kiva-dig/Kiva Exploration.ipynb

275 lines
9.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-11-02 18:31:44 -04:00
"cells": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"# Understanding the Kiva Dataset\n",
"Before we actually get into the work of predicting anything based on the data Kiva makes public, we first want to get a better picture of what the dataset actually looks like.\n",
"Our first step: What is the schema of the data? Spark SQL will make it easy to query data in the future, but we need to know first what is available."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"sparkSql = (SparkSession.builder\n",
" .master(\"local\")\n",
" .appName(\"Kiva Exploration\")\n",
" .getOrCreate())\n",
"loans ='json').load('kiva-data/loans.json')\n",
"lenders ='json').load('kiva-data/lenders.json')\n",
"loans_lenders ='json').load('kiva-data/loans_lenders.json')"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
" |-- activity: string (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- basket_amount: long (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- bonus_credit_eligibility: boolean (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- borrowers: array (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)\n",
" | | |-- first_name: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- gender: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- last_name: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- pictured: boolean (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- currency_exchange_loss_amount: double (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- delinquent: boolean (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- description: struct (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- languages: array (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- element: string (containsNull = true)\n",
" | |-- texts: struct (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- ar: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- en: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- es: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- fr: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- id: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- mn: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- pt: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- ru: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- vi: string (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- funded_amount: long (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- funded_date: string (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- id: long (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- image: struct (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- id: long (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- template_id: long (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- journal_totals: struct (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- bulkEntries: long (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- entries: long (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- lender_count: long (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- loan_amount: long (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- location: struct (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- country: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- country_code: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- geo: struct (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- level: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- pairs: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- type: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- town: string (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- name: string (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- paid_amount: double (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- paid_date: string (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- partner_id: long (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- payments: array (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)\n",
" | | |-- amount: double (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- currency_exchange_loss_amount: double (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- local_amount: double (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- payment_id: long (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- processed_date: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- rounded_local_amount: double (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- settlement_date: string (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- planned_expiration_date: string (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- posted_date: string (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- sector: string (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- status: string (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- tags: array (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)\n",
" | | |-- name: string (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- terms: struct (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- disbursal_amount: double (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- disbursal_currency: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- disbursal_date: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- loan_amount: long (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- local_payments: array (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)\n",
" | | | |-- amount: double (nullable = true)\n",
" | | | |-- due_date: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- loss_liability: struct (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- currency_exchange: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- currency_exchange_coverage_rate: double (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- nonpayment: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- repayment_interval: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- repayment_term: long (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- scheduled_payments: array (nullable = true)\n",
" | | |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)\n",
" | | | |-- amount: double (nullable = true)\n",
" | | | |-- due_date: string (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- themes: array (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- element: string (containsNull = true)\n",
" |-- translator: struct (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- byline: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- image: long (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- use: string (nullable = true)\n",
" |-- video: struct (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- id: long (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- thumbnailImageId: long (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- title: string (nullable = true)\n",
" | |-- youtubeId: string (nullable = true)\n",
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"[Row(status=u'refunded', count=5504),\n",
" Row(status=u'defaulted', count=21776),\n",
" Row(status=u'in_repayment', count=155749),\n",
" Row(status=u'reviewed', count=3),\n",
" Row(status=u'deleted', count=2721),\n",
" Row(status=u'paid', count=775330),\n",
" Row(status=u'issue', count=199),\n",
" Row(status=u'inactive_expired', count=12421),\n",
" Row(status=u'fundraising', count=3986),\n",
" Row(status=u'expired', count=33773),\n",
" Row(status=u'inactive', count=2493),\n",
" Row(status=u'funded', count=173),\n",
" Row(status=u'', count=2)]"
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"[Row(delinquent=None, count=970465), Row(delinquent=True, count=43665)]"
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 6,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"[Row(status=u'refunded', count=156),\n",
" Row(status=u'defaulted', count=20116),\n",
" Row(status=u'in_repayment', count=23393)]"
"execution_count": 6,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"loans.where(loans.delinquent == True).groupby(loans.status).count().collect()"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 19,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"execution_count": 19,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"SELECT loans.status\n",
"FROM loans\n",
"LIMIT 1\n",
"metadata": {
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