diff --git a/blog/2018-05-28-hello/_article.md b/blog/2018-05-28-hello/_article.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7c76c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/2018-05-28-hello/_article.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+layout: post
+title: "Hello!"
+description: ""
+tags: []
+I'll do what I can to keep this short, there's plenty of other things we both should be doing right
+If you're here for the bread pics, and to marvel in some other culinary side projects, I've got you
+![Saturday Bread]({{ "/assets/images/2018-05-28-bread.jpg" | absolute_url }})
+And no, I'm not posting pictures of earlier attempts that ended up turning into rocks in the oven.
+Okay, just one:
+![Bread as rock]({{ "/assets/images/2018-05-28-rocks.jpg" | absolute_url }})
+If you're here for keeping up with the man Bradlee Speice, got plenty of that too. Plus some
+up-coming super-nerdy posts about how I'm changing the world.
+And if you're not here for those things: don't have a lot for you, sorry. But you're welcome to let
+me know what needs to change.
+I'm looking forward to making this a place to talk about what's going on in life, I hope you'll
+stick it out with me. The best way to follow what's going on is on my [About](/about/) page, but if
+you want the joy of clicking links, here's a few good ones:
+- Email (people still use this?): [bradlee@speice.io](mailto:bradlee@speice.io)
+- Mastodon (nerd Twitter): [@bradlee](https://mastodon.social/@bradlee)
+- Chat (RiotIM): [@bspeice:matrix.com](https://matrix.to/#/@bspeice:matrix.com)
+- The comments section (not for people with sanity intact): ↓↓↓
+Thanks, and keep it amazing.
diff --git a/blog/2018-05-28-hello/bread.jpg b/blog/2018-05-28-hello/bread.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79a50b4
Binary files /dev/null and b/blog/2018-05-28-hello/bread.jpg differ
diff --git a/blog/2018-05-28-hello/index.mdx b/blog/2018-05-28-hello/index.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1ee738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/2018-05-28-hello/index.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+slug: 2018/05/hello
+title: Hello!
+date: 2018-05-28 12:00:00
+authors: [bspeice]
+tags: []
+I'll do what I can to keep this short, there's plenty of other things we both should be doing right
+If you're here for the bread pics, and to marvel in some other culinary side projects, I've got you
+![Saturday Bread](./bread.jpg)
+And no, I'm not posting pictures of earlier attempts that ended up turning into rocks in the oven.
+Okay, just one:
+![Bread as rock](./rocks.jpg)
+Thanks, and keep it amazing.
diff --git a/blog/2018-05-28-hello/rocks.jpg b/blog/2018-05-28-hello/rocks.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20db7fa
Binary files /dev/null and b/blog/2018-05-28-hello/rocks.jpg differ
diff --git a/blog/2018-06-25-dateutil-parser-to-rust/_article.md b/blog/2018-06-25-dateutil-parser-to-rust/_article.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7646f28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/2018-06-25-dateutil-parser-to-rust/_article.md
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+layout: post
+title: "What I Learned: Porting Dateutil Parser to Rust"
+description: ""
+tags: [dtparse, rust]
+Hi. I'm Bradlee.
+I've mostly been a lurker in Rust for a while, making a couple small contributions here and there.
+So launching [dtparse](https://github.com/bspeice/dtparse) feels like nice step towards becoming a
+functioning member of society. But not too much, because then you know people start asking you to
+pay bills, and ain't nobody got time for that.
+But I built dtparse, and you can read about my thoughts on the process. Or don't. I won't tell you
+what to do with your life (but you should totally keep reading).
+# Slow down, what?
+OK, fine, I guess I should start with _why_ someone would do this.
+[Dateutil](https://github.com/dateutil/dateutil) is a Python library for handling dates. The
+standard library support for time in Python is kinda dope, but there are a lot of extras that go
+into making it useful beyond just the [datetime](https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/datetime.html)
+module. `dateutil.parser` specifically is code to take all the super-weird time formats people come
+up with and turn them into something actually useful.
