mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 21:11:29 -04:00
Add functionality to input a command string
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,25 +30,16 @@ void checkXTEEnabled ();
int main( int argc, char** argv )
/* Set up for getopt */
int mouseXMovement, mouseYMovement;
/* Safe to say that nobody will ever need to move INT_MAX
* pixels. INT_MAX is used to signify an uninitialized value. */
mouseXMovement = mouseYMovement = INT_MAX;
cvaPoint currentLocation;
char *mouseImage;
mouseImage = NULL;
Bool useMouseImage;
useMouseImage = False;
int mouseButton;
mouseButton = 1;
char *keypress;
keypress = NULL;
char *separator;
separator = ",";
char *xDisplayLocation;
xDisplayLocation = "";
Display *display;
display = NULL;
Bool useCenter;
useCenter = False;
int searchMethod, tolerance;
searchMethod = 0;
@ -62,21 +53,11 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv )
{"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
{"usage", no_argument, 0, 'u'},
{"display", required_argument, 0, 'd'},
{"move-mousex", required_argument, 0, 'x'},
{"move-mousey", required_argument, 0, 'y'},
{"mover-mousex",required_argument, 0, 'r'},
{"mover-mousey",required_argument, 0, 's'},
{"movei-mouse", required_argument, 0, 'i'},
{"keypress", required_argument, 0, 'k'},
{"click", optional_argument, 0, 'l'},
{"search-method",required_argument, 0, 'm'},
{"tolerance", required_argument, 0, 't'},
{"button", required_argument, 0, 'b'},
{"center", no_argument, 0, 'c'},
{"jiggle", no_argument, 0, 'j'},
{"string", required_argument, 0, 'n'},
{"keydown", required_argument, 0, 'o'},
{"keyup", required_argument, 0, 'p'},
{"string", required_argument, 0, 's'},
{"print-format",required_argument, 0, 'p'},
/* Other valid values are "optional_argument"
* and "required_argument" */
{0, 0, 0, 0}
@ -85,8 +66,8 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv )
int option_index = 0;
opterr = 0;
int c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hux:y:r:s:i:k:l::", /* Use a single colon for required_argument,
* double colon for optional_argument */
int c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hud:m:t:b:cs:", /* Use a single colon for required_argument,
* double colon for optional_argument */
long_options, &option_index);
/* We're done with parsing options */
@ -115,70 +96,6 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv )
XOpenDisplay( optarg );
case 'x':
if ( display == NULL )
display = XOpenDisplay( xDisplayLocation );
checkXTEEnabled( display );
currentLocation = xte_pointerLocation( display );
xte_hoverMouseXY( display, atoi(optarg), currentLocation.y );
case 'y':
if ( display == NULL )
display = XOpenDisplay( xDisplayLocation );
checkXTEEnabled( display );
currentLocation = xte_pointerLocation( display );
xte_hoverMouseXY( display, currentLocation.x, atoi(optarg) );
case 'r':
if ( display == NULL )
display = XOpenDisplay( xDisplayLocation );
checkXTEEnabled( display );
currentLocation = xte_pointerLocation( display );
xte_hoverMouseRXY( display, atoi(optarg), 0 );
case 's':
if ( display == NULL )
display = XOpenDisplay( xDisplayLocation );
checkXTEEnabled( display );
currentLocation = xte_pointerLocation( display );
xte_hoverMouseRXY( display, 0, atoi(optarg) );
case 'i':
if ( display == NULL )
display = XOpenDisplay( xDisplayLocation );
checkXTEEnabled( display );
if (useCenter)
xte_clickMouseImage_location_center( display, optarg, mouseButton, searchMethod, tolerance );
xte_clickMouseImage_location( display, optarg, mouseButton, searchMethod, tolerance );
case 'k':
if ( display == NULL )
display = XOpenDisplay( xDisplayLocation );
checkXTEEnabled( display );
xte_clickKey( display, optarg );
case 'm':
