mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 16:01:29 -04:00
A final checkin before restarting the project
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ class IterThread(object):
self.mwc = MWCRNG(entry)
self.cp = util.DataStream(entry)
self.vars = Variations(features)
self.camera = CameraTransform(features)
self.hist = HistScatter(entry, features)
self.shuf = ShufflePoints(entry)
entry.add_param('u32', 'num_cps')
entry.add_ptr_param('u32', 'cp_started_count')
@ -35,7 +38,7 @@ class IterThread(object):
# If this number is negative, we're still fusing points, so this
# behaves slightly differently (see ``fuse_loop_start``)
# TODO: replace (or at least simplify) this logic
e.declare_mem('shared', 'f32', 'num_samples')
e.declare_mem('shared', 'u32', 'num_samples')
# The per-warp transform selection indices
e.declare_mem('shared', 'f32', 'xf_sel', e.nwarps_cta)
@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ class IterThread(object):
e.comment("Check to see if this CP is valid (if not, we're done)")
all_cps_done = e.forward_label()
with cp_idx < p.num_cps:
with cp_idx < p.num_cps.val:
self.cp.addr = p.cp_data[cp_idx * self.cp.stream_size]
@ -99,11 +102,11 @@ class IterThread(object):
e.comment("Determine write location, and whether point is valid")
histidx, is_valid = self.camera.get_index(r.x, r.y)
histidx, is_valid = self.camera.get_index(e, self.cp, r.x, r.y)
is_valid &= (r.consec_bad >= 0)
e.comment("Scatter point to pointbuffer")
self.hist.scatter(histidx, r.color, 0, is_valid)
self.hist.scatter(self.cp, histidx, r.color, 0, is_valid)
done_picking_new_point = e.forward_label()
with ~is_valid:
@ -119,15 +122,14 @@ class IterThread(object):
e.comment("Determine number of good samples, and whether we're done")
num_samples = o.ld(m.num_samples)
num_samples = o.ld(m.num_samples.addr)
num_samples += o.bar.red.popc(0, is_valid)
with s.tid_x == 0:
o.st(m.num_samples, num_samples)
with num_samples >= self.cp.get('nsamples'):
with num_samples >= self.cp.get.u32('nsamples'):
comment('Shuffle points between threads')
shuf.shuffle(x, y, color, consec_bad)
self.shuf.shuffle(e, r.x, r.y, r.color, r.consec_bad)
with s.tid_x < e.nwarps_cta:
@ -180,123 +182,75 @@ class IterThread(object):
print "CPs started:", cps_started
class CameraTransform(object):
shortname = 'camera'
def deps(self):
return [CPDataStream]
def __init__(self, features):
self.features = features
def rotate(self, rotated_x, rotated_y, x, y):
def rotate(self, cp, x, y):
Rotate an IFS-space coordinate as defined by the camera.
if features.camera_rotation:
assert rotated_x.name != x.name and rotated_y.name != y.name
with block("Rotate %s, %s to camera alignment" % (x, y)):
reg.f32('rot_center_x rot_center_y')
cp.get_v2(cpA, rot_center_x, 'cp.rot_center[0]',
rot_center_y, 'cp.rot_center[1]')
op.sub.f32(x, x, rot_center_x)
op.sub.f32(y, y, rot_center_y)
if not self.features.camera_rotation:
return x, y
rot_center_x, rot_center_y = cp.get.v2.f32('cp.rot_center[0]',
tx, ty = x - rot_center_x, y - rot_center_y
rot_cos_t, rot_sin_t = cp.get.v2.f32('cos(cp.rotate * 2 * pi / 360.)',
'-sin(cp.rotate * 2 * pi / 360.)')
rx = tx * rot_cos_t + ty * rot_sin_t + rot_center_x
ry = tx * (-rot_sin_t) + ty * rot_cos_t + rot_center_y
return rx, ry
reg.f32('rot_sin_t rot_cos_t rot_old_x rot_old_y')
cp.get_v2(cpA, rot_cos_t, 'cos(cp.rotate * 2 * pi / 360.)',
rot_sin_t, '-sin(cp.rotate * 2 * pi / 360.)')