+Date/time parsing, it turns out, is just like everything else involving
+[computers](https://infiniteundo.com/post/25326999628/falsehoods-programmers-believe-about-time) and
+[time](https://infiniteundo.com/post/25509354022/more-falsehoods-programmers-believe-about-time): it
+feels like it shouldn't be that difficult to do, until you try to do it, and you realize that people
+suck and this is why
+[we can't we have nice things](https://zachholman.com/talk/utc-is-enough-for-everyone-right). But
+alas, we'll try and make contemporary art out of the rubble and give it a pretentious name like
+![A gravel mound](/assets/images/2018-06-25-gravel-mound.jpg)
+> [Time](https://www.goodfreephotos.com/united-states/montana/elkhorn/remains-of-the-mining-operation-elkhorn.jpg.php)
+What makes `dateutil.parser` great is that there's single function with a single argument that
+drives what programmers interact with:
+It takes in the time as a string, and gives you back a reasonable "look, this is the best anyone can
+possibly do to make sense of your input" value. It doesn't expect much of you.
+[And now it's in Rust.](https://github.com/bspeice/dtparse/blob/7d565d3a78876dbebd9711c9720364fe9eba7915/src/lib.rs#L1332)
+# Lost in Translation
+Having worked at a bulge-bracket bank watching Java programmers try to be Python programmers, I'm
+admittedly hesitant to publish Python code that's trying to be Rust. Interestingly, Rust code can
+actually do a great job of mimicking Python. It's certainly not idiomatic Rust, but I've had better
+experiences than
+[this guy](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:wkYMpktJtnUJ:https://jackstouffer.com/blog/porting_dateutil.html+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us)
+who attempted the same thing for D. These are the actual take-aways:
+When transcribing code, **stay as close to the original library as possible**. I'm talking about
+using the same variable names, same access patterns, the whole shebang. It's way too easy to make a
+couple of typos, and all of a sudden your code blows up in new and exciting ways. Having a reference
+manual for verbatim what your code should be means that you don't spend that long debugging
+complicated logic, you're more looking for typos.
+Also, **don't use nice Rust things like enums**. While
+[one time it worked out OK for me](https://github.com/bspeice/dtparse/blob/7d565d3a78876dbebd9711c9720364fe9eba7915/src/lib.rs#L88-L94),
+I also managed to shoot myself in the foot a couple times because `dateutil` stores AM/PM as a
+boolean and I mixed up which was true, and which was false (side note: AM is false, PM is true). In
+general, writing nice code _should not be a first-pass priority_ when you're just trying to recreate
+the same functionality.
+**Exceptions are a pain.** Make peace with it. Python code is just allowed to skip stack frames. So
+when a co-worker told me "Rust is getting try-catch syntax" I properly freaked out. Turns out
+[he's not quite right](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/243), and I'm OK with that. And while
+`dateutil` is pretty well-behaved about not skipping multiple stack frames,
+[130-line try-catch blocks](https://github.com/dateutil/dateutil/blob/16561fc99361979e88cccbd135393b06b1af7e90/dateutil/parser/_parser.py#L730-L865)
+take a while to verify.
+As another Python quirk, **be very careful about
+[long nested if-elif-else blocks](https://github.com/dateutil/dateutil/blob/16561fc99361979e88cccbd135393b06b1af7e90/dateutil/parser/_parser.py#L494-L568)**.
+I used to think that Python's whitespace was just there to get you to format your code correctly. I
+think that no longer. It's way too easy to close a block too early and have incredibly weird issues
+in the logic. Make sure you use an editor that displays indentation levels so you can keep things
+**Rust macros are not free.** I originally had the
+[main test body](https://github.com/bspeice/dtparse/blob/b0e737f088eca8e83ab4244c6621a2797d247697/tests/compat.rs#L63-L217)
+wrapped up in a macro using [pyo3](https://github.com/PyO3/PyO3). It took two minutes to compile.