searchMethod = atoi(optarg);
@ -191,50 +108,18 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv )
mouseButton = atoi(optarg);
case 'c':
useCenter = True;
case 's':
if (display == NULL)
display = XOpenDisplay( xDisplayLocation );
cvaPoint returnPoint;
returnPoint = xte_commandString( display, optarg, mouseButton, searchMethod, tolerance );
if (returnPoint.x != -1 && returnPoint.y != -1)
printf("%s%s%i%s%i\n", optarg, separator, returnPoint.x, separator, returnPoint.y);
printf("%s\n", optarg);
case 'l':
if ( display == NULL )
display = XOpenDisplay( xDisplayLocation );
checkXTEEnabled( display );
xte_clickMouse( display, mouseButton );
case 'j':
if ( display == NULL )
display = XOpenDisplay( xDisplayLocation );
checkXTEEnabled( display );
xte_mouseJiggle( display );
case 'n':
if ( display == NULL )
display = XOpenDisplay( xDisplayLocation );
checkXTEEnabled( display );
xte_clickKeyStr ( display, optarg );
case 'o':
if ( display == NULL )
display = XOpenDisplay( xDisplayLocation );
checkXTEEnabled( display );
xte_keyDown( display, optarg );
case 'p':
if ( display == NULL )
display = XOpenDisplay( xDisplayLocation );
checkXTEEnabled( display );
xte_keyUp( display, optarg );
case '?':
/* Error routine */
@ -271,25 +156,34 @@ Usage: \n\
\t-h, --help:\t\tDisplay this usage message.\n\
\t-u, --usage:\t\tDisplay this usage message.\n\
\t-d, --display:\t\tSpecify the X display to use.\n\
\t-x, --move-mousex:\tSpecify the end location of the mouse (x-coordinate).\n\
\t-y, --move-mousey:\tSpecify the end location of the mouse (y-coordinate).\n\
\t-r, --mover-mousex:\tSpecify the distance in the X plane to move the mouse.\n\
\t-s, --mover-mousey:\tSpecify the distance in the Y plane to move the mouse.\n\
\t-i, --movei-mouse:\tSpecify an image to click.\n\
\t\t\t\tBy default, the program will click the top-left corner of the image.\n\
\t\t\t\tUse the \"-c\" switch to change this.\n\
\t-k, --keypress:\t\tSpecify a key to press.\n\
\t-m, --search-method:\tSpecify a method to search by. See `cva-match --help\'\n\
\t\t\t\tfor more information on this.\n\
\t-t, --tolerance:\tSpecify how strict the match is.\n\
\t-b, --button:\t\tSpecify the mouse button to press (default 1).\n\
\t-c, --center:\t\tInstead of matching the top-left corner of an image,\n\
\t\t\t\tmatch the center of the image.\n\
\t-s, --string:\t\tCommand string - see below.\n\
This program works kind of like a mini-language using getopt. All options\n\
This program works kind of like a mini-language. All options\n\
are parsed left-to-right, and executed right there. Thus, specifying \"--display\"\n\
at different places in the options will cause this program to use the most recent\n\
given display.\n\
Available commands:\n\
\tmouseclick:\tClick the mouse in-place.\n\
\timouseclick:\tClick the mouse at an image's top-left corner.\n\
\ticmouseclick:\tClick the mouse at an image's center.\n\
\tmousexy:\tMove the mouse to the given coordinate.\n\
\tmouserxy:\tMove the mouse by the given x and y values (relative motion).\n\
\tmouseimage:\tMove the mouse to an image's top-left corner.\n\
\tcmouseimage:\tMove the mouse to an image's center.\n\
\tmousedown:\tPush and leave down a mouse button.\n\
\tmouseup:\tRelease a mouse button.\n\
\tmousejiggle:\tJiggle the mouse (helps to activate some widgets).\n\
\tkeyclick:\tClick a keyboard button.\n\
\tkeydown:\tPush and leave down a keyboard button.\n\
\tkeyup:\tRelease a keyboard button.\n\
\tkeystring:\tInput a string of keys to X11.\n\
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, email <bspeice@uncc.edu>.\n\n" );
exit (0);
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
/* Make sure that the XTest extension is supported.