comment('rotated_x = x * cos(t) - y * sin(t) + rot_center_x')
op.fma.rn.f32(rotated_x, x, rot_cos_t, rot_center_x)
op.fma.rn.f32(rotated_x, y, rot_sin_t, rotated_x)
op.neg.f32(rot_sin_t, rot_sin_t)
comment('rotated_y = x * sin(t) + y * cos(t) + rot_center_y')
op.fma.rn.f32(rotated_y, x, rot_sin_t, rot_center_y)
op.fma.rn.f32(rotated_y, y, rot_cos_t, rotated_y)
# TODO: if this is a register-critical section, reloading
# rot_center_[xy] here should save two regs. OTOH, if this is
# *not* reg-crit, moving the subtraction above to new variables
# may save a few clocks
op.add.f32(x, x, rot_center_x)
op.add.f32(y, y, rot_center_y)
comment("No camera rotation in this kernel")
op.mov.f32(rotated_x, x)
op.mov.f32(rotated_y, y)
def get_norm(self, norm_x, norm_y, x, y):
def get_norm(self, cp, x, y):
Find the [0,1]-normalized floating-point histogram coordinates
``norm_x, norm_y`` from the given IFS-space coordinates ``x, y``.
self.rotate(norm_x, norm_y, x, y)
with block("Scale rotated points to [0,1]-normalized coordinates"):
reg.f32('cam_scale cam_offset')
cp.get_v2(cpA, cam_scale, 'cp.camera.norm_scale[0]',
cam_offset, 'cp.camera.norm_offset[0]')
op.fma.f32(norm_x, norm_x, cam_scale, cam_offset)
cp.get_v2(cpA, cam_scale, 'cp.camera.norm_scale[1]',
cam_offset, 'cp.camera.norm_offset[1]')
op.fma.f32(norm_y, norm_y, cam_scale, cam_offset)
rx, ry = self.rotate(cp, x, y)
cam_scale, cam_offset = cp.get.v2.f32(
'cp.camera.norm_scale[0]', 'cp.camera.norm_offset[0]')
norm_x = rx * cam_scale + cam_offset
cam_scale, cam_offset = cp.get.v2.f32(
'cp.camera.norm_scale[1]', 'cp.camera.norm_offset[1]')
norm_y = ry * cam_scale + cam_offset
return norm_x, norm_y
def get_index(self, index, x, y, pred=None):
def get_index(self, entry, cp, x, y):
Find the histogram index (as a u32) from the IFS spatial coordinate in
``x, y``.
If the coordinates are out of bounds, 0xffffffff will be stored to
``index``. If ``pred`` is given, it will be set if the point is valid,
and cleared if not.
``x, y``. Returns ``index, oob``, where ``oob`` is a predicate value
that is set if the result is out of bounds.
# A few instructions could probably be shaved off of this one
with block("Find histogram index"):
reg.f32('norm_x norm_y')
self.rotate(norm_x, norm_y, x, y)
comment('Scale and offset from IFS to index coordinates')
reg.f32('cam_scale cam_offset')
cp.get_v2(cpA, cam_scale, 'cp.camera.idx_scale[0]',
cam_offset, 'cp.camera.idx_offset[0]')
op.fma.rn.f32(norm_x, norm_x, cam_scale, cam_offset)
o = entry.ops
rx, ry = self.rotate(cp, x, y)
cam_scale, cam_offset = cp.get.v2.f32(
'cp.camera.idx_scale[0]', 'cp.camera.idx_offset[0]')
idx_x = rx * cam_scale + cam_offset
cam_scale, cam_offset = cp.get.v2.f32(
'cp.camera.idx_scale[1]', 'cp.camera.idx_offset[1]')
idx_y = ry * cam_scale + cam_offset
cp.get_v2(cpA, cam_scale, 'cp.camera.idx_scale[1]',
cam_offset, 'cp.camera.idx_offset[1]')
op.fma.rn.f32(norm_y, norm_y, cam_scale, cam_offset)
idx_x_u32 = o.cvt.rzi.s32(idx_x)
idx_y_u32 = o.cvt.rzi.s32(idx_y)
oob = o.setp.lt.u32(idx_x_u32, self.features.hist_width)
oob |= o.setp.lt.u32(idx_y_u32, self.features.hist_height)
comment('Check for bad value')
reg.u32('index_x index_y')
if not pred:
pred = reg.pred('p_valid')
op.cvt.rzi.s32.f32(index_x, norm_x)
op.setp.ge.s32(pred, index_x, 0)
op.setp.lt.and_.s32(pred, index_x, features.hist_width, pred)
op.cvt.rzi.s32.f32(index_y, norm_y)
op.setp.ge.and_.s32(pred, index_y, 0, pred)
op.setp.lt.and_.s32(pred, index_y, features.hist_height, pred)
op.mad.lo.u32(index, index_y, features.hist_stride, index_x)
op.mov.u32(index, 0xffffffff, ifnotp=pred)
idx = idx_y_u32 * self.features.hist_stride + idx_x_u32
return idx, oob
class PaletteLookup(object):
shortname = "palette"
# Resolution of texture on device. Bigger = more palette rez, maybe slower
texheight = 16
def __init__(self, entry, features):
self.entry, self.features = entry, features
#entry.declare_mem('global', 'texref', 'palette')
def __init__(self):
self.texref = None
def deps(self):
return [CPDataStream]
def module_setup(self):
def look_up(self, r, g, b, a, color, norm_time, ifp):
def look_up(self, color, norm_time):
Look up the values of ``r, g, b, a`` corresponding to ``color_coord``
at the CP indexed in ``timestamp_idx``. Note that both ``color_coord``
and ``timestamp_idx`` should be [0,1]-normalized floats.
