mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 23:41:31 -04:00
Switch to pyptx.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
# These imports are order-sensitive!
#import pyglet
#import pyglet.gl as gl
import pycuda.driver as cuda
from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule
import pycuda.tools
#import pycuda.gl as cudagl
#import pycuda.gl.autoinit
import pycuda.autoinit
import numpy as np
from cuburn.ptx import PTXFormatter
class Module(object):
def __init__(self, entries):
self.entries = entries
self.source = self.compile(entries)
self.mod = self.assemble(self.source)
def compile(entries):
formatter = PTXFormatter()
for entry in entries:
return formatter.get_source()
def assemble(self, src):
# TODO: make this a debugging option
with open('/tmp/cuburn.ptx', 'w') as f: f.write(src)
mod = cuda.module_from_buffer(src,
[(cuda.jit_option.OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL, 0),
(cuda.jit_option.TARGET_FROM_CUCONTEXT, 1)])
except (cuda.CompileError, cuda.RuntimeError), e:
# TODO: if output not written above, print different message
# TODO: read assembler output and recover Python source lines
print "Compile error. Source is at /tmp/cuburn.ptx"
print e
raise e
return mod
class LaunchContext(object):
def __init__(self, entries, block=(1,1,1), grid=(1,1), tests=False):
self.entry_types = entries
self.block, self.grid, self.build_tests = block, grid, tests
self.setup_done = False
self.stream = cuda.Stream()
def nthreads(self):
return reduce(lambda a, b: a*b, self.block + self.grid)
def nctas(self):
return self.grid[0] * self.grid[1]
def threads_per_cta(self):
return self.block[0] * self.block[1] * self.block[2]
def warps_per_cta(self):
return self.threads_per_cta / 32
def compile(self, verbose=False, **kwargs):
kwargs['ctx'] = self
self.ptx = PTXModule(self.entry_types, kwargs, self.build_tests)
# TODO: make this optional and let user choose path
if verbose:
for entry in self.ptx.entries:
func = self.mod.get_function(entry.entry_name)
print "Compiled %s: used %d regs, %d sm, %d local" % (
entry.entry_name, func.num_regs,
func.shared_size_bytes, func.local_size_bytes)
def call_setup(self, entry_inst):
for inst in self.ptx.entry_deps[type(entry_inst)]:
def call_teardown(self, entry_inst):
okay = True
for inst in reversed(self.ptx.entry_deps[type(entry_inst)]):
if inst is entry_inst and isinstance(entry_inst, PTXTest):
except PTXTestFailure, e:
print "\nTest %s FAILED!" % inst.entry_name
print "Reason:", e
okay = False
return okay
def run_tests(self):
if not self.ptx.tests:
print "No tests to run."
return True
all_okay = True
for test in self.ptx.tests:
if test.call(self):
print "Test %s passed.\n" % test.entry_name
all_okay = False
return all_okay
def get_per_thread(self, name, dtype, shaped=False):
Convenience function to get the contents of the global memory variable
``name`` from the device as a numpy array of type ``dtype``, as might
be stored by _PTXStdLib.store_per_thread. If ``shaped`` is True, the
array will be 3D, as (cta_no, warp_no, lane_no).
if shaped:
shape = (self.nctas, self.warps_per_cta, 32)
shape = self.nthreads
dp, l = self.mod.get_global(name)
return cuda.from_device(dp, shape, dtype)
@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ import struct
import pycuda.driver as cuda
import numpy as np
from cuburn.ptx import *
from pyptx import ptx, run
from cuburn.variations import Variations
class IterThread(PTXEntryPoint):
class IterThread(object):
entry_name = 'iter_thread'
entry_params = []
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ class IterThread(PTXEntryPoint):
return [MWCRNG, CPDataStream, HistScatter, Variations, ShufflePoints,
def module_setup(self):
@ -34,7 +33,6 @@ class IterThread(PTXEntryPoint):
mem.global_.u32('g_num_writes', ctx.nthreads)
mem.global_.b32('g_whatever', ctx.nthreads)
def entry(self):
# Index number of current CP, shared across CTA
@ -205,7 +203,6 @@ class IterThread(PTXEntryPoint):
std.store_per_thread(g_num_rounds, num_rounds,
g_num_writes, num_writes)
def upload_cp_stream(self, ctx, cp_stream, num_cps):
cp_array_dp, cp_array_l = ctx.mod.get_global('g_cp_array')
assert len(cp_stream) <= cp_array_l, "Stream too big!"
@ -250,12 +247,11 @@ class IterThread(PTXEntryPoint):
cps_started = cuda.from_device(dp, 1, np.uint32)
print "CPs started:", cps_started
class CameraTransform(PTXFragment):
class CameraTransform(object):
shortname = 'camera'
def deps(self):
return [CPDataStream]
def rotate(self, rotated_x, rotated_y, x, y):
Rotate an IFS-space coordinate as defined by the camera.
@ -293,7 +289,6 @@ class CameraTransform(PTXFragment):
op.mov.f32(rotated_x, x)
op.mov.f32(rotated_y, y)
def get_norm(self, norm_x, norm_y, x, y):
Find the [0,1]-normalized floating-point histogram coordinates
@ -309,7 +304,6 @@ class CameraTransform(PTXFragment):
cam_offset, 'cp.camera.norm_offset[1]')
op.fma.f32(norm_y, norm_y, cam_scale, cam_offset)
def get_index(self, index, x, y, pred=None):
Find the histogram index (as a u32) from the IFS spatial coordinate in
@ -349,7 +343,7 @@ class CameraTransform(PTXFragment):
op.mad.lo.u32(index, index_y, features.hist_stride, index_x)
op.mov.u32(index, 0xffffffff, ifnotp=pred)
class PaletteLookup(PTXFragment):
class PaletteLookup(object):
shortname = "palette"
# Resolution of texture on device. Bigger = more palette rez, maybe slower
texheight = 16
@ -360,11 +354,9 @@ class PaletteLookup(PTXFragment):
def deps(self):
return [CPDataStream]
def module_setup(self):
def look_up(self, r, g, b, a, color, norm_time, ifp):
Look up the values of ``r, g, b, a`` corresponding to ``color_coord``
@ -376,7 +368,6 @@ class PaletteLookup(PTXFragment):
if features.non_box_temporal_filter:
raise NotImplementedError("Non-box temporal filters not supported")
def upload_palette(self, ctx, frame, cp_list):
Extract the palette from the given list of interpolated CPs, and upload
@ -409,25 +400,22 @@ class PaletteLookup(PTXFragment):
def call_setup(self, ctx):
assert self.texref, "Must upload palette texture before launch!"
