mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 15:21:36 -04:00

-Optimization and correction for hexaplay3D and hexnix3D. -Major optimization on the GPU for flames which only have one xform, by skipping all random xform selection code. -Changes to how xaos is "preserved" when adding new xforms, copying xforms and duplicating xforms. --Duplicating xforms when no xaos is present in the flame now maintains not using xaos, and keeps all values as one. --Duplicating xforms when xaos is present, will result in xaos rows and columns that are the same as the xforms being duplicated, with the new row and column area having values of 1. --Duplicating xforms when xaos is present, while Control is pressed, will result in xaos rows and columns that have values of 0, with the new row and column area having values of 1. ---Copying xforms has the same behavior as duplicating with Control pressed. --Bug fixes -hexaplay3D, hexnix3D and post_smartcrop were wrong on the GPU because they are the rare variations which preserve state between iterations. -Changing the sub batch size would improperly wrong the wrong number of iterations. --Code changes -Some functions in Affine2D made const. -Change in the index at which points and variation state are preserved between kernel calls. -Some arguments in some member functions of GLEmberController made const.
672 lines
26 KiB
672 lines
26 KiB
#include "FractoriumPch.h"
#include "Fractorium.h"
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the xforms UI.
/// </summary>
void Fractorium::InitXformsUI()
int spinHeight = 20, row = 0;
connect(ui.AddXformButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnAddXformButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.AddLinkedXformButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnAddLinkedXformButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.DuplicateXformButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnDuplicateXformButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.ClearXformButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnClearXformButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.DeleteXformButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnDeleteXformButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.AddFinalXformButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnAddFinalXformButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.CurrentXformCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(OnCurrentXformComboChanged(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(ui.AnimateXformCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(OnXformAnimateCheckBoxStateChanged(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
SetFixedTableHeader(ui.XformWeightNameTable->horizontalHeader(), QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);
//Use SetupSpinner() just to create the spinner, but use col of -1 to prevent it from being added to the table.
SetupSpinner<DoubleSpinBox, double>(ui.XformWeightNameTable, this, row, -1, m_XformWeightSpin, spinHeight, 0, 1000, 0.05, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), SLOT(OnXformWeightChanged(double)), false, 0, 1, 0);
m_XformWeightSpinnerButtonWidget = new SpinnerLabelButtonWidget(m_XformWeightSpin, "=", 20, 19, ui.XformWeightNameTable);
m_XformWeightSpinnerButtonWidget->m_SpinBox->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
m_XformWeightSpinnerButtonWidget->m_Label->setStyleSheet("border: 0px;");
m_XformWeightSpinnerButtonWidget->m_Label->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
m_XformWeightSpinnerButtonWidget->m_Button->setToolTip("Equalize weights");
m_XformWeightSpinnerButtonWidget->m_Button->setStyleSheet("text-align: center center");
connect(m_XformWeightSpinnerButtonWidget->m_Button, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(OnEqualWeightButtonClicked(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
ui.XformWeightNameTable->setCellWidget(0, 0, m_XformWeightSpinnerButtonWidget);
m_XformNameEdit = new QLineEdit(ui.XformWeightNameTable);
ui.XformWeightNameTable->setCellWidget(0, 1, m_XformNameEdit);
connect(m_XformNameEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(OnXformNameChanged(const QString&)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
//ui.CurrentXformCombo->view()->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding);
#ifndef _WIN32
//For some reason linux makes these 24x24, even though the designer explicitly says 16x16.
ui.AddXformButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.DuplicateXformButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.ClearXformButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.DeleteXformButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.AddFinalXformButton->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
ui.CurrentXformCombo->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16));
/// <summary>
/// Get the current xform.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The current xform as specified by the current xform combo box index. nullptr if out of range (should never happen).</returns>
template <typename T>
Xform<T>* FractoriumEmberController<T>::CurrentXform()
bool hasFinal = m_Fractorium->HaveFinal();
return m_Ember.GetTotalXform(m_Fractorium->ui.CurrentXformCombo->currentIndex(), hasFinal);//Need to force final for the special case they created a final, then cleared it, but did not delete it.
/// <summary>
/// Set the current xform to the index passed in.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="i">The index to set the current xform to</param>
void Fractorium::CurrentXform(uint i)
if (i < uint(ui.CurrentXformCombo->count()))
/// <summary>
/// Set the current xform and populate all GUI widgets.
