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package org.bspeice.minimalbible.activity.viewer
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import org.bspeice.minimalbible.R
import android.widget.TextView
import org.crosswire.jsword.versification.getBooks
import org.crosswire.jsword.versification.BibleBook
import org.bspeice.minimalbible.activity.viewer.BookAdapter.ChapterInfo
import rx.subjects.PublishSubject
import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder
import android.util.TypedValue
import org.bspeice.minimalbible.service.format.osisparser.OsisParser
import android.util.Log
import android.content.Context
import android.util.AttributeSet
import android.widget.LinearLayout
import android.view.View
class BibleView(val ctx: Context, val attrs: AttributeSet) : LinearLayout(ctx, attrs) {
val layoutManager: LinearLayoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(ctx)
val inflater = ctx.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE) as LayoutInflater;
val contentView: View = inflater.inflate(R.layout.view_bible, this, true)
val bibleContent = contentView.findViewById( as RecyclerView
bibleContent setLayoutManager layoutManager
fun doInitialize(b: Book, prefs: BibleViewerPreferences,
publisher: PublishSubject<BookScrollEvent>) {
val adapter = BookAdapter(b, prefs)
adapter.bindScrollHandler(publisher, layoutManager)
bibleContent setAdapter adapter
bibleContent scrollToPosition prefs.currentChapter()
* Adapter used for displaying a book
* Displays one chapter at a time,
* as each TextView widget is it's own line break
class BookAdapter(val b: Book, val prefs: BibleViewerPreferences)
: RecyclerView.Adapter<PassageView>() {
val versification = b.getVersification()
val bookList = versification.getBooks()
// val chapterCount = { versification.getLastChapter(it) - 1 }.sum()
* Store information needed to decode the text of a chapter
* Book, chapter, and bibleBook should be pretty self-explanatory
* The vStart, vEnd, and vOffset are needed to map between verses relative to their chapter,
* and the actual verse ordinal needed for parsing the text.
* So Genesis 1:1 would be chapter 1, bibleBook Genesis, vStart 1, vOffset 2
* since it actually starts at ordinal 3
data class ChapterInfo(val book: Book, val chapter: Int, val bibleBook: BibleBook,
val vStart: Int, val vEnd: Int, val vOffset: Int)
* A list of all ChapterInfo objects needed for displaying a book
* The for expression probably looks a bit nicer:
* for {
* book <- bookList
* chapter <- 1..versification.getLastChapter(currentBook)
* } yield ChapterInfo(...)
* Also note that getLastVerse() returns the number of verses in a chapter,
* not the actual last verse's ordinal
// TODO: Lazy compute values needed for this list
val chapterList: List<ChapterInfo> = bookList.flatMap {
val currentBook = it
(1..versification.getLastChapter(currentBook)).map {
val firstVerseOrdinal = versification.getFirstVerse(currentBook, it)
val verseOrdinalOffset = firstVerseOrdinal - 1
val verseCount = versification.getLastVerse(currentBook, it)
val firstVerseRelative = 1
val lastVerseRelative = firstVerseRelative + verseCount
ChapterInfo(b, it, currentBook,
firstVerseRelative, lastVerseRelative, verseOrdinalOffset)
* I'm not sure what the position argument actually represents,
* but on initial load it doesn't change
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup?,
position: Int): PassageView {
val emptyView = LayoutInflater.from(parent?.getContext())
.inflate(R.layout.viewer_passage_view, parent, false) as TextView
// TODO: Listen for changes to the text size?
emptyView.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, prefs.baseTextSize().toFloat())
val passage = PassageView(emptyView, b)
return passage
* Bind an existing view to its chapter content
override fun onBindViewHolder(view: PassageView, position: Int) {
return view bind chapterList[position]
* Get the number of chapters in the book
override fun getItemCount(): Int = chapterList.size()
public fun bindScrollHandler(provider: PublishSubject<BookScrollEvent>,
lM: RecyclerView.LayoutManager) {
provider subscribe {
val event = it
lM scrollToPosition
// Get all objects in the form (index, object)
// Get one that matches our book and chapter
.first {
event.b == it.second.bibleBook &&
event.chapter == it.second.chapter
// And get that index value to scroll to
class PassageView(val v: TextView, val b: Book)
: RecyclerView.ViewHolder(v) {
fun buildOrdinal(verse: Int, info: ChapterInfo) =
b.getVersification().decodeOrdinal(verse + info.vOffset)
fun getAllVerses(verses: Progression<Int>, info: ChapterInfo): SpannableStringBuilder {
val builder = SpannableStringBuilder()
verses.forEach { OsisParser(builder).appendVerse(b, buildOrdinal(it, info)) }
return builder
fun bind(info: ChapterInfo) {
Log.d("PassageView", "Binding chapter ${info.chapter}")
v setText getAllVerses(, info)