+[moving things to a function](https://github.com/bspeice/dtparse/blob/e017018295c670e4b6c6ee1cfff00dbb233db47d/tests/compat.rs#L76-L205)
+compile times dropped down to ~5 seconds. Turns out 150 lines \* 100 tests = a lot of redundant code
+to be compiled. My new rule of thumb is that any macros longer than 10-15 lines are actually
+functions that need to be liberated, man.
+Finally, **I really miss list comprehensions and dictionary comprehensions.** As a quick comparison,
+[this dateutil code](https://github.com/dateutil/dateutil/blob/16561fc99361979e88cccbd135393b06b1af7e90/dateutil/parser/_parser.py#L476)
+[the implementation in Rust](https://github.com/bspeice/dtparse/blob/7d565d3a78876dbebd9711c9720364fe9eba7915/src/lib.rs#L619-L629).
+I probably wrote it wrong, and I'm sorry. Ultimately though, I hope that these comprehensions can be
+added through macros or syntax extensions. Either way, they're expressive, save typing, and are
+super-readable. Let's get more of that.
+# Using a young language
+Now, Rust is exciting and new, which means that there's opportunity to make a substantive impact. On
+more than one occasion though, I've had issues navigating the Rust ecosystem.
+What I'll call the "canonical library" is still being built. In Python, if you need datetime
+parsing, you use `dateutil`. If you want `decimal` types, it's already in the
+[standard library](https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/decimal.html). While I might've gotten away
+with `f64`, `dateutil` uses decimals, and I wanted to follow the principle of **staying as close to
+the original library as possible**. Thus began my quest to find a decimal library in Rust. What I
+quickly found was summarized in a comment:
+> Writing a BigDecimal is easy. Writing a _good_ BigDecimal is hard.
+> [-cmr](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/8937#issuecomment-34582794)
+In practice, this means that there are at least [4](https://crates.io/crates/bigdecimal)
+[implementations](https://crates.io/crates/decimal) [available](https://crates.io/crates/decimate).
+And that's a lot of decisions to worry about when all I'm thinking is "why can't
+[calendar reform](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calendar_reform) be a thing" and I'm forced to dig
+through a [couple](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/8937#issuecomment-31661916)
+[threads](https://github.com/rust-num/num/issues/8) to figure out if the library I'm look at is dead
+or just stable.
+And even when the "canonical library" exists, there's no guarantees that it will be well-maintained.
+[Chrono](https://github.com/chronotope/chrono) is the _de facto_ date/time library in Rust, and just
+released version 0.4.4 like two days ago. Meanwhile,
+[chrono-tz](https://github.com/chronotope/chrono-tz) appears to be dead in the water even though
+[there are people happy to help maintain it](https://github.com/chronotope/chrono-tz/issues/19). I
+know relatively little about it, but it appears that most of the release process is automated;
+keeping that up to date should be a no-brainer.
+## Trial Maintenance Policy
+Specifically given "maintenance" being an
+issue, I'm going to try out the following policy to keep things moving on `dtparse`:
+1. Issues/PRs needing _maintainer_ feedback will be updated at least weekly. I want to make sure
+ nobody's blocking on me.
+2. To keep issues/PRs needing _contributor_ feedback moving, I'm going to (kindly) ask the
+ contributor to check in after two weeks, and close the issue without resolution if I hear nothing
+ back after a month.
+The second point I think has the potential to be a bit controversial, so I'm happy to receive
+feedback on that. And if a contributor responds with "hey, still working on it, had a kid and I'm
+running on 30 seconds of sleep a night," then first: congratulations on sustaining human life. And
+second: I don't mind keeping those requests going indefinitely. I just want to try and balance
+keeping things moving with giving people the necessary time they need.
+I should also note that I'm still getting some best practices in place - CONTRIBUTING and
+CONTRIBUTORS files need to be added, as well as issue/PR templates. In progress. None of us are
+# Roadmap and Conclusion
+So if I've now built a `dateutil`-compatible parser, we're done, right? Of course not! That's not
+nearly ambitious enough.