* If it's not, return 0 (false) */
int xte_XTestSupported ( Display *displayLocation );
Bool xte_XTestSupported ( Display *displayLocation );
/* Get the current location of the pointer */
cvaPoint xte_pointerLocation ( Display *displayLocation );
@ -38,18 +38,18 @@ void xte_clickMouseXY ( Display *displayLocation, int xLocation, int yLocation,
void xte_clickMouseRXY ( Display *displayLocation, int xIncrement, int yIncrement, int mouseButton );
/* Click the mouse at the top-left corner of an image on the specified display */
void xte_clickMouseImage ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int mouseButton, int searchMethod, int tolerance );
cvaPoint xte_clickMouseImage ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int mouseButton, int searchMethod, int tolerance );
/* Click the mouse at the top-left corner of an image on the specified display
* where the subImage is a file location */
void xte_clickMouseImage_location ( Display *displayLocation, const char *fileName, int mouseButton, int searchMethod, int tolerance );
cvaPoint xte_clickMouseImage_location ( Display *displayLocation, const char *fileName, int mouseButton, int searchMethod, int tolerance );
/* Click the mouse at the center of an image on the specified display */
void xte_clickMouseImage_center ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int mouseButton, int searchMethod, int tolerance );
cvaPoint xte_clickMouseImage_center ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int mouseButton, int searchMethod, int tolerance );
/* Click the mouse at the center of an image on the specified display
* where the subImage is a file location */
void xte_clickMouseImage_location_center ( Display *displayLocation, const char *fileName, int mouseButton, int searchMethod, int tolerance );
cvaPoint xte_clickMouseImage_location_center ( Display *displayLocation, const char *fileName, int mouseButton, int searchMethod, int tolerance );
/* Move the mouse to a location and leave it there */
void xte_hoverMouseXY ( Display *displayLocation, int xLocation, int yLocation );
@ -59,19 +59,19 @@ void xte_hoverMouseRXY ( Display *displayLocation, int xIncrement, int yIncremen
/* Move the mouse to a location at the top-left corner of an image on the specified display
* but don't click the mouse */
void xte_hoverMouseImage ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int searchMethod, int tolerance );
cvaPoint xte_hoverMouseImage ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int searchMethod, int tolerance );
/* Move the mouse to a location at the top-left corner of an image from file on the specified display
* but don't click the mouse */
void xte_hoverMouseImage_location ( Display *displayLocation, const char *filename, int searchMethod, int tolerance );
cvaPoint xte_hoverMouseImage_location ( Display *displayLocation, const char *filename, int searchMethod, int tolerance );
/* Move the mouse to a location at the center of an image on the specified display
* but don't click the mouse */
void xte_hoverMouseImage_center ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int searchMethod, int tolerance );
cvaPoint xte_hoverMouseImage_center ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int searchMethod, int tolerance );
/* Move the mouse to a location at the center of an image from file on the specified display
* but don't click the mouse */
void xte_hoverMouseImage_location_center ( Display *displayLocation, const char *fileName, int searchMethod, int tolerance );
cvaPoint xte_hoverMouseImage_location_center ( Display *displayLocation, const char *fileName, int searchMethod, int tolerance );
/* Push a mouse button down, but don't release it */
void xte_mouseDown ( Display *displayLocation, int mouseButton );
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ void xte_mouseJiggle ( Display *displayLocation );
void xte_clickKey ( Display *displayLocation, char *key );
/* Press and release keys in a string */
void xte_clickKeyStr ( Display *displayLocation, const char *string );
void xte_clickKeyStr ( Display *displayLocation, char *string );
/* Press a key down */
void xte_keyDown ( Display *displayLocation, char *key );
@ -95,4 +95,7 @@ void xte_keyDown ( Display *displayLocation, char *key );
/* Release a key */
void xte_keyUp ( Display *displayLocation, char *key );
/* Use one of the functions by command name */
cvaPoint xte_commandString ( Display *displayLocation, char *command, int mouseButton, int searchMethod, int tolerance );
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
/* C includes */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
/* OpenCV2 includes - some filenames are different */
@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
#include <libcvautomation/libcvautomation-xtest.h>
#define IS_CMD( x, y ) strncmp( x, y, strlen( y ) ) == 0
#define COMMAND_STR_LEN 512
/* Note: The XLib documentation says that we shouldn't need to XFlush,
* but I've found in testing that events don't get done correctly unless
* we do. I've included the XFlush() calls. */
@ -29,7 +32,7 @@
* If it's not, return 0 (false)
* =====================================================================================
int xte_XTestSupported ( Display *displayLocation )
