then populated
        let y = [1u8, 2, 3, 4];
        // Space for `y` is deallocated by adding back to `rsp`

    -- Compiler Explorer

  2. Tracking when exactly heap allocation calls happen is difficult. It's typically easier to watch for call core::ptr::real_drop_in_place, and infer that a heap allocation happened in the recent past:

    pub fn heap_alloc(x: usize) -> usize {
        // Space for elements in a vector has to be allocated
        // on the heap, and is then de-allocated once the
        // vector goes out of scope
        let y: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(x);

    -- Compiler Explorer (real_drop_in_place happens on line 1317) Note: While the Drop trait is called for stack-allocated objects, the Rust standard library only defines Drop implementations for types that involve heap allocation.

  3. If you don't want to inspect the assembly, use a custom allocator that's able to track and alert when heap allocations occur. As an unashamed plug, qadapt was designed for exactly this purpose.

With all that in mind, let's talk about situations in which we're guaranteed to use stack memory:

  • Structs are created on the stack.
  • Function arguments are passed on the stack.
  • Enums and unions are stack-allocated.
  • Arrays are always stack-allocated.
  • Using the #[inline] attribute will not change the memory region used.
  • Closures capture their arguments on the stack
  • Generics will use stack allocation, even with dynamic dispatch.



It's been a worry of mine that I'd manage to trigger a heap allocation because of wrapping an underlying type in Given that you're not using smart pointers, enum and other wrapper types will never use heap allocations. This shows up most often with Option and Result types, but generalizes to any other types as well.

Because the size of an enum is the size of its largest element plus the size of a discriminator, the compiler can predict how much memory is used. If enums were sized as tightly as possible, heap allocations would be needed to handle the fact that enum variants were of dynamic size!


The array type is guaranteed to be stack allocated, which is why the array size must be declared. Interestingly enough, this can be used to cause safe Rust programs to crash:

// 256 bytes
struct TwoFiftySix {
    _a: [u64; 32]

// 8 kilobytes
struct EightK {
    _a: [TwoFiftySix; 32]

// 256 kilobytes
struct TwoFiftySixK {
    _a: [EightK; 32]

// 8 megabytes - exceeds space typically provided for the stack,
// though the kernel can be instructed to allocate more.
// On Linux, you can check stack size using `ulimit -s`
struct EightM {
    _a: [TwoFiftySixK; 32]

fn main() {
    // Because we already have things in stack memory
    // (like the current function), allocating another
    // eight megabytes of stack memory crashes the program
    let _x = EightM::default();

-- Rust Playground

There aren't any security implications of this (no memory corruption occurs, just running out of memory), but it's good to note that the Rust compiler won't move arrays into heap memory even if they can be reasonably expected to overflow the stack.

inline attributes


Rules for how anonymous functions capture their arguments are typically language-specific. In Java, Lambda Expressions are actually objects created on the heap that capture local primitives by copying, and capture local non-primitives as (final) references. Python and JavaScript both bind everything by reference normally, but Python can also capture values and JavaScript has Arrow functions.

In Rust, arguments to closures are the same as arguments to other functions; closures are simply functions that don't have a declared name. Some weird ordering of the stack may be required to handle them, but it's the compiler's responsiblity to figure it out.

Each example below has the same effect, but compile to very different programs. In the simplest case, we immediately run a closure returned by another function. Because we don't store a reference to the closure, the stack memory needed to store the captured values is contiguous:

fn my_func() -> impl FnOnce() {
    let x = 24;
    // Note that this closure in assembly looks exactly like
    // any other function; you even use the `call` instruction
    // to start running it.
    move || { x; }

pub fn immediate() {

-- Compiler Explorer, 25 total assembly instructions

If we store a reference to the bound closure though, the Rust compiler has to work a bit harder to make sure everything is correctly laid out in stack memory:

pub fn simple_reference() {
    let x = my_func();
    let y = my_func();

-- Compiler Explorer, 55 total assembly instructions

In more complex cases, even things like variable order matter:

pub fn complex() {
    let x = my_func();
    let y = my_func();

-- Compiler Explorer, 70 total assembly instructions

In every circumstance though, the compiler ensured that no heap allocations were necessary.


A Heaping Helping: Rust and Dynamic Memory

Opening question: How many allocations happen before fn main() is called?

Now, one question I hope you're asking is "how do we distinguish stack- and heap-based allocations in Rust code?" There are two strategies I'm going to use for this:

Summary section:

  • Smart pointers hold their contents in the heap
  • Collections are smart pointers for many objects at a time, and reallocate when they need to grow
  • Boxed closures (FnBox, others?) are heap allocated
  • "Move" semantics don't trigger new allocation; just a change of ownership, so are incredibly fast
  • Stack-based alternatives to standard library types should be preferred (spin, parking_lot)