mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 06:01:47 -04:00
Exit beta and move revision to an official 1.0 release.
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
<WixTargetsPath Condition=" '$(WixTargetsPath)' == '' AND '$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)' != '' ">$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\WiX\v3.x\Wix.targets</WixTargetsPath>
<WixTargetsPath Condition=" '$(WixTargetsPath)' == '' ">$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\WiX\v3.x\Wix.targets</WixTargetsPath>
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
<?define ProductVersion="" ?>
<?define ProductName="Fractorium Beta $(var.ProductVersion) ($(var.GpuType))" ?>
<?define ProductVersion="" ?>
<?define ProductName="Fractorium $(var.ProductVersion) ($(var.GpuType))" ?>
<?define UpgradeCode="{4714cd15-bfba-44f6-8059-9e1466ebfa6e}"?>
<?define Manufacturer="Fractorium"?>
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
Change this for every release.
<?define ProductCode="{2FBD9660-A61E-42B7-8F47-9059E5D23FBF}"?>
<?define ProductCode="{8D791036-DF93-4B8B-91EE-BC2EDF278919}"?>
<Product Id="$(var.ProductCode)" Name="$(var.ProductName)" Language="1033" Version="$(var.ProductVersion)" Manufacturer="$(var.Manufacturer)" UpgradeCode="$(var.UpgradeCode)">
Binary file not shown.
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@
FILEVERSION 0, 9, 9, 6
FILEVERSION 1, 0, 0, 0
#ifdef _DEBUG
@ -67,12 +67,12 @@
VALUE "CompanyName", "Open Source"
VALUE "FileDescription", "Renders fractal flames as animations with motion blur"
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "InternalName", "EmberAnimate.exe"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (C) Matt Feemster 2016, GPL v3"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "EmberAnimate.exe"
VALUE "ProductName", "Ember Animate"
VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
Binary file not shown.
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@
FILEVERSION 0, 9, 9, 6
FILEVERSION 1, 0, 0, 0
#ifdef _DEBUG
@ -67,12 +67,12 @@
VALUE "CompanyName", "Open Source"
VALUE "FileDescription", "Manipulates fractal flames parameter files"
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "InternalName", "EmberGenome.exe"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (C) Matt Feemster 2016, GPL v3"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "EmberGenome.exe"
VALUE "ProductName", "Ember Genome"
VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@
FILEVERSION 0, 9, 9, 6
FILEVERSION 1, 0, 0, 0
#ifdef _DEBUG
@ -67,12 +67,12 @@
VALUE "CompanyName", "Open Source"
VALUE "FileDescription", "Renders fractal flames as single images"
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "InternalName", "EmberRender.exe"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (C) Matt Feemster 2016, GPL v3"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "EmberRender.exe"
VALUE "ProductName", "Ember Render"
VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,3 +1,51 @@
|||| 06/17/2016
--User changes
-Officially transition out of beta into a full 1.0 release.
-Add new options to EmberGenome to better help assess which variations have certain characteristics. The options are:
--sumvars: Display the names of all regular variations which have the default behavior of summing their outputs and exit.
--assignvars: Display the names of all regular variations which have the non-standard behavior of assigning their outputs and exit.
--ppsumvars: Display the names of all pre/post variations which have the non-standard behavior of summing their outputs and exit.
--ppassignvars: Display the names of all pre/post variations which have the default behavior of assigning their outputs and exit.
--dcvars: Display the names of all variations which use direct coloring and exit.
--statevars: Display the names of all variations which alter their state on each iteration and exit.
--parvars: Display the names of all variations which have parameters and exit.
--nonparvars: Display the names of all variations which do not have parameters (weight only) and exit.
-Add two new options to EmberGenome which are used when generating an animation sequence:
--startcount: Add this number to the filename of each flame.
--padding: Override the automatically calculated amount of padding zeroes added to each filename.
-Allow for filtering in the Variations Dialog based on the same types listed in the EmberGenome options.
-Add a button to randomize both pre and post affine transforms to values between -1 to 1.
-Add animation sequence creation to Fractorium.
-Add fractorium.com link to the about box.
--Bug fixes
-Fix final render dialog failure when minimizing and restoring during a render on Linux. Note this bug was not present on Windows.
-Switching between SP and DP before previews had finished would set the current flame back to the first one in the file.
-Prevent filenames in command line programs from using scientific notation when rendering a large number of frames.
-Fix tab orders to match newer GUI items which were overlooked in previous releases.
-Re-render previews if transparency value in the options dialog was changed. Re-rendering was previously only done if early clip or y axis up was changed.
-Use transparency when rendering thumbnail previews.
--Code changes
-Make VariationList vectors have const elements since no callers should ever change them.
-Add new function to VariationList to retrieve a const ref to the parametric variations.
-Move some search functions out of EmberTester and into EmberCommon.h.
-More correctly populate VariationList::m_ParametricVariations and VariationList::m_NonParametricVariations to account for variations which have params only used for precalc.
-Consolidate some of the code in VariationList which searches by name.
-Use references rather than pointers when grabbing pre/post affines.
-Wrap EmberCommon.h in a namespace called EmberCommon.
-Move FormatName() from EmberGenome to EmberCommon.h/cpp
-Add a prefix parameter to EmberFile::DefaultFilename() to allow for creating a default filename for sequences.