op.tex._2d.v4.f32.f32(vec(r, g, b, a),
addr([t_palette, ', ', vec(norm_time, color)]), ifp=ifp)
n = self.entry.ops.mov.f32
return n(1), n(1), n(1), n(1)
#o.tex._2d.v4.f32.f32(m.palette, norm_time, color)
if features.non_box_temporal_filter:
raise NotImplementedError("Non-box temporal filters not supported")
@ -333,112 +287,52 @@ class PaletteLookup(object):
assert self.texref, "Must upload palette texture before launch!"
class HistScatter(object):
shortname = "hist"
def deps(self):
return [CPDataStream, CameraTransform, PaletteLookup]
def __init__(self, entry, features):
self.entry, self.features = entry, features
self.palette = PaletteLookup(entry, features)
entry.add_ptr_param('f32', 'hist_bins')
def module_setup(self):
features.hist_height * features.hist_stride * 4)
comment("Target to ensure fake local values get written")
def entry_setup(self):
comment("Fake bins for fake scatter")
def entry_teardown(self):
with block("Store fake histogram bins to dummy global"):
op.ld.local.b32(hist_dummy, addr(l_scatter_fake_adr))
op.st.volatile.b32(addr(g_hist_dummy), hist_dummy)
op.ld.local.b32(hist_dummy, addr(l_scatter_fake_alpha))
op.st.volatile.b32(addr(g_hist_dummy), hist_dummy)
def scatter(self, hist_index, color, xf_idx, p_valid, type='ldst'):
def scatter(self, cp, hist_index, color, xf_idx, p_valid):
Scatter the given point directly to the histogram bins. I think this
technique has the worst performance of all of 'em. Accesses ``cpA``
Scatter the given point directly to the histogram bins.
with block("Scatter directly to buffer"):
op.mov.u32(hist_bin_addr, g_hist_bins)
op.mad.lo.u32(hist_bin_addr, hist_index, 16, hist_bin_addr)
if type == 'fake_notex':
op.st.local.u32(addr(l_scatter_fake_adr), hist_bin_addr)
op.st.local.f32(addr(l_scatter_fake_alpha), color)
reg.f32('r g b a norm_time')
cp.get(cpA, norm_time, 'cp.norm_time')
palette.look_up(r, g, b, a, color, norm_time, ifp=p_valid)
# TODO: look up, scale by xform visibility
# TODO: Make this more performant
if type == 'ldst':
reg.f32('gr gg gb ga')
op.ld.v4.f32(vec(gr, gg, gb, ga), addr(hist_bin_addr),
op.add.f32(gr, gr, r)
op.add.f32(gg, gg, g)
op.add.f32(gb, gb, b)
op.add.f32(ga, ga, a)
op.st.v4.f32(addr(hist_bin_addr), vec(gr, gg, gb, ga),
elif type == 'red':
for i, val in enumerate([r, g, b, a]):
op.red.add.f32(addr(hist_bin_addr,4*i), val, ifp=p_valid)
elif type == 'fake':
op.st.local.u32(addr(l_scatter_fake_adr), hist_bin_addr)
op.st.local.f32(addr(l_scatter_fake_alpha), a)
def call_setup(self, ctx):
hist_bins_dp, hist_bins_l = ctx.mod.get_global('g_hist_bins')
cuda.memset_d32(hist_bins_dp, 0, hist_bins_l/4)
def get_bins(self, ctx, features):
hist_bins_dp, hist_bins_l = ctx.mod.get_global('g_hist_bins')
return cuda.from_device(hist_bins_dp,
(features.hist_height, features.hist_stride, 4),
e, r, o, m, p, s = self.entry.locals
norm_time = cp.get.f32('cp.norm_time')
base = p.hist_bins[4*hist_index]
colors = self.palette.look_up(color, norm_time)
g_colors = o.ld.v4(base)
for col, gcol in zip(colors, g_colors):
gcol += col
o.st.v4(base, *g_colors)
class ShufflePoints(object):
Shuffle points in shared memory. See helpers/shuf.py for details.
