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synced 2025-03-13 07:11:32 -04:00
Completed most of best/worst fit algorithms
Modified main class to run these algorithms Signed-off-by: David Weber <djw612@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,163 +5,183 @@
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.*;
public class BestFitAlgorithm implements baseAlgorithm{
int memoryBlock[];
private Job[] jobArray = new Job[memoryManagement.JOBAMOUNT+10];
ArrayList<Integer> candidates;
List<Integer> indices;
List<Integer> blocks;
int memoryLocation;
int bestSize; //The most suitable block size for the job
int bestSizeIndex; //The most suitable block size starting index for the job
public BestFitAlgorithm(int memorySize)
//Initialize memory block to whatever the size is
memoryBlock = new int[memorySize];
System.out.println("The size of the memory is: " + memoryBlock.length);
blocks = new ArrayList<>(); //Dynamically resizable array list for allocation candidates (interleaved with index and memory size);
indices = new ArrayList<>(); //Dynamically resizable array list for allocation candidates (interleaved with index and memory size);
public int getBestSizeIndex(int jobSize)
public int getBestIndex(int jobSize)
int bestSize; //The most suitable block size for the job
int bestSizeIndex; //The most suitable block size starting index for the job
memoryLocation = 0;
System.out.println("The size of the job is: " + jobSize);
candidates = new ArrayList<Integer>(); //Dynamically resizable array list for allocation candidates (interleaved with index and memory size)
int counter = 0; //Counter for measuring unallocated memory
//Scan through memory block and get free blocks. Add candidates for allocation to array list
for(int i = 0; i < memoryBlock.length; i++)
//If position in memory block here is 0, iterate from that index and count up sequential 0's (free space)
if(memoryBlock[i] == 0)
for(int j = i; j < memoryBlock.length - i; j++)
if(memoryBlock[j] == 0)
if(counter == jobSize)
candidates.add(i); //Store index
candidates.add(counter); //Store size of free memory chunk
else if(counter >= jobSize)
candidates.add(i); //Store index
candidates.add(counter); //Store size of free memory chunk
//System.out.println("The size of the counter is: " + counter);
counter = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < candidates.size(); i++)
System.out.println("Candidate index: " + candidates.get(i));
System.out.println("Candidate size: " + candidates.get(i+1));
//Iterate through candidate sizes
bestSizeIndex = candidates.get(0).intValue(); //Initialize best index to first spot in array list
bestSize = candidates.get(1).intValue(); //Initialize bestSize to first space size in candidate
//Iterate through sizes and find the best fit
for(int i = 1; i < candidates.size(); i=i+2)
//Best possible case: job size = free block size (you're done)
if(candidates.get(i).intValue() == jobSize)
bestSizeIndex = i - 1;
System.out.println("The best size index is: " + bestSizeIndex);
return bestSizeIndex; //You're done. Return the value.
//If the current size is less than the previous best size, make this the new best size
else if(candidates.get(i).intValue() < bestSize)
bestSize = candidates.get(i+1).intValue();
bestSizeIndex = i - 1;
System.out.println("The best size index is: " + bestSizeIndex);
System.out.println("The best size is: " + bestSize);
//No candidates
while (memoryLocation < this.memoryBlock.length)
System.out.println("No best size index");
return -1;
if (memoryBlock[memoryLocation] != 0){
int beginningLoc = memoryLocation;
int free = 0;
while (memoryLocation < this.memoryBlock.length && memoryBlock[memoryLocation] == 0)
if (free >= jobSize){
//System.out.println("Found a block of size " + free + " at " + beginningLoc);
return bestSizeIndex;
//System.out.println("Size of indices array: " + indices.size());
//System.out.println("Size of sizes array: " + blocks.size());
for(int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++)
//System.out.println("Index: " + indices.get(i));
//System.out.println("Size: " + blocks.get(i));
int bestIndex = -1;
int bSize = blocks.get(0).intValue();
for(int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++)
if(blocks.get(i).intValue() == jobSize)
//Best possible fit. You're done.
//System.out.println("Best Case");
bestIndex = indices.get(i).intValue();
else if((blocks.get(i).intValue() <= bSize && blocks.get(i).intValue() >= jobSize) || blocks.get(i).intValue() > -1)
bestIndex = indices.get(i).intValue();
//System.out.println("bestIndex: " + bestIndex);
//System.out.println("bSize: " + bSize);
return bestIndex;
public void allocate(int jobID, int jobSize, int jobTime)
Method deallocateMethod = this.getClass().getMethod("deallocate", new Class[]{int.class, int.class});
//checks to see if the job will fit in memory
bestSizeIndex = this.getBestIndex(jobSize);
if(jobSize > memoryBlock.length)
System.out.println("This job is too large");
//System.out.println("Job is too large for current memory size");
int bestSizeIndex = getBestSizeIndex(jobSize);
//No candidates found
if(bestSizeIndex == -1)
if(bestSizeIndex == -1)
System.out.println("No candidates found...attempting to compact");
//Try compacting, then attempt to get an index again
bestSizeIndex = getBestSizeIndex(jobSize);
//Compacting still didn't produce an appropriate block
if(bestSizeIndex == -1)
//TODO .....