-When showing the final render dialog, allow specifying where it came from: the toolbar or the render sequence button.
-Refactor all preview rendering code out into its own class hierarchy with overrides for the main window and the final render dialog.
-Remove all preview render cancelling functions, they are now built into the new class hierarchy and a new render will not start until the previous one is stopped.
-Add two new function ConstrainLow() and ConstrainHigh() which wrap constraining two min/max spinboxes to each others' values.
-Add a bool to FractoriumEmberControllerBase::CopyEmberFile() to specify whether to copy the main file or the sequence file. This is somewhat of a hack and was done in a rush.
-Add a bool to FractoriumEmberControllerBase::SetEmberFile() to specify whether to move the file rather than copy. This is used in FinalRenderEmberController and improves efficiency.
-Add wrapper functions for variations filter dialog settings.
-Tooltip cleanups.
-General code cleanup.
|||| Beta 05/05/2016
--User changes
-The concept of "saving back to file in memory" has been removed. The current ember is saved back to memory whenever the render completes and the thumbnail will be updated each time.
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ static void sincos(float x, float* s, float* c)
namespace EmberNs
#define EMBER_VERSION ""
#define EMBER_VERSION ""
#define EPS6 T(1e-6)
#define EPS std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon()//Apoplugin.h uses -20, but it's more mathematically correct to do it this way.
#define ISAAC_SIZE 4
@ -309,117 +309,117 @@ public:
//Informational bools.
INITBOOLOPTION(Help, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_HELP, _T("--help"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--help Show this screen and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(Version, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_VERSION, _T("--version"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--version Show version and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(OpenCLInfo, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_DUMP_OPENCL_INFO, _T("--openclinfo"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--openclinfo Display platforms and devices for OpenCL and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(AllVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_ALL_VARS, _T("--allvars"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--allvars Display the names of all supported variations and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(RegVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_REG_VARS, _T("--regvars"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--regvars Display the names of all supported regular variations and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(PreVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_PRE_VARS, _T("--prevars"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--prevars Display the names of all supported pre variations and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(PostVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_POST_VARS, _T("--postvars"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--postvars Display the names of all supported post variations and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(SumVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_SUM_VARS, _T("--sumvars"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--sumvars Display the names of all regular variations which have the standard behavior of summing their output, and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(AssignVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_ASSIGN_VARS, _T("--assignvars"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--assignvars Display the names of all regular variations which have the non-standard behavior of assigning their output, and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(PpSumVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_PPSUM_VARS, _T("--ppsumvars"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--ppsumvars Display the names of all pre/post variations which have the non-standard behavior of summing their output, and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(PpAssignVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_PPASSIGN_VARS, _T("--ppassignvars"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--ppassignvars Display the names of all pre/post variations which have the standard behavior of assigning their output, and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(DcVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_DC_VARS, _T("--dcvars"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--dcvars Display the names of all variations which alter the color index and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(StateVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_STATE_VARS, _T("--statevars"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--statevars Display the names of all variations which alter their state on each iteration and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(ParVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_PAR_VARS, _T("--parvars"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--parvars Display the names of all variations which have parameters and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(NonParVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_NON_PAR_VARS, _T("--nonparvars"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--nonparvars Display the names of all variations which do not have parameters (weight only) and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(Help, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_HELP, _T("--help"), false, SO_NONE, " --help Show this screen and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(Version, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_VERSION, _T("--version"), false, SO_NONE, " --version Show version and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(OpenCLInfo, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_DUMP_OPENCL_INFO, _T("--openclinfo"), false, SO_NONE, " --openclinfo Display platforms and devices for OpenCL and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(AllVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_ALL_VARS, _T("--allvars"), false, SO_NONE, " --allvars Display the names of all supported variations and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(RegVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_REG_VARS, _T("--regvars"), false, SO_NONE, " --regvars Display the names of all supported regular variations and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(PreVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_PRE_VARS, _T("--prevars"), false, SO_NONE, " --prevars Display the names of all supported pre variations and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(PostVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_POST_VARS, _T("--postvars"), false, SO_NONE, " --postvars Display the names of all supported post variations and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(SumVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_SUM_VARS, _T("--sumvars"), false, SO_NONE, " --sumvars Display the names of all regular variations which have the standard behavior of summing their output, and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(AssignVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_ASSIGN_VARS, _T("--assignvars"), false, SO_NONE, " --assignvars Display the names of all regular variations which have the non-standard behavior of assigning their output, and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(PpSumVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_PPSUM_VARS, _T("--ppsumvars"), false, SO_NONE, " --ppsumvars Display the names of all pre/post variations which have the non-standard behavior of summing their output, and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(PpAssignVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_PPASSIGN_VARS, _T("--ppassignvars"), false, SO_NONE, " --ppassignvars Display the names of all pre/post variations which have the standard behavior of assigning their output, and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(DcVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_DC_VARS, _T("--dcvars"), false, SO_NONE, " --dcvars Display the names of all variations which alter the color index and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(StateVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_STATE_VARS, _T("--statevars"), false, SO_NONE, " --statevars Display the names of all variations which alter their state on each iteration and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(ParVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_PAR_VARS, _T("--parvars"), false, SO_NONE, " --parvars Display the names of all variations which have parameters and exit.\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(NonParVars, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_NON_PAR_VARS, _T("--nonparvars"), false, SO_NONE, " --nonparvars Display the names of all variations which do not have parameters (weight only) and exit.\n"));
//Diagnostic bools.
