mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 16:01:29 -04:00
New atomic write mode
This commit is contained in:
@ -270,8 +270,8 @@ void interp_palette_hsv_flat(mwc_st *rctxs,
uint32_t r = min(255, (uint32_t) (rgba.x * 255.0f + 0.49f * mwc_next_11(rctx)));
uint32_t g = min(255, (uint32_t) (rgba.y * 255.0f + 0.49f * mwc_next_11(rctx)));
uint32_t b = min(255, (uint32_t) (rgba.z * 255.0f + 0.49f * mwc_next_11(rctx)));
out.x = (1 << 22) | (r << 4);
out.y = (g << 18) | b;
out.y = (1 << 22) | (r << 4);
out.x = (g << 18) | b;
surf2Dwrite(out, flatpal, 8 * threadIdx.x, blockIdx.x);
rctxs[gid] = rctx;
@ -187,8 +187,10 @@ void iter(
uint64_t out_ptr,
mwc_st *msts,
float4 *points,
const iter_params *all_params,
int nsamps_to_generate
const iter_params *all_params
{{if info.acc_mode == 'atomic'}}
, uint64_t atom_ptr
) {
const iter_params *global_params = &(all_params[blockIdx.x]);
@ -207,10 +209,14 @@ void iter(
int this_rb_idx = rb_idx + threadIdx.x + 32 * threadIdx.y;
mwc_st rctx = msts[this_rb_idx];
{{if info.acc_mode != 'deferred'}}
{{if info.acc_mode == 'global'}}
__shared__ float time_frac;
time_frac = blockIdx.x / (float) gridDim.x;
{{if info.acc_mode == 'atomic'}}
// TODO: spare the register, reuse at call site?
int time = blockIdx.x >> 4;
float color_dither = 0.49f * mwc_next_11(rctx);
@ -224,10 +230,10 @@ void iter(
// Shared memory size can be reduced by a factor of four using a slower
// 4-stage reduce, but on Fermi hardware shmem use isn't a bottleneck
__shared__ float swap[{{4*NTHREADS}}];
__shared__ float cosel[{{NWARPS}}];
__shared__ float cosel[{{2*NWARPS}}];
// This is normally done after the swap-sync in the main loop
if (threadIdx.y == 0 && threadIdx.x < {{NWARPS}})
if (threadIdx.y == 0 && threadIdx.x < {{NWARPS*2}})
cosel[threadIdx.x] = mwc_next_01(rctx);
@ -295,7 +301,7 @@ void iter(
// We select the next xforms here, since we've just synced.
if (threadIdx.y == 0 && threadIdx.x < {{NWARPS}})
if (threadIdx.y == 0 && threadIdx.x < {{NWARPS*2}})
cosel[threadIdx.x] = mwc_next_01(rctx);
fuse = swap[sr];
@ -345,15 +351,60 @@ void iter(
uint32_t i = iy * acc_size.stride + ix;
{{if info.acc_mode == 'atomic'}}
float4 outcol = tex2D(palTex, cc, time_frac);
float *accbuf_f = reinterpret_cast<float*>(out_ptr + (16*i));
atomicAdd(accbuf_f, outcol.x);
atomicAdd(accbuf_f+1, outcol.y);
atomicAdd(accbuf_f+2, outcol.z);
atomicAdd(accbuf_f+3, 1.0f);
{{elif info.acc_mode == 'global'}}
asm volatile ({{crep("""
.reg .pred p;
.reg .u32 off, color, hi, lo, d, r, g, b;
.reg .f32 colorf, rf, gf, bf, df;
.reg .u64 ptr, val;
// TODO: coord dithering better, or pre-supersampled palette?