shortname = "shuf"
def __init__(self, entry):
entry.declare_mem('shared', 'b32', 'shuf_data', entry.nthreads_cta)
def module_setup(self):
# TODO: if needed, merge this shared memory block with others
mem.shared.f32('s_shuf_data', ctx.threads_per_cta)
def shuffle(self, *args, **kwargs):
def shuffle(self, entry, *args, **kwargs):
Shuffle the data from each register in args across threads. Keyword
argument ``bar`` specifies which barrier to use (default is 2).
argument ``bar`` specifies which barrier to use (default is 0). Each
register is overwritten in place.
bar = kwargs.pop('bar', 2)
with block("Shuffle across threads"):
reg.u32('shuf_read shuf_write')
with block("Calculate read and write offsets"):
reg.u32('shuf_off shuf_laneid')
op.mov.u32(shuf_off, '%tid.x')
op.mov.u32(shuf_write, s_shuf_data)
op.mad.lo.u32(shuf_write, shuf_off, 4, shuf_write)
op.mov.u32(shuf_laneid, '%laneid')
op.mad.lo.u32(shuf_off, shuf_laneid, 32, shuf_off)
op.and_.b32(shuf_off, shuf_off, ctx.threads_per_cta - 1)
op.mov.u32(shuf_read, s_shuf_data)
op.mad.lo.u32(shuf_read, shuf_off, 4, shuf_read)
for var in args:
op.st.volatile.shared.b32(addr(shuf_write), var)
op.ld.volatile.shared.b32(var, addr(shuf_read))
e, r, o, m, p, s = entry.locals
bar = kwargs.pop('bar', 0)
assert not kwargs, "Unrecognized keyword arguments."
e.comment("Calculate read and write offsets for shuffle")
# See helpers/shuf.py for details
shuf_write = m.shuf_data[s.tid_x]
shuf_read = m.shuf_data[(s.tid_x + (32 * s.laneid)) &
(e.nthreads_cta - 1)]
for var in args:
o.st.volatile(shuf_write, var)
var.val = o.ld.volatile(shuf_read)
class MWCRNG(object):
@ -553,7 +447,7 @@ class MWCRNGTest(object):
r.sum = r.u64(0)
r.count = r.f32(self.rounds)
start = e.label()
r.sum = r.sum + o.cvt.u64.u32(self.mwc.next_b32(e))
r.sum = r.sum + o.cvt.u64.u32(self.mwc.next_b32())
r.count = r.count - 1
with r.count > 0:
@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ class Animation(object):
# TODO: automatic optimization of block parameters
entry = ptx.Entry("iterate", 512)
iter = IterThread(entry, self.features)
srcmod = ptx.Module([entry])
self.mod = run.Module([entry])
def render_frame(self, time=0):
@ -214,6 +218,13 @@ class Features(object):
# Maximum consecutive out-of-frame points before picking new point
max_bad = 3
# Height of the texture pallete which gets uploaded to the GPU (assuming
# that palette-from-texture is enabled). For most genomes, this doesn't
# need to be very large at all. However, since only an easily-cached
# fraction of this will be accessed per SM, larger values shouldn't hurt
# performance too much. Power-of-two, please.
palette_height = 16
def __init__(self, genomes, flt):
any = lambda l: bool(filter(None, map(l, genomes)))
self.max_ntemporal_samples = max(
@ -272,4 +283,3 @@ class Camera(object):
self.norm_offset = -self.norm_scale * self.lower_bounds
self.idx_scale = size * self.norm_scale
self.idx_offset = size * self.norm_offset
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from ctypes import *
import numpy as np
np.set_printoptions(precision=5, edgeitems=20)
from pyptx import ptx, run
from pyptx import ptx, run, util
from cuburn.device_code import *
from fr0stlib.pyflam3 import *
@ -32,16 +32,6 @@ def dump_3d(nda):
f.write(' | '.join([' '.join(
['%4.1g\t' % x for x in pt]) for pt in row]) + '\n')
def disass(mod):
import subprocess
with open('/tmp/pyptx.ptx', 'w') as fp:
subprocess.check_call('ptxas -arch sm_21 /tmp/pyptx.ptx '
'-o /tmp/elf.o'.split())
subprocess.check_call('/home/steven/code/decuda/elfToCubin.py --nouveau '
def mwctest():
mwcent = ptx.Entry("mwc_test", 512)
mwctest = MWCRNGTest(mwcent)
@ -49,7 +39,7 @@ def mwctest():
# Get the source for saving and disassembly before potentially crashing
mod = ptx.Module([mwcent])
print '\n'.join(['%4d %s' % t for t in enumerate(mod.source.split('\n'))])
mod = run.Module([mwcent])
@ -58,6 +48,7 @@ def mwctest():
def main(args):
with open(args[-1]) as fp:
genomes = Genome.from_string(fp.read())
anim = Animation(genomes)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user