INITBOOLOPTION(Verbose, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_VERBOSE, _T("--verbose"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--verbose Verbose output [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(Debug, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_DEBUG, _T("--debug"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--debug Debug output [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(DumpArgs, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_DUMP_ARGS, _T("--dumpargs"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--dumpargs Print all arguments entered from either the command line or environment variables [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(DoProgress, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_PROGRESS, _T("--progress"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--progress Display progress. This will slow down processing by about 10% [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(Verbose, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_VERBOSE, _T("--verbose"), false, SO_NONE, " --verbose Verbose output [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(Debug, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_DEBUG, _T("--debug"), false, SO_NONE, " --debug Debug output [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(DumpArgs, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_DUMP_ARGS, _T("--dumpargs"), false, SO_NONE, " --dumpargs Print all arguments entered from either the command line or environment variables [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(DoProgress, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_PROGRESS, _T("--progress"), false, SO_NONE, " --progress Display progress. This will slow down processing by about 10% [default: false].\n"));
//Execution bools.
INITBOOLOPTION(EmberCL, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_OPENCL, _T("--opencl"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--opencl Use OpenCL renderer (EmberCL) for rendering [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(Sp, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_SP, _T("--sp"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--sp Use single precision for rendering instead of double precision [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(EarlyClip, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_EARLYCLIP, _T("--earlyclip"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--earlyclip Perform clipping of RGB values before spatial filtering for better antialiasing and resizing [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(YAxisUp, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_POS_Y_UP, _T("--yaxisup"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--yaxisup Orient the image with the positive y axis pointing up [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(Transparency, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_TRANSPARENCY, _T("--transparency"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--transparency Include alpha channel in final output [default: false except for PNG].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(NameEnable, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_RENDER, eOptionIDs::OPT_NAME_ENABLE, _T("--name_enable"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--name_enable Use the name attribute contained in the Xml as the output filename [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(HexPalette, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_ANIM_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_HEX_PALETTE, _T("--hex_palette"), true, SO_OPT, "\t--hex_palette Force palette RGB values to be hex when saving to Xml [default: true].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(InsertPalette, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_RENDER, eOptionIDs::OPT_INSERT_PALETTE, _T("--insert_palette"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--insert_palette Insert the palette into the image for debugging purposes. Disabled when running with OpenCL [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(JpegComments, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_JPEG_COMMENTS, _T("--enable_jpg_comments"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--enable_jpg_comments Enables embedding the flame parameters and user identifying information in the jpeg header [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(PngComments, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_PNG_COMMENTS, _T("--enable_png_comments"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--enable_png_comments Enables embedding the flame parameters and user identifying information in the png header [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(WriteGenome, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ANIMATE, eOptionIDs::OPT_WRITE_GENOME, _T("--write_genome"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--write_genome Write out flame associated with center of motion blur window [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(ThreadedWrite, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ANIMATE, eOptionIDs::OPT_THREADED_WRITE, _T("--threaded_write"), true, SO_OPT, "\t--threaded_write Use a separate thread to write images to disk. This gives better performance, but doubles the memory required for the final output buffer. [default: true].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(Enclosed, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_ENCLOSED, _T("--enclosed"), true, SO_OPT, "\t--enclosed Use enclosing Xml tags [default: true].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(NoEdits, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_NO_EDITS, _T("--noedits"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--noedits Exclude edit tags when writing Xml [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(UnsmoothEdge, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_UNSMOOTH_EDGE, _T("--unsmoother"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--unsmoother Do not use smooth blending for sheep edges [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(LockAccum, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_LOCK_ACCUM, _T("--lock_accum"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--lock_accum Lock threads when accumulating to the histogram using the CPU. This will drop performance to that of single threading [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(DumpKernel, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_RENDER, eOptionIDs::OPT_DUMP_KERNEL, _T("--dump_kernel"), false, SO_NONE, "\t--dump_kernel Print the iteration kernel string when using OpenCL (ignored for CPU) [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(EmberCL, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_OPENCL, _T("--opencl"), false, SO_NONE, " --opencl Use OpenCL renderer (EmberCL) for rendering [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(Sp, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_SP, _T("--sp"), false, SO_NONE, " --sp Use single precision for rendering instead of double precision [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(EarlyClip, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_EARLYCLIP, _T("--earlyclip"), false, SO_NONE, " --earlyclip Perform clipping of RGB values before spatial filtering for better antialiasing and resizing [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(YAxisUp, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_POS_Y_UP, _T("--yaxisup"), false, SO_NONE, " --yaxisup Orient the image with the positive y axis pointing up [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(Transparency, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_TRANSPARENCY, _T("--transparency"), false, SO_NONE, " --transparency Include alpha channel in final output [default: false except for PNG].