+Ultimately, I'd love to have a library that's capable of parsing everything the Linux `date` command
+can do (and not `date` on OSX, because seriously, BSD coreutils are the worst). I know Rust has a
+coreutils rewrite going on, and `dtparse` would potentially be an interesting candidate since it
+doesn't bring in a lot of extra dependencies. [`humantime`](https://crates.io/crates/humantime)
+could help pick up some of the (current) slack in dtparse, so maybe we can share and care with each
+All in all, I'm mostly hoping that nobody's already done this and I haven't spent a bit over a month
+on redundant code. So if it exists, tell me. I need to know, but be nice about it, because I'm going
+to take it hard.
+And in the mean time, I'm looking forward to building more. Onwards.
diff --git a/blog/2018-06-25-dateutil-parser-to-rust/gravel-mound.jpg b/blog/2018-06-25-dateutil-parser-to-rust/gravel-mound.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15148b0
Binary files /dev/null and b/blog/2018-06-25-dateutil-parser-to-rust/gravel-mound.jpg differ
diff --git a/blog/2018-06-25-dateutil-parser-to-rust/index.mdx b/blog/2018-06-25-dateutil-parser-to-rust/index.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed919af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/2018-06-25-dateutil-parser-to-rust/index.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+slug: 2018/06/dateutil-parser-to-rust
+title: "What I Learned: Porting Dateutil Parser to Rust"
+date: 2018-06-25 12:00:00
+authors: [bspeice]
+tags: []
+I've mostly been a lurker in Rust for a while, making a couple small contributions here and there.
+So launching [dtparse](https://github.com/bspeice/dtparse) feels like nice step towards becoming a
+functioning member of society. But not too much, because then you know people start asking you to
+pay bills, and ain't nobody got time for that.
+But I built dtparse, and you can read about my thoughts on the process. Or don't. I won't tell you
+what to do with your life (but you should totally keep reading).
+## Slow down, what?
+OK, fine, I guess I should start with _why_ someone would do this.
+[Dateutil](https://github.com/dateutil/dateutil) is a Python library for handling dates. The
+standard library support for time in Python is kinda dope, but there are a lot of extras that go
+into making it useful beyond just the [datetime](https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/datetime.html)
+module. `dateutil.parser` specifically is code to take all the super-weird time formats people come
+up with and turn them into something actually useful.
+Date/time parsing, it turns out, is just like everything else involving
+[computers](https://infiniteundo.com/post/25326999628/falsehoods-programmers-believe-about-time) and
+[time](https://infiniteundo.com/post/25509354022/more-falsehoods-programmers-believe-about-time): it
+feels like it shouldn't be that difficult to do, until you try to do it, and you realize that people
+suck and this is why
+[we can't we have nice things](https://zachholman.com/talk/utc-is-enough-for-everyone-right). But
+alas, we'll try and make contemporary art out of the rubble and give it a pretentious name like
+![A gravel mound](./gravel-mound.jpg)
+> [Time](https://www.goodfreephotos.com/united-states/montana/elkhorn/remains-of-the-mining-operation-elkhorn.jpg.php)
+What makes `dateutil.parser` great is that there's single function with a single argument that
+drives what programmers interact with:
+It takes in the time as a string, and gives you back a reasonable "look, this is the best anyone can
+possibly do to make sense of your input" value. It doesn't expect much of you.
+[And now it's in Rust.](https://github.com/bspeice/dtparse/blob/7d565d3a78876dbebd9711c9720364fe9eba7915/src/lib.rs#L1332)
+## Lost in Translation
+Having worked at a bulge-bracket bank watching Java programmers try to be Python programmers, I'm
+admittedly hesitant to publish Python code that's trying to be Rust. Interestingly, Rust code can
+actually do a great job of mimicking Python. It's certainly not idiomatic Rust, but I've had better
+experiences than
+[this guy](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:wkYMpktJtnUJ:https://jackstouffer.com/blog/porting_dateutil.html+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us)
+who attempted the same thing for D. These are the actual take-aways:
+When transcribing code, **stay as close to the original library as possible**. I'm talking about
+using the same variable names, same access patterns, the whole shebang. It's way too easy to make a
+couple of typos, and all of a sudden your code blows up in new and exciting ways. Having a reference
+manual for verbatim what your code should be means that you don't spend that long debugging
+complicated logic, you're more looking for typos.
