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synced 2025-03-15 07:51:37 -04:00
Refactor call() to be more elegant
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import pycuda.autoinit
import pycuda.driver as cuda
from cuburnlib.ptx import PTXFragment, PTXTest, ptx_func, instmethod
from cuburnlib.cuda import LaunchContext
from cuburnlib.device_code import MWCRNG
from cuburnlib.device_code import MWCRNG, MWCRNGTest
class L2WriteCombining(PTXTest):
@ -104,26 +104,18 @@ class L2WriteCombining(PTXTest):
op.setp.ge.u32(p_done, x, 2)
op.bra.uni(l2_restart, ifnotp=p_done)
def call(self, ctx):
scratch = np.zeros(self.block_size*ctx.ctas/4, np.uint64)
times_bytes = np.zeros((4, ctx.threads), np.uint64, 'F')
func = ctx.mod.get_function(self.entry_name)
dtime = func(cuda.InOut(times_bytes), cuda.InOut(scratch),
block=ctx.block, grid=ctx.grid, time_kernel=True)
def _call(self, ctx, func):
self.scratch = np.zeros(self.block_size*ctx.ctas/4, np.uint64)
self.times_bytes = np.zeros((4, ctx.threads), np.uint64, 'F')
super(L2WriteCombining, self)._call(ctx, func,
cuda.InOut(self.scratch), cuda.InOut(self.times_bytes))
#printover(times_bytes[0], 6, 32)
#printover(times_bytes[1], 6)
#printover(times_bytes[2], 6, 32)
#printover(times_bytes[3], 6)
#printover(scratch[i:i+16], 8)
print "\nTotal time was %g seconds" % dtime
def call_teardown(self, ctx):
pm = lambda a: (np.mean(a), np.std(a) / np.sqrt(len(a)))
print "Clks for coa was %g ± %g" % pm(times_bytes[0])
print "Bytes for coa was %g ± %g" % pm(times_bytes[1])
print "Clks for uncoa was %g ± %g" % pm(times_bytes[2])
print "Bytes for uncoa was %g ± %g" % pm(times_bytes[3])
print "Clks for coa was %g ± %g" % pm(self.times_bytes[0])
print "Bytes for coa was %g ± %g" % pm(self.times_bytes[1])
print "Clks for uncoa was %g ± %g" % pm(self.times_bytes[2])
print "Bytes for uncoa was %g ± %g" % pm(self.times_bytes[3])
print ''
def printover(a, r, s=1):
@ -134,9 +126,10 @@ def printover(a, r, s=1):
def main():
# TODO: block/grid auto-optimization
ctx = LaunchContext([L2WriteCombining], block=(128,1,1), grid=(7*8,1),
ctx = LaunchContext([L2WriteCombining, MWCRNGTest],
block=(128,1,1), grid=(7*8,1), tests=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import pycuda.gl.autoinit
import numpy as np
from cuburnlib.ptx import PTXModule
from cuburnlib.ptx import PTXModule, PTXTest, PTXTestFailure
class LaunchContext(object):
@ -72,29 +72,34 @@ class LaunchContext(object):
entry.entry_name, func.num_regs,
func.shared_size_bytes, func.local_size_bytes)
def set_up(self):
for inst in self.ptx.deporder(self.ptx.instances.values(),
def call_setup(self, entry_inst):
for inst in self.ptx.entry_deps[type(entry_inst)]:
def run(self):
if not self.setup_done: self.set_up()
def run_test(self, test_type):
if not self.setup_done: self.set_up()
inst = self.ptx.instances[test_type]
print "Running test: %s... " % inst.name
if inst.call(self):
print "Test %s passed." % inst.name
def call_teardown(self, entry_inst):
okay = True
for inst in reversed(self.ptx.entry_deps[type(entry_inst)]):
if inst is entry_inst and isinstance(entry_inst, PTXTest):
except PTXTestFailure, e:
print "PTX Test %s failed!" % inst.entry_name, e
okay = False
print "Test %s FAILED." % inst.name
except Exception, e:
print "Test %s FAILED (exception thrown)." % inst.name
raise e
return okay
def run_tests(self):
map(self.run_test, self.ptx.tests)
if not self.ptx.tests:
print "No tests to run."