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(NameEnable, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_RENDER, eOptionIDs::OPT_NAME_ENABLE, _T("--name_enable"), false, SO_NONE, " --name_enable Use the name attribute contained in the Xml as the output filename [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(HexPalette, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_ANIM_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_HEX_PALETTE, _T("--hex_palette"), true, SO_OPT, " --hex_palette Force palette RGB values to be hex when saving to Xml [default: true].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(InsertPalette, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_RENDER, eOptionIDs::OPT_INSERT_PALETTE, _T("--insert_palette"), false, SO_NONE, " --insert_palette Insert the palette into the image for debugging purposes. Disabled when running with OpenCL [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(JpegComments, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_JPEG_COMMENTS, _T("--enable_jpg_comments"), false, SO_NONE, " --enable_jpg_comments Enables embedding the flame parameters and user identifying information in the jpeg header [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(PngComments, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_PNG_COMMENTS, _T("--enable_png_comments"), false, SO_NONE, " --enable_png_comments Enables embedding the flame parameters and user identifying information in the png header [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(WriteGenome, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ANIMATE, eOptionIDs::OPT_WRITE_GENOME, _T("--write_genome"), false, SO_NONE, " --write_genome Write out flame associated with center of motion blur window [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(ThreadedWrite, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ANIMATE, eOptionIDs::OPT_THREADED_WRITE, _T("--threaded_write"), true, SO_OPT, " --threaded_write Use a separate thread to write images to disk. This gives better performance, but doubles the memory required for the final output buffer. [default: true].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(Enclosed, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_ENCLOSED, _T("--enclosed"), true, SO_OPT, " --enclosed Use enclosing Xml tags [default: true].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(NoEdits, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_NO_EDITS, _T("--noedits"), false, SO_NONE, " --noedits Exclude edit tags when writing Xml [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(UnsmoothEdge, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_UNSMOOTH_EDGE, _T("--unsmoother"), false, SO_NONE, " --unsmoother Do not use smooth blending for sheep edges [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(LockAccum, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_LOCK_ACCUM, _T("--lock_accum"), false, SO_NONE, " --lock_accum Lock threads when accumulating to the histogram using the CPU. This will drop performance to that of single threading [default: false].\n"));
INITBOOLOPTION(DumpKernel, Eob(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_RENDER, eOptionIDs::OPT_DUMP_KERNEL, _T("--dump_kernel"), false, SO_NONE, " --dump_kernel Print the iteration kernel string when using OpenCL (ignored for CPU) [default: false].\n"));
INITINTOPTION(Symmetry, Eoi(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_SYMMETRY, _T("--symmetry"), 0, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--symmetry=<val> Set symmetry of result [default: 0].\n"));
INITINTOPTION(SheepGen, Eoi(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_SHEEP_GEN, _T("--sheep_gen"), -1, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--sheep_gen=<val> Sheep generation of this flame [default: -1].\n"));
INITINTOPTION(SheepId, Eoi(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_SHEEP_ID, _T("--sheep_id"), -1, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--sheep_id=<val> Sheep ID of this flame [default: -1].\n"));
INITINTOPTION(Symmetry, Eoi(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_SYMMETRY, _T("--symmetry"), 0, SO_REQ_SEP, " --symmetry=<val> Set symmetry of result [default: 0].\n"));
INITINTOPTION(SheepGen, Eoi(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_SHEEP_GEN, _T("--sheep_gen"), -1, SO_REQ_SEP, " --sheep_gen=<val> Sheep generation of this flame [default: -1].\n"));
INITINTOPTION(SheepId, Eoi(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_SHEEP_ID, _T("--sheep_id"), -1, SO_REQ_SEP, " --sheep_id=<val> Sheep ID of this flame [default: -1].\n"));
#ifdef _WIN32
INITINTOPTION(Priority, Eoi(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_PRIORITY, _T("--priority"), int(eThreadPriority::NORMAL), SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--priority=<val> The priority of the CPU rendering threads from -2 - 2. This does not apply to OpenCL rendering.\n"));
INITINTOPTION(Priority, Eoi(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_PRIORITY, _T("--priority"), int(eThreadPriority::NORMAL), SO_REQ_SEP, " --priority=<val> The priority of the CPU rendering threads from -2 - 2. This does not apply to OpenCL rendering.\n"));
INITINTOPTION(Priority, Eoi(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_PRIORITY, _T("--priority"), int(eThreadPriority::NORMAL), SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--priority=<val> The priority of the CPU rendering threads, 1, 25, 50, 75, 99. This does not apply to OpenCL rendering.\n"));
INITINTOPTION(Priority, Eoi(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_PRIORITY, _T("--priority"), int(eThreadPriority::NORMAL), SO_REQ_SEP, " --priority=<val> The priority of the CPU rendering threads, 1, 25, 50, 75, 99. This does not apply to OpenCL rendering.\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(ThreadCount, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_NTHREADS, _T("--nthreads"), 0, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--nthreads=<val> The number of threads to use [default: use all available cores].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(Strips, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_RENDER, eOptionIDs::OPT_STRIPS, _T("--nstrips"), 1, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--nstrips=<val> The number of fractions to split a single render frame into. Useful for print size renders or low memory systems [default: 1].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(Supersample, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_SUPERSAMPLE, _T("--supersample"), 0, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--supersample=<val> The supersample value used to override the one specified in the file [default: 0 (use value from file), Range: 0 - 4].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(TemporalSamples, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ANIMATE, eOptionIDs::OPT_TEMPSAMPLES, _T("--ts"), 0, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--ts=<val> The temporal samples value used to override all of the temporal sample values specified in the file when animating [default: 0 (use value from file)].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(BitsPerChannel, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_BPC, _T("--bpc"), 8, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--bpc=<val> Bits per channel. 8 or 16 for PNG, 8 for all others, always 8 with OpenCL [default: 8].