libcvautomation  2.0
xte_commandString() Command Strings

This page describes the various command strings available for the xte_commandString() function.

Mouse Functions

 'mouseclick <button_number>' 

Click the mouse button <button_number> in-place.

Image Mouse Click

 'imouseclick <image_name>' 

Click the mouse at an image's top-left corner.

Image Mouse Click (Centered)

 'icmouseclick <image_name>' 

Click the mouse at an image's center.

Mouse XY Move

 'mousexy <x-coord> <y-coord>' 

Move the mouse to an absolute coordinate.

The <x-coord> and <y-coord> are expected to be integers.

Mouse XY Move (Relative)

 'mouserxy <x-increment> <y-increment>' 

Move the mouse by the given x and y values (relative motion).

A positive X increment will move the mouse to the right, and a positive Y increment will move the mouse down.
The <x-increment> and <y-increment> are expected to be integers.

Mouse Image Move

 'mouseimage <image_name>' 

Move the mouse to an image's top-left corner.

Mouse Image Move (Centered)

 'cmouseimage <image_name>' 

Move the mouse to an image's center.

Mouse Button Down

 'mousedown <button_number>' 

Push and leave down a mouse button.

Mouse Button Up

 'mouseup <button_number>' 

Release mouse button <button_number>

Mouse Jiggle


Jiggle the mouse (helps to activate some widgets). Moves the mouse right and down 1 pixel, and then back.

Mouse Scroll Down


Scroll the mouse down 1 time - depending on window manager settings, etc., this may be multiple lines.

This is a wrapper function for clicking button 4 on the mouse

Mouse Scroll Up


Scroll the mouse up 1 time - depending on window manager settings, etc., this may be multiple lines.

This is a wrapper function for clicking button 5 on the mouse

Mouse Location


Return the current location of the mouse pointer.

Key Click

 'keyclick <key_name>' 

Push and release a keyboard key. This can be a key like 'a', 'b', or something fancy like 'space'. Please see XTest Key Strings for a full list of special keys.

Key Button Down

 'keydown <key_name>' 

Push down but do not release a keyboard key. This can be a key like 'a', 'b', or something fancy like 'space'. Please see XTest Key Strings for a full list of special keys.

Key Button Up

 'keyup <key_name>' 

Release a keyboard key. This can be a key like 'a', 'b', or something fancy like 'space'. Please see XTest Key Strings for a full list of special keys.

Keyboard Input String

 'keystring <string>' 

Input a string of text to the X11 server. For example, inputting 'Hello, world!" will act as if you typed 'Hello, world!' from the keyboard.

Unlike Key Button Down, Key Button Up, and Key Click, this function can not handle special keys like 'space'.

Wait for Image

 'waitfor <image_name>' 

Wait for an image to show up on screen. For example, this can be used to make sure a button exists before clicking it.

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