return True
all_okay = True
for test in self.ptx.tests:
if test.call(self):
print "Test %s passed." % test.entry_name
print "Test %s FAILED." % test.entry_name
all_okay = False
return all_okay
@ -148,18 +148,19 @@ class IterThread(PTXEntryPoint):
CPDataStream.print_record(ctx, cp_stream, 5)
self.cps_uploaded = True
def call(self, ctx):
def call_setup(self, ctx):
if not self.cps_uploaded:
raise Error("Cannot call IterThread before uploading CPs")
num_cps_st_dp, num_cps_st_l = ctx.mod.get_global('g_num_cps_started')
cuda.memset_d32(num_cps_st_dp, 0, 1)
func = ctx.mod.get_function('iter_thread')
def _call(self, ctx, func):
# Get texture reference from the Palette
# TODO: more elegant method than reaching into ctx.ptx?
tr = ctx.ptx.instances[PaletteLookup].texref
dtime = func(block=ctx.block, grid=ctx.grid, time_kernel=True,
super(IterThread, self)._call(ctx, func, texrefs=[tr])
def call_teardown(self, ctx):
shape = (ctx.grid[0], ctx.block[0]/32, 32)
num_rounds_dp, num_rounds_l = ctx.mod.get_global('g_num_rounds')
num_writes_dp, num_writes_l = ctx.mod.get_global('g_num_writes')
@ -325,7 +326,7 @@ class PaletteLookup(PTXFragment):
self.texref.set_address_mode(1, cuda.address_mode.CLAMP)
def device_init(self, ctx):
def call_setup(self, ctx):
assert self.texref, "Must upload palette texture before launch!"
class HistScatter(PTXFragment):
@ -368,7 +369,7 @@ class HistScatter(PTXFragment):
op.red.add.f32(addr(hist_bin_addr,12), a)
def device_init(self, ctx):
def call_setup(self, ctx):
hist_bins_dp, hist_bins_l = ctx.mod.get_global('g_hist_bins')
cuda.memset_d32(hist_bins_dp, 0, hist_bins_l/4)
@ -383,14 +384,10 @@ class MWCRNG(PTXFragment):
shortname = "mwc"
def __init__(self):
self.rand = np.random
self.threads_ready = 0
if not os.path.isfile('primes.bin'):
raise EnvironmentError('primes.bin not found')
def set_seed(self, seed):
self.rand = np.random.mtrand.RandomState(seed)
def module_setup(self):
mem.global_.u32('mwc_rng_mults', ctx.threads)
@ -450,11 +447,12 @@ class MWCRNG(PTXFragment):
op.cvt.rn.f32.s32(dst_reg, mwc_st)
op.mul.f32(dst_reg, dst_reg, '0f30000000') # 1./(1<<31)
def device_init(self, ctx):
if self.threads_ready >= ctx.threads:
# Already set up enough random states, don't push again
def seed(self, ctx, rand=np.random):
Seed the random number generators with values taken from a
``np.random`` instance.
# Load raw big-endian u32 multipliers from primes.bin.
with open('primes.bin') as primefp:
dt = np.dtype(np.uint32).newbyteorder('B')
@ -463,18 +461,22 @@ class MWCRNG(PTXFragment):
# Randomness in choosing multipliers is good, but larger multipliers
# have longer periods, which is also good. This is a compromise.
mults = np.array(mults[:ctx.threads*4])
# Copy multipliers and seeds to the device
multdp, multl = ctx.mod.get_global('mwc_rng_mults')
cuda.memcpy_htod_async(multdp, mults.tostring()[:multl])
# Intentionally excludes both 0 and (2^32-1), as they can lead to
# degenerate sequences of period 0
states = np.array(self.rand.randint(1, 0xffffffff, size=2*ctx.threads),
states = np.array(rand.randint(1, 0xffffffff, size=2*ctx.threads),
statedp, statel = ctx.mod.get_global('mwc_rng_state')
cuda.memcpy_htod_async(statedp, states.tostring())
self.threads_ready = ctx.threads
def call_setup(self, ctx):
if self.threads_ready < ctx.threads:
def tests(self):
return [MWCRNGTest]
@ -515,7 +517,7 @@ class MWCRNGTest(PTXTest):
op.mad.lo.u32(adr, offset, 8, adr)
op.st.global_.u64(addr(adr), sum)
def call(self, ctx):
def call_setup(self, ctx):
# Get current multipliers and seeds from the device
multdp, multl = ctx.mod.get_global('mwc_rng_mults')
mults = cuda.from_device(multdp, ctx.threads, np.uint32)
@ -533,15 +535,13 @@ class MWCRNGTest(PTXTest):
ctime = time.time() - ctime
print "Done on host, took %g seconds" % ctime
func = ctx.mod.get_function('MWC_RNG_test')
dtime = func(block=ctx.block, grid=ctx.grid, time_kernel=True)
print "Done on device, took %g seconds (%gx)" % (dtime, ctime/dtime)
def call_teardown(self, ctx):
dfullstates = cuda.from_device(statedp, ctx.threads, np.uint64)
if not (dfullstates == fullstates).all():
print "State discrepancy"
print dfullstates
print fullstates
return False
raise PTXTestFailure("MWC RNG state discrepancy")
sumdp, suml = ctx.mod.get_global('mwc_rng_test_sums')
dsums = cuda.from_device(sumdp, ctx.threads, np.uint64)
@ -549,11 +549,7 @@ class MWCRNGTest(PTXTest):
print "Sum discrepancy"
print dsums
print sums
return False
return True
class CameraCoordTransform(PTXFragment):
raise PTXTestFailure("MWC RNG sum discrepancy")
class CPDataStream(DataStream):
"""DataStream which stores the control points."""