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(PrintEditDepth, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_PRINT_EDIT_DEPTH, _T("--print_edit_depth"), 0, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--print_edit_depth=<val> Depth to truncate <edit> tag structure when converting a flame to Xml. 0 prints all <edit> tags [default: 0].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(JpegQuality, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_JPEG, _T("--jpeg"), 95, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--jpeg=<val> Jpeg quality 0-100 for compression [default: 95].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(FirstFrame, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ANIMATE, eOptionIDs::OPT_BEGIN, _T("--begin"), UINT_MAX, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--begin=<val> Time of first frame to render [default: first time specified in file].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(LastFrame, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ANIMATE, eOptionIDs::OPT_END, _T("--end"), UINT_MAX, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--end=<val> Time of last frame to render [default: last time specified in the input file].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(Frame, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_ANIM_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_FRAME, _T("--frame"), UINT_MAX, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--frame=<val> Time of first and last frame (ie do one frame).\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(Dtime, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ANIMATE, eOptionIDs::OPT_DTIME, _T("--dtime"), 1, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--dtime=<val> Time between frames [default: 1].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(Frames, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_NFRAMES, _T("--nframes"), 20, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--nframes=<val> Number of frames per loop and per interpolation in the animation [default: 20].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(Repeat, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_REPEAT, _T("--repeat"), 1, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--repeat=<val> Number of new flames to create. Ignored if sequence, inter or rotate were specified [default: 1].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(Tries, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_TRIES, _T("--tries"), 10, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--tries=<val> Number times to try creating a flame that meets the specified constraints. Ignored if sequence, inter or rotate were specified [default: 10].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(MaxXforms, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_MAX_XFORMS, _T("--maxxforms"), UINT_MAX, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--maxxforms=<val> The maximum number of xforms allowed in the final output.\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(StartCount, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_START_COUNT, _T("--startcount"), 0, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--startcount=<val> The number to add to each flame name when generating a sequence. Useful for programs like ffmpeg which require numerically increasing filenames [default: 0].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(Padding, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_PADDING, _T("--padding"), 0, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--padding=<val> Override the amount of zero padding added to each flame name when generating a sequence. Useful for programs like ffmpeg which require fixed width filenames [default: 0 (auto calculate padding)].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(ThreadCount, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_NTHREADS, _T("--nthreads"), 0, SO_REQ_SEP, " --nthreads=<val> The number of threads to use [default: use all available cores].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(Strips, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_RENDER, eOptionIDs::OPT_STRIPS, _T("--nstrips"), 1, SO_REQ_SEP, " --nstrips=<val> The number of fractions to split a single render frame into. Useful for print size renders or low memory systems [default: 1].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(Supersample, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_SUPERSAMPLE, _T("--supersample"), 0, SO_REQ_SEP, " --supersample=<val> The supersample value used to override the one specified in the file [default: 0 (use value from file), Range: 0 - 4].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(TemporalSamples, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ANIMATE, eOptionIDs::OPT_TEMPSAMPLES, _T("--ts"), 0, SO_REQ_SEP, " --ts=<val> The temporal samples value used to override all of the temporal sample values specified in the file when animating [default: 0 (use value from file)].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(BitsPerChannel, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_BPC, _T("--bpc"), 8, SO_REQ_SEP, " --bpc=<val> Bits per channel. 8 or 16 for PNG, 8 for all others, always 8 with OpenCL [default: 8].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(PrintEditDepth, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_PRINT_EDIT_DEPTH, _T("--print_edit_depth"), 0, SO_REQ_SEP, " --print_edit_depth=<val> Depth to truncate <edit> tag structure when converting a flame to Xml. 0 prints all <edit> tags [default: 0].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(JpegQuality, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_JPEG, _T("--jpeg"), 95, SO_REQ_SEP, " --jpeg=<val> Jpeg quality 0-100 for compression [default: 95].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(FirstFrame, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ANIMATE, eOptionIDs::OPT_BEGIN, _T("--begin"), UINT_MAX, SO_REQ_SEP, " --begin=<val> Time of first frame to render [default: first time specified in file].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(LastFrame, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ANIMATE, eOptionIDs::OPT_END, _T("--end"), UINT_MAX, SO_REQ_SEP, " --end=<val> Time of last frame to render [default: last time specified in the input file].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(Frame, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_ANIM_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_FRAME, _T("--frame"), UINT_MAX, SO_REQ_SEP, " --frame=<val> Time of first and last frame (ie do one frame).\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(Dtime, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ANIMATE, eOptionIDs::OPT_DTIME, _T("--dtime"), 1, SO_REQ_SEP, " --dtime=<val> Time between frames [default: 1].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(Frames, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_NFRAMES, _T("--nframes"), 20, SO_REQ_SEP, " --nframes=<val> Number of frames per loop and per interpolation in the animation [default: 20].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(Repeat, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_REPEAT, _T("--repeat"), 1, SO_REQ_SEP, " --repeat=<val> Number of new flames to create. Ignored if sequence, inter or rotate were specified [default: 1].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(Tries, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_TRIES, _T("--tries"), 10, SO_REQ_SEP, " --tries=<val> Number times to try creating a flame that meets the specified constraints. Ignored if sequence, inter or rotate were specified [default: 10].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(MaxXforms, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_MAX_XFORMS, _T("--maxxforms"), UINT_MAX, SO_REQ_SEP, " --maxxforms=<val> The maximum number of xforms allowed in the final output.\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(StartCount, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_START_COUNT, _T("--startcount"), 0, SO_REQ_SEP, " --startcount=<val> The number to add to each flame name when generating a sequence. Useful for programs like ffmpeg which require numerically increasing filenames [default: 0].\n"));
