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synced 2025-03-13 06:51:28 -04:00
Refactor host rendering code for better load
This commit is contained in:
@ -107,7 +107,19 @@ class Animation(object):
In other words, it's best to use exactly one Animation for each
interpolated sequence between one or two genomes.
# Large launches lock the display for a considerable period and may be
# killed due to a device timeout; small launches are harder to load-balance
# on the GPU and incur overhead. This empirical value is multiplied by the
# number of SMs on the device to determine how many blocks should be in
# each launch. Extremely high quality, high resolution renders may still
# encounter a device timeout, requiring the user to increase the split
# amount. This factor is not used in async mode.
cmp_options = ('-use_fast_math', '-maxrregcount', '42')
keep = False
def __init__(self, ctypes_genome_array):
@ -170,7 +182,8 @@ class Animation(object):
self.mod = cuda.module_from_buffer(self.cubin, jit_options)
def render_frames(self, times=None, block=True):
def render_frames(self, times=None, sync=False):
Render a flame for each genome in the iterable value 'genomes'.
Returns a Python generator object which will yield a 2-tuple of
@ -192,260 +205,182 @@ class Animation(object):
``times`` is a sequence of center times at which to render, or ``None``
to render one frame for each genome used to create the animation.
``block`` will cause this thread to spin, waiting for the GPU to
finish the current task. Otherwise, this generator will yield ``None``
until the GPU is finished, for filtering later.
If ``sync`` is True, the CPU will sync with the GPU after every block
of temporal samples and yield None until the frame is ready. This
allows a single-card system to avoid having to go thirty seconds
between window refreshes while rendering. Otherwise, tasks will be
piled asynchronously on the card so that it is always under load.
f = self.features
times = times if times is not None else [cp.time for cp in self.genomes]
iter_stream = cuda.Stream()
filt_stream = cuda.Stream()
cen_cp = pyflam3.Genome()
dst_cp = pyflam3.Genome()
if block:
rdr = _AnimRenderer(self)
for t in times:
yield rdr.get_result()
nbins = f.acc_height * f.acc_stride
d_accum = cuda.mem_alloc(16 * nbins)
d_out = cuda.mem_alloc(16 * nbins)
num_sm = cuda.Context.get_device().multiprocessor_count
if sync:
cps_per_block = num_sm * self.SM_FACTOR
# TODO: share buffers.
rdrs = [_AnimRenderer(self) for i in range(2)]
cps_per_block = f.max_cps
# Zip up each genome with an alternating renderer, plus 2 empty
# genomes at the end to flush all pending tasks
exttimes = times[:] + [None, None]
for rdr, t in izip(cycle(rdrs), exttimes):
if rdr.pending:
while not rdr.done():
yield None
yield rdr.get_result()
if t is not None:
info_size = self._iter.packer.align * cps_per_block
d_infos = cuda.mem_alloc(info_size)
d_palmem = cuda.mem_alloc(256 * f.palette_height * 4)
def _interp(self, time, cp):
flam3_interpolate(self._g_arr, len(self._g_arr), time, 0, byref(cp))
seeds = mwc.MWC.make_seeds(self._iter.NTHREADS * cps_per_block)
d_seeds = cuda.to_device(seeds)
class _AnimRenderer(object):
# Large launches lock the display for a considerable period and may be
# killed due to a device timeout; small launches are harder to load-balance
# on the GPU and incur overhead. This empirical value is multiplied by the
# number of SMs on the device to determine how many blocks should be in
# each launch. Extremely high quality, high resolution renders may still
# encounter a device timeout, and no workaround is in place for that yet.
h_infos = cuda.pagelocked_empty((info_size / 4,), np.float32)
h_palmem = cuda.pagelocked_empty(
(f.palette_height, 256, 4), np.uint8)
h_out = cuda.pagelocked_empty((f.acc_height, f.acc_stride, 4), np.float32)
