libcvautomation  2.0
Classes | Functions | Variables
libcvautomation_funcs Namespace Reference

Namespace to contain all of the features needed to use the libcvautomation_funcs wrapper. More...


class  LibcvImageNotFound
class  LibcvDisplayNotOpen


def open_display
 Open a display for use in the libcvautomation_funcs.
def close_display
 Close a display currently in use by libcvautomation_funcs.
def mouse_down
 Press a mouse button down.
def mouse_up
 Release a mouse button.
def mouse_click
 Press and release a mouse button.
def mouse_click_xy
 Click a mouse button at an absolute location.
def mouse_click_rxy
 Click a mouse button at a relative location.
def mouse_click_image
 Click a mouse button on an image inside the root X11 window.
def mouse_doubleclick
 Press and release a mouse button twice.
def mouse_doubleclick_xy
 Click a mouse button twice at an absolute location.
def mouse_doubleclick_rxy
 Click a mouse button twice at a relative location.
def mouse_doubleclick_image
 Click a mouse button twice on an image inside the root X11 window.
def mouse_hover_xy
 Move the mouse to a given coordinate, and leave it there.
def mouse_hover_rxy
 Move the mouse by a given increment, and leave it there.
def mouse_hover_image
 Move the mouse to an image inside the root X11 window.
def mouse_jiggle
 Jiggle the mouse in place.
def mouse_scroll_up
 Scroll the mouse wheel up.
def mouse_scroll_down
 Scroll the mouse wheel down.
def mouse_drag_n_drop
 Drag and drop one image to another.
def mouse_location
 Get the current location of the mouse.
def key_string
 Enter a string of text on the keyboard.
def key_down
 Press a key down on the keyboard, and leave it down.
def key_up
 Release a key on the keyboard.
def key_click
 Press and release a key on the keyboard.
def image_location
 Get the location of an image on the screen.
def wait_for
 Get the location of an image on the screen, waiting for it to show up.
def command_string
 Execute a libcvautomation command based on a string.


 _use_frame_trace = None
string outfile = '/dev/null'
 _libcvautomation_error_location = libcvautomation.cvaPoint

Detailed Description

Namespace to contain all of the features needed to use the libcvautomation_funcs wrapper.

This is a high-level wrapper intended to give you easy access to
libcvautomation, while staying flexible and powerful.
This wrapper was designed to be like the Bash wrapper of the
same name, but allows access to the advanced features of Python - 
for example, error handling.
Also, it becomes easy to integrate other systems like dogtail
into the same application test if you want to combine features.

To use:
import libcvautomation_funcs

If there are any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions,
notify the developer at <>

Function Documentation

def libcvautomation_funcs.open_display (   display_name = '')

Open a display for use in the libcvautomation_funcs.

This opens a display that will be used for every other function in If you need to open a different display, use libcvautomation_funcs.close_display() and then open the new display that you want.

display_nameThe name of the display to open. The default is to open the first available display, which may not specifically be :0.
You must use this function to open a display before any other functions can be used.
Return True if the display was successfully opened, False otherwise

Definition at line 113 of file

Close a display currently in use by libcvautomation_funcs.

This closes the currently open display. All functions used after this will fail unless you open another display. Use libcvautomation_funcs.open_display() to open the new display.


Definition at line 125 of file

def libcvautomation_funcs.mouse_down (   mouse_button = _mouse_button_default)

Press a mouse button down.

mouse_buttonThe number of the mouse button to press
Return False if the X11 display was not opened before execution, and True otherwise

Definition at line 168 of file

Referenced by mouse_drag_n_drop().

def libcvautomation_funcs.mouse_up (   mouse_button = _mouse_button_default)

Release a mouse button.

mouse_buttonThe number of the mouse button to release
Return False if the X11 display was not opened before execution, and True otherwise

Definition at line 179 of file

Referenced by mouse_drag_n_drop().

def libcvautomation_funcs.mouse_click (   mouse_button = _mouse_button_default)

Press and release a mouse button.

mouse_buttonThe number of the mouse button to click
Return False if the X11 display was not opened before execution, and True otherwise

Definition at line 192 of file

def libcvautomation_funcs.mouse_click_xy (   x_coord,
  mouse_button = _mouse_button_default 

Click a mouse button at an absolute location.