fma.rn.ftz.f32 colorf, %0, 255.0, %1;
cvt.rni.u32.f32 color, colorf;
shl.b32 color, color, 3;
suld.b.2d.v2.b32.clamp {lo, hi}, [flatpal, {color, %2}];
mov.b64 val, {lo, hi};
shl.b32 off, %3, 3;
cvt.u64.u32 ptr, off;
add.u64 ptr, ptr, %4;
setp.le.f32 p, %5, 0.98;
@p red.global.add.u64 [ptr], val;
@p bra oflow_end;
atom.global.add.u64 val, [ptr], val;
mov.b64 {lo, hi}, val;
setp.lo.u32 p, hi, (256 << 22);
@p bra oflow_end;
atom.global.exch.b64 val, [ptr], 0;
mov.b64 {lo, hi}, val;
shr.u32 d, hi, 22;
bfe.u32 r, hi, 4, 18;
bfe.u32 g, lo, 18, 14;
bfi.b32 g, hi, g, 14, 4;
and.b32 b, lo, ((1<<18)-1);
cvt.rn.f32.u32 rf, r;
cvt.rn.f32.u32 gf, g;
cvt.rn.f32.u32 bf, b;
cvt.rn.f32.u32 df, d;
mul.rn.ftz.f32 rf, rf, (1.0/255.0);
mul.rn.ftz.f32 gf, gf, (1.0/255.0);
mul.rn.ftz.f32 bf, bf, (1.0/255.0);
shl.b32 off, %3, 4;
cvt.u64.u32 ptr, off;
add.u64 ptr, ptr, %6;
red.global.add.f32 [ptr], rf;
red.global.add.f32 [ptr+4], gf;
red.global.add.f32 [ptr+8], bf;
red.global.add.f32 [ptr+12], df;
""")}} :: "f"(cc), "f"(color_dither), "r"(time), "r"(i),
"l"(atom_ptr), "f"(cosel[threadIdx.y + {{NWARPS}}]),
{{if info.acc_mode == 'global'}}
float4 outcol = tex2D(palTex, cc, time_frac);
float4 *accbuf = reinterpret_cast<float4*>(out_ptr + (16*i));
float4 pix = *accbuf;
@ -380,6 +431,47 @@ void iter(
{{if info.acc_mode == 'atomic'}}
void flush_atom(uint64_t out_ptr, uint64_t atom_ptr, int nbins) {
int i = (blockIdx.y * gridDim.x + blockIdx.x) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
asm volatile ({{crep("""
.reg .u32 off, hi, lo, d, r, g, b;
.reg .u64 val, ptr;
.reg .f32 rf, gf, bf, df, rg, gg, bg, dg;
// TODO: use explicit movs to handle this
shl.b32 off, %0, 3;
cvt.u64.u32 ptr, off;
add.u64 ptr, ptr, %1;
ld.global.v2.u32 {lo, hi}, [ptr];
shl.b32 off, %0, 4;
cvt.u64.u32 ptr, off;
add.u64 ptr, ptr, %2;
ld.global.v4.f32 {rg,gg,bg,dg}, [ptr];
shr.u32 d, hi, 22;
bfe.u32 r, hi, 4, 18;
bfe.u32 g, lo, 18, 14;
bfi.b32 g, hi, g, 14, 4;
and.b32 b, lo, ((1<<18)-1);
cvt.rn.f32.u32 rf, r;
cvt.rn.f32.u32 gf, g;
cvt.rn.f32.u32 bf, b;
cvt.rn.f32.u32 df, d;
fma.rn.ftz.f32 rg, rf, (1.0/255.0), rg;
fma.rn.ftz.f32 gg, gf, (1.0/255.0), gg;
fma.rn.ftz.f32 bg, bf, (1.0/255.0), bg;
add.rn.ftz.f32 dg, df, dg;
st.global.v4.f32 [ptr], {rg,gg,bg,dg};
""")}} :: "r"(i), "l"(atom_ptr), "l"(out_ptr));
{{if info.acc_mode == 'deferred'}}
// Block size, shared accumulation bits, shared accumulation width.