+Also, **don't use nice Rust things like enums**. While
+[one time it worked out OK for me](https://github.com/bspeice/dtparse/blob/7d565d3a78876dbebd9711c9720364fe9eba7915/src/lib.rs#L88-L94),
+I also managed to shoot myself in the foot a couple times because `dateutil` stores AM/PM as a
+boolean and I mixed up which was true, and which was false (side note: AM is false, PM is true). In
+general, writing nice code _should not be a first-pass priority_ when you're just trying to recreate
+the same functionality.
+**Exceptions are a pain.** Make peace with it. Python code is just allowed to skip stack frames. So
+when a co-worker told me "Rust is getting try-catch syntax" I properly freaked out. Turns out
+[he's not quite right](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/243), and I'm OK with that. And while
+`dateutil` is pretty well-behaved about not skipping multiple stack frames,
+[130-line try-catch blocks](https://github.com/dateutil/dateutil/blob/16561fc99361979e88cccbd135393b06b1af7e90/dateutil/parser/_parser.py#L730-L865)
+take a while to verify.
+As another Python quirk, **be very careful about
+[long nested if-elif-else blocks](https://github.com/dateutil/dateutil/blob/16561fc99361979e88cccbd135393b06b1af7e90/dateutil/parser/_parser.py#L494-L568)**.
+I used to think that Python's whitespace was just there to get you to format your code correctly. I
+think that no longer. It's way too easy to close a block too early and have incredibly weird issues
+in the logic. Make sure you use an editor that displays indentation levels so you can keep things
+**Rust macros are not free.** I originally had the
+[main test body](https://github.com/bspeice/dtparse/blob/b0e737f088eca8e83ab4244c6621a2797d247697/tests/compat.rs#L63-L217)
+wrapped up in a macro using [pyo3](https://github.com/PyO3/PyO3). It took two minutes to compile.
+[moving things to a function](https://github.com/bspeice/dtparse/blob/e017018295c670e4b6c6ee1cfff00dbb233db47d/tests/compat.rs#L76-L205)
+compile times dropped down to ~5 seconds. Turns out 150 lines \* 100 tests = a lot of redundant code
+to be compiled. My new rule of thumb is that any macros longer than 10-15 lines are actually
+functions that need to be liberated, man.
+Finally, **I really miss list comprehensions and dictionary comprehensions.** As a quick comparison,
+[this dateutil code](https://github.com/dateutil/dateutil/blob/16561fc99361979e88cccbd135393b06b1af7e90/dateutil/parser/_parser.py#L476)
+[the implementation in Rust](https://github.com/bspeice/dtparse/blob/7d565d3a78876dbebd9711c9720364fe9eba7915/src/lib.rs#L619-L629).
+I probably wrote it wrong, and I'm sorry. Ultimately though, I hope that these comprehensions can be
+added through macros or syntax extensions. Either way, they're expressive, save typing, and are
+super-readable. Let's get more of that.
+## Using a young language
+Now, Rust is exciting and new, which means that there's opportunity to make a substantive impact. On
+more than one occasion though, I've had issues navigating the Rust ecosystem.
+What I'll call the "canonical library" is still being built. In Python, if you need datetime
+parsing, you use `dateutil`. If you want `decimal` types, it's already in the
+[standard library](https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/decimal.html). While I might've gotten away
+with `f64`, `dateutil` uses decimals, and I wanted to follow the principle of **staying as close to
+the original library as possible**. Thus began my quest to find a decimal library in Rust. What I
+quickly found was summarized in a comment:
+> Writing a BigDecimal is easy. Writing a _good_ BigDecimal is hard.
+> [-cmr](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/8937#issuecomment-34582794)
+In practice, this means that there are at least [4](https://crates.io/crates/bigdecimal)
+[implementations](https://crates.io/crates/decimal) [available](https://crates.io/crates/decimate).