INITUINTOPTION(Padding, Eou(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_PADDING, _T("--padding"), 0, SO_REQ_SEP, " --padding=<val> Override the amount of zero padding added to each flame name when generating a sequence. Useful for programs like ffmpeg which require fixed width filenames [default: 0 (auto calculate padding)].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(SizeScale, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_SS, _T("--ss"), 1, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--ss=<val> Size scale. All dimensions are scaled by this amount [default: 1.0].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(QualityScale, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_QS, _T("--qs"), 1, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--qs=<val> Quality scale. All quality values are scaled by this amount [default: 1.0].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(Quality, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_QUALITY, _T("--quality"), 0, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--quality=<val> Override the quality of the flame if not 0 [default: 0].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(DeMin, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_DE_MIN, _T("--demin"), -1, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--demin=<val> Override the minimum size of the density estimator filter radius if not -1 [default: -1].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(DeMax, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_DE_MAX, _T("--demax"), -1, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--demax=<val> Override the maximum size of the density estimator filter radius if not -1 [default: -1].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(AspectRatio, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_PIXEL_ASPECT, _T("--pixel_aspect"), 1, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--pixel_aspect=<val> Aspect ratio of pixels (width over height), eg. 0.90909 for NTSC [default: 1.0].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(Stagger, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_STAGGER, _T("--stagger"), 0, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--stagger=<val> Affects simultaneity of xform interpolation during flame interpolation.\n"
INITDOUBLEOPTION(SizeScale, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_SS, _T("--ss"), 1, SO_REQ_SEP, " --ss=<val> Size scale. All dimensions are scaled by this amount [default: 1.0].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(QualityScale, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_QS, _T("--qs"), 1, SO_REQ_SEP, " --qs=<val> Quality scale. All quality values are scaled by this amount [default: 1.0].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(Quality, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_QUALITY, _T("--quality"), 0, SO_REQ_SEP, " --quality=<val> Override the quality of the flame if not 0 [default: 0].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(DeMin, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_DE_MIN, _T("--demin"), -1, SO_REQ_SEP, " --demin=<val> Override the minimum size of the density estimator filter radius if not -1 [default: -1].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(DeMax, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_DE_MAX, _T("--demax"), -1, SO_REQ_SEP, " --demax=<val> Override the maximum size of the density estimator filter radius if not -1 [default: -1].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(AspectRatio, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_PIXEL_ASPECT, _T("--pixel_aspect"), 1, SO_REQ_SEP, " --pixel_aspect=<val> Aspect ratio of pixels (width over height), eg. 0.90909 for NTSC [default: 1.0].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(Stagger, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_STAGGER, _T("--stagger"), 0, SO_REQ_SEP, " --stagger=<val> Affects simultaneity of xform interpolation during flame interpolation.\n"
"\t Represents how 'separate' the xforms are interpolated. Set to 1 for each\n"
"\t xform to be interpolated individually, fractions control interpolation overlap [default: 0].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(AvgThresh, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_AVG_THRESH, _T("--avg"), 20.0, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--avg=<val> Minimum average pixel channel sum (r + g + b) threshold from 0 - 765. Ignored if sequence, inter or rotate were specified [default: 20].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(BlackThresh, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_BLACK_THRESH, _T("--black"), 0.01, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--black=<val> Minimum number of allowed black pixels as a percentage from 0 - 1. Ignored if sequence, inter or rotate were specified [default: 0.01].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(WhiteLimit, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_WHITE_LIMIT, _T("--white"), 0.05, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--white=<val> Maximum number of allowed white pixels as a percentage from 0 - 1. Ignored if sequence, inter or rotate were specified [default: 0.05].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(Speed, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_SPEED, _T("--speed"), 0.1, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--speed=<val> Speed as a percentage from 0 - 1 that the affine transform of an existing flame mutates with the new flame. Ignored if sequence, inter or rotate were specified [default: 0.1].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(OffsetX, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_OFFSETX, _T("--offsetx"), 0.0, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--offsetx=<val> Amount to jitter each flame horizontally when applying genome tools [default: 0].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(OffsetY, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_OFFSETY, _T("--offsety"), 0.0, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--offsety=<val> Amount to jitter each flame vertically when applying genome tools [default: 0].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(UseMem, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_RENDER, eOptionIDs::OPT_USEMEM, _T("--use_mem"), 0.0, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--use_mem=<val> Number of bytes of memory to use [default: max system memory].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(Loops, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_LOOPS, _T("--loops"), 1.0, SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--loops=<val> Number of times to rotate each control point in sequence [default: 1].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(AvgThresh, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_AVG_THRESH, _T("--avg"), 20.0, SO_REQ_SEP, " --avg=<val> Minimum average pixel channel sum (r + g + b) threshold from 0 - 765. Ignored if sequence, inter or rotate were specified [default: 20].