apply plugin: 'java-library' group = "io.speice" version = "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT" repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { // Include the NOP logger to suppress SLF4J warnings on start implementation 'org.slf4j:slf4j-nop:+' implementation 'org.scijava:native-lib-loader:+' testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:+' testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:+' } test { useJUnitPlatform() dependsOn "buildPolyglot" } tasks.register("buildPolyglot") { inputs.files fileTree("$projectDir/src/main/c") outputs.file "$buildDir/resources/main/META-INF/lib/linux_64/" doLast { mkdir(buildDir) if ("cmake ..".execute(null, buildDir).waitFor() != 0) { throw new GradleException("Unable to configure CMake project"); } if ("cmake --build . --target install --config RelWithDebInfo".execute(null, buildDir).waitFor() != 0) { throw new GradleException("Unable to build CMake project"); } } } tasks.register("jarDist", Jar) { dependsOn "buildPolyglot" archiveAppendix = "dist" manifest { attributes( "Main-Class": "io.speice.Polyglot" ) } from sourceSets.main.output from { configurations.runtimeClasspath.collect { zipTree(it) } } }