+And that's a lot of decisions to worry about when all I'm thinking is "why can't
+[calendar reform](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calendar_reform) be a thing" and I'm forced to dig
+through a [couple](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/8937#issuecomment-31661916)
+[threads](https://github.com/rust-num/num/issues/8) to figure out if the library I'm look at is dead
+or just stable.
+And even when the "canonical library" exists, there's no guarantees that it will be well-maintained.
+[Chrono](https://github.com/chronotope/chrono) is the _de facto_ date/time library in Rust, and just
+released version 0.4.4 like two days ago. Meanwhile,
+[chrono-tz](https://github.com/chronotope/chrono-tz) appears to be dead in the water even though
+[there are people happy to help maintain it](https://github.com/chronotope/chrono-tz/issues/19). I
+know relatively little about it, but it appears that most of the release process is automated;
+keeping that up to date should be a no-brainer.
+## Trial Maintenance Policy
+Specifically given "maintenance" being an
+issue, I'm going to try out the following policy to keep things moving on `dtparse`:
+1. Issues/PRs needing _maintainer_ feedback will be updated at least weekly. I want to make sure
+ nobody's blocking on me.
+2. To keep issues/PRs needing _contributor_ feedback moving, I'm going to (kindly) ask the
+ contributor to check in after two weeks, and close the issue without resolution if I hear nothing
+ back after a month.
+The second point I think has the potential to be a bit controversial, so I'm happy to receive
+feedback on that. And if a contributor responds with "hey, still working on it, had a kid and I'm
+running on 30 seconds of sleep a night," then first: congratulations on sustaining human life. And
+second: I don't mind keeping those requests going indefinitely. I just want to try and balance
+keeping things moving with giving people the necessary time they need.
+I should also note that I'm still getting some best practices in place - CONTRIBUTING and
+CONTRIBUTORS files need to be added, as well as issue/PR templates. In progress. None of us are
+## Roadmap and Conclusion
+So if I've now built a `dateutil`-compatible parser, we're done, right? Of course not! That's not
+nearly ambitious enough.
+Ultimately, I'd love to have a library that's capable of parsing everything the Linux `date` command
+can do (and not `date` on OSX, because seriously, BSD coreutils are the worst). I know Rust has a
+coreutils rewrite going on, and `dtparse` would potentially be an interesting candidate since it
+doesn't bring in a lot of extra dependencies. [`humantime`](https://crates.io/crates/humantime)
+could help pick up some of the (current) slack in dtparse, so maybe we can share and care with each
+All in all, I'm mostly hoping that nobody's already done this and I haven't spent a bit over a month
+on redundant code. So if it exists, tell me. I need to know, but be nice about it, because I'm going
+to take it hard.
+And in the mean time, I'm looking forward to building more. Onwards.
diff --git a/blog/2018-09-01-primitives-in-rust-are-weird/_article.md b/blog/2018-09-01-primitives-in-rust-are-weird/_article.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/blog/2018-09-01-primitives-in-rust-are-weird/index.mdx b/blog/2018-09-01-primitives-in-rust-are-weird/index.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f740023
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/2018-09-01-primitives-in-rust-are-weird/index.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+slug: 2018/09/primitives-in-rust-are-weird
+title: "Primitives in Rust are weird (and cool)"
+date: 2018-09-01 12:00:00
+authors: [bspeice]
+tags: []
+I wrote a really small Rust program a while back because I was curious. I was 100% convinced it
+couldn't possibly run:
+fn main() {
+ println!("{}", 8.to_string())
+And to my complete befuddlement, it compiled, ran, and produced a completely sensible output.
+The reason I was so surprised has to do with how Rust treats a special category of things I'm going to
+call _primitives_. In the current version of the Rust book, you'll see them referred to as
+[scalars][rust_scalar], and in older versions they'll be called [primitives][rust_primitive], but
+we're going to stick with the name _primitive_ for the time being. Explaining why this program is so
+cool requires talking about a number of other programming languages, and keeping a consistent
+terminology makes things easier.
+**You've been warned:** this is going to be a tedious post about a relatively minor issue that
+involves Java, Python, C, and x86 Assembly. And also me pretending like I know what I'm talking
+about with assembly.