Bool xte_XTestSupported ( Display *displayLocation )
int event_basep, error_basep, majorp, minorp;
return XTestQueryExtension( displayLocation, &event_basep, &error_basep, &majorp, &minorp );
@ -123,7 +126,7 @@ void xte_clickMouseRXY ( Display *displayLocation, int xIncrement, int yIncremen
* Description: Click the mouse at the top-left corner of an image on the specified display
* =====================================================================================
void xte_clickMouseImage ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int mouseButton, int searchMethod, int tolerance )
cvaPoint xte_clickMouseImage ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int mouseButton, int searchMethod, int tolerance )
/* This one is a bit more in-depth -
* Find where the image is at
@ -134,9 +137,13 @@ void xte_clickMouseImage ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int mou
resultPoint = matchSubImage_X11 ( displayLocation, subImage, searchMethod, tolerance );
cvaPoint result;
result.x = resultPoint.x;
result.y = resultPoint.y;
if (resultPoint.x == -1 && resultPoint.y == -1)
/* Match not found */
return result;
cvaPoint pointerLocation;
pointerLocation = xte_pointerLocation( displayLocation );
@ -151,6 +158,8 @@ void xte_clickMouseImage ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int mou
XTestFakeButtonEvent( displayLocation, mouseButton, 0, CurrentTime );
XFlush( displayLocation );
return result;
@ -160,15 +169,19 @@ void xte_clickMouseImage ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int mou
* where the subImage is a file location
* =====================================================================================
void xte_clickMouseImage_location ( Display *displayLocation, const char *fileName, int mouseButton, int searchMethod, int tolerance )
cvaPoint xte_clickMouseImage_location ( Display *displayLocation, const char *fileName, int mouseButton, int searchMethod, int tolerance )
CvPoint resultPoint;
resultPoint = matchSubImage_X11_location( displayLocation, fileName, searchMethod, tolerance );
cvaPoint result;
result.x = resultPoint.x;
result.y = resultPoint.y;
if (resultPoint.x == -1 && resultPoint.y == -1)
/* Match not found */
return result;
cvaPoint pointerLocation;
pointerLocation = xte_pointerLocation( displayLocation );
@ -183,6 +196,8 @@ void xte_clickMouseImage_location ( Display *displayLocation, const char *fileNa
XTestFakeButtonEvent( displayLocation, mouseButton, 0, CurrentTime );
XFlush( displayLocation );
return result;
@ -191,7 +206,7 @@ void xte_clickMouseImage_location ( Display *displayLocation, const char *fileNa
* Description: Click the mouse at the center of an image on the specified display
* =====================================================================================
void xte_clickMouseImage_center ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int mouseButton, int searchMethod, int tolerance )
cvaPoint xte_clickMouseImage_center ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int mouseButton, int searchMethod, int tolerance )
/* This one is a bit more in-depth -
* Find where the image is at
@ -202,9 +217,13 @@ void xte_clickMouseImage_center ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage,
resultPoint = matchSubImage_X11_center ( displayLocation, subImage, searchMethod, tolerance );
cvaPoint result;
result.x = resultPoint.x;
result.y = resultPoint.y;
if (resultPoint.x == -1 && resultPoint.y == -1)
/* Match not found */
return result;
cvaPoint pointerLocation;
pointerLocation = xte_pointerLocation( displayLocation );
@ -219,6 +238,8 @@ void xte_clickMouseImage_center ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage,
XTestFakeButtonEvent( displayLocation, mouseButton, 0, CurrentTime );
XFlush( displayLocation );
return result;
@ -228,15 +249,19 @@ void xte_clickMouseImage_center ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage,
* where the subImage is a file location
* =====================================================================================
void xte_clickMouseImage_location_center ( Display *displayLocation, const char *fileName, int mouseButton, int searchMethod, int tolerance )
cvaPoint xte_clickMouseImage_location_center ( Display *displayLocation, const char *fileName, int mouseButton, int searchMethod, int tolerance )
CvPoint resultPoint;
resultPoint = matchSubImage_X11_location_center( displayLocation, fileName, searchMethod, tolerance );
cvaPoint result;
result.x = resultPoint.x;
result.y = resultPoint.y;
if (resultPoint.x == -1 && resultPoint.y == -1)
/* Match not found */
return result;
cvaPoint pointerLocation;
pointerLocation = xte_pointerLocation( displayLocation );
@ -251,6 +276,8 @@ void xte_clickMouseImage_location_center ( Display *displayLocation, const char
XTestFakeButtonEvent( displayLocation, mouseButton, 0, CurrentTime );
XFlush( displayLocation );
return result;
@ -294,14 +321,18 @@ void xte_hoverMouseRXY ( Display *displayLocation, int xIncrement, int yIncremen
* the specified display but don't click the mouse
* =====================================================================================
void xte_hoverMouseImage ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int searchMethod, int tolerance )
