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synced 2025-03-06 19:01:31 -05:00

--User Changes Remove limit on the number of xforms allowable on the GPU. This was previously 21. Show actual strips count to be used in parens outside of user specified strips count on final render dialog. Allow for adjustment of iteration depth and fuse count per ember and save/read these values with the xml. Iteration optimizations on both CPU and GPU. Automatically adjust default quality spinner value when using CPU/GPU to 10/30, respectively. --Bug Fixes Fix severe randomization bug with OpenCL. Fix undo list off by one error when doing a new edit anywhere but the end of the undo list. Make integer variation parameters use 4 decimal places in the variations list like all the others. New build of the latest Qt to fix scroll bar drawing bug. Prevent grid from showing as much when pressing control to increase a spinner's increment speed. Still shows sometimes, but better than before. --Code Changes Pass count and fuse to iterator as a structure now to allow for passing more params in the future. Slightly different grid/block logic when running DE filtering on the GPU. Attempt a different way of doing DE, but #define out because it ended up not being faster. Restructure some things to allow for a variable length xforms buffer to be passed to the GPU. Add sub batch size and fuse count as ember members, and remove them from the renderer classes. Remove m_LastPass from Renderer. It should have been removed with passes. Pass seeds as a buffer to the OpenCL iteration kernel, rather than a single seed that gets modified. Slight optimization on CPU accum. Use case statement instead of if/else for xform chosing in OpenCL for a 2% speedup on params with large numbers of xforms. Add SizeOf() wrapper around sizeof(vec[0]) * vec.size(). Remove LogScaleSum() functions from the CPU and GPU because they're no longer used since passes were removed. Make some OpenCLWrapper getters const. Better ogranize RendererCL methods that return grid dimensions.
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219 lines
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#pragma once
#include "EmberCLPch.h"
/// <summary>
/// OpenCLWrapper, Spk, NamedBuffer, NamedImage2D, NamedImage2DGL classes.
/// </summary>
namespace EmberCLns
#if CL_VERSION_1_2
#define IMAGEGL2D cl::ImageGL
#define IMAGEGL2D cl::Image2DGL
/// <summary>
/// Class to contain all of the things needed to store an OpenCL program.
/// The name of it, the source, the compiled program object and the kernel.
/// </summary>
string m_Name;
cl::Program::Sources m_Source;
cl::Program m_Program;
cl::Kernel m_Kernel;
/// <summary>
/// Class to hold an OpenCL buffer with a name to identify it by.
/// </summary>
class EMBERCL_API NamedBuffer
NamedBuffer(cl::Buffer& buff, string name)
m_Buffer = buff;
m_Name = name;
cl::Buffer m_Buffer;
string m_Name;
/// <summary>
/// Class to hold a 2D image with a name to identify it by.
/// </summary>
class EMBERCL_API NamedImage2D
NamedImage2D(cl::Image2D& image, string name)
m_Image = image;
m_Name = name;
cl::Image2D m_Image;
string m_Name;
/// <summary>
/// Class to hold a 2D image that is mapped to an OpenGL texture
/// and a name to identify it by.
/// </summary>
class EMBERCL_API NamedImage2DGL
NamedImage2DGL(IMAGEGL2D& image, string name)
m_Image = image;
m_Name = name;
IMAGEGL2D m_Image;
string m_Name;
/// <summary>
/// Running kernels in OpenCL can require quite a bit of setup, tear down and
/// general housekeeping. This class helps shield the user from such hassles.
/// It's main utility is in holding collections of programs, buffers and images
/// all identified by names. That way, a user can access them as needed without
/// having to pollute their code.
/// In addition, writing to an existing object by name determines if the object
/// can be overwritten, or if it needs to be deleted and replaced by the new one.
/// This class derives from EmberReport, so the caller is able
/// to retrieve a text dump of error information if any errors occur.