class HistScatter(PTXFragment):
class HistScatter(object):
shortname = "hist"
def deps(self):
return [CPDataStream, CameraTransform, PaletteLookup]
def module_setup(self):
features.hist_height * features.hist_stride * 4)
comment("Target to ensure fake local values get written")
def entry_setup(self):
comment("Fake bins for fake scatter")
def entry_teardown(self):
with block("Store fake histogram bins to dummy global"):
@ -436,7 +424,6 @@ class HistScatter(PTXFragment):
op.ld.local.b32(hist_dummy, addr(l_scatter_fake_alpha))
op.st.volatile.b32(addr(g_hist_dummy), hist_dummy)
def scatter(self, hist_index, color, xf_idx, p_valid, type='ldst'):
Scatter the given point directly to the histogram bins. I think this
@ -479,7 +466,6 @@ class HistScatter(PTXFragment):
hist_bins_dp, hist_bins_l = ctx.mod.get_global('g_hist_bins')
cuda.memset_d32(hist_bins_dp, 0, hist_bins_l/4)
def get_bins(self, ctx, features):
hist_bins_dp, hist_bins_l = ctx.mod.get_global('g_hist_bins')
return cuda.from_device(hist_bins_dp,
@ -487,18 +473,16 @@ class HistScatter(PTXFragment):
class ShufflePoints(PTXFragment):
class ShufflePoints(object):
Shuffle points in shared memory. See helpers/shuf.py for details.
shortname = "shuf"
def module_setup(self):
# TODO: if needed, merge this shared memory block with others
mem.shared.f32('s_shuf_data', ctx.threads_per_cta)
def shuffle(self, *args, **kwargs):
Shuffle the data from each register in args across threads. Keyword
@ -523,57 +507,71 @@ class ShufflePoints(PTXFragment):
op.ld.volatile.shared.b32(var, addr(shuf_read))
class MWCRNG(object):
def __init__(self, entry, seed=None):
Marsaglia multiply-with-carry random number generator. Produces very long
periods with sufficient statistical properties using only three 32-bit
state registers. Since each thread uses a separate multiplier, no two
threads will ever be on the same sequence, but beyond this the independence
of each thread's sequence was not explicitly tested.
The RNG must be seeded at least once per entry point using the ``seed``
def __init__(self, entry):
# TODO: install this in data directory or something
if not os.path.isfile('primes.bin'):
raise EnvironmentError('primes.bin not found')
self.threads_ready = 0
self.nthreads_ready = 0
self.mults, self.state = None, None
self.entry = entry
entry.add_param('mwc_mults', entry.types.u32)
entry.add_param('mwc_states', entry.types.u32)
r, o = entry.regs, entry.ops
with entry.head as e:
#mwc_mult_addr = gtid * 4 + e.params.mwc_mults
gtid = o.mad.lo(e.special.ctaid_x, ctx.threads_per_cta,
mwc_mult_addr = o.mad.lo.u32(gtid, 4, e.params.mwc_mults)
r.mwc_mult = o.load.u32(mwc_mult_addr)
mwc_state_addr = o.mad.lo.u32(gtid, 8, e.params.mwc_states)
r.mwc_state, r.mwc_carry = o.load.u64(mwc_state_addr)
with entry.tail as e:
#gtid = e.special.ctaid_x * ctx.threads_per_cta + e.special.tid_x
gtid = o.mad.lo(e.special.ctaid_x, ctx.threads_per_cta,
mwc_state_addr = o.mad.lo.u32(gtid, 8, e.params.mwc_states)
o.store.v2(mwc_state_addr, (r.mwc_state, r.mwc_carry))
entry.add_ptr_param('mwc_mults', 'u32')
entry.add_ptr_param('mwc_states', 'u32')
def next_b32(self):
e, r, o = self.entry, self.entry.regs, self.entry.ops
mwc_out = o.cvt.u64(r.mwc_carry)
mwc_out = o.mad.wide.u32(r.mwc_mult, r.mwc_state, mwc_out)
r.mwc_state, r.mwc_carry = o.mov(mwc_out)
with entry.head():
entry.tail_callback(self.entry_tail, entry)
def entry_head(self, entry):
e, r, o, m, p, s = entry.locals
gtid = s.ctaid_x * s.ntid_x + s.tid_x
r.mwc_mult, r.mwc_state, r.mwc_carry = r.u32(), r.u32(), r.u32()
r.mwc_mult = o.ld(p.mwc_mults[gtid])
r.mwc_state, r.mwc_carry = o.ld.v2(p.mwc_states[2*gtid])
def entry_tail(self, entry):
e, r, o, m, p, s = entry.locals
gtid = s.ctaid_x * s.ntid_x + s.tid_x
o.st.v2.u32(p.mwc_states[2*gtid], r.mwc_state, r.mwc_carry)
def next_b32(self, entry):
e, r, o, m, p, s = entry.locals
carry = o.cvt.u64(r.mwc_carry)
mwc_out = o.mad.wide(r.mwc_mult, r.mwc_state, carry)
r.mwc_state, r.mwc_carry = o.split.v2(mwc_out)
return r.mwc_state
def next_f32_01(self):
e, r, o = self.entry, self.entry.regs, self.entry.ops
def next_f32_01(self, entry):
e, r, o, m, p, s = entry.locals
mwc_float = o.cvt.rn.f32.u32(self.next_b32())
# TODO: check the precision on the uploaded types here
return o.mul.f32(mwc_float, 1./(1<<32))
def next_f32_11(self):
e, r, o = self.entry, self.entry.regs, self.entry.ops
def next_f32_11(self, entry):
e, r, o, m, p, s = entry.locals
mwc_float = o.cvt.rn.f32.s32(self.next_b32())
return o.mul.f32(mwc_float, 1./(1<<31))
def call_setup(self, ctx, force=False):
def seed(self, ctx, seed=None, force=False):
Seed the random number generators with values taken from a
``np.random`` instance.
