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synced 2025-03-15 16:01:29 -04:00
Lockless lossy shared memory writeback.
Barely tested! And yet it's going straight into master. Lucky you!
This commit is contained in:
@ -410,26 +410,15 @@ write_shmem(
// These two accumulators, used in write_shmem, hold {density, red} and
// {green, blue} values as packed u16 pairs. The fixed size represents
// 4,096 pixels in the accumulator.
__shared__ uint32_t s_acc_dr[SHAW];
__shared__ uint32_t s_acc_gb[SHAW];
__shared__ uint32_t s_acc[SHAW*2];
// TODO: doesn't respect SHAW/BS
// TODO: compare generated code with unrolled for-loop
s_acc_dr[tid] = 0;
s_acc_gb[tid] = 0;
s_acc_dr[tid+BS] = 0;
s_acc_gb[tid+BS] = 0;
s_acc_dr[tid+2*BS] = 0;
s_acc_gb[tid+2*BS] = 0;
s_acc_dr[tid+3*BS] = 0;
s_acc_gb[tid+3*BS] = 0;
int idx = tid;
for (int i = 0; i < (SHAW * 2 / BS); i++) {
s_acc[idx] = 0;
idx += BS;
// This predicate is used for the horrible monkey-patching magic. Second
// variable is just to shut the compiler up.
asm volatile(".reg .pred p; setp.lt.u32 p, %0, 42;"
:: "r"(s_acc_dr[0]), "r"(s_acc_gb[0]));
// log_bounds[] holds inclusive prefix sums, so that log_bounds[0] is the
// largest index with radix 0, and so on.
int lb_idx_hi = bid & 0xff;
@ -457,40 +446,32 @@ write_shmem(
asm volatile ({{crep("""
.reg .pred q;
.reg .u32 shoff, color, time, d, r, g, b, hi, lo, his, los, hiw, low;
.reg .u32 shoff, color, time, d, r, g, b, hi, lo, hiw, low;
.reg .u64 ptr;
.reg .f32 rf, gf, bf, df;
.reg .f32 rf, gf, bf, df, rg, gg, dg, bg;
and.b32 shoff, %0, 0xff800;
shr.b32 shoff, shoff, 6;
bfi.b32 shoff, %0, shoff, 2, 3;
shr.b32 shoff, shoff, 5;
bfi.b32 shoff, %0, shoff, 3, 3;
bfe.u32 color, %0, 24, 8;
shl.b32 color, color, 3;
cvt.rni.u32.f32 time, %1;
suld.b.2d.v2.b32.clamp {his, los}, [flatpal, {color, time}];
// This instruction will get replaced with a LDSLK that sets 'p'.
// The 0xffff is a signature to make sure we get the right instruction,
// and will get replaced with a 0-offset when patching.
ld.shared.volatile.u32 low, [shoff+0xffff];
@p ld.shared.volatile.u32 hiw, [shoff+0x4000];
add.cc.u32 lo, los, low;
addc.u32 hi, his, hiw;
setp.hs.and.u32 q, hi, (1023 << 22), p;
selp.b32 hiw, 0, hi, q;
selp.b32 low, 0, lo, q;
@p st.shared.volatile.u32 [shoff+0x4000], hiw;
// This instruction will get replaced with an STSUL
@p st.shared.volatile.u32 [shoff+0xffff], low;
//@!p bra acc_write_start;
suld.b.2d.v2.b32.clamp {hi, lo}, [flatpal, {color, time}];
ld.shared.v2.u32 {hiw, low}, [shoff];
add.cc.u32 lo, lo, low;
addc.u32 hi, hi, hiw;
st.shared.v2.u32 [shoff], {hi, lo};
setp.hs.u32 q, hi, (1023 << 22);
@!q bra oflow_write_end;
st.shared.v2.u32 [shoff], {0, 0};
// TODO: opacity
bfi.b32 shoff, %0, 0, 4, 24;
cvt.u64.u32 ptr, shoff;
add.u64 ptr, ptr, %2;
ld.global.v4.f32 {dg,bg,gg,rg}, [ptr];
bfe.u32 r, hi, 4, 18;
bfe.u32 g, lo, 18, 14;
bfi.b32 g, hi, g, 14, 4;