/// Called when the current xform combo box index changes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The selected combo box index</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::CurrentXformComboChanged(int index)
bool forceFinal = m_Fractorium->HaveFinal();
if (auto xform = m_Ember.GetTotalXform(index, forceFinal))
int solo = m_Ember.m_Solo;
m_Fractorium->ui.SoloXformCheckBox->setChecked(solo == index);
bool enable = !IsFinal(CurrentXform());
void Fractorium::OnCurrentXformComboChanged(int index) { m_Controller->CurrentXformComboChanged(index); }
/// <summary>
/// Add an empty xform in the current ember and set it as the current xform.
/// Called when the add xform button is clicked.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignored</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::AddXform()
bool forceFinal = m_Fractorium->HaveFinal();
Xform<T> newXform;
newXform.m_Weight = 0.25;
newXform.m_ColorX = m_Rand.Frand01<T>();
int index = int(m_Ember.TotalXformCount(forceFinal) - (forceFinal ? 2 : 1));//Set index to the last item before final.
void Fractorium::OnAddXformButtonClicked(bool checked) { m_Controller->AddXform(); }
/// <summary>
/// Add a new linked xform in the current ember and set it as the current xform.
/// Linked means:
/// Add an xform whose xaos values are:
/// From: All xaos values from the current xform are zero when going to any xform but the new one added, which is 1.
/// To: The xaos value coming from the current xform is 1 and the xaos values from all other xforms are 0, when going to the newly added xform.
/// Take different action when a single xform is selected vs. multiple.
/// Single: Copy the current xform's xaos values to the new one.
/// Multiple: Set the new xform's xaos values to 1, and except the last entry which is 0.
/// Called when the add xform button is clicked.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignored</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::AddLinkedXform()
bool hasAdded = false;
bool forceFinal = m_Fractorium->HaveFinal();
auto selCount = m_Fractorium->SelectedXformCount(false);
if (!selCount)//If none explicitly selected, use current.
selCount = 1;
Ember<T> ember = m_Ember;
m_Ember.Reserve(m_Ember.XformCount() + 1);//Doing this ahead of time ensures pointers remain valid.
auto iterCount = 0;
UpdateXform([&](Xform<T>* xform, size_t xfindex, size_t selIndex)
//Covers very strange case where final is selected, but initially not considered because final is excluded,
//but after adding the new xform, it thinks its selected index is non-final.
if (iterCount < selCount)
size_t i, count = m_Ember.XformCount();
if (!hasAdded)
Xform<T> newXform;
newXform.m_Weight = 0.5;
newXform.m_Opacity = xform->m_Opacity;
newXform.m_ColorSpeed = 0;
newXform.m_ColorX = 0;
//newXform.m_ColorY = xform->m_ColorY;
//Set all of the new xform's xaos values to the selected xform's xaos values,
//then set the selected xform's xaos values to 0.
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (selCount == 1)
newXform.SetXaos(i, xform->Xaos(i));
newXform.SetXaos(i, 1);
//Add the new xform and update the total count.
count = m_Ember.XformCount();
//Set the xaos for all xforms pointing to the new one to zero.
//Will set the last element of all linking and non-linking xforms, including the one we just added.
//Linking xforms will have their last xaos element set to 1 below.
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (auto xf = m_Ember.GetXform(i))
xf->SetXaos(count - 1, 0);
hasAdded = true;
//Linking xform, so set all xaos elements to 0, except the last.
for (i = 0; i < count - 1; i++)
xform->SetXaos(i, 0);
xform->SetXaos(count - 1, 1);//Set the xaos value for the linking xform pointing to the new one to one.
xform->m_Opacity = 0;//Clear the opacity of the all linking xform.
//Now update the GUI.
int index = int(m_Ember.TotalXformCount(forceFinal) - (forceFinal ? 2 : 1));//Set index to the last item before final.
void Fractorium::OnAddLinkedXformButtonClicked(bool checked) { m_Controller->AddLinkedXform(); }
/// <summary>
/// Duplicate the specified xforms in the current ember, and set the last one as the current xform.
/// If xaos is present in the ember, the duplicated xforms will be added with xaos preserved, else they'll just be added normally.
/// The manner in which xaos is preserved is altered when ctrl is pressed.