if force or self.nthreads_ready < ctx.nthreads:
if seed:
rand = np.random.RandomState(seed)
rand = np.random
# Load raw big-endian u32 multipliers from primes.bin.
with open('primes.bin') as primefp:
dt = np.dtype(np.uint32).newbyteorder('B')
@ -582,73 +580,83 @@ class MWCRNG(object):
# have longer periods, which is also good. This is a compromise.
mults = np.array(mults[:ctx.nthreads*4])
locked_mults = ctx.hostpool.allocate(ctx.nthreads, np.uint32)
locked_mults[:] = mults[ctx.nthreads]
self.mults = ctx.pool.allocate(4*ctx.nthreads)
cuda.memcpy_htod_async(self.mults, locked_mults.base, ctx.stream)
#locked_mults = ctx.hostpool.allocate(ctx.nthreads, np.uint32)
#locked_mults[:] = mults[ctx.nthreads]
#self.mults = ctx.pool.allocate(4*ctx.nthreads)
#cuda.memcpy_htod_async(self.mults, locked_mults.base, ctx.stream)
self.mults = cuda.mem_alloc(4*ctx.nthreads)
cuda.memcpy_htod(self.mults, mults[:ctx.nthreads].tostring())
# Intentionally excludes both 0 and (2^32-1), as they can lead to
# degenerate sequences of period 0
states = np.array(rand.randint(1, 0xffffffff, size=2*ctx.nthreads),
locked_states = ctx.hostpool.allocate(2*ctx.nthreads, np.uint32)
locked_states[:] = states
self.states = ctx.pool.allocate(8*ctx.nthreads)
cuda.memcpy_htod_async(self.states, locked_states, ctx.stream)
#locked_states = ctx.hostpool.allocate(2*ctx.nthreads, np.uint32)
#locked_states[:] = states
#self.states = ctx.pool.allocate(8*ctx.nthreads)
#cuda.memcpy_htod_async(self.states, locked_states, ctx.stream)
self.states = cuda.mem_alloc(8*ctx.nthreads)
cuda.memcpy_htod(self.states, states.tostring())
self.nthreads_ready = ctx.nthreads
ctx.set_param('mwc_mults', self.mults)
ctx.set_param('mwc_states', self.states)
class MWCRNGTest(PTXEntry):
class MWCRNGTest(object):
Test the ``MWCRNG`` class. This is not a test of the generator's
statistical properties, but merely a test that the generator is implemented
correctly on the GPU.
rounds = 5000
def __init__(self, entry):
self.entry = entry
self.mwc = MWCRNG(entry)
entry.add_ptr_param('mwc_test_sums', 'u64')
entry.add_param('mwc_test_sums', entry.types.u32)
with entry.body():
def entry_body(self):
e, r, o = self.entry, self.entry.regs, self.entry.ops
def entry_body(self, entry):
e, r, o, m, p, s = entry.locals
r.sum = r.u64(0)
r.count = r.f32(self.rounds)
start = e.label()
r.sum = r.sum + o.cvt.u64.u32(self.mwc.next_b32(e))
r.count = r.count - 1
with r.count > 0:
gtid = s.ctaid_x * s.ntid_x + s.tid_x
o.st(p.mwc_test_sums[gtid], r.sum)
r.sum = 0
with e.std.loop(self.rounds) as mwc_rng_sum:
addend = o.cvt.u64.u32(self.mwc.next_b32())
r.sum = o.add.u64(r.sum, addend)
def run_test(self, ctx):
mults = cuda.from_device(self.mwc.mults, ctx.nthreads, np.uint32)
states = cuda.from_device(self.mwc.states, ctx.nthreads, np.uint64)
e.std.store_per_thread(e.params.mwc_test_sums, r.sum)
def call(self, ctx):
# Generate current state, upload it to GPU
self.mwc.call_setup(ctx, force=True)
mults, fullstates = self.mwc.mults, self.mwc.fullstates
sums = np.zeros_like(fullstates)
# Run two trials, to ensure device state is getting saved properly
for trial in range(2):
print "Trial %d, on CPU: " % trial,
sums = np.zeros_like(states)
ctime = time.time()
for i in range(self.rounds):
states = fullstates & 0xffffffff
carries = fullstates >> 32
fullstates = self.mults * states + carries
sums += fullstates & 0xffffffff
vals = states & 0xffffffff
carries = states >> 32
states = mults * vals + carries
sums += states & 0xffffffff
ctime = time.time() - ctime
print "Took %g seconds." % ctime
print "Trial %d, on device: " % trial,
dsums = np.empty_like(sums)
ctx.set_param('mwc_test_sums', cuda.Out(dsums))
print "Took %g seconds." % ctx.call()
dsums = cuda.mem_alloc(8*ctx.nthreads)
ctx.set_param('mwc_test_sums', dsums)
print "Took %g seconds." % ctx.call_timed()
print ctx.nthreads
dsums = cuda.from_device(dsums, ctx.nthreads, np.uint64)
if not np.all(np.equal(sums, dsums)):
print "Sum discrepancy!"
print sums
print dsums
raise TODOSomeKindOfException()
class MWCRNGFloatsTest(PTXTest):
class MWCRNGFloatsTest(object):
Note this only tests that the distributions are in the correct range, *not*
that they have good random properties. MWC is a suitable algorithm, but
@ -660,7 +668,6 @@ class MWCRNGFloatsTest(PTXTest):
def deps(self):
return [MWCRNG]
def module_setup(self):
mem.global_.f32('mwc_rng_float_01_test_sums', ctx.nthreads)
mem.global_.f32('mwc_rng_float_01_test_mins', ctx.nthreads)
@ -669,7 +676,6 @@ class MWCRNGFloatsTest(PTXTest):
mem.global_.f32('mwc_rng_float_11_test_mins', ctx.nthreads)
mem.global_.f32('mwc_rng_float_11_test_maxs', ctx.nthreads)
def loop(self, kind):
with block('Sum %d floats in %s' % (self.rounds, kind)):
reg.f32('loopct val rsum rmin rmax')
@ -691,7 +697,6 @@ class MWCRNGFloatsTest(PTXTest):
'mwc_rng_float_%s_test_mins' % kind, rmin,
'mwc_rng_float_%s_test_maxs' % kind, rmax)
def entry(self):
@ -721,15 +726,14 @@ class MWCRNGFloatsTest(PTXTest):
raise PTXTestFailure("%s %s %g violates hard limit %g" %
(fkind, rkind, lim(vals), exp))
class CPDataStream(DataStream):
class CPDataStream(object):
"""DataStream which stores the control points."""
shortname = 'cp'
class Timeouter(PTXFragment):
class Timeouter(object):
"""Time-out infinite loops so that data can still be retrieved."""
shortname = 'timeout'
def entry_setup(self):
with block("Load start time for this block"):
@ -737,7 +741,6 @@ class Timeouter(PTXFragment):
op.mov.u64(now, '%clock64')
op.st.shared.u64(addr(s_timeouter_start_time), now)
def check_time(self, secs):
Drop this into your mainloop somewhere.
@ -1,913 +0,0 @@
PTX DSL, a domain-specific language for NVIDIA's PTX.