/// </summary>
class EMBERCL_API OpenCLWrapper : public EmberReport
bool CheckOpenCL();
bool Init(unsigned int platform, unsigned int device, bool shared = false);
bool AddProgram(std::string name, std::string& program, std::string& entryPoint, bool doublePrecision);
void ClearPrograms();
bool AddBuffer(const string& name, size_t size, cl_mem_flags flags = CL_MEM_READ_WRITE);
bool AddAndWriteBuffer(const string& name, void* data, size_t size, cl_mem_flags flags = CL_MEM_READ_WRITE);
bool WriteBuffer(const string& name, void* data, size_t size);
bool WriteBuffer(unsigned int bufferIndex, void* data, size_t size);
bool ReadBuffer(const string& name, void* data, size_t size);
bool ReadBuffer(unsigned int bufferIndex, void* data, size_t size);
int FindBufferIndex(const string& name);
unsigned int GetBufferSize(const string& name);
unsigned int GetBufferSize(unsigned int bufferIndex);
void ClearBuffers();
bool AddAndWriteImage(const string& name, cl_mem_flags flags, const cl::ImageFormat& format, ::size_t width, ::size_t height, ::size_t row_pitch, void* data = NULL, bool shared = false, GLuint texName = 0);
bool WriteImage2D(unsigned int index, bool shared, ::size_t width, ::size_t height, ::size_t row_pitch, void* data);
bool ReadImage(const string& name, ::size_t width, ::size_t height, ::size_t row_pitch, bool shared, void* data);
bool ReadImage(unsigned int imageIndex, ::size_t width, ::size_t height, ::size_t row_pitch, bool shared, void* data);
int FindImageIndex(const string& name, bool shared);
unsigned int GetImageSize(const string& name, bool shared);
unsigned int GetImageSize(unsigned int imageIndex, bool shared);
bool CompareImageParams(cl::Image& image, cl_mem_flags flags, const cl::ImageFormat& format, ::size_t width, ::size_t height, ::size_t row_pitch);
void ClearImages(bool shared);
bool CreateImage2D(cl::Image2D& image2D, cl_mem_flags flags, cl::ImageFormat format, ::size_t width, ::size_t height, ::size_t row_pitch = 0, void* data = NULL);
bool CreateImage2DGL(IMAGEGL2D& image2DGL, cl_mem_flags flags, GLenum target, GLint miplevel, GLuint texobj);
bool EnqueueAcquireGLObjects(const string& name);
bool EnqueueAcquireGLObjects(IMAGEGL2D& image);
bool EnqueueReleaseGLObjects(const string& name);
bool EnqueueReleaseGLObjects(IMAGEGL2D& image);
bool EnqueueAcquireGLObjects(const VECTOR_CLASS<cl::Memory>* memObjects = NULL);
bool EnqueueReleaseGLObjects(const VECTOR_CLASS<cl::Memory>* memObjects = NULL);
bool CreateSampler(cl::Sampler& sampler, cl_bool normalizedCoords, cl_addressing_mode addressingMode, cl_filter_mode filterMode);
bool SetBufferArg(unsigned int kernelIndex, unsigned int argIndex, string name);
bool SetBufferArg(unsigned int kernelIndex, unsigned int argIndex, unsigned int bufferIndex);
bool SetImageArg(unsigned int kernelIndex, unsigned int argIndex, bool shared, string name);
bool SetImageArg(unsigned int kernelIndex, unsigned int argIndex, bool shared, unsigned int imageIndex);
/// <summary>
/// Set an argument in the specified kernel, at the specified argument index.
/// Must keep this here in the .h because it's templated.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="kernelIndex">Index of the kernel whose argument will be set</param>
/// <param name="argIndex">Index of the argument to set</param>
/// <param name="arg">The argument value to set</param>
/// <returns>True if success, else false</returns>
template <typename T>
bool SetArg(unsigned int kernelIndex, unsigned int argIndex, T arg)
if (m_Init && kernelIndex < m_Programs.size())
cl_int err = m_Programs[kernelIndex].m_Kernel.setArg(argIndex, arg);
return CheckCL(err, "cl::Kernel::setArg()");
return false;
int FindKernelIndex(const string& name);
bool RunKernel(unsigned int kernelIndex, unsigned int totalGridWidth, unsigned int totalGridHeight, unsigned int totalGridDepth, unsigned int blockWidth, unsigned int blockHeight, unsigned int blockDepth);
template<typename T>
T GetInfo(size_t platform, size_t device, cl_device_info name);
string PlatformName(size_t platform);
vector<string> PlatformNames();
string DeviceName(size_t platform, size_t device);
vector<string> DeviceNames(size_t platform);
string DeviceAndPlatformNames();
string DumpInfo();
bool Ok() const;
bool Shared() const;
cl::Context Context() const;
unsigned int PlatformIndex() const;
unsigned int DeviceIndex() const;
unsigned int LocalMemSize() const;
static void MakeEvenGridDims(unsigned int blockW, unsigned int blockH, unsigned int& gridW, unsigned int& gridH);
bool CreateContext(bool shared);
bool CreateSPK(std::string& name, std::string& program, std::string& entryPoint, Spk& spk, bool doublePrecision);
bool CheckCL(cl_int err, const char* name);
std::string ErrorToStringCL(cl_int err);
bool m_Init;
bool m_Shared;
unsigned int m_PlatformIndex;
unsigned int m_DeviceIndex;
unsigned int m_LocalMemSize;
cl::Platform m_Platform;
cl::Context m_Context;
cl::Device m_Device;
cl::CommandQueue m_Queue;
std::vector<cl::Platform> m_Platforms;
std::vector<std::vector<cl::Device>> m_Devices;
std::vector<cl::Device> m_DeviceVec;
std::vector<Spk> m_Programs;
std::vector<NamedBuffer> m_Buffers;
std::vector<NamedImage2D> m_Images;
std::vector<NamedImage2DGL> m_GLImages;
} |