@ -498,13 +479,11 @@ acc_write_start:
cvt.rn.f32.u32 rf, r;
cvt.rn.f32.u32 gf, g;
cvt.rn.f32.u32 bf, b;
mul.ftz.f32 rf, rf, (1.0/255.0);
mul.ftz.f32 gf, gf, (1.0/255.0);
mul.ftz.f32 bf, bf, (1.0/255.0);
red.add.f32 [ptr], rf;
red.add.f32 [ptr+4], gf;
red.add.f32 [ptr+8], bf;
red.add.f32 [ptr+12], 1023.0;
fma.rn.ftz.f32 rf, rf, (1.0/255.0), rg;
fma.rn.ftz.f32 gf, gf, (1.0/255.0), gg;
fma.rn.ftz.f32 bf, bf, (1.0/255.0), bg;
add.f32 df, df, dg;
st.global.v4.f32 [ptr], {df,bf,gf,rf};
@ -514,7 +493,7 @@ oflow_write_end:
int idx = tid;
idx = tid;
int glo_idx = magic | (((idx << 8) | idx) & 0xff807);
for (int i = 0; i < (SHAW / BS) && glo_idx < nbins; i++) {
@ -523,15 +502,14 @@ oflow_write_end:
.reg .u32 hi, lo;
ld.shared.u32 lo, [%4];
ld.shared.u32 hi, [%4+0x4000];
ld.shared.v2.u32 {hi, lo}, [%4];
shr.u32 %0, hi, 22;
bfe.u32 %1, hi, 4, 18;
bfe.u32 %2, lo, 18, 14;
bfi.b32 %2, hi, %2, 14, 4;
and.b32 %3, lo, ((1<<18)-1);
""")}} : "=r"(d), "=r"(r), "=r"(g), "=r"(b) : "r"(idx*4));
""")}} : "=r"(d), "=r"(r), "=r"(g), "=r"(b) : "r"(idx*8));
pix.x += r / 255.0f;
pix.y += g / 255.0f;
pix.z += b / 255.0f;
@ -553,36 +531,3 @@ oflow_write_end:
if n != 'final'],
def monkey_patch(cubin):
LD = np.uint64(0x851c00fcff0300c1)
LDSLK = np.uint64(0x851c0000000000c4)
ST = np.uint64(0x850000fcff0300c9)
STSUL = np.uint64(0x85000000000000cc)
regmask = np.uint64(0x00c0ff0300000000)
prdmask = np.uint64(0x003c000000000000)
O = 64 # Expected offset to last instruction
offset = cubin.find('\x85')
while offset >= 0:
# Using these fixed offsets makes this code intentionally
# intolerant of compiler instruction reordering
if cubin[offset+7] == '\xc1' and cubin[offset+O] == '\x85':
ld = np.frombuffer(cubin[offset:offset+8], dtype='>u8')
st = np.frombuffer(cubin[offset+O:offset+8+O], dtype='>u8')
if ((ld & (~regmask)) == LD and
((st & (~regmask)) & (~prdmask)) == ST):
offset = cubin.find('\x85', offset+1)
assert offset > 0, 'Could not find patch point!'
# Note that these bits are still reversed, and we ignore the
# (im)possibility of a negative predicate in this case
pred = (st & prdmask) >> 50
ld = LDSLK | (ld & regmask) | (pred << 10)
st = STSUL | (st & regmask) | (st & prdmask)
return ( cubin[:offset] + ld.byteswap().tostring()
+ cubin[offset+8:offset+O]
+ st.byteswap().tostring() + cubin[offset+8+O:] )
@ -82,11 +82,6 @@ class Renderer(object):
self.cubin = pycuda.compiler.compile(
self.src, keep=keep, options=cmp_options,
cache_dir=False if keep else None)
with open('/tmp/iter_kern.cubin', 'wb') as fp:
# For now, we apply the monkey-patch manually. May eventually make
# this more of a framework if I do it in more than one code segment.
self.cubin = self._iter.monkey_patch(self.cubin)
self.mod = cuda.module_from_buffer(self.cubin, jit_options)
with open('/tmp/iter_kern.cubin', 'wb') as fp:
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