
97 lines
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export const DEFAULT_SIZE: number = 400;
* Image render manager
* This class tracks the chaos game state so we can periodically
* get an image.
export abstract class Renderer {
* Build a render manager. For simplicity, this class assumes
* we're working with a square image.
* @param size Image width and height
constructor(public readonly size: number) {}
* Run the chaos game
* @param quality iteration count
abstract run(quality: number): void;
* Output the current chaos game state to image
* @param image output pixel buffer
abstract render(image: ImageData): void;
export type RenderParams = {
quality: number;
renderer: (size: number) => Renderer;
* @returns random number in the bi-unit square (-1, 1)
export function randomBiUnit() {
// Math.random() produces a number in the range [0, 1),
// scale to (-1, 1)
return Math.random() * 2 - 1;
* @returns random integer (with equal weight) in the range [min, max)
export function randomInteger(min: number, max: number) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
* @param choices array of [weight, value] pairs
* @returns pair of [index, value]
export function weightedChoice<T>(choices: [number, T][]): [number, T] {
const weightSum = choices.reduce(
(current, [weight, _t]) => current + weight,
var choice = Math.random() * weightSum;
for (var i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) {
const [weight, t] = choices[i];
if (choice < weight) {
return [i, t];
choice -= weight;
throw "unreachable";
* @param x pixel coordinate
* @param y pixel coordinate
* @param width image width
* @returns index into ImageData buffer for a specific pixel
export function imageIndex(x: number, y: number, width: number) {
// Taken from: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Canvas_API/Tutorial/Pixel_manipulation_with_canvas
return y * (width * 4) + x * 4;
* @param x pixel coordinate
* @param y pixel coordinate
* @param width image width
* @returns index into a histogram for a specific pixel
export function histIndex(x: number, y: number, width: number) {
return y * width + x;