# If you see 'import inspect', you know you're in for a good time
import inspect
import struct
from cStringIO import StringIO
from collections import namedtuple
from math import *
import numpy as np
import pycuda.driver as cuda
from pprint import pprint
Type = namedtuple('Type', 'name kind bits bytes')
TYPES = {}
for kind in 'busf':
for width in [8, 16, 32, 64]:
TYPES[kind+str(width)] = Type(kind+str(width), kind, width, width / 8)
del TYPES['f8']
TYPES['pred'] = Type('pred', 'p', 0, 0)
class Statement(object):
Representation of a PTX statement.
known_opnames = ('add addc sub subc mul mad mul24 mad24 sad div rem abs '
'neg min max popc clz bfind brev bfe bfi prmt testp copysign rcp '
'sqrt rsqrt sin cos lg2 ex2 set setp selp slct and or xor not '
'cnot shl shr mov ld ldu st prefetch prefetchu isspacep cvta cvt '
'tex txq suld sust sured suq bra call ret exit bar membar atom red '
'vote vadd vsub vabsdiff vmin vmax vshl vshr vmad vset').split()
def __init__(self, name, args, line_info = None):
self.opname = name
self.fullname, self.operands, self.rtype = self.parse(name, args)
self.result = None
self.python_line = line_info
self.ptx_line = None
def parse(name, args):
Parses and expands a (possibly incomplete) PTX statement, returning the
complete operation name and destination register type.
``name`` is a list of the parts of the operation name (as would be
given by ``'add.u32'.split()``, for example).
``args`` is a list of the arguments to the operation, excluding the
destination register.
Returns a 3-tuple of ``(fullname, args, rtype)``, where ``fullname`` is
the fully-expanded name of the operation, ``args`` is the list of
arguments with all untyped values converted to ``Immediate`` values of
the appropriate type, and ``type`` is the expected result type of the
statement. If the statement does not have a destination register,
``type`` will be None.
# TODO: .ftz insertion
if name[0] in 'tex txq suld sust sured suq call'.split():
raise NotImplementedError("No support for %s yet" % name[0])
# Make sure we don't modify the caller's list/tuple
name, args = list(name), list(args)
# Six constants that just have to be unique from each other
# 'stype', 'dtype', 'ignore', 'u32', 'pred', 'memory'
ST, DT, IG, U3, PR, ME = range(6)
if name[0] in ('add addc sub subc mul mul24 div rem min max and or '
'xor not cnot copysign').split():
atypes = [ST, ST]
elif name[0] in ('abs neg popc clz bfind brev testp rcp sqrt rsqrt sin '
'cos lg2 ex2 mov cvt cvta isspacep split').split():
atypes = [ST]
elif name[0] == 'mad' and name[1] == 'wide':
atypes = [ST, ST, DT]
elif name[0] in 'mad mad24 sad'.split():
atypes = [ST, ST, ST]
elif name[0] == 'bfe':
atypes = [ST, U3, U3]
elif name[0] == 'bfi':
atypes = [ST, ST, U3, U3]
elif name[0] == 'prmt':
atypes = [U3, U3, U3]
elif name[0] in 'ld ldu prefetch prefetchu':
atypes = [ME]
elif name[0] == 'st':
atypes = [ME, ST]
elif name[0] in 'set setp selp'.split():
atypes = [ST, ST, IG]
elif name[0] == 'slct':
atypes = [DT, DT, ST]
elif name[0] in ('shl', 'shr'):
atypes = [ST, U3]
elif name[0] in ('atom', 'red'):
if name[1] == 'cas':
atypes = [ME, ST, ST]
atypes = [ME, ST]
elif name[0] in 'ret exit membar'.split():
atypes = []
elif name[0] == 'vote':
atypes = [PR]
elif name[0] in 'bar':
atypes = [U3, IG, IG]
raise NotImplementedError("Don't recognize the %s statement. "
"If you think this is a bug, and it may well be, please "
"report it!" % name[0])
if (len(args) < len(filter(lambda t: t != IG, atypes)) or
len(args) > len(atypes)):
print args
print atypes
raise ValueError("Incorrect number of args for '%s'" % name[0])
stype, dtype = None, None
did_inference = False
if isinstance(args[0], Pointer):
# Get stype from pointer (explicit stype overrides this)
if name[0] in 'ld ldu st'.split():
stype = args[0].dtype
did_inference = True
# Get sspace from pointer if missing
if name[0] in 'ld ldu st prefetch atom red'.split():
sspos = 2 if len(name) > 1 and name[1] == 'volatile' else 1
if (len(name) <= sspos or name[sspos] not in
'global local shared param const'.split()):
name.insert(sspos, args[0].sspace)
# These instructions lack an stype suffix
if name[0] in ('prmt prefetch prefetchu isspacep bra ret exit membar '
'bar vote'.split()):
# False (as opposed to None) prevents stype inference attempt
stype = False
# These instructions require a dtype
if name[0] in 'set slct cvt':
if name[-1] not in TYPES:
raise SyntaxError("'%s' requires a dtype." % name[0])
if name[-2] in TYPES:
dtype, stype = TYPES[name[-2]], TYPES[name[-1]]
dtype = TYPES[name[-1]]
if name[-1] in TYPES:
stype = TYPES[name[-1]]
did_inference = False
# stype wasn't explicitly set, try to infer it from the arguments
if stype is None:
maybe_typed = [a for a, t in zip(args, atypes) if t == ST]
types = [a.type for a in maybe_typed if isinstance(a, Register)]
if not types:
raise TypeError("Not enough information to infer type. "
"Explicitly specify the source argument type.")
stype = types[0]
did_inference = True
if did_inference:
# These instructions require a 'b32'-type argument, despite working
# on u32 and s32 types just fine, so change the name but not stype
if name[0] in 'popc clz bfind brev bfi and or xor not cnot shl'.split():
name[-1] = 'b' + name[1:]
# Calculate destination type (may influence some args too)
if (name[0] in 'popc clz bfind prmt'.split() or
name[:3] == ['bar', 'red', 'popc'] or
name[:2] == ['vote', 'ballot']):
dtype = TYPES['u32']
elif (name[0] in 'testp setp isspacep vote'.split() or
name[:2] == ['bar', 'red']):
dtype = TYPES['pred']
elif (name[0] in 'st prefetch prefetchu bra ret exit bar membar '
dtype = None
elif name[0] in ('mul', 'mad') and name[1] == 'wide':
dtype = TYPES[stype.kind + str(2*stype.bits)]
elif dtype is None:
dtype = stype
atype_dict = {ST: stype, DT: dtype, U3: TYPES['u32']}
# Wrap any untyped immediates
for idx, arg in enumerate(args):
if not isinstance(arg, Register):
t = atype_dict.get(atypes[idx])
args[idx] = Immediate(None, t, arg)
if did_inference:
for i, (arg, atype) in enumerate(zip(args, atypes)):
if atype in atype_dict and arg.type != atype_dict[atype]:
raise TypeError("Arg %d differs from expected type %s. "
"If this is intentional, explicitly specify the "
"source argument type." % (i, atype.name))
if name[0] in 'ld ldu st red atom'.split():
if (isinstance(args[0], Pointer) and
args[0].dtype.bits != stype.bits):
raise TypeError("The inferred type %s differs in size "
"from the referent's type %s. If this is intentional, "
"explicitly specify the source argument type." %
(stype.name, args[0].dtype.name))
return name, tuple(args), dtype
class Register(object):
The workhorse.