cvaPoint xte_hoverMouseImage ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int searchMethod, int tolerance )
CvPoint resultPoint;
resultPoint = matchSubImage_X11( displayLocation, subImage, searchMethod, tolerance );
cvaPoint result;
result.x = resultPoint.x;
result.y = resultPoint.y;
if (resultPoint.x == -1 && resultPoint.y == -1)
/* Match not found */
return result;
cvaPoint pointerLocation;
pointerLocation = xte_pointerLocation( displayLocation );
@ -313,6 +344,8 @@ void xte_hoverMouseImage ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int sea
XTestFakeRelativeMotionEvent( displayLocation, xIncrement, yIncrement, CurrentTime );
XFlush( displayLocation );
return result;
@ -322,14 +355,18 @@ void xte_hoverMouseImage ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int sea
* file on the specified display but don't click the mouse
* =====================================================================================
void xte_hoverMouseImage_location ( Display *displayLocation, const char *fileName, int searchMethod, int tolerance )
cvaPoint xte_hoverMouseImage_location ( Display *displayLocation, const char *fileName, int searchMethod, int tolerance )
CvPoint resultPoint;
resultPoint = matchSubImage_X11_location( displayLocation, fileName, searchMethod, tolerance );
cvaPoint result;
result.x = resultPoint.x;
result.y = resultPoint.y;
if (resultPoint.x == -1 && resultPoint.y == -1)
/* Match not found */
return result;
cvaPoint pointerLocation;
pointerLocation = xte_pointerLocation( displayLocation );
@ -341,6 +378,8 @@ void xte_hoverMouseImage_location ( Display *displayLocation, const char *fileNa
XTestFakeRelativeMotionEvent( displayLocation, xIncrement, yIncrement, CurrentTime );
XFlush( displayLocation );
return result;
@ -350,14 +389,18 @@ void xte_hoverMouseImage_location ( Display *displayLocation, const char *fileNa
* specified display but don't click the mouse
* =====================================================================================
void xte_hoverMouseImage_center ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int searchMethod, int tolerance )
cvaPoint xte_hoverMouseImage_center ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int searchMethod, int tolerance )
CvPoint resultPoint;
resultPoint = matchSubImage_X11_center( displayLocation, subImage, searchMethod, tolerance );
cvaPoint result;
result.x = resultPoint.x;
result.y = resultPoint.y;
if (resultPoint.x == -1 && resultPoint.y == -1)
/* Match not found */
return result;
cvaPoint pointerLocation;
pointerLocation = xte_pointerLocation( displayLocation );
@ -369,6 +412,8 @@ void xte_hoverMouseImage_center ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage,
XTestFakeRelativeMotionEvent( displayLocation, xIncrement, yIncrement, CurrentTime );
XFlush( displayLocation );
return result;
@ -378,14 +423,18 @@ void xte_hoverMouseImage_center ( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage,
* the specified display but don't click the mouse
* =====================================================================================
void xte_hoverMouseImage_location_center ( Display *displayLocation, const char *fileName, int searchMethod, int tolerance )
cvaPoint xte_hoverMouseImage_location_center ( Display *displayLocation, const char *fileName, int searchMethod, int tolerance )
CvPoint resultPoint;
resultPoint = matchSubImage_X11_location_center( displayLocation, fileName, searchMethod, tolerance );
cvaPoint result;
result.x = resultPoint.x;
result.y = resultPoint.y;
if (resultPoint.x == -1 && resultPoint.y == -1)
/* Match not found */
return result;
cvaPoint pointerLocation;
pointerLocation = xte_pointerLocation( displayLocation );
@ -397,6 +446,8 @@ void xte_hoverMouseImage_location_center ( Display *displayLocation, const char
XTestFakeRelativeMotionEvent( displayLocation, xIncrement, yIncrement, CurrentTime );
XFlush( displayLocation );
return result;
@ -470,10 +521,11 @@ void xte_clickKey ( Display *displayLocation, char *key )
* Description: Press and release keys in a string
* =====================================================================================
void xte_clickKeyStr ( Display *displayLocation, const char *string )
void xte_clickKeyStr ( Display *displayLocation, char *string )
/* TODO: Code the function to convert a string to key presses */
/* TODO: Write the code to implement a function that allows you to enter a string
* at a time to X, rather than a single character.*/
@ -519,3 +571,172 @@ void xte_keyUp ( Display *displayLocation, char *key )
XFlush( displayLocation );
* === FUNCTION ======================================================================
* Name: xte_commandString
* Description: Use one of the functions by command name
* =====================================================================================
cvaPoint xte_commandString ( Display *displayLocation, char *commandString, int mouseButton, int searchMethod, int tolerance )
/* Alright, this function bears a bit of talking about.
* The way it works is that you give the **command two parameters:
* [0]: The command
* [1]: The command argument
* And what happens is that I test here for the command, and pass it off.