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(BlackThresh, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_BLACK_THRESH, _T("--black"), 0.01, SO_REQ_SEP, " --black=<val> Minimum number of allowed black pixels as a percentage from 0 - 1. Ignored if sequence, inter or rotate were specified [default: 0.01].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(WhiteLimit, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_WHITE_LIMIT, _T("--white"), 0.05, SO_REQ_SEP, " --white=<val> Maximum number of allowed white pixels as a percentage from 0 - 1. Ignored if sequence, inter or rotate were specified [default: 0.05].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(Speed, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_SPEED, _T("--speed"), 0.1, SO_REQ_SEP, " --speed=<val> Speed as a percentage from 0 - 1 that the affine transform of an existing flame mutates with the new flame. Ignored if sequence, inter or rotate were specified [default: 0.1].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(OffsetX, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_OFFSETX, _T("--offsetx"), 0.0, SO_REQ_SEP, " --offsetx=<val> Amount to jitter each flame horizontally when applying genome tools [default: 0].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(OffsetY, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_OFFSETY, _T("--offsety"), 0.0, SO_REQ_SEP, " --offsety=<val> Amount to jitter each flame vertically when applying genome tools [default: 0].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(UseMem, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_RENDER, eOptionIDs::OPT_USEMEM, _T("--use_mem"), 0.0, SO_REQ_SEP, " --use_mem=<val> Number of bytes of memory to use [default: max system memory].\n"));
INITDOUBLEOPTION(Loops, Eod(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_LOOPS, _T("--loops"), 1.0, SO_REQ_SEP, " --loops=<val> Number of times to rotate each control point in sequence [default: 1].\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Device, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_OPENCL_DEVICE, _T("--device"), "0", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--device The comma-separated OpenCL device indices to use. Single device: 0 Multi device: 0,1,3,4 [default: 0].\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(IsaacSeed, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_ISAAC_SEED, _T("--isaac_seed"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--isaac_seed=<val> Character-based seed for the random number generator [default: random].\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Input, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_IN, _T("--in"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--in=<val> Name of the input file.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Out, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_RENDER, eOptionIDs::OPT_OUT, _T("--out"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--out=<val> Name of a single output file. Not recommended when rendering more than one image.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Prefix, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_PREFIX, _T("--prefix"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--prefix=<val> Prefix to prepend to all output files.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Suffix, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_SUFFIX, _T("--suffix"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--suffix=<val> Suffix to append to all output files.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Format, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_FORMAT, _T("--format"), "png", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--format=<val> Format of the output file. Valid values are: bmp, jpg, png, ppm [default: png].\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(PalettePath, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_PALETTE_FILE, _T("--flam3_palettes"), "flam3-palettes.xml", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--flam3_palettes=<val> Path and name of the palette file [default: flam3-palettes.xml].\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Id, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_ID, _T("--id"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--id=<val> ID to use in <edit> tags / image comments.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Url, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_URL, _T("--url"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--url=<val> URL to use in <edit> tags / image comments.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Nick, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_NICK, _T("--nick"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--nick=<val> Nickname to use in <edit> tags / image comments.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Comment, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_COMMENT, _T("--comment"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--comment=<val> Comment to use in <edit> tags.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(TemplateFile, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_TEMPLATE, _T("--template"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--template=<val> Apply defaults based on this flame.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Clone, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_CLONE, _T("--clone"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--clone=<val> Clone random flame in input.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(CloneAll, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_CLONE_ALL, _T("--clone_all"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--clone_all=<val> Clones all flames in the input file. Useful for applying template to all flames.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(CloneAction, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_CLONE_ACTION, _T("--clone_action"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--clone_action=<val> A description of the clone action taking place.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Animate, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_ANIMATE, _T("--animate"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--animate=<val> Interpolates between all flames in the input file, using times specified in file.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Mutate, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_MUTATE, _T("--mutate"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--mutate=<val> Randomly mutate a random flame from the input file.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Cross0, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_CROSS0, _T("--cross0"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--cross0=<val> Randomly select one flame from the input file to genetically cross...\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Cross1, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_CROSS1, _T("--cross1"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--cross1=<val> ...with one flame from this file.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Method, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_METHOD, _T("--method"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--method=<val> Method used for genetic cross: alternate, interpolate, or union. For mutate: all_vars, one_xform, add_symmetry, post_xforms, color_palette, delete_xform, all_coefs [default: random].\n"));//Original ommitted this important documentation for mutate!