//Compact and try again
//System.out.println("Compacting memory...");
bestSizeIndex = this.getBestIndex(jobSize);
//Allocate the memory
for(int i = bestSizeIndex; i < jobSize; i++)
memoryBlock[i] = jobID;
//System.out.println("The size of the job is: " + jobSize);
//System.out.println("The best size index is: " + bestSizeIndex);
System.out.println("Successfully allocated!");
for(int i = 0; i < memoryBlock.length; i++)
System.out.println("Job at position " + i + "in memoryblock: " + memoryBlock[i]);
for(int i = bestSizeIndex; i < jobSize + bestSizeIndex; i++)
//System.out.println("Writing jobID: " + jobID + " to position " + i + " in memory block!");
this.memoryBlock[i] = jobID;
//System.out.println("Successfully allocated! Starting job...");
Job newJob = new Job(jobSize, jobID, jobSize, bestSizeIndex, deallocateMethod, this);
jobArray[jobID] = newJob;
//System.out.println("Job started!");
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("Could not allocate job with ID " + jobID);
//System.out.println("Could not allocate job with ID " + jobID);
* This method gathers all occupied memory and stores it contiguously in an array list of blocks.
* After that, it rewrites the memoryBlock array by writing the memory in contiguous order, and then
* filling in the rest of the memory with 0's
public void compact()
//TODO: Compact memory if no suitable allocation candidates are found on the first pass
List<Integer> takenBlocks = new ArrayList<>();
memoryLocation = 0;
//Gather allocated memory
while(memoryLocation < this.memoryBlock.length && memoryBlock[memoryLocation] != 0)
for(int i = 0; i < takenBlocks.size(); i++)
this.memoryBlock[i] = takenBlocks.get(i).intValue();
for(int i = takenBlocks.size(); i < this.memoryBlock.length; i++)
this.memoryBlock[i] = 0;
/*System.out.println("Successfully compacted!");
System.out.println("Cannot compact!");
public void deallocate(int jobSize, int beginningLocation)
for(int i = beginningLocation; i < jobSize; i++)
for(int i = beginningLocation; i < jobSize + beginningLocation; i++)
memoryBlock[i] = 0;
@ -1,111 +1,188 @@
* Worst Fit Algorithm by David Weber
* Best Fit Algorithm by David Weber
* ITCS 3146
* 11/9/2012
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;
public class WorstFitAlgorithm implements baseAlgorithm{
int memoryBlock[];
private Job[] jobArray = new Job[memoryManagement.JOBAMOUNT+10];
List<Integer> indices;
List<Integer> blocks;
int memoryLocation;
int worstSize; //The most suitable block size for the job
int worstSizeIndex; //The most suitable block size starting index for the job
public WorstFitAlgorithm(int memorySize)
//Initialize memory block to whatever the size is
memoryBlock = new int[memorySize];
blocks = new ArrayList<>(); //Dynamically resizable array list for allocation candidates (interleaved with index and memory size);
indices = new ArrayList<>(); //Dynamically resizable array list for allocation candidates (interleaved with index and memory size);
public int getWorstSizeIndex(int jobSize)
public int getWorstIndex(int jobSize)
int worstSize = 0;
int worstSizeIndex = 0;
memoryLocation = 0;
ArrayList<Integer> candidates = new ArrayList<Integer>(); //Dynamically resizable array list for allocation candidates (interleaved with index and memory size)
int counter = 0; //Counter for measuring unallocated memory
//Scan through memory block and get free blocks
for(int i = 0; i < memoryBlock.length; i++)
//If position in memory block here is 0, iterate from that index and count up sequential 0's
if(memoryBlock[i] == 0)
for(int j = i; j < memoryBlock.length - i; j++)
if(memoryBlock[j] == 0)
if(counter >= jobSize)
candidates.add(i); //Store index
candidates.add(counter); //Store size of free memory chunk
counter = 0;
//Iterate through candidate sizes
worstSizeIndex = 0; //Initialize best index to first spot in array list
worstSize = candidates.get(1).intValue(); //Initialize bestSize to first space size in candidate
//Iterate through sizes and find the best fit
for(int i = 1; i < candidates.size(); i=i+2)
//If the current size is greater than the previous best size, make this the new best size
if(candidates.get(i).intValue() > worstSize)
worstSize = candidates.get(i+1).intValue();
worstSizeIndex = i - 1;
//If the best size is less than the job size, run this again
while (memoryLocation < this.memoryBlock.length)
return -1;
if (memoryBlock[memoryLocation] != 0){
int beginningLoc = memoryLocation;
int free = 0;
while (memoryLocation < this.memoryBlock.length && memoryBlock[memoryLocation] == 0)
if (free >= jobSize){
//System.out.println("Found a block of size " + free + " at " + beginningLoc);
return worstSizeIndex;
//System.out.println("Size of indices array: " + indices.size());
//System.out.println("Size of sizes array: " + blocks.size());
for(int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++)
//System.out.println("Index: " + indices.get(i));
//System.out.println("Size: " + blocks.get(i));
int worstIndex = -1;
int wSize = blocks.get(0).intValue();
for(int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++)
//Get largest possible free block to allocate to
if((blocks.get(i).intValue() >= wSize && blocks.get(i).intValue() >= jobSize) || blocks.get(i).intValue() > -1)
worstIndex = indices.get(i).intValue();
//"Worst fit"....same size as job size
else if(blocks.get(i).intValue() == jobSize)
//"Worst" possible fit. You're done.
