package org.bspeice.minimalbible.activities.downloader.manager; import org.bspeice.minimalbible.MinimalBible; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Singleton; import rx.Observable; import rx.functions.Action0; import rx.functions.Action1; import rx.functions.Func1; import rx.functions.Func2; import rx.schedulers.Schedulers; /** * Handle refreshing the list of books available as needed */ @Singleton public class RefreshManager { @Inject DownloadManager downloadManager; @Inject InstalledManager installedManager; /** * Cached copy of modules that are available so we don't refresh for everyone who requests it. */ private Observable>> availableModules; private final AtomicBoolean refreshComplete = new AtomicBoolean(); public RefreshManager() { MinimalBible.getApplication().inject(this); refreshModules(); } /** * Do the work of kicking off the AsyncTask to refresh books, and make sure we know * when it's done. * TODO: Should I have a better way of scheduling than */ private void refreshModules() { if (availableModules == null) { availableModules = Observable.from(downloadManager.getInstallers().values()) .map(new Func1>>() { @Override public Map> call(Installer installer) { Map> map = new HashMap>(); map.put(installer, installer.getBooks()); return map; } }).subscribeOn( .cache(); // Set refresh complete when it is. availableModules.observeOn( .subscribe(new Action1>>() { @Override public void call(Map> onNext) {} }, new Action1() { @Override public void call(Throwable onError) {} }, new Action0() { @Override public void call() { refreshComplete.set(true); } }); } } public Observable>> getAvailableModules() { return availableModules; } public Observable getAvailableModulesFlattened() { return availableModules // First flatten the Map to its lists .flatMap(new Func1>, Observable>>() { @Override public Observable> call(Map> books) { return Observable.from(books.values()); } }) // Then flatten the lists .flatMap(new Func1, Observable>() { @Override public Observable call(List t1) { return Observable.from(t1); } }); } /** * Get the cached book list * @return The cached book list, or null */ public List getBookList() { List availableList = new ArrayList(); availableModules.reduce(availableList, new Func2, Map>, List>() { @Override public List call(List books, Map> installerListMap) { for (List l : installerListMap.values()) { books.addAll(l); } return books; } }); return availableList; } /** * Find the installer that a Book comes from. * @param b The book to search for * @return The Installer that should be used for this book. */ public Observable installerFromBook(final Book b) { return availableModules.filter(new Func1>, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean call(Map> installerListMap) { for (List element : installerListMap.values()) { if (element.contains(b)) { return true; } } return false; } }) .first() .map(new Func1>, Installer>() { @Override public Installer call(Map> element) { return element.entrySet().iterator().next().getKey(); } }); } public boolean isRefreshComplete() { return refreshComplete.get(); } }