Bradlee Speice 32778453e3 Update the submodule version 2015-06-28 22:27:17 -04:00
acra_4_6_2.xml Plenty o' updates: Kotlin 12, new JSword build 2015-06-13 19:22:21 -04:00
appcompat_v7_22_0_0.xml Plenty o' updates: Kotlin 12, new JSword build 2015-06-13 19:22:21 -04:00
awaitility_1_6_3.xml Plenty o' updates: Kotlin 12, new JSword build 2015-06-13 19:22:21 -04:00
butterknife_6_1_0.xml Plenty o' updates: Kotlin 12, new JSword build 2015-06-13 19:22:21 -04:00
byte_buddy_0_6_11.xml Update the submodule version 2015-06-28 22:27:17 -04:00
cardview_v7_22_0_0.xml One more commit. 2015-06-13 20:35:36 -04:00
cglib_nodep_3_1.xml Plenty o' updates: Kotlin 12, new JSword build 2015-06-13 19:22:21 -04:00
commons_lang3_3_4.xml Plenty o' updates: Kotlin 12, new JSword build 2015-06-13 19:22:21 -04:00
dagger_2_1_SNAPSHOT.xml Update the submodule version 2015-06-28 22:27:17 -04:00
esperandro_api_2_2_0.xml Plenty o' updates: Kotlin 12, new JSword build 2015-06-13 19:22:21 -04:00
hamcrest_core_1_3.xml Plenty o' updates: Kotlin 12, new JSword build 2015-06-13 19:22:21 -04:00
hamcrest_library_1_3.xml Plenty o' updates: Kotlin 12, new JSword build 2015-06-13 19:22:21 -04:00
javax_annotation_api_1_2.xml Update the submodule version 2015-06-28 22:27:17 -04:00
javax_inject_1.xml Plenty o' updates: Kotlin 12, new JSword build 2015-06-13 19:22:21 -04:00
jsword_minimalbible_jsword.xml Update the submodule version 2015-06-28 22:27:17 -04:00
junit_4_12.xml Plenty o' updates: Kotlin 12, new JSword build 2015-06-13 19:22:21 -04:00
kotlin_runtime_0_12_213.xml Plenty o' updates: Kotlin 12, new JSword build 2015-06-13 19:22:21 -04:00
kotlin_stdlib_0_12_213.xml Plenty o' updates: Kotlin 12, new JSword build 2015-06-13 19:22:21 -04:00
logger_1_10.xml Plenty o' updates: Kotlin 12, new JSword build 2015-06-13 19:22:21 -04:00
mockable_android_22.xml Plenty o' updates: Kotlin 12, new JSword build 2015-06-13 19:22:21 -04:00
mockito_core_2_0_23_beta.xml Update the submodule version 2015-06-28 22:27:17 -04:00
objenesis_2_1.xml Plenty o' updates: Kotlin 12, new JSword build 2015-06-13 19:22:21 -04:00
recyclerview_v7_22_0_0.xml One more commit. 2015-06-13 20:35:36 -04:00
rxjava_android_0_20_7.xml Plenty o' updates: Kotlin 12, new JSword build 2015-06-13 19:22:21 -04:00
rxjava_core_0_20_7.xml Plenty o' updates: Kotlin 12, new JSword build 2015-06-13 19:22:21 -04:00
spek_0_1_165.xml Plenty o' updates: Kotlin 12, new JSword build 2015-06-13 19:22:21 -04:00
support_annotations_22_0_0.xml Plenty o' updates: Kotlin 12, new JSword build 2015-06-13 19:22:21 -04:00
support_v4_22_0_0.xml One more commit. 2015-06-13 20:35:36 -04:00
systembartint_1_0_4.xml Plenty o' updates: Kotlin 12, new JSword build 2015-06-13 19:22:21 -04:00