+## Defining primitives (Java)
+The reason I'm using the name _primitive_ comes from how much of my life is Java right now. For the most part I like Java, but I digress. In Java, there's a special
+name for some specific types of values:
+> ```
+> bool char byte
+> short int long
+> float double
+> ```
+They are referred to as [primitives][java_primitive]. And relative to the other bits of Java,
+they have two unique features. First, they don't have to worry about the
+[billion-dollar mistake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Hoare#Apologies_and_retractions);
+primitives in Java can never be `null`. Second: *they can't have instance methods*.
+Remember that Rust program from earlier? Java has no idea what to do with it:
+class Main {
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ int x = 8;
+ System.out.println(x.toString()); // Triggers a compiler error
+ }
+The error is:
+Main.java:5: error: int cannot be dereferenced
+ System.out.println(x.toString());
+ ^
+1 error
+Specifically, Java's [`Object`](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/lang/Object.html)
+and things that inherit from it are pointers under the hood, and we have to dereference them before
+the fields and methods they define can be used. In contrast, _primitive types are just values_ -
+there's nothing to be dereferenced. In memory, they're just a sequence of bits.
+If we really want, we can turn the `int` into an
+[`Integer`](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/lang/Integer.html) and then dereference
+it, but it's a bit wasteful:
+class Main {
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ int x = 8;
+ Integer y = Integer.valueOf(x);
+ System.out.println(y.toString());
+ }
+This creates the variable `y` of type `Integer` (which inherits `Object`), and at run time we
+dereference `y` to locate the `toString()` function and call it. Rust obviously handles things a bit
+differently, but we have to dig into the low-level details to see it in action.
+## Low Level Handling of Primitives (C)
+We first need to build a foundation for reading and understanding the assembly code the final answer
+requires. Let's begin with showing how the `C` language (and your computer) thinks about "primitive"
+values in memory:
+void my_function(int num) {}
+int main() {
+ int x = 8;
+ my_function(x);
+The [compiler explorer](https://godbolt.org/z/lgNYcc) gives us an easy way of showing off the
+assembly-level code that's generated: whose output has been lightly
+ push rbp
+ mov rbp, rsp
+ sub rsp, 16
+ ; We assign the value `8` to `x` here
+ mov DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 8
+ ; And copy the bits making up `x` to a location
+ ; `my_function` can access (`edi`)
+ mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]
+ mov edi, eax
+ ; Call `my_function` and give it control
+ call my_function
+ mov eax, 0
+ leave
+ ret
+ push rbp
+ mov rbp, rsp
+ ; Copy the bits out of the pre-determined location (`edi`)
+ ; to somewhere we can use
+ mov DWORD PTR [rbp-4], edi
+ nop
+ pop rbp
+ ret
+At a really low level of memory, we're copying bits around using the [`mov`][x86_guide] instruction;
+nothing crazy. But to show how similar Rust is, let's take a look at our program translated from C
+to Rust:
+fn my_function(x: i32) {}
+fn main() {
+ let x = 8;
+ my_function(x)
+And the assembly generated when we stick it in the
+[compiler explorer](https://godbolt.org/z/cAlmk0): again, lightly
+ push rax
+ ; Look familiar? We're copying bits to a location for `my_function`
+ ; The compiler just optimizes out holding `x` in memory
+ mov edi, 8
+ ; Call `my_function` and give it control
+ call example::my_function
+ pop rax
+ ret
+ sub rsp, 4
+ ; And copying those bits again, just like in C
+ mov dword ptr [rsp], edi
+ add rsp, 4
+ ret
+The generated Rust assembly is functionally pretty close to the C assembly: _When working with
+primitives, we're just dealing with bits in memory_.
+In Java we have to dereference a pointer to call its functions; in Rust, there's no pointer to
+dereference. So what exactly is going on with this `.to_string()` function call?