#define BS 1024
#define SHAB 12
@ -462,8 +554,8 @@ write_shmem(
shl.b32 color, color, 3;
cvt.rni.u32.f32 time, %1;
suld.b.2d.v2.b32.clamp {hi, lo}, [flatpal, {color, time}];
ld.shared.v2.u32 {hiw, low}, [shoff];
suld.b.2d.v2.b32.clamp {lo, hi}, [flatpal, {color, time}];
ld.shared.v2.u32 {low, hiw}, [shoff];
add.cc.u32 lo, lo, low;
addc.u32 hi, hi, hiw;
setp.hs.u32 q, hi, (1023 << 22);
@ -513,7 +605,7 @@ oflow_write_end:
.reg .u32 hi, lo;
ld.shared.v2.u32 {hi, lo}, [%4];
ld.shared.v2.u32 {lo, hi}, [%4];
shr.u32 %0, hi, 22;
bfe.u32 %1, hi, 4, 18;
bfe.u32 %2, lo, 18, 14;
@ -530,7 +622,7 @@ oflow_write_end:
glo_idx += (BS << 8);
''', 'iter_kern')
return tmpl.substitute(
info = self.info,
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from itertools import cycle, repeat, chain, izip
from ctypes import *
from cStringIO import StringIO
import numpy as np
from numpy import int32 as i32
from numpy import int32 as i32, uint64 as u64
from scipy import ndimage
from fr0stlib import pyflam3
@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ class Renderer(object):
reset_rb_fun = self.mod.get_function("reset_rb")
packer_fun = self.mod.get_function("interp_iter_params")
iter_fun = self.mod.get_function("iter")
write_fun = self.mod.get_function("write_shmem")
info = self.info
@ -119,6 +118,7 @@ class Renderer(object):
filt_stream = cuda.Stream()
if info.acc_mode == 'deferred':
write_stream = cuda.Stream()
write_fun = self.mod.get_function("write_shmem")
write_stream = iter_stream
@ -132,6 +132,9 @@ class Renderer(object):
# Extra padding in accum helps with write_shmem overruns
d_accum = cuda.mem_alloc(16 * nbins + (1<<16))
d_out = cuda.mem_alloc(16 * nbins)
if info.acc_mode == 'atomic':
d_atom = cuda.mem_alloc(8 * nbins)
flush_fun = self.mod.get_function("flush_atom")
acc_size = np.array([info.acc_width, info.acc_height, info.acc_stride])
d_acc_size = self.mod.get_global('acc_size')[0]
@ -191,7 +194,7 @@ class Renderer(object):
d_palint_vals = cuda.to_device(
np.concatenate(map(info.db.palettes.get, pals[1::2])))
if info.acc_mode == 'deferred':
if info.acc_mode in ('deferred', 'atomic'):
palette_fun = self.mod.get_function("interp_palette_hsv_flat")
dsc = cuda.ArrayDescriptor3D()
dsc.height = info.palette_height
@ -227,7 +230,7 @@ class Renderer(object):
for idx, start, stop in times:
twidth = np.float32((stop-start) / info.palette_height)
if info.acc_mode == 'deferred':
if info.acc_mode in ('deferred', 'atomic'):
palette_fun(d_seeds, d_palint_times, d_palint_vals,
np.float32(start), twidth,
block=(256,1,1), grid=(info.palette_height,1),
@ -257,6 +260,8 @@ class Renderer(object):
#print '%60s %g' % ('_'.join(n), i)
util.BaseCode.fill_dptr(self.mod, d_accum, 4 * nbins, write_stream)
if info.acc_mode == 'atomic':
util.BaseCode.fill_dptr(self.mod, d_atom, 2 * nbins, write_stream)
nrounds = ( (info.density * info.width * info.height)
/ (ntemporal_samples * 256 * 256) ) + 1
if info.acc_mode == 'deferred':
@ -273,9 +278,16 @@ class Renderer(object):
block=(1024, 1, 1), grid=(nwriteblocks, 1),
iter_fun(np.uint64(d_accum), d_seeds, d_points, d_infos,
block=(32, self._iter.NTHREADS/32, 1),
args = [u64(d_accum), d_seeds, d_points, d_infos]
if info.acc_mode == 'atomic':
iter_fun(*args, block=(32, self._iter.NTHREADS/32, 1),
grid=(ntemporal_samples, nrounds), stream=iter_stream)
if info.acc_mode == 'atomic':
nblocks = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(nbins/float(512))))
flush_fun(u64(d_accum), u64(d_atom), i32(nbins),
block=(512, 1, 1), grid=(nblocks, nblocks),
util.BaseCode.fill_dptr(self.mod, d_out, 4 * nbins, filt_stream)
_sync_stream(filt_stream, write_stream)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user