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#Build Guide For Visual Studio 2013 or Qt Creator ##Tools
Install git.
###Visual Studio
Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 or later, then install the latest updates.
Install Qt for Windows 64-bit (VS 2013) 5.5.x (http://www.qt.io/download/).
Add system environment variable named QTPATH
and point it to the location of the Qt folder. On a default install, this will be something like:
To build the installer, you must have Wix installed. If you are unconcerned with it, you can skip this step and just dismiss the warning that shows when opening the solution later. It's recommended you ignore the installer since official builds are provided on this page.
##Obtaining source
###This project
Open up the Visual Studio x64 Native Tools Command Prompt.
Create a new folder in your development area named fractorium:
mkdir fractorium
cd fractorium
git clone https://github.com/mfeemster/fractorium.git
There are six prerequisite dependencies. Two of them must be downloaded manually:
tbb (Intel provides executable only releases in addition to open source releases. You must get the open source release)
Extract them into the folder you created such that they are arranged like so:
Go into the fractorium folder and run this script which will get the rest of the prerequisites from git and build them:
cd fractorium
This will download and build glm libpng libxml zlib
. You will have a folder structure like this:
##Building with Qt Creator or Visual Studio
###Begin build with Qt Creator
Open the Qt Project fractorium/main.pro
using Qt Creator with the default config of Desktop Qt [version] MSVC2013 64bit.
Make sure Shadow build in Edit build configuration for both Debug and Release is unchecked.
Switch to the Release configuration.
Under Build Steps, add an additional argument of install
to the make
command to force all dependencies to be copied to the output folder. The final make command should look like:
jom.exe install in /path/to/fractorium
Ensure all projects are in the Release configuration and build main.pro.
The outputs will be placed in fractorium/Bin/release
several minutes later if no error occurs.
###Begin build with Visual Studio
####Visual Studio Qt Addon
Install the Visual Studio Qt Addon.
Run Visual Studio and verify there is a menu item named Qt5. Click on it and click Qt Options.
Add a new Qt version to the list with the exact name of "Qt 5.5", and set its path to the same as $QTPATH
, which will be something like:
The name "Qt 5.5" must match exactly and this step must be completed before the Fractorium solution is opened. If not, the Qt add-in will completely ruin all solution and project files that use Qt.
Set the default version to the newly created Qt version and click Ok.
Open the file Fractorium.sln under Builds/MSVC/2013
Set the configuration to release, and build all.
The outputs will be the same whether Visual Studio or Qt Creator was used, however their locations will be different.
Qt Creator will place its outputs in:
and Visual Studio will place its outputs in:
The output contents will be:
Double click fractorium.exe to run it, and use the command line to run the others.
To run on a computer without Visual Studio 2013, these files also need to be in the folder:
or you can install Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 (64 bit)
##Final file structure for distribution
├─ dark.qss
├─ Ember.dll
├─ emberanimate.exe
├─ EmberCL.dll
├─ embergenome.exe
├─ emberrender.exe
├─ flam3-palettes.xml
├─ fractorium.exe
├─ libxml2.dll
├─ Qt5Core.dll
├─ Qt5Gui.dll
├─ Qt5Widgets.dll
├─ tbb.dll
├─ vccorlib120.dll (optional)
├─ msvcp120.dll (optional)
├─ msvcr120.dll (optional)