* This functionality was inspired by xte from xautomation,
* the original can be found at: http://hoopajoo.net/projects/xautomation.html
* Most of the code for parsing is the same, just easier to do it that way. */
/* Note that most of the functions don't need mouseButton, searchMethod, or tolerance,
* but they're here to make sure that they're available if needed. */
/* Perform basic sanity checking */
if (commandString == NULL)
/* And now we sanitize the input */
char *s_commandString;
s_commandString = (char*)malloc(COMMAND_STR_LEN * sizeof(char));
memset(s_commandString, '\0', COMMAND_STR_LEN * sizeof(char));
strncpy( s_commandString, commandString, COMMAND_STR_LEN - 1 );
/* And now to test for all of our options */
if (IS_CMD( s_commandString, "mouseclick" ))
int mouseButton;
sscanf( s_commandString, "mouseclick %i", &mouseButton );
xte_clickMouse( displayLocation, mouseButton );
else if (IS_CMD( s_commandString, "mousexy" ))
int xLocation, yLocation;
sscanf( s_commandString, "mousexy %i %i", &xLocation, &yLocation );
xte_hoverMouseXY( displayLocation, xLocation, yLocation );
else if (IS_CMD( s_commandString, "mouserxy" ))
int xIncrement, yIncrement;
sscanf( s_commandString, "mouserxy %i %i", &xIncrement, &yIncrement );
xte_hoverMouseRXY( displayLocation, xIncrement, yIncrement );
else if (IS_CMD( s_commandString, "mouseimage" ))
char *fileName;
fileName = malloc(COMMAND_STR_LEN * sizeof(char));
sscanf( s_commandString, "mouseimage %s", fileName );
cvaPoint resultPoint;
resultPoint = xte_hoverMouseImage_location( displayLocation, fileName, searchMethod, tolerance );
return resultPoint;
else if (IS_CMD( s_commandString, "cmouseimage" ))
char *fileName;
fileName = malloc(COMMAND_STR_LEN * sizeof(char));
sscanf( s_commandString, "cmouseimage %s", fileName );
xte_hoverMouseImage_location_center( displayLocation, fileName, searchMethod, tolerance );
else if (IS_CMD( s_commandString, "imouseclick" ))
char *fileName;
fileName = malloc(COMMAND_STR_LEN * sizeof(char));
sscanf( s_commandString, "imouseclick %s", fileName );
cvaPoint resultPoint;
resultPoint = xte_clickMouseImage_location( displayLocation, fileName, mouseButton, searchMethod, tolerance );
return resultPoint;
else if (IS_CMD( s_commandString, "icmouseclick" ))
char *fileName;
fileName = malloc(COMMAND_STR_LEN * sizeof(char));
sscanf( s_commandString, "icmouseclick %s", fileName );
cvaPoint resultPoint;
resultPoint = xte_clickMouseImage_location_center( displayLocation, fileName, mouseButton, searchMethod, tolerance );
return resultPoint;
else if (IS_CMD( s_commandString, "mousedown" ))
int mouseButton;
sscanf( s_commandString, "mousedown %i", &mouseButton );
xte_mouseDown( displayLocation, mouseButton );
else if (IS_CMD( s_commandString, "mouseup" ))
int mouseButton;
sscanf( s_commandString, "mouseup %i", &mouseButton );
xte_mouseUp( displayLocation, mouseButton );
else if (IS_CMD( s_commandString, "mousejiggle" ))
xte_mouseJiggle( displayLocation );
else if (IS_CMD( s_commandString, "keyclick" ))
char *key;
key = malloc(COMMAND_STR_LEN * sizeof(char));
sscanf( s_commandString, "keyclick %s", key );
xte_clickKey( displayLocation, key );
else if (IS_CMD( s_commandString, "keydown" ))
char *key;
key = malloc(COMMAND_STR_LEN * sizeof(char));
sscanf( s_commandString, "keydown %s", key );
xte_keyDown( displayLocation, key );
else if (IS_CMD( s_commandString, "keyup" ))
char *key;
key = malloc(COMMAND_STR_LEN * sizeof(char));
sscanf( s_commandString, "keyup %s", key );
xte_keyUp( displayLocation, key );
else if (IS_CMD( s_commandString, "keystring" ))
char *keyString;
keyString = malloc(COMMAND_STR_LEN * sizeof(char));
sscanf( s_commandString, "keystring %s", keyString );
xte_clickKeyStr( displayLocation, keyString );
cvaPoint resultPoint;
resultPoint.x = -1;
resultPoint.y = -1;
return resultPoint;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user