def __init__(self, entry, type):
self.entry, self.type = entry, type
# Ordinary register naming / lifetime tracking
self.name, self.inferred_name, self.rebound_to = None, None, None
# Immediate value binding and other non-user-exposed hackery
self._ptx = None
def _set_val(self, val):
if not isinstance(val, Register):
val = Immediate(self.entry, self.type, val)
self.entry.add_rebinding(self, val)
val = property(lambda s: s, _set_val)
def __repr__(self):
s = super(Register, self).__repr__()[:-1]
return s + ': type=%s, name=%s, inferred_name=%s>' % (
self.type.name, self.name, self.inferred_name)
def get_name(self):
if self._ptx is not None:
return str(self._ptx)
if self.rebound_to:
return self.rebound_to.get_name()
return self.name or self.inferred_name
def _infer_name(self, depth=2):
To produce more readable code, this method reaches in to the stack and
tries to find the name of this register in the calling method's locals.
If a register is still unbound at code generation time, this name will
be preferred over a meaningless ``rXX``-style identifier.
This best-guess effort should have absolutely no semantic impact on the
generated PTX, and is only here for readability, so we don't sweat the
potential corner cases associated with it.
``depth`` is the index of the relevant frame in this function's stack.
if self.inferred_name is None:
frame = inspect.stack()[depth][0]
for key, val in frame.f_locals.items():
if self is val:
self.inferred_name = key
class Pointer(Register):
A register which knows (in Python, at least) the type, state space, and
address of a datum in memory.
# TODO: use u64 as type if device has >=4GB of memory
ptr_type = TYPES['u32']
def __init__(self, entry, sspace, dtype):
super(Pointer, self).__init__(entry, self.ptr_type)
self.sspace, self.dtype = sspace, dtype
class Immediate(Register):
An Immediate is the DSL's way of storing PTX immediate values. It differs
from a Register in two respects:
- A non-Register value can be assigned to the ``val`` property (or passed
to ``__init__``). If the value is an int or float, it will be coerced to
follow PTX's strict parsing rules for the type of the ``Immediate``;
otherwise, it'll simply be coerced to ``str`` and pasted in the PTX.
- The ``type`` can be None, which disables all coercion and introspection.
This is practical for labels and the like.
def __init__(self, entry, type, val=None):
super(Immediate, self).__init__(entry, type)
self.val = val
def _set_val(self, val):
self._ptx = self.coerce(self.type, val)
val = property(lambda s: s._ptx, _set_val)
def __repr__(self):
return object.__repr__(self)[:-1] + ': type=%s, value=%s>' % (
self.type.name, self._ptx)
def coerce(type, val):
if type is None or not isinstance(val, (int, long, float)):
return val
if type.kind == 'u' and val < 0:
raise ValueError("Can't convert (< 0) val to unsigned")
# Maybe more later?
if type.kind in 'us':
return int(val)
if type.kind in 'f':
return float(val)
raise TypeError("Immediates not supported for type %s" % type.name)
class Regs(object):
The ``entry.regs`` object to which Registers are bound.
def __init__(self, entry):
self.__dict__['_entry'] = entry
self.__dict__['_named_regs'] = dict()
def __create_register_func(self, type):
def f(*args, **kwargs):
return self._entry.create_register(type, *args, **kwargs)
return f
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in TYPES:
return self.__create_register_func(TYPES[name])
if name in self._named_regs:
return self._named_regs[name]
raise KeyError("Unrecognized register name %s" % name)
def __setattr__(self, name, val):
if name in self._named_regs:
self._named_regs[name].val = val
if isinstance(val, Register):
assert val in self._entry._regs, "Reg from nowhere!"
val.name = name
self._named_regs[name] = val
raise TypeError("What Is This %s You Have Given Me" % val)
class Memory(object):
Memory objects reference device memory and and provide a convenient
shorthand for address calculations.
The base address of a memory location may be retreived from the ``addr``
property as a ``Pointer`` for manual address calculations.
Somewhat more automatic address calculations can be performed using Python
bracket notation::
>>> r1 = o.ld(m.something[r2])
>>> o.st(m.something[2*r2], r1)
If the value passed in the brackets is u32, it will *not* be coerced to
u64 until being added to the base pointer. To access arrays that are more
than 4GB in size, you must coerce the input type to u64 yourself.
Currently, all steps in an address calculation are performed for each
access, and so for inner loops manual address calculation (or simply saving
the resulting register for reuse in the next memory operation) may be more
efficient. Once the register lifetime profiler is complete, that behavior
may change.
def __init__(self, entry, space, type, name):
self.entry, self.space, self.type, self.name = entry, space, type, name
def addr(self):
ptr = Pointer(self.entry, self.space, self.type)
ptr._ptx = self.name
def __getitem__(self, key):
# TODO: make this multi-type-safe, perform strength reduction/precalc
ptr = Pointer(self.entry, self.space, self.type)
self.entry.add_stmt(['mad', 'lo', 'u32'], key, self.type.bytes,
self.addr, result=ptr)
return ptr
class PtrParam(Memory):
Entry parameters which contain pointers to memory locations, as created
through ``entry.add_ptr_param()``, use this type to hide the address load
from parameter space.
# TODO: this assumes u32 addresses, which won't be true for long
def addr(self):
ptr = Pointer(self.entry, self.space, self.type)
self.entry.add_stmt(['ld', 'param', ptr.type.name],
self.name, result=ptr)
return ptr
class Params(object):
The ``entry.params`` object to which parameters are bound.
def __init__(self, entry):
# Boy this 'everything references entry` thing has gotten old
self.entry = entry
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name not in self.entry._params:
raise KeyError("Did not recognize parameter name.")
param = self.entry._params[name]
if isinstance(param, PtrParam):
return param
return self.entry.ops.ld(param.addr)
class _DotNameHelper(object):
def __init__(self, callback, name = ()):
self.__callback = callback
self.__name = name
def __getattr__(self, name):
return _DotNameHelper(self.__callback, self.__name + (name,))
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.__callback(self.__name, *args, **kwargs)
RegUse = namedtuple('RegUse', 'src dst')
Rebinding = namedtuple('Rebinding', 'dst src')
class Entry(object):
Manager extraordinaire.