@ -578,13 +578,23 @@ class PTXFragment(object):
return []
def device_init(self, ctx):
def call_setup(self, ctx):
Do stuff on the host to prepare the device for execution. 'ctx' is a
LaunchContext or similar. This will get called (in dependency order, of
course) *either* before any entry point invocation, or before *each*
invocation, I'm not sure which yet. (For now it's "each".)
course) before each function invocation.
# I haven't found a good way to get outside context in for this method.
# As a result, this is usually just a check to see if some other
# necessary method has been called before trying to launch.
def call_teardown(self, ctx):
As with ``call_setup``, but after a call and in reverse order.
# Exceptions raised here will propagate from the invocation in Python,
# so this is a good place to do error checking.
def instmethod(func):
@ -599,8 +609,6 @@ def instmethod(func):
return classmethod(wrap)
class PTXEntryPoint(PTXFragment):
# Human-readable entry point name
name = ""
# Device code entry name
entry_name = ""
# List of (type, name) pairs for entry params, e.g. [('u32', 'thing')]
@ -615,28 +623,44 @@ class PTXEntryPoint(PTXFragment):
raise NotImplementedError
def _call(self, ctx, func, *args, **kwargs):
Override this if you need to change how a function is called.
# TODO: global debugging / verbosity
print "Invoking PTX function '%s' on device" % self.entry_name
kwargs.setdefault('block', ctx.block)
kwargs.setdefault('grid', ctx.grid)
dtime = func(time_kernel=True, *args, **kwargs)
print "'%s' completed in %gs" % (self.entry_name, dtime)
def call(self, ctx):
def call(self, ctx, *args, **kwargs):
Calls the entry point on the device. Haven't worked out the details
of this one yet.
Calls the entry point on the device, performing any setup and teardown
func = ctx.mod.get_function(self.entry_name)
self._call(ctx, func, *args, **kwargs)
return ctx.call_teardown(self)
class PTXTestFailure(Exception): pass
class PTXTest(PTXEntryPoint):
"""PTXTests are semantically equivalent to PTXEntryPoints, but they
differ slightly in use. In particular:
"""PTXTests are semantically equivalent to PTXEntryPoints, but they differ
slightly in the way they are invoked:
* The "name" property should describe the test being performed,
* ctx.stream will be synchronized before 'call' is run, and should be
synchronized afterwards (i.e. sync it yourself or don't use it),
* call() should return True to indicate that a test passed, or
False (or raise an exception) if it failed.
* The active context will be synchronized before each call,
* call_teardown() should raise ``PTXTestFailure`` if a test failed.
This exception will be caught and cleanup will be completed
(unless another exception is raised).
class _PTXStdLib(PTXFragment):
shortname = "std"
def __init__(self, block):
# Only module that gets the privilege of seeing 'block' directly.
self.block = block
@ -728,6 +752,7 @@ class PTXModule(object):
insts, tests, all_deps, entry_deps = (
self.deptrace(block, entries, build_tests))
self.instances = insts
self.entry_deps = entry_deps
self.tests = tests
inject = dict(inject)
@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ class Animation(object):
# TODO: allow animation-long override of certain parameters (size, etc)
frame = Frame(self._frame, time)
frame.upload_data(self.ctx, self.filters, time)
return HistScatter.get_bins(self.ctx, self.features)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user