# Currently, palette interpolation is done independently of animation
# interpolation, so that the process is not biased and so we only need to
# mess about with one texture per renderer. This many steps will always be
# used, no matter the number of time steps.
filter_done_event = None
# Use synchronous launches
sync = False
# Delay this long between iterations (only active when sync is True)
sleep = None
def __init__(self, anim):
self.anim = anim
self.pending = False
self.cen_time = None
self.stream = cuda.Stream()
self._nsms = cuda.Context.get_device().multiprocessor_count
self.cps_per_block = self._nsms * self.SM_FACTOR
self.ncps = anim.features.max_cps
self.nblocks = int(math.ceil(self.ncps / float(self.cps_per_block)))
# These are stored to avoid leaks, not to be stateful in method calls
self._dst_cp = pyflam3.Genome()
memset(byref(self._dst_cp), 0, sizeof(self._dst_cp))
self._cen_cp = pyflam3.Genome()
memset(byref(self._cen_cp), 0, sizeof(self._cen_cp))
self.nbins = anim.features.acc_height * anim.features.acc_stride
self.d_accum = cuda.mem_alloc(16 * self.nbins)
self.d_out = cuda.mem_alloc(16 * self.nbins)
info_size = anim._iter.packer.align * self.ncps
self.d_infos = cuda.mem_alloc(info_size)
# Defer generation of seeds until they're first needed
self.d_seeds = None
# During the main rendering loop, we alternate between two streams and
# two sets of seeds, synchronizing them at the end of rendering.
self.alt_stream = cuda.Stream()
self.d_alt_seeds = None
# It's less than ideal, but we lock some memory ahead of time
self.h_infos_locked = cuda.pagelocked_empty((info_size/4,), np.float32)
if self.sync:
self.stream = self.alt_stream = None
def render(self, cen_time):
assert not self.pending, "Tried to render with results pending!"
self.pending = True
self.cen_time = cen_time
a = self.anim
cen_cp = self._cen_cp
a._interp(cen_time, cen_cp)
palette = self._interp_colors(cen_time, cen_cp)
util.BaseCode.zero_dptr(a.mod, self.d_accum, 4 * self.nbins,
# Ensure all main stream tasks are done before starting alt stream
if not self.sync:
dpal = cuda.make_multichannel_2d_array(palette, 'C')
tref = a.mod.get_texref('palTex')
tref.set_format(cuda.array_format.UNSIGNED_INT8, 4)
cp = self._dst_cp
packer = a._iter.packer
iter_fun = a.mod.get_function("iter")
packer = self._iter.packer
iter_fun = self.mod.get_function("iter")
# Must be accumulated over all CPs
gam, vib = 0, 0
bkgd = np.zeros(3)
util.BaseCode.zero_dptr(self.mod, d_accum, 4 * nbins, filt_stream)
# This is gross, but there are a lot of fiddly corner cases with any
# index-based iteration scheme.
times = list(enumerate(self._mk_dts(cen_time, cen_cp, self.ncps)))
for b, block_times in enumerate(_chunk(times, self.cps_per_block)):
on_main = b % 2 == 0
stream = self.stream if on_main else self.alt_stream
d_seeds = self.d_seeds if on_main else self.d_alt_seeds
last_time = times[0]
if not d_seeds:
seeds = mwc.MWC.make_seeds(a._iter.NTHREADS *
if self.sync:
d_seeds = cuda.to_device(seeds)
for time in times:
self._interp(cen_cp, time)
h_palmem[:] = self._interp_colors(dst_cp, time,
cuda.memcpy_htod_async(d_palmem, h_palmem, iter_stream)
tref = self.mod.get_texref('palTex')
array_info = cuda.ArrayDescriptor()
array_info.height = f.palette_height
array_info.width = 256
array_info.array_format = cuda.array_format.UNSIGNED_INT8
array_info.num_channels = 4
tref.set_address_2d(d_palmem, array_info, 1024)
tref.set_format(cuda.array_format.UNSIGNED_INT8, 4)
# Must be accumulated over all CPs
gam, vib = 0, 0
bkgd = np.zeros(3)
mblur_times = enumerate( np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, cen_cp.ntemporal_samples)
* cen_cp.temporal_filter_width + time )
for block_times in _chunk(list(mblur_times), cps_per_block):
infos = []