TODO: document this.
def __init__(self, name, block_width, block_height=1, block_depth=1):
self.name = name
self.block = (block_width, block_height, block_depth)
self.threads_per_cta = block_width * block_height
self.body_seen = False
self.tail_cbs = []
self.identifiers = set()
self.ops = _DotNameHelper(self.add_stmt)
self._stmts = []
self._labels = []
self.regs = Regs(self)
self._regs = {}
# Intended to be read by the ``params`` object below
self._params = {}
self.params = Params(self)
def __enter__(self):
# May do more later
def __exit__(self, etype, eval, tb):
# May do more later
def add_stmt(self, name, *operands, **kwargs):
stmt = Statement(name, operands)
idx = len(self._stmts)
for operand in stmt.operands:
use = self._regs.setdefault(operand, RegUse([], []))
if stmt.rtype is not None:
result = kwargs.pop('result', None)
if result:
assert result.type == stmt.rtype, "Internal type error"
result = Register(self, stmt.rtype)
stmt.result = result
self._regs[result] = RegUse(src=[], dst=[idx])
if kwargs:
raise KeyError("Unrecognized keyword arguments: %s" % kwargs)
return stmt.result
def add_rebinding(self, dst, src):
idx = len(self._stmts)
if not isinstance(src, Immediate):
self._stmts.append(Rebinding(dst, src))
def create_register(self, type, initial=None):
r = Register(self, type)
self._regs[r] = RegUse([], [])
if initial:
r.val = initial
return r
def head(self):
Top-level code segment that will be placed at the start of the entry.
Useful for initialization of memory or registers by types that do
not implement an entry point themselves.
# This may do more later
return self
def body(self):
Top-level code segment representing the body of the entry point.
# This may do more later
assert not self.body_seen, "Only one body per entry allowed."
self.body_seen = True
return self
def tail_callback(self, cb, *args, **kwargs):
Registers a tail callback function. After the body segment is complete,
the tail callbacks will be called in reverse, such that each head/tail
pair nests in dependency order.
Any arguments to this function will be passed to the callback.
self.tail_cbs.append((cb, args, kwargs))
def add_param(self, ptype, name):
Adds a parameter to this entry. ``type`` and ``name`` are strings.
if ptype not in TYPES:
raise TypeError("Unrecognized PTX type name.")
self._params[name] = Memory(self, 'param', TYPES[ptype], name)
def add_ptr_param(self, name, mtype):
Adds a parameter to this entry which points to a location in global
memory. The resulting property of ``entry.params`` will be a
``PtrParam`` for convenient access.
``name`` is the param name, and ``mtype`` is the base type of the
memory location being pointed to. The actual type of the pointer will
be chosen based on the amount of addressable memory on the device.
if mtype not in TYPES:
raise TypeError("Unrecognized PTX type name.")
# TODO: add pointer size heuristic
self._params[name] = PtrParam(self, 'global', TYPES[mtype], name)
def finalize(self):
This method runs the tail callbacks and performs any introspection
necessary prior to emitting PTX.
assert self.tail_cbs is not None, "Cannot finalize more than once!"
for cb, args, kwargs in reversed(self.tail_cbs):
cb(*args, **kwargs)
self.tail_cbs = None
# This loop verifies rebinding of floating registers to named ones.
# If all of the conditions below are met, the src register's name will
# be allowed to match the dst register; otherwise, the src's value
# will be copied to the dst's with a ``mov`` instruction
for idx, stmt in enumerate(self._stmts):
if not isinstance(stmt, Rebinding): continue
dst, src = stmt
# src must be floating reg, not immediate or bound reg
# Examples:
# r.a = r.u32(4)
# b = r.u32(r.a)
move = isinstance(src, Immediate) or src.name is not None
# dst cannot be used between src's originating expression and
# the rebinding itself
# Example 1:
# r.a, r.b = r.u32(1), r.u32(1)
# x = o.add(r.a, r.b)
# r.b = o.add(r.a, x)
# r.a = x
# Example 2:
# r.a, r.b = r.u32(1), r.u32(1)
# label('start')
# x = o.add(r.a, r.b)
# y = o.add(r.a, x)
# r.a = x
# r.b = y
# bra.uni('start')
# TODO: incorporate branch tracking
if not move:
for oidx in (self._regs[dst].src + self._regs[dst].dst):
if oidx > self._regs[src].dst[0] and oidx < idx:
move = True
if move:
src.rebound_to = None
stmt = Statement(('mov',), (src,))
stmt.result = dst
self._stmts[idx] = stmt
# Identify all uses of registers by name in the program
bound = dict([(t, set()) for t in TYPES.values()])
free = dict([(t, {}) for t in TYPES.values()])
for stmt in self._stmts:
if isinstance(stmt, Rebinding):
regs = [stmt.src, stmt.dst]
regs = filter(lambda r: r and not isinstance(r, Immediate),
(stmt.result,) + stmt.operands)
for reg in regs:
if reg.name:
rl = free[reg.type].setdefault(reg.inferred_name, [])
if reg not in rl:
# Store the data required for register declarations
self.bound = bound
self.temporary = {}
# Generate names for all unbound registers
# TODO: include memory, label, instr identifiers in this list
identifiers = set()
map(identifiers.update, bound.values())
used_bases = set([i.rstrip('1234567890') for i in identifiers])
for t, inames in free.items():
for ibase, regs in inames.items():
if ibase is None:
ibase = t.name + '_'
while ibase in used_bases:
ibase = ibase + '_'
trl = self.temporary.setdefault(t, [])
trl.append('%s<%d>' % (ibase, len(regs)))
for i, reg in enumerate(regs):
reg.name = ibase + str(i)
def format_source(self, formatter):
assert self.tail_cbs is None, "Must finalize entry before formatting"
params = [v for k, v in sorted(self._params.items())]
formatter.entry_start(self.name, params, reqntid=self.block)
[formatter.regs(t, r) for t, r in sorted(self.bound.items()) if r]
formatter.comment("Temporary registers")
[formatter.regs(t, r) for t, r in sorted(self.temporary.items()) if r]
for stmt in self._stmts:
if isinstance(stmt, Statement):
stmt.ptx_line = formatter.stmt(stmt)
class PTXFormatter(object):
def __init__(self, ptxver=PTX_VERSION, target='sm_21'):
self.indent_level = 0
self.lines = ['.version %d.%d' % ptxver, '.target %s' % target]
def blank(self):
def comment(self, text):
self.lines.append(' ' * self.indent_level + '// ' + text)
def regs(self, type, names):
# TODO: indenting, length limits, etc.
self.lines.append(' ' * self.indent_level + '.reg .%s ' % (type.name) +
', '.join(sorted(names)) + ';')
def stmt(self, stmt):
res = ('%s, ' % stmt.result.get_name()) if stmt.result else ''
args = [o.get_name() for o in stmt.operands]
# Wrap the arg in brackets if needed (no good place to put this)
if stmt.fullname[0] in ('ld ldu st prefetch prefetchu isspacep '
'atom red'.split()):
args[0] = '[%s]' % args[0]
self.lines.append(''.join([' ' * self.indent_level,
'%-12s ' % '.'.join(stmt.fullname), res, ', '.join(args), ';']))
return len(self.lines)
def entry_start(self, name, params, **directives):
Define the start of an entry point. ``name`` and ``params`` should be
obvious, ``directives`` is a dictionary of performance tuning directive
strings. As a special case, if a ``directive`` value is a tuple, it
will be converted to a comma-separated string.