Move the mouse to a location given by an x and y coordinate before clicking

x_coordThe X-coordinate to move the mouse to
y_coordThe Y-coordinate to move the mouse to
mouse_buttonThe mouse button to click after moving
Return False if the X11 display was not opened before execution, and True otherwise

Definition at line 207 of file

def libcvautomation_funcs.mouse_click_rxy (   x_inc,
  mouse_button = _mouse_button_default 

Click a mouse button at a relative location.

Move the mouse horizontally and vertically by an increment, and then click the mouse

x_incThe increment to move the mouse horizontally
A positive increment moves the mouse right, a negative increment moves the mouse left
y_incThe increment to move the mouse vertically
A positive increment moves the mouse down, a negative increment moves the mouse up
mouse_buttonThe mouse button to click after moving
Return False if the X11 display was not opened before execution, and True otherwise

Definition at line 230 of file

def libcvautomation_funcs.mouse_click_image (   image_names,
  search_method = _search_method_default,
  tolerance = _tolerance_default,
  timeout = _timeout_default,
  mouse_button = _mouse_button_default,
  use_wait = True 

Click a mouse button on an image inside the root X11 window.

For each image in image_names, search for it inside the root X11 window. Return once a match has been found, or the timeout value has been exceeded

image_namesList of image names to search for
search_methodThe search method to use when finding each image. See Libcv Search Methods for more information on how to use the search methods.
toleranceThe tolerance to use when finding each image. See Libcv Search Methods for more information on how to use tolerance.
timeoutWait for timeout seconds before giving up the search for image_names in the root X11 window.
use_wait must be set to True for this parameter to have any effect
mouse_buttonThe mouse button to click after finding an image
use_waitSet to True to make this function wait timeout seconds before giving up finding an image.
If set to False, this function will go through the list of image_names once before giving up.
Return False if the X11 display was not opened before execution or there were no images found, and True otherwise

Definition at line 252 of file

def libcvautomation_funcs.mouse_doubleclick (   mouse_button = _mouse_button_default)

Press and release a mouse button twice.

mouse_buttonThe number of the mouse button to click twice
Return False if the X11 display was not opened before execution, and True otherwise

Definition at line 302 of file

def libcvautomation_funcs.mouse_doubleclick_xy (   x_coord,
  mouse_button = _mouse_button_default 

Click a mouse button twice at an absolute location.

Move the mouse to a location given by an x and y coordinate before clicking twice

x_coordThe X-coordinate to move the mouse to
y_coordThe Y-coordinate to move the mouse to
mouse_buttonThe mouse button to click after moving
Return False if the X11 display was not opened before execution, and True otherwise

Definition at line 319 of file

def libcvautomation_funcs.mouse_doubleclick_rxy (   x_inc,
  mouse_button = _mouse_button_default 

Click a mouse button twice at a relative location.

Move the mouse horizontally and vertically by an increment, and then click the mouse twice

x_incThe increment to move the mouse horizontally
A positive increment moves the mouse right, a negative increment moves the mouse left
y_incThe increment to move the mouse vertically
A positive increment moves the mouse down, a negative increment moves the mouse up
mouse_buttonThe mouse button to click after moving
Return False if the X11 display was not opened before execution, and True otherwise

Definition at line 343 of file

def libcvautomation_funcs.mouse_doubleclick_image (   image_names,
  search_method = _search_method_default,
  tolerance = _tolerance_default,
  timeout = _timeout_default,
  mouse_button = _mouse_button_default,
  use_wait = True,
  use_center = True 

Click a mouse button twice on an image inside the root X11 window.

