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synced 2025-03-15 07:51:37 -04:00
DataStream. Completely untested. I want to see the bugfixes in the log.
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ easier to maintain using this system.
import inspect
import types
import traceback
from cStringIO import StringIO
from collections import namedtuple
# Okay, so here's what's going on.
@ -814,4 +815,202 @@ class PTXFormatter(object):
indent += self.indent_amt * indent_change
return '\n'.join(out)
_TExp = namedtuple('_TExp', 'type exprlist')
_DataCell = namedtuple('_DataCell', 'offset size texp')
class DataStream(object):
Simple interface between Python and PTX, designed to create and tightly
pack control structs.
(In the original implementation, this actually used a stack with
variable positions determined at runtime. The resulting structure had to be
read strictly sequentially to be parsed, hence the name "stream".)
Subclass this and give it a prefix, then depend on the subclass in your PTX
>>> class ExampleDataStream(DataStream):
>>> prefix = 'ex'
Inside DSL functions, you can "retrieve" arbitrary Python expressions from
the data stream.
>>> @ptx_func
>>> def example_func():
>>> reg.u32('reg1 reg2 regA')
>>> op.mov.u32(regA, some_device_allocation_base_address)
>>> # From the structure at the base address in 'regA', load the value
>>> # of 'ctx.nthreads' into reg1
>>> ex_stream_get(regA, reg1, 'ctx.nthreads')
The expressions will be stored as strings and mapped to particular
positions in the struct. Later, the expressions will be evaluated and
coerced into a type matching the destination register:
>>> # Fish the instance holding the data stream from the compiled module
>>> ex_stream = launch_context.ptx.instances[ExampleDataStream]
>>> # Evaluate the expressions in the current namespace, augmented with the
>>> # supplied objects
>>> data = ex_stream.pack(ctx=launch_context)
Expressions will be aligned and may be reused in such a way as to minimize
access times when taking device caching into account. This also implies
that the evaluated expressions should not modify any state, but that should
be obvious, no?
>>> @ptx_func
>>> def example_func_2():
>>> reg.u32('reg1 reg2')
>>> reg.f32('regf')
>>> ex_stream_get(regA, reg1, 'ctx.nthreads * 2')
>>> # Same expression, so load comes from same memory location
>>> ex_stream_get(regA, reg2, 'ctx.nthreads * 2')
>>> # Vector loads are pre-coerced, so you can mix types
>>> ex_stream_get_v2(regA, reg1, '4', regf, '5.5')
You can even do device allocations in the file, using the post-finalized
variable '[prefix]_stream_size'. It's a StrVar, so if you do any operations
to it make sure you write them as a list of strings for PTX to handle (I
know, it's a drag; it might be fixed later):
>>> class Whatever(PTXFragment):
>>> @ptx_func
>>> def module_setup(self):
>>> mem.global_.u32('ex_streams', [1000, '*', ex_stream_size])
# Must be at least as large as the largest load (.v4.u32 = 16)
alignment = 16
prefix = 'Subclass this'
def __init__(self):
self.texp_map = {}
self.cells = []
self.stream_size = 0
self.free = {}
self.size_strvar = StrVar("not_yet_determined")
_types = dict(s8='b', u8='B', s16='h', u16='H', s32='i', u32='I', f32='f',
s64='l', u64='L', f64='d')
def _get_type(self, *regs):
size = int(regs[0].type[1:])
for r in regs:
if reg.type not in self._types:
raise TypeError("Register %s of type %s not supported" %
(reg.name, reg.type))
if int(r.type[1:]) != size:
raise TypeError("Can't vector-load different size regs")
return size, ''.join([self._types.get(r.type) for r in regs])
def _alloc(self, vsize, texp):
# A really crappy allocator. May later include optimizations for
# keeping common variables on the same cache line, etc.
alloc = vsize
idx = self.free.get(alloc)
while idx is None and alloc < self.alignment:
alloc *= 2
idx = self.free.get(alloc)
if idx is None:
# No aligned free cells, allocate a new `align`-byte free cell
assert alloc not in self.free
self.free[alloc] = idx = len(self.stream_size)
self.cells.append(_DataCell(self.stream_size, alloc, None))
self.stream_size += alloc
# Overwrite the free cell at `idx` with texp
assert self.cells[idx].texp is None
offset = self.cells[idx].offset
self.cells[idx] = _DataCell(offset, vsize, texp)
# Now reinsert the fragmented free cells.
fragments = alloc - vsize
foffset = offset + vsize
fsize = 1
fidx = idx
while fsize <= self.alignment:
if fragments & fsize:
assert fsize not in self.free
fidx += 1
self.cells.insert(fidx, _DataCell(foffset, fsize, None))
foffset += fsize
self.free[fsize] = fidx
# Adjust indexes. This is ugly, but evidently unavoidable
if fidx-idx:
for k, v in filter(lambda k, v: v > idx, self.free.items()):
self.free[k] = v+(fidx-idx)
return self.offset
def _stream_get_internal(self, areg, dregs, exprs):
size, type = self._get_type(dregs)
vsize = size * len(dregs)
texp = _TExp(type, [expr])
if texp in self.expr_map:
offset = self.texp_map[texp]
offset = self._alloc(vsize, texp)
self.texp_map[texp] = offset
vtype = {1: '', 2: '.v2', 4: '.v4'}.get(len(dregs))
if len(dregs) > 0:
dregs = vec(dregs)
op._call('ldu%s.b%d' % (vtype, size), dregs, addr(areg+off))
def _stream_get(self, areg, dreg, expr):
self._stream_get_internal(areg, [dreg], [expr])
def _stream_get_v2(self, areg, dreg1, expr1, dreg2, expr2):
self._stream_get_internal(areg, [dreg1, dreg2], [expr1, expr2])
def _stream_get_v2(self, areg, d1, e1, d2, e2, d3, e3, d4, e4):
self._stream_get_internal(areg, [d1, d2, d3, d4], [e1, e2, e3, e4])
def _stream_size(self):
return self.size_strvar
def finalize_code(self):
self.size_strvar.val = str(self.stream_size)
def to_inject(self):
return {self.prefix + '_stream_get': self._stream_get,
self.prefix + '_stream_get_v2': self._stream_get_v2,
self.prefix + '_stream_get_v4': self._stream_get_v4,
self.prefix + '_stream_size': self._stream_size}
def pack(self, _out_file_ = None, **kwargs):
Evaluates all statements in the context of **kwargs. Take this code,
presumably inside a PTX func::
>>> ex_stream_get(regA, reg1, 'sum([x+frob for x in xyz.things])')
To pack this into a struct, call this method on an instance:
>>> ex_stream = launch_context.ptx.instances[ExampleDataStream]
>>> data = ex_stream.pack(frob=4, xyz=xyz)
This evaluates each Python expression from the stream with the provided
arguments as locals, coerces it to the appropriate type, and returns
the resulting structure as a string.
out = StringIO()
self.pack_into(out, kwargs)
return out.read()
def pack_into(self, outfile, **kwargs):
Like pack(), but write data to a file-like object at the file's current
offset instead of returning it as a string.
>>> ex_stream.pack_into(strio_inst, frob=4, xyz=thing)
>>> ex_stream.pack_into(strio_inst, frob=6, xyz=another_thing)
for offset, size, texp in self.cells:
if texp:
type = texp.type
vals = [eval(e, globals(), kwargs) for e in texp.expr_list]
type = 'x'*size # Padding bytes
vals = []
out.write(struct.pack(type, *vals))
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