//System.out.println("Worst Case");
worstIndex = indices.get(i).intValue();
//System.out.println("bestIndex: " + bestIndex);
//System.out.println("bSize: " + bSize);
return worstIndex;
public void allocate(int jobID, int jobSize, int jobTime)
int worstSizeIndex = getWorstSizeIndex(jobSize);
if(worstSizeIndex == -1) //No candidates found
//Try compacting, then attempt to get an index again
worstSizeIndex = getWorstSizeIndex(jobSize);
Method deallocateMethod = this.getClass().getMethod("deallocate", new Class[]{int.class, int.class});
worstSizeIndex = this.getWorstIndex(jobSize);
if(jobSize > memoryBlock.length)
//System.out.println("Job is too large for current memory size");
//Compacting still didn't produce an appropriate block
if(worstSizeIndex == -1)
//TODO .....
//Compact and try again
//System.out.println("Compacting memory...");
worstSizeIndex = this.getWorstIndex(jobSize);
//System.out.println("The size of the job is: " + jobSize);
//System.out.println("The best size index is: " + bestSizeIndex);
for(int i = worstSizeIndex; i < jobSize + worstSizeIndex; i++)
//System.out.println("Writing jobID: " + jobID + " to position " + i + " in memory block!");
this.memoryBlock[i] = jobID;
//System.out.println("Successfully allocated! Starting job...");
Job newJob = new Job(jobSize, jobID, jobSize, worstSizeIndex, deallocateMethod, this);
//Allocate the memory
for(int i = worstSizeIndex; i < jobSize; i++)
jobArray[jobID] = newJob;
//System.out.println("Job started!");
catch (Exception e)
memoryBlock[i] = jobID;
//System.out.println("Could not allocate job with ID " + jobID);
* This method gathers all occupied memory and stores it contiguously in an array list of blocks.
* After that, it rewrites the memoryBlock array by writing the memory in contiguous order, and then
* filling in the rest of the memory with 0's
public void compact()
//TODO: Compact memory if no suitable allocation candidates are found on the first pass
List<Integer> takenBlocks = new ArrayList<>();
memoryLocation = 0;
//Gather allocated memory
while(memoryLocation < this.memoryBlock.length && memoryBlock[memoryLocation] != 0)
for(int i = 0; i < takenBlocks.size(); i++)
this.memoryBlock[i] = takenBlocks.get(i).intValue();
for(int i = takenBlocks.size(); i < this.memoryBlock.length; i++)
this.memoryBlock[i] = 0;
System.out.println("Successfully compacted!");
System.out.println("Cannot compact!");
public void deallocate(int jobSize, int beginningLocation)
for(int i = beginningLocation; i < jobSize; i++)
for(int i = beginningLocation; i < jobSize + beginningLocation; i++)
memoryBlock[i] = 0;
@ -88,35 +88,26 @@ public class memoryManagement{
System.out.println("Elapsed time for threaded allocation algorithm to complete " + jobLength +
" jobs is " + timeEnd + " milliseconds");
//***Best Fit (David Weber)***
timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
for(int i = 0; i < jobLength - 1; i++){
David_Weber_BestFit.allocate(id[i], size[i], time[i]);
timeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeStart;
System.out.println("Elapsed time for threaded best fit allocation algorithm to complete " + jobLength + " jobs is " + timeEnd + " milliseconds");
timeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeStart;
System.out.println("Elapsed time for best fit allocation algorithm to complete " + jobLength + " jobs is " + timeEnd + " milliseconds");
//***Worst Fit (David Weber)***
timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
for(int i = 0; i < jobLength - 1; i++){
//David_Weber_WorstFit.allocate(id[i], size[i], time[i]);
David_Weber_WorstFit.allocate(id[i], size[i], time[i]);
timeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeStart;
System.out.println("Elapsed time for threaded worst fit allocation algorithm to complete " + jobLength + " jobs is " + timeEnd + " milliseconds");
timeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeStart;
System.out.println("Elapsed time for worst fit allocation algorithm to complete " + jobLength + " jobs is " + timeEnd + " milliseconds");
//Put other algorithms here.
System.out.println("Completed Successfully");
//Forcibly close down all threads
Reference in New Issue
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