mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 00:11:30 -04:00
Palette interpolation on device
This commit is contained in:
@ -313,6 +313,33 @@ void test_cr(const float *times, const float *knots, const float *t, float *r) {
r[i] = catmull_rom(times, knots, t[i]);
void interp_palette_hsv(uchar4 *outs, const float *times, const float4 *sources,
float tstart, float tstep) {
float time = tstart + blockIdx.x * tstep;
int idx = fmaxf(bitwise_binsearch(times, time), 1);
float4 left = sources[blockDim.x * (idx - 1) + threadIdx.x];
float4 right = sources[blockDim.x * (idx) + threadIdx.x];
float lf = (times[idx] - time) / (times[idx] - times[idx-1]);
float rf = 1.0f - lf;
float3 lhsv = rgb2hsv(make_float3(left.x, left.y, left.z));
float3 rhsv = rgb2hsv(make_float3(right.x, right.y, right.z));
float3 hsv;
hsv.x = lhsv.x * lf + rhsv.x * rf;
hsv.y = lhsv.y * lf + rhsv.y * rf;
hsv.z = lhsv.z * lf + rhsv.z * rf;
float3 rgb = hsv2rgb(hsv);
uchar4 out;
out.x = rgb.x * 255.0f;
out.y = rgb.y * 255.0f;
out.z = rgb.z * 255.0f;
out.w = 255.0f * (left.z * lf + right.z * rf);
outs[blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x] = out;
@ -35,6 +35,11 @@ class BaseCode(HunkOCode):
decls = """
float3 rgb2hsv(float3 rgb);
float3 hsv2rgb(float3 hsv);
defs = r"""
@ -134,7 +139,49 @@ void write_half(float &xy, float x, float y, float den) {
: "=f"(xy) : "f"(x), "f"(y), "f"(den));
float3 rgb2hsv(float3 rgb) {
float M = fmaxf(fmaxf(rgb.x, rgb.y), rgb.z);
float m = fminf(fminf(rgb.x, rgb.y), rgb.z);
float C = M - m;
float s = M > 0.0f ? C / M : 0.0f;
float h;
if (s != 0.0f) {
C = 1.0f / C;
float rc = (M - rgb.x) * C;
float gc = (M - rgb.y) * C;
float bc = (M - rgb.z) * C;
if (rgb.x == M) h = bc - gc;
else if (rgb.y == M) h = 2 + gc - bc;
else h = 4 + gc - rc;
if (h < 0) h += 6;
return make_float3(h, s, M);
float3 hsv2rgb(float3 hsv) {
float whole = floorf(hsv.x);
float frac = hsv.x - whole;
float val = hsv.z;
float min = val * (1 - hsv.y);
float mid = val * (1 - (hsv.y * frac));
float alt = val * (1 - (hsv.y * (1 - frac)));
float3 out;
if (whole == 0.0f) { out.x = val; out.y = alt; out.z = min; }
else if (whole == 1.0f) { out.x = mid; out.y = val; out.z = min; }
else if (whole == 2.0f) { out.x = min; out.y = val; out.z = alt; }
else if (whole == 3.0f) { out.x = min; out.y = mid; out.z = val; }
else if (whole == 4.0f) { out.x = alt; out.y = min; out.z = val; }
else { out.x = val; out.y = min; out.z = mid; }
return out;
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import json
import base64
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
from cuburn import affine
@ -124,6 +125,13 @@ class RenderInfo(object):
# Deref genome
self.genome = self.db.genomes[self.genome]
for k, v in self.db.palettes.items():
pal = np.fromstring(base64.b64decode(v), np.uint8)
pal = np.reshape(pal, (256, 3))
pal_a = np.ones((256, 4), np.float32)
pal_a[:,:3] = pal / 255.0
self.db.palettes[k] = pal_a
class _AttrDict(dict):
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self[name]
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ from ctypes import *
from cStringIO import StringIO
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
import base64
from fr0stlib import pyflam3
from fr0stlib.pyflam3._flam3 import *
@ -142,19 +141,28 @@ class Renderer(object):
d_genome_knots = cuda.to_device(genome_knots)
info_size = 4 * len(self._iter.packer) * cps_per_block
d_infos = cuda.mem_alloc(info_size)
pals = info.genome.color.palette
if isinstance(pals, basestring):
pals = [0.0, pals, 1.0, pals]
palint_times = np.empty(len(genome_times[0]), np.float32)
palint_times[:len(pals)/2] = pals[::2]
d_palint_times = cuda.to_device(palint_times)
d_palint_vals = cuda.to_device(
np.concatenate(map(info.db.palettes.get, pals[1::2])))
d_palmem = cuda.mem_alloc(256 * info.palette_height * 4)
seeds = mwc.MWC.make_seeds(self._iter.NTHREADS * cps_per_block)
d_seeds = cuda.to_device(seeds)
h_palmem = cuda.pagelocked_empty(
(info.palette_height, 256, 4), np.uint8)
h_out = cuda.pagelocked_empty((info.acc_height, info.acc_stride, 4),
filter_done_event = None
packer_fun = self.mod.get_function("interp_iter_params")
palette_fun = self.mod.get_function("interp_palette_hsv")
iter_fun = self.mod.get_function("iter")
@ -162,18 +170,18 @@ class Renderer(object):
last_time = times[0][0]
# TODO: move palette stuff to separate class; do interp
pal = np.fromstring(base64.b64decode(info.db.palettes.values()[0]),
pal = np.reshape(pal, (256, 3))
h_palmem[0,:,:3] = pal
h_palmem[1:] = h_palmem[0]
for start, stop in times:
cen_cp = cuburn.genome.HacketyGenome(info.genome, (start+stop)/2)
# "Interp" already done above, but...
cuda.memcpy_htod_async(d_palmem, h_palmem, iter_stream)
if filter_done_event:
width = np.float32((stop-start) / info.palette_height)
palette_fun(d_palmem, d_palint_times, d_palint_vals,
np.float32(start), width,
block=(256,1,1), grid=(info.palette_height,1),
tref = self.mod.get_texref('palTex')
array_info = cuda.ArrayDescriptor()
array_info.height = info.palette_height
@ -186,10 +194,6 @@ class Renderer(object):
if filter_done_event:
width = np.float32((stop-start) / cps_per_block)
packer_fun(d_infos, d_genome_times, d_genome_knots,
np.float32(start), width, d_seeds,
Reference in New Issue
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