+## impl primitive (and Python)
+Now it's time to reveal my trap card show the revelation that tied all this
+together: _Rust has implementations for its primitive types._ That's right, `impl` blocks aren't
+only for `structs` and `traits`, primitives get them too. Don't believe me? Check out
+[f64](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.f64.html) and
+[char](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.char.html) as examples.
+But the really interesting bit is how Rust turns those `impl` blocks into assembly. Let's break out
+the [compiler explorer](https://godbolt.org/z/6LBEwq) once again:
+pub fn main() {
+ 8.to_string()
+And the interesting bits in the assembly: heavily trimmed down
+ sub rsp, 24
+ mov rdi, rsp
+ lea rax, [rip + .Lbyte_str.u]
+ mov rsi, rax
+ ; Cool stuff right here
+ call ::to_string@PLT
+ mov rdi, rsp
+ call core::ptr::drop_in_place
+ add rsp, 24
+ ret
+Now, this assembly is a bit more complicated, but here's the big revelation: **we're calling
+`to_string()` as a function that exists all on its own, and giving it the instance of `8`**. Instead
+of thinking of the value 8 as an instance of `u32` and then peeking in to find the location of the
+function we want to call (like Java), we have a function that exists outside of the instance and
+just give that function the value `8`.
+This is an incredibly technical detail, but the interesting idea I had was this: _if `to_string()`
+is a static function, can I refer to the unbound function and give it an instance?_
+Better explained in code (and a [compiler explorer](https://godbolt.org/z/fJY-gA) link because I
+seriously love this thing):
+struct MyVal {
+ x: u32
+impl MyVal {
+ fn to_string(&self) -> String {
+ self.x.to_string()
+ }
+pub fn main() {
+ let my_val = MyVal { x: 8 };
+ my_val.to_string();
+ MyVal::to_string(&my_val);
+Rust is totally fine "binding" the function call to the instance, and also as a static.
+Python does the same thing where I can both call functions bound to their instances and also call as
+an unbound function where I give it the instance:
+class MyClass():
+ x = 24
+ def my_function(self):
+ print(self.x)
+m = MyClass()
+And Python tries to make you _think_ that primitives can have instance methods...
+>>> dir(8)
+['__abs__', '__add__', '__and__', '__class__', '__cmp__', '__coerce__',
+'__delattr__', '__div__', '__divmod__', '__doc__', '__float__', '__floordiv__',
+'__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__sub__', '__subclasshook__', '__truediv__',
+>>> # Theoretically `8.__str__()` should exist, but:
+>>> 8.__str__()
+ File "", line 1
+ 8.__str__()
+ ^
+SyntaxError: invalid syntax
+>>> # It will run if we assign it first though:
+>>> x = 8
+>>> x.__str__()
+...but in practice it's a bit complicated.
+So while Python handles binding instance methods in a way similar to Rust, it's still not able to
+run the example we started with.
+## Conclusion
+This was a super-roundabout way of demonstrating it, but the way Rust handles incredibly minor
+details like primitives leads to really cool effects. Primitives are optimized like C in how they
+have a space-efficient memory layout, yet the language still has a lot of features I enjoy in Python
+(like both instance and late binding).
+And when you put it together, there are areas where Rust does cool things nobody else can; as a
+quirky feature of Rust's type system, `8.to_string()` is actually valid code.
+Now go forth and fool your friends into thinking you know assembly. This is all I've got.
+[x86_guide]: http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~evans/cs216/guides/x86.html
+[java_primitive]: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html
+[rust_scalar]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/second-edition/ch03-02-data-types.html#scalar-types
+[rust_primitive]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/first-edition/primitive-types.html
diff --git a/docusaurus.config.ts b/docusaurus.config.ts
index b424075..1f21c19 100644
--- a/docusaurus.config.ts
+++ b/docusaurus.config.ts
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ const config: Config = {
prism: {
theme: prismThemes.oneLight,
darkTheme: prismThemes.oneDark,
- additionalLanguages: ['julia']
+ additionalLanguages: ['java', 'julia', 'nasm']
} satisfies Preset.ThemeConfig,
plugins: [require.resolve('docusaurus-lunr-search')],