/// Called when the duplicate xform button is clicked.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignored</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::DuplicateXform()
bool forceFinal = m_Fractorium->HaveFinal();
bool ctrl = QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier);
vector<std::pair<Xform<T>, size_t>> vec;
UpdateXform([&](Xform<T>* xform, size_t xfindex, size_t selIndex)
vec.emplace_back(*xform, xfindex);
}, eXformUpdate::UPDATE_SELECTED_EXCEPT_FINAL, false);
if (m_Ember.XaosPresent())
if (!ctrl)
auto oldxfcount = m_Ember.XformCount();
for (auto& it : vec)
auto newxfcount = m_Ember.XformCount() - 1;
auto* newxform = m_Ember.GetXform(newxfcount);
for (size_t i = 0; i < oldxfcount; i++)
if (auto xform = m_Ember.GetXform(i))
newxform->SetXaos(i, it.first.Xaos(i));
xform->SetXaos(newxfcount, xform->Xaos(it.second));
AddXformsWithXaos(m_Ember, vec, true);
for (auto& it : vec)
int index = int(m_Ember.TotalXformCount(forceFinal) - (forceFinal ? 2 : 1));//Set index to the last item before final.
FillXforms(index);//Handles xaos.
void Fractorium::OnDuplicateXformButtonClicked(bool checked) { m_Controller->DuplicateXform(); }
/// <summary>
/// Clear all variations from the selected xforms. Affine, palette and xaos are left untouched.
/// Called when the clear xform button is clicked.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignored</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::ClearXform()
UpdateXform([&] (Xform<T>* xform, size_t xfindex, size_t selIndex)
xform->ClearAndDeleteVariations();//Note xaos is left alone.
}, eXformUpdate::UPDATE_SELECTED);
void Fractorium::OnClearXformButtonClicked(bool checked) { m_Controller->ClearXform(); }
/// <summary>
/// Delete the selected xforms.
/// Cache a copy of the final xform if it's been selected for removal.
/// Will not delete the last remaining non-final xform.
/// Called when the delete xform button is clicked.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignored</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::DeleteXforms()
bool removed = false;
bool anyChecked = false;
bool haveFinal = m_Fractorium->HaveFinal();
auto combo = m_Fractorium->ui.CurrentXformCombo;
Xform<T>* finalXform = nullptr;
vector<Xform<T>> xformsToKeep;
//Iterating over the checkboxes must be done instead of using UpdateXform() to iterate over xforms
//because xforms are being deleted inside the loop.
//Also manually calling UpdateRender() rather than using the usual Update() call because
//it should only be called if an xform has actually been deleted.
//Rather than go through and delete, it's easier to just make a list of what we want to keep.
m_Fractorium->ForEachXformCheckbox([&](int i, QCheckBox * w, bool isFinal)
if (!w->isChecked())//Keep if not checked.
if (isFinal)
finalXform = m_Ember.NonConstFinalXform();
else if (auto xform = m_Ember.GetXform(i))
anyChecked = true;//At least one was selected for removal.
//They might not have selected any checkboxes, in which case just delete the current.
auto current = combo->currentIndex();
auto totalCount = m_Ember.TotalXformCount();
bool keepFinal = finalXform && haveFinal;
//Nothing was selected, so just delete current.
if (!anyChecked)
//Disallow deleting the only remaining non-final xform.
if (!(haveFinal && totalCount <= 2 && current == 0) &&//One non-final, one final, disallow deleting non-final.
!(!haveFinal && totalCount == 1))//One non-final, no final, disallow deleting.
if (haveFinal && m_Ember.IsFinalXform(CurrentXform()))//Is final the current?
m_Ember.m_CachedFinal = *m_Ember.FinalXform();//Keep a copy in case the user wants to re-add the final.
m_Ember.DeleteTotalXform(current, haveFinal);//Will cover the case of current either being final or non-final.
removed = true;
if (!xformsToKeep.empty())//Remove if they requested to do so, but ensure it's not removing all.
removed = true;
m_Ember.ReplaceXforms(xformsToKeep);//Replace with only those they chose to keep (the inverse of what was checked).
else//They selected all to delete, which is not allowed, so just keep the first xform.
removed = true;
while (m_Ember.XformCount() > 1)
m_Ember.DeleteXform(m_Ember.XformCount() - 1);
if (!keepFinal)//They selected final to delete.
removed = true;
m_Ember.m_CachedFinal = *m_Ember.FinalXform();//Keep a copy in case the user wants to re-add the final.
if (removed)
int index = int(m_Ember.TotalXformCount() - (m_Ember.UseFinalXform() ? 2 : 1));//Set index to the last item before final. Note final is requeried one last time.
m_Fractorium->ui.GLDisplay->repaint();//Force update because for some reason it doesn't always happen.
void Fractorium::OnDeleteXformButtonClicked(bool checked) { m_Controller->DeleteXforms(); }
/// <summary>
/// Add a final xform to the ember and set it as the current xform.
