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package org.bspeice.minimalbible.activity.downloader.manager
import android.util.Log
import org.crosswire.common.util.Language
import rx.Observable
import kotlin.platform.platformStatic
* Took me a significant amount of time, but this is an implementation I can live with.
* An ideal solution would be able to group by the category first, then language, with all
* modules underneath, so something like Map<BookCategory, Map<Language, List<Book>>>.
* That said, trying to build said map is a bit ridiculous. The way I wrote it requires
* using functions instead of cached values, but I'll get over it.
class LocaleManager(val rM: RefreshManager) {
val currentLanguage = Language.DEFAULT_LANG
// Get all modules grouped by language first
val modulesByCategory = rM.flatModules.groupBy { it.getBookCategory() }
fun languagesForCategory(cat: BookCategory): Observable<Language> = modulesByCategory
// Then filter according to the requested language
.filter { it.getKey() == cat }
// Then map the GroupedObservable Book element to its actual language
.flatMap { { it.getLanguage() } }
// Making sure to discard anything with a null language
.filter { it != null }
// And remove duplicates. The flatMap above means that we will have one entry
// for each book, so we need to remove duplicate entries of
// languages with more than one book to them
fun sortedLanguagesForCategory(cat: BookCategory): List<Language> =
.doOnNext { Log.d("LocaleManager", "Just trying to do something... ${it}") }
// Finally, sort all languages, prioritizing the current
.toSortedList { left, right -> compareLanguages(left, right, currentLanguage) }
// And flatten this into the actual List needed
companion object {
fun compareLanguages(left: Language, right: Language, current: Language) =
if (left == right)
else if (left.getName() == current.getName())
else if (right.getName() == current.getName())
left.getName() compareTo right.getName()