Docs updates and thread_id crate

Bradlee Speice 2018-11-10 21:54:13 -05:00
parent de7edaeb0c
commit 1faa353706
3 changed files with 27 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ repository = ""
libc = "0.2"
log = "0.4"
spin = "0.4"
thread-id = "3.3"
qadapt-macro = { path = "./qadapt-macro" }

View File

@ -9,10 +9,15 @@
//! recommended that QADAPT (the allocator) be used only in code tests. Functions annotated with
//! `#[allocate_panic]` will have no side effects if the QADAPT allocator is not being used,
//! so the attribute is safe to leave everywhere.
//! Currently this crate is Nightly-only, but will work once `const fn` is in Stable.
extern crate libc;
extern crate qadapt_macro;
extern crate spin;
// thread_id is necessary because `std::thread::current()` panics if we have not yet
// allocated a `thread_local!{}` it depends on.
extern crate thread_id;
// Re-export the proc macros to use by other code
pub use qadapt_macro::*;
@ -20,14 +25,13 @@ pub use qadapt_macro::*;
use libc::c_void;
use libc::free;
use libc::malloc;
use libc::pthread_self;
use spin::RwLock;
use std::alloc::Layout;
use std::alloc::GlobalAlloc;
use std::thread;
thread_local! {
static PROTECTION_LEVEL: RwLock<u32> = RwLock::new(0);
static PROTECTION_LEVEL: RwLock<usize> = RwLock::new(0);
/// The QADAPT allocator itself
@ -63,37 +67,29 @@ pub fn exit_protected() {
}).unwrap_or_else(|_e| ());
static INTERNAL_ALLOCATION: RwLock<u64> = RwLock::new(u64::max_value());
static INTERNAL_ALLOCATION: RwLock<usize> = RwLock::new(usize::max_value());
unsafe fn claim_internal_alloc() -> u64 {
// std::thread::current() isn't safe because of thread-local allocations
let tid = pthread_self();
unsafe fn claim_internal_alloc() {
loop {
ref mut lock if **lock == u64::max_value() => {
**lock = tid;
ref mut lock if **lock == usize::max_value() => {
**lock = thread_id::get();
_ => ()
unsafe fn release_internal_alloc() -> u64 {
let tid = pthread_self();
// TODO: Potential issues with releasing lock too early?
unsafe fn release_internal_alloc() {
ref mut lock if **lock == tid => **lock = u64::max_value(),
ref mut lock if **lock == thread_id::get() => **lock = usize::max_value(),
_ => panic!("Internal allocation tracking error")
unsafe fn alloc_immediate() -> bool {
thread::panicking() || * == pthread_self()
thread::panicking() || * == thread_id::get()
unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for QADAPT {
@ -107,21 +103,18 @@ unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for QADAPT {
// Because accessing PROTECTION_LEVEL has the potential to trigger an allocation,
// we need to spin until we can claim the INTERNAL_ALLOCATION lock for our thread.
let protection_level: Result<u32, ()> = PROTECTION_LEVEL.try_with(|v| *;
let protection_level: Result<usize, ()> = PROTECTION_LEVEL.try_with(|v| *;
match protection_level {
Ok(v) if v == 0 => malloc(layout.size()) as *mut u8,
Ok(v) => {
// Tripped a bad allocation, but make sure further allocation/deallocation during unwind
// Tripped a bad allocation, but make sure further memory access during unwind
// doesn't have issues
PROTECTION_LEVEL.with(|v| *v.write() = 0);
panic!("Unexpected allocation for size {}, protection level: {}", layout.size(), v)
Err(_) => {
// Shouldn't be possible to get here
panic!("Unexpected error checking protection level")
Err(_) => unreachable!()
@ -131,9 +124,10 @@ unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for QADAPT {
let protection_level: Result<u32, ()> = PROTECTION_LEVEL.try_with(|v| *;
let protection_level: Result<usize, ()> = PROTECTION_LEVEL.try_with(|v| *;
// Free before checking panic to make sure we avoid leaks
free(ptr as *mut c_void);
match protection_level {
Ok(v) if v > 0 => {

View File

@ -86,4 +86,12 @@ fn test_vec_new() {
fn test_vec_with_one() {
let _v: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(1);
fn exit_too_often() {