DIR="$(dirname $0)" WASM_DIR="$DIR/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown" WASM_NAME="$(cat "$DIR/Cargo.toml" | grep name | sed 's/name = "//' | sed 's/"//g')" APP_DIR="$DIR/app/" if [ ! -d "$APP_DIR" ]; then mkdir "$APP_DIR" fi if [ -z "$(which cargo)" ]; then echo 'Must install `cargo` before proceeding. Please see https://rustup.rs/ for more information.' exit 1 fi if [ -z "$(which wasm-bindgen)" ]; then echo "Installing wasm-bindgen-cli" cargo install wasm-bindgen-cli fi cargo +nightly build --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown && \ wasm-bindgen "$WASM_DIR/debug/$WASM_NAME.wasm" --out-dir "$APP_DIR" --no-typescript && \ # Have to use --mode=development so we can patch out the call to instantiateStreaming "$DIR/node_modules/webpack-cli/bin/cli.js" --mode=development "$APP_DIR/app_loader.js" -o "$APP_DIR/bundle.js" # Necessitated by https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/7918 sed -i '/.*instantiateStreaming.*/d' "$APP_DIR/bundle.js"