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2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
layout: post
2018-12-15 17:42:29 -05:00
title: "QADAPT - debug_assert! for your memory usage"
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
description: "...and why you want an allocator that goes 💥."
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
tags: []
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
I think it's part of the human condition to ignore perfectly good advice when it comes our way.
A bit over a month ago, I was dispensing sage wisdom for the ages:
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> I had a really great idea: build a custom allocator that allows you to track
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
> your own allocations. I gave it a shot, but learned very quickly:
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
> **never write your own allocator.**
> -- [me](/2018/10/case-study-optimization.html)
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
I proceeded to ignore it, because we never really learn from our mistakes.
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
There's another part of the human condition that derives joy from seeing things explode.
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/YA6dmVW0gfIw8" width="480" height="336" frameBorder="0"></iframe>
2018-12-15 17:42:29 -05:00
And *that's* the part I'm going to focus on.
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
2018-12-15 17:42:29 -05:00
# Why an Allocator?
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
2018-12-15 17:42:29 -05:00
So why, after complaining about allocators, would I still want to write one?
There are three reasons for that:
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2018-12-15 17:42:29 -05:00
1. Allocation/dropping is slow
2. It's difficult to know exactly when Rust will allocate or drop, especially when using
code that you did not write
3. I want automated tools to verify behavior, instead of inspecting by hand
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
When I say "slow," it's important to define the terms. If you're writing web applications,
you'll spend orders of magnitude more time waiting for the database than you will the allocator.
2018-12-15 17:42:29 -05:00
However, there's still plenty of code where micro- or nano-seconds matter; think
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
[real-time audio](https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/9hg7yj/synthesizer_progress_update/e6c291f),
2018-12-15 17:42:29 -05:00
[self-driving cars](https://polysync.io/blog/session-types-for-hearty-codecs/), and
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
In these situations it's simply unacceptable for you to spend time doing things
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that are not your program, and waiting on the allocator is not cool.
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
2018-12-15 17:42:29 -05:00
As I continue to learn Rust, it's difficult for me to predict where exactly allocations will happen.
So, I propose we play a quick trivia game: **Does this code invoke the allocator?**
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
## Example 1
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
fn my_function() {
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
let v: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
**No**: Rust [knows how big](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/mem/fn.size_of.html)
the `Vec` type is, and reserves a fixed amount of memory on the stack for the `v` vector.
2018-12-15 17:42:29 -05:00
However, if we wanted to reserve extra space (using `Vec::with_capacity`) the allocator
would get invoked.
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
## Example 2
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
fn my_function() {
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
let v: Box<Vec<u8>> = Box::new(Vec::new());
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
**Yes**: Because Boxes allow us to work with things that are of unknown size, it has to allocate
2018-12-15 17:42:29 -05:00
on the heap. While the `Box` is unnecessary in this snippet (release builds will optimize out
the allocation), reserving heap space more generally is needed to pass a dynamically sized type
to another function.
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
## Example 3
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
fn my_function(v: Vec<u8>) {
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2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
**Maybe**: Depending on whether the Vector we were given has space available, we may or may not allocate.
2018-12-15 17:42:29 -05:00
Especially when dealing with code that you did not author, it's difficult to verify that things behave
as you expect them to.
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
# Blowing Things Up
2018-12-15 17:42:29 -05:00
So, how exactly does QADAPT solve these problems? **Whenever an allocation or drop occurs in code marked
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
allocation-safe, QADAPT triggers a thread panic.** We don't want to let the program continue as if
nothing strange happened, *we want things to explode*.
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
However, you don't want code to panic in production because of circumstances you didn't predict.
Just like [`debug_assert!`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/macro.debug_assert.html),
2018-12-15 17:42:29 -05:00
**QADAPT will strip out its own code when building in release mode to guarantee no panics and
no performance impact.**
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
2018-12-15 17:42:29 -05:00
Finally, there are three ways to have QADAPT check that your code will not invoke the allocator:
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
## Using a procedural macro
2018-12-15 17:42:29 -05:00
The easiest method, watch an entire function for allocator invocation:
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
use qadapt::no_alloc;
use qadapt::QADAPT;
static Q: QADAPT = QADAPT;
fn push_vec(v: &mut Vec<u8>) {
// This triggers a panic if v.len() == v.capacity()
fn main() {
let v = Vec::with_capacity(1);
// This will *not* trigger a panic
// This *will* trigger a panic
## Using a regular macro
For times when you need more precision:
use qadapt::assert_no_alloc;
use qadapt::QADAPT;
static Q: QADAPT = QADAPT;
fn main() {
let v = Vec::with_capacity(1);
// No allocations here, we already have space reserved
// Even though we remove an item, it doesn't trigger a drop
2018-12-15 17:42:29 -05:00
// because it's a scalar. If it were a `Box<_>` type,
// a drop would trigger.
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2018-12-15 17:42:29 -05:00
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
## Using function calls
2018-12-15 17:42:29 -05:00
Both the most precise and most tedious:
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2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
use qadapt::enter_protected;
use qadapt::exit_protected;
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
use qadapt::QADAPT;
static Q: QADAPT = QADAPT;
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
fn main() {
// This triggers an allocation (on non-release builds)
let v = Vec::with_capacity(1);
// This does not trigger an allocation because we've reserved size
// This triggers an allocation because we ran out of size,
// but doesn't panic because we're no longer protected.
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
## Caveats
It's important to point out that QADAPT code is synchronous, so please be careful
when mixing in asynchronous functions:
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
use futures::future::Future;
use futures::future::ok;
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
fn async_capacity() -> impl Future<Item=Vec<u8>, Error=()> {
ok(12).and_then(|e| Ok(Vec::with_capacity(e)))
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
fn main() {
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
// This doesn't trigger a panic because the `and_then` closure
// wasn't run during the function call.
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2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
// Still no panic
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2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
// This will panic because the allocation happens during `unwrap`
// in the `assert_no_alloc!` macro
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2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
# Conclusion
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
While there's a lot more to writing high-performance code than managing your usage
of the allocator, it's critical that you do use the allocator correctly.
2018-12-15 17:42:29 -05:00
QADAPT will verify that your code is doing what you expect. It's usable even on
stable Rust from version 1.31 onward, which isn't the case for most allocators.
2018-12-15 17:44:38 -05:00
Version 1.0 was released today, and you can check it out over at
[crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/qadapt) or on
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
2018-12-15 17:42:29 -05:00
I'm hoping to write more about high-performance Rust in the future, and I expect
2018-12-08 19:28:54 -05:00
that QADAPT will help guide that. If there are topics you're interested in,
let me know in the comments below!
2018-12-04 21:53:24 -05:00
[qadapt]: https://crates.io/crates/qadapt