INITSTRINGOPTION(Inter, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_INTER, _T("--inter"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--inter=<val> Interpolate the input file.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Rotate, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_ROTATE, _T("--rotate"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--rotate=<val> Rotate the input file.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Sequence, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_SEQUENCE, _T("--sequence"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--sequence=<val> 360 degree rotation 'loops' times of each control point in the input file plus rotating transitions.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(UseVars, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_USE_VARS, _T("--use_vars"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--use_vars=<val> Comma separated list of variation #'s to use when generating a random flame.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(DontUseVars, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_DONT_USE_VARS, _T("--dont_use_vars"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--dont_use_vars=<val> Comma separated list of variation #'s to NOT use when generating a random flame.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Extras, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_EXTRAS, _T("--extras"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, "\t--extras=<val> Extra attributes to place in the flame section of the Xml.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Device, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_OPENCL_DEVICE, _T("--device"), "0", SO_REQ_SEP, " --device The comma-separated OpenCL device indices to use. Single device: 0 Multi device: 0,1,3,4 [default: 0].\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(IsaacSeed, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_ISAAC_SEED, _T("--isaac_seed"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --isaac_seed=<val> Character-based seed for the random number generator [default: random].\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Input, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_IN, _T("--in"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --in=<val> Name of the input file.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Out, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_RENDER, eOptionIDs::OPT_OUT, _T("--out"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --out=<val> Name of a single output file. Not recommended when rendering more than one image.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Prefix, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_PREFIX, _T("--prefix"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --prefix=<val> Prefix to prepend to all output files.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Suffix, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_SUFFIX, _T("--suffix"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --suffix=<val> Suffix to append to all output files.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Format, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_RENDER_ANIM, eOptionIDs::OPT_FORMAT, _T("--format"), "png", SO_REQ_SEP, " --format=<val> Format of the output file. Valid values are: bmp, jpg, png, ppm [default: png].\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(PalettePath, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_PALETTE_FILE, _T("--flam3_palettes"), "flam3-palettes.xml", SO_REQ_SEP, " --flam3_palettes=<val> Path and name of the palette file [default: flam3-palettes.xml].\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Id, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_ID, _T("--id"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --id=<val> ID to use in <edit> tags / image comments.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Url, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_URL, _T("--url"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --url=<val> URL to use in <edit> tags / image comments.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Nick, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_ALL, eOptionIDs::OPT_NICK, _T("--nick"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --nick=<val> Nickname to use in <edit> tags / image comments.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Comment, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_COMMENT, _T("--comment"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --comment=<val> Comment to use in <edit> tags.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(TemplateFile, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_TEMPLATE, _T("--template"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --template=<val> Apply defaults based on this flame.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Clone, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_CLONE, _T("--clone"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --clone=<val> Clone random flame in input.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(CloneAll, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_CLONE_ALL, _T("--clone_all"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --clone_all=<val> Clones all flames in the input file. Useful for applying template to all flames.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(CloneAction, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_CLONE_ACTION, _T("--clone_action"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --clone_action=<val> A description of the clone action taking place.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Animate, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_ANIMATE, _T("--animate"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --animate=<val> Interpolates between all flames in the input file, using times specified in file.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Mutate, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_MUTATE, _T("--mutate"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --mutate=<val> Randomly mutate a random flame from the input file.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Cross0, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_CROSS0, _T("--cross0"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --cross0=<val> Randomly select one flame from the input file to genetically cross...\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Cross1, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_CROSS1, _T("--cross1"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --cross1=<val> ...with one flame from this file.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Method, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_METHOD, _T("--method"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --method=<val> Method used for genetic cross: alternate, interpolate, or union. For mutate: all_vars, one_xform, add_symmetry, post_xforms, color_palette, delete_xform, all_coefs [default: random].\n"));//Original ommitted this important documentation for mutate!
INITSTRINGOPTION(Inter, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_INTER, _T("--inter"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --inter=<val> Interpolate the input file.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Rotate, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_ROTATE, _T("--rotate"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --rotate=<val> Rotate the input file.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Sequence, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_SEQUENCE, _T("--sequence"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --sequence=<val> 360 degree rotation 'loops' times of each control point in the input file plus rotating transitions.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(UseVars, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_USE_VARS, _T("--use_vars"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --use_vars=<val> Comma separated list of variation #'s to use when generating a random flame.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(DontUseVars, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_DONT_USE_VARS, _T("--dont_use_vars"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --dont_use_vars=<val> Comma separated list of variation #'s to NOT use when generating a random flame.\n"));
INITSTRINGOPTION(Extras, Eos(eOptionUse::OPT_USE_GENOME, eOptionIDs::OPT_EXTRAS, _T("--extras"), "", SO_REQ_SEP, " --extras=<val> Extra attributes to place in the flame section of the Xml.\n"));
/// <summary>
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
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<string><html><head/><body><p align="center"><br/>Fractorium Beta</p><p align="center"><span style=" font-size:10pt;">A Qt-based fractal flame editor which uses a C++ re-write of the flam3 algorithm named Ember and a GPU capable version named EmberCL which implements a portion of the cuburn algorithm in OpenCL.</span></p><p align="center"><a href="http://fractorium.com">fractorium.com</a><span style=" font-size:10pt;"><br/>Lead: Matt Feemster<br/>Contributors: Simon Detheridge</span></p></body></html></string>
<string><html><head/><body><p align="center"><br/>Fractorium</p><p align="center"><span style=" font-size:10pt;">A Qt-based fractal flame editor which uses a C++ re-write of the flam3 algorithm named Ember and a GPU capable version named EmberCL which implements a portion of the cuburn algorithm in OpenCL.</span></p><p align="center"><a href="http://fractorium.com">fractorium.com</a><span style=" font-size:10pt;"><br/>Lead: Matt Feemster<br/>Contributors: Simon Detheridge</span></p></body></html></string>
<property name="textFormat">
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