/// Will only take action if a final xform is not already present.
/// Will re-add a copy of the last used final xform for the current ember if one had already been added then removed.
/// Called when the add final xform button is clicked.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="checked">Ignored</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::AddFinalXform()
//Check to see if a final xform is already present.
if (!m_Fractorium->HaveFinal())
auto& final = m_Ember.m_CachedFinal;
final.m_Animate = 0;
if (final.Empty())
final.AddVariation(m_VariationList->GetVariationCopy(eVariationId::VAR_LINEAR));//Just a placeholder so other parts of the code don't see it as being empty.
int index = int(m_Ember.TotalXformCount() - 1);//Set index to the last item.
void Fractorium::OnAddFinalXformButtonClicked(bool checked) { m_Controller->AddFinalXform(); }
/// <summary>
/// Set the weight of the selected xforms.
/// Called when weight spinner changes.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="d">The weight</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::XformWeightChanged(double d)
UpdateXform([&] (Xform<T>* xform, size_t xfindex, size_t selIndex)
xform->m_Weight = d;
void Fractorium::OnXformWeightChanged(double d) { m_Controller->XformWeightChanged(d); }
/// <summary>
/// Equalize the weights of all xforms in the ember.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::EqualizeWeights()
UpdateXform([&] (Xform<T>* xform, size_t xfindex, size_t selIndex)
m_Fractorium->m_XformWeightSpin->setValue(xform->m_Weight);//Will trigger an update, so pass false to updateRender below.
}, eXformUpdate::UPDATE_CURRENT, false);
void Fractorium::OnEqualWeightButtonClicked(bool checked) { m_Controller->EqualizeWeights(); }
/// <summary>
/// Set the name of the current xform.
/// Update the corresponding xform checkbox text with the name.
/// Called when the user types in the name cell of the table.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s">The text of the cell</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::XformNameChanged(const QString& s)
bool forceFinal = m_Fractorium->HaveFinal();
UpdateXform([&] (Xform<T>* xform, size_t xfindex, size_t selIndex)
xform->m_Name = s.toStdString();
XformCheckboxAt(int(xfindex), [&](QCheckBox * checkbox) { checkbox->setText(MakeXformCaption(xfindex)); });
}, eXformUpdate::UPDATE_CURRENT, false);
FillSummary();//Manually update because this does not trigger a render, which is where this would normally be called.
void Fractorium::OnXformNameChanged(const QString& s)
/// <summary>
/// Set the animate field of the selected xforms, this allows excluding current if it's not checked, but applies only to it if none are checked.
/// This has no effect on interactive rendering, it only sets a value
/// that will later be saved to Xml when the user saves.
/// This value is observed when creating sequences for animation.
/// Applies to all embers if "Apply All" is checked.
/// Called when the user toggles the animate xform checkbox.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="state">1 for checked, else false</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::XformAnimateChanged(int state)
T animate = state > 0 ? 1 : 0;
UpdateXform([&](Xform<T>* xform, size_t xfindex, size_t selIndex)
bool final = IsFinal(xform);
UpdateAll([&](Ember<T>& ember, bool isMain)
if (final)//If the current xform was final, only apply to other embers which also have a final xform.
if (ember.UseFinalXform())
auto xform = ember.NonConstFinalXform();
xform->m_Animate = animate;
if (!m_Fractorium->ApplyAll())
if (m_EmberFilePointer && m_EmberFilePointer->UseFinalXform())
m_EmberFilePointer->NonConstFinalXform()->m_Animate = animate;
else//Current was not final, so apply to other embers which have a non-final xform at this index.
