More documentation updates

Bradlee Speice 2018-12-07 00:15:41 -05:00
parent 9b63f71f63
commit db120dbe45
1 changed files with 100 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -69,11 +69,40 @@ thread_local! {
static PROTECTION_LEVEL: RwLock<usize> = RwLock::new(0);
/// The QADAPT allocator itself
/// The QADAPT allocator itself
/// To make use of the allocator, include this code block in your program
/// binaries/tests:
/// ```rust,ignore
/// use qadapt::QADAPT;
/// #[global_allocator]
/// static Q: QADAPT = QADAPT;
/// ```
pub struct QADAPT;
/// Let QADAPT know that we are now entering a protected region and that
/// panics should be triggered if allocations/drops happen while we are running.
/// **Example**:
/// ```rust,no_run
/// use qadapt::enter_protected;
/// fn main() {
/// // Force an allocation by using a Box
/// let x = Box::new(2);
/// enter_protected();
/// // We're now in a memory-protected region - allocations and drops
/// // here will trigger thread panic
/// let y = *x * 4;
/// exit_protected();
/// // It's now safe to allocate/drop again
/// let z = Box::new(y);
/// }
pub fn enter_protected() {
@ -95,6 +124,25 @@ pub fn enter_protected() {
/// Let QADAPT know that we are exiting a protected region. Will panic
/// if we attempt to [`exit_protected`] more times than we [`enter_protected`].
/// **Example**:
/// ```rust,no_run
/// use qadapt::enter_protected;
/// fn main() {
/// // Force an allocation by using a Box
/// let x = Box::new(2);
/// enter_protected();
/// // We're now in a memory-protected region - allocations and drops
/// // here will trigger thread panic
/// let y = *x * 4;
/// exit_protected();
/// // It's now safe to allocate/drop again
/// let z = Box::new(y);
/// }
pub fn exit_protected() {
@ -118,10 +166,37 @@ pub fn exit_protected() {
/// Get the result of an expression, guaranteeing that no memory accesses occur
/// during its evaluation.
/// **Example**:
/// ```rust,no_run
/// use qadapt::assert_no_alloc;
/// fn main() {
/// assert_no_alloc!(2 + 2);
/// }
/// ```
/// **Warning**: Unexpected behavior may occur when using the `return` keyword.
/// Because the macro cleanup logic will not be run, QADAPT may trigger a panic
/// in code that was not specifically intended to be allocation-free.
/// **Warning**: Unexpected behavior will occur when using the `return` keyword.
/// Because QADAPT doesn't have an opportunity to clean up, there may be a panic
/// in code that was not intended to be allocation-free. The compiler will warn you
/// that there is an unreachable statement if this happens.
/// ```rust,no_run
/// use qadapt::assert_no_alloc;
/// fn early_return() -> usize {
/// assert_no_alloc!(return 8);
/// }
/// fn main() {
/// let x = early_return();
/// // This triggers a panic - `Box::new` forces an allocation,
/// // and QADAPT still thinks we're in a protected region because
/// // of a return in the `early_return()` function
/// let b = Box::new(x);
/// }
macro_rules! assert_no_alloc {
($e:expr) => {{
@ -136,6 +211,27 @@ static IS_ACTIVE: RwLock<bool> = RwLock::new(false);
static INTERNAL_ALLOCATION: RwLock<usize> = RwLock::new(usize::max_value());
/// Get the current "protection level" in QADAPT: calls to enter_protected() - exit_protected()
/// **Example**:
/// ```rust,no_run
/// use qadapt::enter_protected;
/// use qadapt::exit_protected;
/// use qadapt::protection_level;
/// fn main() {
/// enter_protected();
/// // We're now in an allocation-protected code region
/// assert_eq!(1, protection_level());
/// enter_protected();
/// // We're still memory protected, but we'll now need to exit twice to be safe
/// assert_eq!(2, protection_level());
/// exit_protected();
/// exit_protected();
/// // It's now safe to allocate/drop
/// }
pub fn protection_level() -> usize {
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
PROTECTION_LEVEL.try_with(|v| *