if len(self.genomes) > 1:
for n, t in block_times:
self._interp(dst_cp, t)
frac = float(n) / cen_cp.ntemporal_samples
info = packer.pack(cp=Genome(dst_cp), cp_step_frac=frac)
gam += dst_cp.gamma
vib += dst_cp.vibrancy
bkgd += np.array(dst_cp.background)
size = seeds.dtype.itemsize * seeds.size
d_seeds = cuda.mem_alloc(size)
h_seeds = cuda.pagelocked_empty(seeds.shape, seeds.dtype)
h_seeds[:] = seeds
cuda.memcpy_htod_async(d_seeds, h_seeds, stream)
if on_main:
self.d_seeds = d_seeds
self.d_alt_seeds = d_seeds
# Can't interpolate normally; just pack copies
packed = packer.pack(cp=self.genomes[0], cp_step_frac=0)
infos = [packed] * len(block_times)
gam += self.genomes[0].gamma * len(block_times)
vib += self.genomes[0].vibrancy * len(block_times)
bkgd += np.array(self.genomes[0].background) * len(block_times)
infos = []
if len(a.genomes) > 1:
for n, t in block_times:
a._interp(t, cp)
frac = float(n) / cen_cp.ntemporal_samples
info = packer.pack(cp=Genome(cp), cp_step_frac=frac)
gam += cp.gamma
vib += cp.vibrancy
bkgd += np.array(cp.background)
# Can't interpolate normally; just pack copies
packed = packer.pack(cp=a.genomes[0], cp_step_frac=0)
infos = [packed] * len(block_times)
gam += a.genomes[0].gamma * len(block_times)
vib += a.genomes[0].vibrancy * len(block_times)
bkgd += np.array(a.genomes[0].background) * len(block_times)
infos = np.concatenate(infos)
h_infos[:len(infos)] = infos
cuda.memcpy_htod_async(d_infos, h_infos)
infos = np.concatenate(infos)
offset = b * packer.align * self.cps_per_block
d_info_off = int(self.d_infos) + offset
if self.sync:
cuda.memcpy_htod(d_info_off, infos)
h_infos = self.h_infos_locked[offset/4:offset/4+len(infos)]
h_infos[:] = infos
cuda.memcpy_htod_async(d_info_off, h_infos, stream)
if filter_done_event:
iter_fun(d_seeds, np.uintp(d_info_off), np.uint64(self.d_accum),
block=(32, a._iter.NTHREADS/32, 1),
grid=(len(block_times), 1),
texrefs=[tref], stream=stream)
# TODO: replace with option to split long runs shorter ones
# for interactivity
for i in range(1):
iter_fun(d_seeds, d_infos, np.uint64(d_accum),
block=(32, self._iter.NTHREADS/32, 1),
grid=(len(block_times), 1),
texrefs=[tref], stream=iter_stream)
if self.sync and self.sleep:
if sync:
yield None
# Now ensure all alt stream tasks are done before continuing main
if not self.sync:
if filter_done_event and not sync:
yield last_time, self._trim(h_out)
last_time = time
util.BaseCode.zero_dptr(a.mod, self.d_out, 4 * self.nbins,
a._de.invoke(a.mod, Genome(cen_cp), self.d_accum, self.d_out,
util.BaseCode.zero_dptr(self.mod, d_out, 4 * nbins, filt_stream)
self._de.invoke(self.mod, Genome(cen_cp), d_accum, d_out, filt_stream)
util.BaseCode.zero_dptr(self.mod, d_accum, 4 * nbins, filt_stream)
filter_done_event = cuda.Event().record(filt_stream)
f = np.float32
n = f(self.ncps)
gam = f(n / gam)
vib = f(vib / n)
hipow = f(cen_cp.highlight_power)
lin = f(cen_cp.gam_lin_thresh)
lingam = f(math.pow(cen_cp.gam_lin_thresh, gam-1.0) if lin > 0 else 0)
bkgd = vec.make_float3(*(bkgd / n))
f32 = np.float32
n = f32(cen_cp.ntemporal_samples)
gam = f32(n / gam)
vib = f32(vib / n)
hipow = f32(cen_cp.highlight_power)
lin = f32(cen_cp.gam_lin_thresh)
lingam = f32(math.pow(cen_cp.gam_lin_thresh, gam-1.0) if lin > 0 else 0)
bkgd = vec.make_float3(*(bkgd / n))
# TODO: get block size from colorclip class? It actually does not
# depend on that being the case
color_fun = a.mod.get_function("colorclip")
color_fun(self.d_out, gam, vib, hipow, lin, lingam, bkgd,
block=(256, 1, 1), grid=(self.nbins / 256, 1),
color_fun = self.mod.get_function("colorclip")
color_fun(d_out, gam, vib, hipow, lin, lingam, bkgd,
block=(256, 1, 1), grid=(nbins / 256, 1),
cuda.memcpy_dtoh_async(h_out, d_out, filt_stream)
if sync:
yield time, self._trim(h_out)