if (auto xform = ember.GetXform(xfindex))
xform->m_Animate = animate;
if (!m_Fractorium->ApplyAll() && m_EmberFilePointer)
if (auto xform = m_EmberFilePointer->GetXform(xfindex))
xform->m_Animate = animate;
}, false, eProcessAction::NOTHING, m_Fractorium->ApplyAll());
}, eXformUpdate::UPDATE_SELECTED, false);
void Fractorium::OnXformAnimateCheckBoxStateChanged(int state) { m_Controller->XformAnimateChanged(state); }
/// <summary>
/// Fill all GUI widgets with values from the passed in xform.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xform">The xform whose values will be used to populate the widgets</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::FillWithXform(Xform<T>* xform)
m_Fractorium->ui.AnimateXformCheckBox->setChecked(xform->m_Animate > 0 ? true : false);
if (auto item = m_Fractorium->ui.XformWeightNameTable->item(0, 1))
FillAffineWithXform(xform, true);
FillAffineWithXform(xform, false);
/// <summary>
/// Set the normalized weight of the current xform as the suffix text of the weight spinner.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xform">The current xform whose normalized weight will be shown</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::SetNormalizedWeightText(Xform<T>* xform)
if (xform)
int index = m_Ember.GetXformIndex(xform);
if (index != -1 && index < m_NormalizedWeights.size())
m_Fractorium->m_XformWeightSpinnerButtonWidget->m_Label->setText(QString(" (") + QLocale::system().toString(double(m_NormalizedWeights[index]), 'g', 3) + ")");
/// <summary>
/// Determine whether the specified xform is the final xform in the ember.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xform">The xform to examine</param>
/// <returns>True if final, else false.</returns>
template <typename T>
bool FractoriumEmberController<T>::IsFinal(Xform<T>* xform)
return (m_Fractorium->HaveFinal() && (xform == m_Ember.FinalXform()));
/// <summary>
/// Fill the xforms combo box with the xforms in the current ember.
/// Select the index passed in and fill all widgets with its values.
/// Also dynamically generate a checkbox for each xform which will allow the user
/// to select which xforms to apply operations to.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The index to select after populating, default 0.</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::FillXforms(int index)
int i = 0, count = int(XformCount());
auto combo = m_Fractorium->ui.CurrentXformCombo;
//First clear all dynamically created checkboxes.
//Fill combo box and create new checkboxes.
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
combo->addItem(ToString(i + 1));
combo->setItemIcon(i, m_Fractorium->m_XformComboIcons[i % XFORM_COLOR_COUNT]);
i = 0;
while (i < count)
if (i < count - 1)
auto cb1 = new QCheckBox(MakeXformCaption(i), m_Fractorium);
auto cb2 = new QCheckBox(MakeXformCaption(i + 1), m_Fractorium);
QObject::connect(cb1, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, [&](int state) { m_Fractorium->ui.GLDisplay->update(); });//Ensure circles are drawn immediately after toggle.
QObject::connect(cb2, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, [&](int state) { m_Fractorium->ui.GLDisplay->update(); });
m_Fractorium->m_XformsSelectionLayout->addRow(cb1, cb2);
i += 2;
else if (i < count)
auto cb = new QCheckBox(MakeXformCaption(i), m_Fractorium);
QObject::connect(cb, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, [&](int state) { m_Fractorium->ui.GLDisplay->update(); });
m_Fractorium->m_XformsSelectionLayout->addRow(cb, new QWidget(m_Fractorium));
//Special case for final xform.
if (UseFinalXform())
auto cb = new QCheckBox(MakeXformCaption(i), m_Fractorium);
QObject::connect(cb, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, [&](int state) { m_Fractorium->ui.GLDisplay->update(); });
m_Fractorium->m_XformsSelectionLayout->addRow(cb, new QWidget(m_Fractorium));
combo->setItemIcon(i, m_Fractorium->m_FinalXformComboIcon);
if (index < combo->count())
if (m_Ember.m_Solo == combo->currentIndex())
SoloXformCheckBoxStateChanged(m_Ember.m_Solo > -1 ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked, m_Ember.m_Solo);
m_Fractorium->OnCurrentXformComboChanged(index);//Make sure the event gets called, because it won't if the zero index is already selected.
/// <summary>
/// Update the text in xforms combo box to show the name of Xform.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The index of the Xform to update.</param>
template<typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::UpdateXformName(int index)
bool forceFinal = m_Fractorium->HaveFinal();
bool isFinal = m_Ember.FinalXform() == m_Ember.GetTotalXform(index, forceFinal);
QString name = isFinal ? "Final" : QString::number(index + 1);
if (auto xform = m_Ember.GetTotalXform(index, forceFinal))
if (!xform->m_Name.empty())
name += " " + QString::fromStdString(xform->m_Name);
m_Fractorium->ui.CurrentXformCombo->setItemText(index, name);
auto view = m_Fractorium->ui.CurrentXformCombo->view();
auto fontMetrics1 = view->fontMetrics();
auto textWidth = m_Fractorium->ui.CurrentXformCombo->width();
auto ww = fontMetrics1.width("WW");
for (int i = 0; i < m_Fractorium->ui.CurrentXformCombo->count(); ++i)
textWidth = std::max(fontMetrics1.width(m_Fractorium->ui.CurrentXformCombo->itemText(i)) + ww, textWidth);
template class FractoriumEmberController<float>;
#ifdef DO_DOUBLE
template class FractoriumEmberController<double>;
#endif |