For each image in image_names, search for it inside the root X11 window. Return once a match has been found, or the timeout value has been exceeded

image_namesList of image names to search for
search_methodThe search method to use when finding each image. See Libcv Search Methods for more information on how to use the search methods.
toleranceThe tolerance to use when finding each image. See Libcv Search Methods for more information on how to use tolerance.
timeoutWait for timeout seconds before giving up the search for image_names in the root X11 window.
use_wait must be set to True for this parameter to have any effect
mouse_buttonThe mouse button to click after finding an image
use_waitSet to True to make this function wait timeout seconds before giving up finding an image.
use_centerSet to True to make this function return the center coordinate of the matched image. Setting to False will use the top-left corner.
If set to False, this function will go through the list of image_names once before giving up.
Return False if the X11 display was not opened before execution or no images were found, and True otherwise

Definition at line 367 of file

def libcvautomation_funcs.mouse_hover_xy (   x_coord,

Move the mouse to a given coordinate, and leave it there.

x_coordThe X-coordinate to move the mouse to
y_coordThe Y-coordinate to move the mouse to
Return False if the X11 display was not opened before execution, and True otherwise

Definition at line 421 of file

def libcvautomation_funcs.mouse_hover_rxy (   x_inc,

Move the mouse by a given increment, and leave it there.

x_incThe increment to move the mouse horizontally
A positive increment moves the mouse right, a negative increment moves the mouse left
y_incThe increment to move the mouse vertically
A positive increment moves the mouse down, a negative increment moves the mouse up
Return False if the X11 display was not opened before execution, and True otherwise

Definition at line 441 of file

def libcvautomation_funcs.mouse_hover_image (   image_names,
  search_method = _search_method_default,
  tolerance = _tolerance_default,
  timeout = _timeout_default,
  use_wait = True,
  use_center = True 

Move the mouse to an image inside the root X11 window.

For each image in image_names, search for it inside the root X11 window. Return once a match has been found, or the timeout value has been exceeded

image_namesList of image names to search for
search_methodThe search method to use when finding each image. See Libcv Search Methods for more information on how to use the search methods.
toleranceThe tolerance to use when finding each image. See Libcv Search Methods for more information on how to use tolerance.
timeoutWait for timeout seconds before giving up the search for image_names in the root X11 window.
use_wait must be set to True for this parameter to have any effect
use_waitSet to True to make this function wait timeout seconds before giving up finding an image.
If set to False, this function will go through the list of image_names once before giving up.
use_centerSet to True to make this function return the center coordinate of the matched image. Setting to False will use the top-left corner.
Return False if the X11 display was not opened before execution or no images were found, and True otherwise

Definition at line 462 of file

Referenced by mouse_drag_n_drop().

Jiggle the mouse in place.

Move the mouse right and down 1 pixel, and back. Useful for activating menu entries, etc.

Return False if the X11 display was not opened before execution, and True otherwise
Jiggle the mouse in place

Definition at line 511 of file

Scroll the mouse wheel up.

This is the same as pressing mouse button 4

Return False if the X11 display was not opened before execution, and True otherwise

Definition at line 524 of file

Scroll the mouse wheel down.

This is the same as pressing mouse button 5

Return False if the X11 display was not opened before execution, and True otherwise

Definition at line 536 of file

def libcvautomation_funcs.mouse_drag_n_drop (   drag_image,
  use_center = True 

Drag and drop one image to another.

drag_imageThe image to drag from
drag_toThe image giving the location to drag to
use_centerDrag and drop the image using the center of the image as the location where the mouse will click and drag to
Return False if the X11 display was not opened before execution or an image was not found, and True otherwise

Definition at line 550 of file

References mouse_down(), mouse_hover_image(), and mouse_up().

Get the current location of the mouse.

This function will return the current location of the mouse as two variables - i.e. `x, y = mouse_location()`. This is a Python-specific function.

Two variables for the x and y locations

Definition at line 574 of file

Enter a string of text on the keyboard.

