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slug: 2025/03/playing-with-fire-camera
title: "Playing with fire: The camera"
date: 2025-03-07 12:00:00
authors: [bspeice]
tags: []
Something that bugged me while writing the first three articles on fractal flames were the constraints on
output images. At the time, I had worked out how to render fractal flames by studying
the source code of [Apophysis](https://sourceforge.net/projects/apophysis/)
and [flam3](https://github.com/scottdraves/flam3). That was just enough to define a basic camera for displaying
in a browser.
Having spent more time with fractal flames and computer graphics, it's time to implement
some missing features.
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## Restrictions
To review, the restrictions we've had so far:
> ...we need to convert from fractal flame coordinates to pixel coordinates.
> To simplify things, we'll assume that we're plotting a square image with range $[0,1]$ for both x and y
> -- [The fractal flame algorithm](/2024/11/playing-with-fire)
There are a couple problems here:
First, the assumption that fractals get displayed in a square image. Ignoring aspect ratios simplifies
the render process, but we usually don't want square images. As a workaround, you could render
a large square image and crop it to fit an aspect ratio, but it's better to render the desired
image size to start with.
Second, the assumption that fractals use the range $[0, 1]$. My statement above is an over-simplification;
for Sierpinski's Gasket, the solution set is indeed defined on $[0, 1]$, but all other images in the series
use a display range of $[-2, 2]$.
## Parameters
For comparison, here are the camera controls available in Apophysis and [`flam3`](https://github.com/scottdraves/flam3/wiki/XML-File-Format):
There are four parameters yet to implement: position, rotation, zoom, and scale.
### Position
Fractal flames normally use the origin as the center of an image. The position parameters (X and Y) move
the center point, which effectively pans the image. A positive X position shifts the image left,
and a negative X position shifts the image right. Similarly, a positive Y position shifts the image up,
and a negative Y position shifts the image down.
To apply the position, simply subtract the X and Y position from each point in the chaos game prior to plotting it:
[x, y] = [
x - positionX,
y - positionY
### Rotation
After the position parameters are applied, we can rotate the image around the (potentially shifted) center point.
To do so, we'll go back to the [affine transformations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affine_transformation)
we've been using. Specifically, the rotation angle $\theta$ gives us a transform matrix we can apply to our point:
\text{cos}(\theta) & -\text{sin}(\theta) \\
\text{sin}(\theta) & \text{cos}(\theta)
x \\
As a minor tweak, we also negate the rotation angle to match the behavior of Apophysis/`flam3`.
[x, y] = [
x * Math.cos(-rotate) -
y * Math.sin(-rotate),
x * Math.sin(-rotate) +
y * Math.cos(-rotate),
### Zoom
This parameter does what the name implies; zoom in and out of the image. Specifically, for a zoom parameter $z$,
every point in the chaos game is scaled by $\text{pow}(2, z)$ prior to plotting. For example, if the point is $(1, 1)$,
a zoom of 1 means we actually plot $(1, 1) \cdot \text{pow}(2, 1) = (2, 2)$.
[x, y] = [
x * Math.pow(2, zoom),
y * Math.pow(2, zoom)
In addition to scaling the image, renderers also [scale the image quality](https://github.com/scottdraves/flam3/blob/f8b6c782012e4d922ef2cc2f0c2686b612c32504/rect.c#L796-L797)
to compensate for the zoom parameter.
### Scale
Finally, we need to convert from fractal flame coordinates to individual pixels. The scale parameter defines
how many pixels are in one unit of the fractal flame coordinate system. For example, if you open the
[reference parameters](../params.flame) in a text editor, you'll see the following:
<flame name="final xform" size="600 600" center="0 0" scale="150">
This says that the final image should be 600 pixels wide and 600 pixels tall, centered at the point $(0, 0)$,
with 150 pixels per unit. Dividing 600 by 150 gives us an image that is 4 units wide and 4 units tall.
And because the center is at $(0, 0)$, the final image is effectively looking at the range $[-2, 2]$ in the
fractal coordinate system (as mentioned above).
To go from the fractal coordinate system to a pixel coordinate system, we multiply by the scale,
then subtract half the image width and height:
[pixelX, pixelY] = [
x * scale - imageWidth / 2,
y * scale - imageHeight / 2
Scale can be used to implement a kind of "zoom" in images. If the reference parameters instead used `scale="300"`,
the same 600 pixels would instead be looking at the range $[-1, 1]$ in the fractal coordinate system.
However, this also demonstrates the biggest problem with using scale: it's a parameter that only controls the output image.
If the output image changed to `size="1200 1200"` and we kept `scale="150"`, the output image would
be looking at the range $[-4, 4]$ - nothing but white space. Because, using the zoom parameter
is the preferred way to zoom in and out of an image.
One final note about the camera controls: every step in this process (position, rotation, zoom, scale)
is an affine transformation. And because affine transformations can be chained together, it's possible to
express all of our camera controls as a single transformation matrix. This is important for software optimization;
rather than applying individual camera controls step-by-step, apply all of them at once.
Additionally, because the camera controls are an affine transformation, they could be implemented
as a transform after the final transform. In practice though, it's helpful to control them separately.
## Camera
With the individual steps defined, we can put together a more robust "camera" for viewing the fractal flame.
import CodeBlock from "@theme/CodeBlock";
import cameraSource from "!!raw-loader!./camera"
<CodeBlock language="typescript">{cameraSource}</CodeBlock>
For demonstration, the output image has a 4:3 aspect ratio, removing the previous restriction of a square image.
In addition, the scale is automatically chosen to make sure the width of the image covers the range $[-2, 2]$.
As a result of the aspect ratio, the image height effectively covers the range $[-1.5, 1.5]$.
import {SquareCanvas} from "../src/Canvas";
import FlameCamera from "./FlameCamera";
<SquareCanvas name={"flame_camera"} width={'95%'} aspectRatio={'4/3'}><FlameCamera /></SquareCanvas>
## Summary
The fractal images so far relied on critical assumptions about the output format to make sure everything
looked correct. However, we can implement a 2D "camera" with a series of affine transformations - going from
the fractal flame coordinate system to pixel coordinates. Later implementations of fractal flame renderers like
[Fractorium](http://fractorium.com/) operate in 3D, and have to implement the camera slightly differently.
But for this blog series, it's nice to achieve feature parity with the existing code. |