# TODO: The stream seems to sync right here, automatically, before
# returning. I think PyCUDA is forcing a sync when something drops out
# of scope. Investigate.
if not sync:
yield time, self._trim(h_out)
def _pal_to_np(self, cp):
def _interp(self, cp, time):
flam3_interpolate(self._g_arr, len(self._g_arr), time, 0, byref(cp))
def _pal_to_np(cp):
# Converting palettes by iteration has an enormous performance
# overhead. We cheat massively and dangerously here.
pal = cast(pointer(cp.palette), POINTER(c_double * (256 * 5)))
val = np.frombuffer(buffer(pal.contents), count=256*5)
return np.uint8(np.reshape(val, (256, 5))[:,1:] * 255.0)
def _interp_colors(self, cen_time, cen_cp):
def _interp_colors(self, cp, time, twidth):
# TODO: any visible difference between uint8 and richer formats?
pal = np.empty((self.PAL_HEIGHT, 256, 4), dtype=np.uint8)
a = self.anim
height = self.features.palette_height
pal = np.empty((height, 256, 4), dtype=np.uint8)
if len(a.genomes) > 1:
if len(self.genomes) > 1:
# The typical case; applying real motion blur
cp = self._dst_cp
times = self._mk_dts(cen_time, cen_cp, self.PAL_HEIGHT)
times = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, height) * twidth + time
for n, t in enumerate(times):
a._interp(t, cp)
self._interp(cp, t)
pal[n] = self._pal_to_np(cp)
# Cannot call any interp functions on a single genome; rather than
# have alternate code-paths, just copy the same colors everywhere
pal[0] = self._pal_to_np(a.genomes[0])
pal[0] = self._pal_to_np(self.genomes[0])
pal[1:] = pal[0]
return pal
def done(self):
if self.sync:
return True
return self.stream.is_done()
def _trim(self, result):
g = self.features.gutter
return result[g:-g,g:-g].copy()
def get_result(self):
if not self.sync:
self.pending = False
a = self.anim
obuf_dim = (a.features.acc_height, a.features.acc_stride, 4)
out = cuda.from_device(self.d_out, obuf_dim, np.float32)
g = a.features.gutter
return self.cen_time, out[g:-g,g:-g]
def _mk_dts(cen_time, cen_cp, ncps):
w = cen_cp.temporal_filter_width
return [cen_time + w * (t / (ncps - 1.0) - 0.5) for t in range(ncps)]
class Features(object):
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import argparse
import multiprocessing
from subprocess import Popen
from ctypes import *
from itertools import ifilter
import numpy as np
import Image
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ def save(args, time, raw):
noalpha = raw[:,:,:3]
if args.raw:
real_stdout.write(buffer(np.uint8(noalpha * 255.0)))
name = fmt_filename(args, time)
@ -161,7 +163,7 @@ def main(args):
def on_mouse_motion(x, y, dx, dy):
frames = anim.render_frames(times, block=False)
frames = anim.render_frames(times, sync=args.sync)
def poll(dt):
out = next(frames, False)
if out is False:
@ -173,14 +175,20 @@ def main(args):
imgbuf = np.uint8(buf.flatten() * 255)
image.set_data('RGBA', -anim.features.width*4, imgbuf.tostring())
label.text = '%s %4g' % (args.name, time)
label.text += '.'
if args.sleep:
pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(poll, 1/30.)
for time, out in anim.render_frames(times):
for time, out in ifilter(None, anim.render_frames(times, sync=args.sync)):
save(args, time, out)
if args.sleep:
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Render fractal flames.')
Reference in New Issue
Block a user