This function will simulate pressing the keys exactly as they are entered - unlike libcvautomation_funcs::key_down, libcvautomation_funcs::key_up, and libcvautomation_funcs::key_click, this function will display exactly what you entered: A string of '!' will produce a ! as a keypress.

stringThe string of text to enter on the keyboard
Return False if the X11 display was not opened before execution, and True otherwise

Definition at line 587 of file

def libcvautomation_funcs.key_down (   key_name)

Press a key down on the keyboard, and leave it down.

key_nameThe name of the key to press down. Unlike libcvautomation_funcs::key_string, this command will press a single key corresponding to the string you give it - for example, 'a', 'b', or something fancy like 'space'.
See XTest Key Strings for a full list of accepted key strings.
Return False if the X11 display was not opened before execution, and True otherwise

Definition at line 600 of file

def libcvautomation_funcs.key_up (   key_name)

Release a key on the keyboard.

key_nameThe name of the key to release. Unlike libcvautomation_funcs::key_string, this command will press a single key corresponding to the string you give it - for example, 'a', 'b', or something fancy like 'space'.
See XTest Key Strings for a full list of accepted key strings.
Return False if the X11 display was not opened before execution, and True otherwise

Definition at line 613 of file

def libcvautomation_funcs.key_click (   key_name)

Press and release a key on the keyboard.

key_nameThe name of the key to click. Unlike libcvautomation_funcs::key_string, this command will press a single key corresponding to the string you give it - for example, 'a', 'b', or something fancy like 'space'.
See XTest Key Strings for a full list of accepted key strings.
Return False if the X11 display was not opened before execution, and True otherwise

Definition at line 626 of file

def libcvautomation_funcs.image_location (   image_names,
  search_method = _search_method_default,
  tolerance = _tolerance_default,
  use_center = True 

Get the location of an image on the screen.

image_namesList of image names to search for in the root X11 window
search_methodThe search method to use when matching images. See Libcv Search Methods for more information on using the search_method parameter
toleranceThe tolerance to use when matching images. See Libcv Search Methods for more informatino on using the tolerance parameter
use_centerSet to True to return the center coordinate of an image. Set to False to use the top-left corner of an image
Unlike libcvautomation_funcs::wait_for(), this method will not wait for an image to show up before looking for it.
A dictionary pairing each image name with a cvaPoint class indicating the location it was found at (a point of (-1, -1) indicates the image was not found), or an empty dictionary if the X11 display was not opened before execution.

Definition at line 642 of file

def libcvautomation_funcs.wait_for (   image_names,
  search_method = _search_method_default,
  tolerance = _tolerance_default,
  timeout = _timeout_default,
  use_center = True 

Get the location of an image on the screen, waiting for it to show up.

image_namesList of image names to search for in the root X11 window
search_methodThe search method to use when matching images. See Libcv Search Methods for more information on using the search_method parameter
toleranceThe tolerance to use when matching images. See Libcv Search Methods for more informatino on using the tolerance parameter
timeoutThe time (in seconds) to wait when searching for an image on the root X11 window
use_centerSet to True to return the center coordinate of an image. Set to False to use the top-left corner of an image
A dictionary pairing each image name with a cvaPoint class indicating the location it was found at (a point of (-1, -1) indicates the image was not found), or an empty dictionary if the X11 display was not opened before execution.

Definition at line 670 of file

def libcvautomation_funcs.command_string (   string,
  mouse_button = _mouse_button_default,
  search_method = _search_method_default,
  tolerance = _tolerance_default,
  timeout = _timeout_default 

Execute a libcvautomation command based on a string.

This is a handler for the xte_commandString() function.

Not all commands need all the parameters specified. See xte_commandString() Command Strings for more information on how to use this function.
stringThe command string to execute
mouse_buttonThe mouse button to click, if applicable
search_methodThe search method to use, if applicable. See Libcv Search Methods for more information on how to use the search_method parameter
toleranceThe tolerance to use, if applicable. See Libcv Search Methods for more information on how to use the tolerance parameter
timeoutThe timeout (in seconds) to use, if applicable
A cvaPoint class with the following points:
(0, 0) or up indicates a success.
(-1, -1) indicates either the command was not successful, or that the command was not recognized.
(-2, -2) indicates that the command did not need to return anything - For example, commands like Mouse Jiggle don't normally return a value.

Definition at line 701 of file

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