for k, v in directives.items():
if isinstance(v, tuple):
directives[k] = ','.join(map(str, v))
dstr = ' '.join(['.%s %s' % i for i in directives.items()])
# TODO: support full param options like alignment and array decls
# (base the param type off a memory type)
pstrs = ['.param .%s %s' % (p.type.name, p.name) for p in params]
pstr = '(%s)' % ', '.join(pstrs)
self.lines.append(' '.join(['.entry', name, pstr, dstr]))
self.indent_level += 4
def entry_end(self):
self.indent_level += 4
def get_source(self):
return '\n'.join(self.lines)
_TExp = namedtuple('_TExp', 'type exprlist')
_DataCell = namedtuple('_DataCell', 'offset size texp')
class DataStream(object):
Simple interface between Python and PTX, designed to create and tightly
pack control structs.
(In the original implementation, this actually used a stack with
variable positions determined at runtime. The resulting structure had to be
read strictly sequentially to be parsed, hence the name "stream".)
Subclass this and give it a shortname, then depend on the subclass in your
PTX fragments. An instance-based approach is under consideration.
>>> class ExampleDataStream(DataStream):
>>> shortname = "ex"
Inside DSL functions, you can retrieve arbitrary Python expressions from
the data stream.
>>> def example_func():
>>> reg.u32('reg1 reg2 regA')
>>> op.mov.u32(regA, some_device_allocation_base_address)
>>> # From the structure at the base address in 'regA', load the value
>>> # of 'ctx.nthreads' into reg1
>>> ex.get(regA, reg1, 'ctx.nthreads+padding')
The expressions will be stored as strings and mapped to particular
positions in the struct. Later, the expressions will be evaluated and
coerced into a type matching the destination register:
>>> data = ExampleDataStream.pack(ctx, padding=4)
Expressions will be aligned and may be reused in such a way as to minimize
access times when taking device caching into account. This also implies
that the evaluated expressions should not modify any state.
>>> def example_func_2():
>>> reg.u32('reg1 reg2')
>>> reg.f32('regf')
>>> ex.get(regA, reg1, 'ctx.nthreads * 2')
>>> # Same expression, so load comes from same memory location
>>> ex.get(regA, reg2, 'ctx.nthreads * 2')
>>> # Vector loads are pre-coerced, so you can mix types
>>> ex.get_v2(regA, reg1, '4', regf, '5.5')
You can even do device allocations in the file, using the post-finalized
variable '[prefix]_stream_size'. It's a DelayVar; simple things like
multiplying by a number work (as long as the DelayVar comes first), but
fancy things like multiplying two DelayVars aren't implemented yet.
>>> class Whatever(PTXFragment):
>>> def module_setup(self):
>>> mem.global_.u32('ex_streams', ex.stream_size*1000)
# Must be at least as large as the largest load (.v4.u32 = 16)
alignment = 16
def __init__(self):
self.texp_map = {}
self.cells = []
self._size = 0
self.free = {}
self.size_delayvars = []
self.finalized = False
_types = dict(s8='b', u8='B', s16='h', u16='H', s32='i', u32='I', f32='f',
s64='l', u64='L', f64='d')
def _get_type(self, regs):
size = int(regs[0].type[1:])
for reg in regs:
if reg.type not in self._types:
raise TypeError("Register %s of type %s not supported" %
(reg.name, reg.type))
if int(reg.type[1:]) != size:
raise TypeError("Can't vector-load different size regs")
return size/8, ''.join([self._types.get(r.type) for r in regs])
def _alloc(self, vsize, texp):
# A really crappy allocator. May later include optimizations for
# keeping common variables on the same cache line, etc.
alloc = vsize
idx = self.free.get(alloc)
while idx is None and alloc < self.alignment:
alloc *= 2
idx = self.free.get(alloc)
if idx is None:
# No aligned free cells, allocate a new `align`-byte free cell
assert alloc not in self.free
self.free[alloc] = idx = len(self.cells)
self.cells.append(_DataCell(self._size, alloc, None))
self._size += alloc
# Overwrite the free cell at `idx` with texp
assert self.cells[idx].texp is None
offset = self.cells[idx].offset
self.cells[idx] = _DataCell(offset, vsize, texp)
# Now reinsert the fragmented free cells.
fragments = alloc - vsize
foffset = offset + vsize
fsize = 1
fidx = idx
while fsize < self.alignment:
if fragments & fsize:
assert fsize not in self.free
fidx += 1
self.cells.insert(fidx, _DataCell(foffset, fsize, None))
foffset += fsize
for k, v in filter(lambda (k, v): v >= fidx, self.free.items()):
self.free[k] = v+1
self.free[fsize] = fidx
fsize *= 2
return offset
def _stream_get_internal(self, areg, dregs, exprs, ifp, ifnotp):
size, type = self._get_type(dregs)
vsize = size * len(dregs)
texp = _TExp(type, tuple(exprs))
if texp in self.texp_map:
offset = self.texp_map[texp]
offset = self._alloc(vsize, texp)
self.texp_map[texp] = offset
opname = ['ldu', 'b%d' % (size*8)]
if len(dregs) > 1:
opname.insert(1, 'v%d' % len(dregs))
dregs = vec(*dregs)
op._call(opname, dregs, addr(areg, offset), ifp=ifp, ifnotp=ifnotp)
def get(self, areg, dreg, expr, ifp=None, ifnotp=None):
self._stream_get_internal(areg, [dreg], [expr], ifp, ifnotp)
def get_v2(self, areg, dreg1, expr1, dreg2, expr2, ifp=None, ifnotp=None):
self._stream_get_internal(areg, [dreg1, dreg2], [expr1, expr2],
ifp, ifnotp)
# The interleaved signature makes calls easier to read
def get_v4(self, areg, d1, e1, d2, e2, d3, e3, d4, e4,
ifp=None, ifnotp=None):
self._stream_get_internal(areg, [d1, d2, d3, d4], [e1, e2, e3, e4],
ifp, ifnotp)
def stream_size(self):
if self.finalized:
return self._size
x = DelayVar("not_yet_determined")
return x
def finalize_code(self):
self.finalized = True
for dv in self.size_delayvars:
dv.val = self._size
print "Finalized stream:"
def pack(self, ctx, _out_file_ = None, **kwargs):
Evaluates all statements in the context of **kwargs. Take this code,
presumably inside a PTX func::
>>> ex.get(regA, reg1, 'sum([x+frob for x in xyz.things])')
To pack this into a struct, call this method on an instance:
>>> data = ExampleDataStream.pack(ctx, frob=4, xyz=xyz)
This evaluates each Python expression from the stream with the provided
arguments as locals, coerces it to the appropriate type, and returns
the resulting structure as a string.
