language: android env: global: - secure: FFXEK5dnQaJ2nSyaggVO66uNfpM6WYdS962qjY4ry9OumoK9OHg25MeQPrWmQurUaDDRfzdjMTs0UicWvJAnka846dDpYVbt0bpWbnNsq8vb05h1XhCsjjnEwcgPzbbyoAecmx7m1noAhkjFVnqmUhnjoYIsNd/pIRplO+r+0PY= - secure: jrti7lGbCxscGDzOVgcVuIMSFnTUfJSbL5VtvhZXKllRoKeuM4tJ8HMubUKG0UXR0VGZl3XPcj3Ga7W6gxxSOavA9zmkT1kC9v/ya9QPQI1hCn1kq0GESxj3uFeYyiSa3T/0GcEO0bB660ttRSfpSwQ+MZknJUzIIdTt7K3LjXA= android: components: - platform-tools - tools - android-22 - sys-img-x86-android-22 before_install: # -in is a switch to openssl - openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_b017c1e684ac_key -iv $encrypted_b017c1e684ac_iv -in app/src/main/play/play_api.p12.enc -out app/src/main/play/play_api.p12 -d # We have to make sure the actual JSword is updated - git submodule update --init --recursive before_script: - echo no | android create avd --force -n test -t android-22 --abi default/x86 - emulator -avd test -no-skin -no-audio -no-window & - android-wait-for-emulator - adb shell input keyevent 82 & after_success: - ./gradlew jacocoTestReport coveralls - if [ $TRAVIS_TAG ]; then echo "Publishing to Play store..."; ./gradlew publishRelease; fi