The supplied LaunchContext is added to the namespace as ``ctx`` by
default. To supress, this, override ``ctx`` in the keyword arguments:
>>> data = ExampleDataStream.pack(ctx, frob=5, xyz=xyz, ctx=None)
out = StringIO()
cls.pack_into(out, kwargs)
return out.read()
def pack_into(self, ctx, outfile, **kwargs):
Like pack(), but write data to a file-like object at the file's current
offset instead of returning it as a string.
>>> ex_stream.pack_into(ctx, strio_inst, frob=4, xyz=thing)
>>> ex_stream.pack_into(ctx, strio_inst, frob=6, xyz=another_thing)
kwargs.setdefault('ctx', ctx)
for offset, size, texp in self.cells:
if texp:
type = texp.type
vals = [eval(e, globals(), kwargs) for e in texp.exprlist]
type = 'x'*size # Padding bytes
vals = []
outfile.write(struct.pack(type, *vals))
def _print_format(self, ctx=None, stream=None):
for cell in self.cells:
if cell.texp is None:
print '%3d %2d --' % (cell.offset, cell.size)
print '%3d %2d %4s %s' % (cell.offset, cell.size, cell.texp.type,
for exp in cell.texp.exprlist[1:]:
print '%11s %s' % ('', exp)
def print_record(self, ctx, stream, limit=None):
for i in range(0, len(stream), self._size):
for cell in self.cells:
if cell.texp is None:
print '%3d %2d --' % (cell.offset, cell.size)
s = '%3d %2d %4s' % (cell.offset, cell.size, cell.texp.type)
vals = struct.unpack(cell.texp.type,
for val, exp in zip(vals, cell.texp.exprlist):
print '%11s %-20s %s' % (s, val, exp)
s = ''
print '\n----\n'
if limit is not None:
limit -= 1
if limit <= 0: break
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ from fr0stlib import pyflam3
from fr0stlib.pyflam3._flam3 import *
from fr0stlib.pyflam3.constants import *
from cuburn.cuda import LaunchContext
from cuburn.device_code import *
from cuburn.variations import Variations
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from cuburn.ptx import PTXFragment, ptx_func
from pyptx import ptx
class Variations(PTXFragment):
class Variations(object):
You know it.
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ class Variations(PTXFragment):
"waves2", "exp", "log", "sin", "cos", "tan", "sec", "csc", "cot",
"sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "sech", "csch", "coth", "auger", "flux", ]
def xfg(self, dst, expr):
Convenience wrapper around cp.get which loads the given property from
@ -37,19 +36,16 @@ class Variations(PTXFragment):
# expression will be evaluated using each CP in stream packing.
cp.get(cpA, dst, 'cp.xforms[%d].%s' % (self.xform_idx, expr))
def xfg_v2(self, dst1, expr1, dst2, expr2):
cp.get_v2(cpA, dst1, 'cp.xforms[%d].%s' % (self.xform_idx, expr1),
dst2, 'cp.xforms[%d].%s' % (self.xform_idx, expr2))
def xfg_v4(self, d1, e1, d2, e2, d3, e3, d4, e4):
cp.get_v4(cpA, d1, 'cp.xforms[%d].%s' % (self.xform_idx, e1),
d2, 'cp.xforms[%d].%s' % (self.xform_idx, e2),
d3, 'cp.xforms[%d].%s' % (self.xform_idx, e3),
d4, 'cp.xforms[%d].%s' % (self.xform_idx, e4))
def apply_xform(self, xo, yo, co, xi, yi, ci, xform_idx):
Apply a transform.
@ -107,12 +103,10 @@ class Variations(PTXFragment):
op.fma.rn.ftz.f32(xo, c10, yt, xo)
op.fma.rn.ftz.f32(yo, c11, yt, yo)
def linear(self, xo, yo, xi, yi, wgt):
op.fma.rn.ftz.f32(xo, xi, wgt, xo)
op.fma.rn.ftz.f32(yo, yi, wgt, yo)
def sinusoidal(self, xo, yo, xi, yi, wgt):
op.sin.approx.ftz.f32(sinval, xi)
@ -120,7 +114,6 @@ class Variations(PTXFragment):
op.sin.approx.ftz.f32(sinval, yi)
op.fma.rn.ftz.f32(yo, sinval, wgt, yo)
def spherical(self, xo, yo, xi, yi, wgt):
op.fma.rn.ftz.f32(r2, xi, xi, '1e-30')
@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ from pprint import pprint
from ctypes import *
import numpy as np
np.set_printoptions(precision=5, edgeitems=20)
from pyptx import ptx, run
from cuburn.device_code import *
from cuburn.cuda import LaunchContext
from fr0stlib.pyflam3 import *
from fr0stlib.pyflam3._flam3 import *
from cuburn.render import *
@ -32,10 +32,33 @@ def dump_3d(nda):
f.write(' | '.join([' '.join(
['%4.1g\t' % x for x in pt]) for pt in row]) + '\n')
def disass(mod):
import subprocess
with open('/tmp/pyptx.ptx', 'w') as fp:
subprocess.check_call('ptxas -arch sm_21 /tmp/pyptx.ptx '
'-o /tmp/elf.o'.split())
subprocess.check_call('/home/steven/code/decuda/elfToCubin.py --nouveau '
def main(args):
verbose = 1
if '-d' in args:
verbose = 3
mwcent = ptx.Entry("mwc_test", 512)
mwctest = MWCRNGTest(mwcent)
# Get the source for saving and disassembly before potentially crashing
mod = ptx.Module([mwcent])
print '\n'.join(['%4d %s' % t for t in enumerate(mod.source.split('\n'))])
mod = run.Module([mwcent])
ctx = mod.get_context('mwc_test', 14)
with open(args[-1]) as fp:
genomes = Genome.from_string(fp.read())
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