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"use strict";(self.webpackChunkspeice_io=self.webpackChunkspeice_io||[]).push([["1225"],{6760:function(e){e.exports=JSON.parse('{"archive":{"blogPosts":[{"id":"2011/11/webpack-industrial-complex","metadata":{"permalink":"/2011/11/webpack-industrial-complex","source":"@site/blog/2022-11-20-webpack-industrial-complex/index.mdx","title":"The webpack industrial complex","description":"This started because I wanted to build a synthesizer. Setting a goal of \\"digital DX7\\" was ambitious, but I needed something unrelated to the day job. Beyond that, working with audio seemed like a good challenge. I enjoy performance-focused code, and performance problems in audio are conspicuous. Building a web project was an obvious choice because of the web audio API documentation and independence from a large Digital Audio Workstation (DAW).","date":"2022-11-20T12:00:00.000Z","tags":[],"readingTime":4.51,"hasTruncateMarker":true,"authors":[{"name":"Bradlee Speice","socials":{"github":"https://github.com/bspeice"},"key":"bspeice","page":null}],"frontMatter":{"slug":"2011/11/webpack-industrial-complex","title":"The webpack industrial complex","date":"2022-11-20T12:00:00.000Z","authors":["bspeice"],"tags":[]},"unlisted":false,"lastUpdatedAt":1731274898000,"nextItem":{"title":"Release the GIL","permalink":"/2019/12/release-the-gil"}},"content":"This started because I wanted to build a synthesizer. Setting a goal of \\"digital DX7\\" was ambitious, but I needed something unrelated to the day job. Beyond that, working with audio seemed like a good challenge. I enjoy performance-focused code, and performance problems in audio are conspicuous. Building a web project was an obvious choice because of the web audio API documentation and independence from a large Digital Audio Workstation (DAW).\\n\\nThe project was soon derailed trying to sort out technical issues unrelated to the original purpose. Finding a resolution was a frustrating journey, and it\'s still not clear whether those problems were my fault. As a result, I\'m writing this to try making sense of it, as a case study/reference material, and to salvage something from the process.\\n\\n\x3c!-- truncate --\x3e\\n\\n## Starting strong\\n\\nThe sole starting requirement was to write everything in TypeScript. Not because of project scale, but because guardrails help with unfamiliar territory. Keeping that in mind, the first question was: how does one start a new project? All I actually need is \\"compile TypeScript, show it in a browser.\\"\\n\\nCreate React App (CRA) came to the rescue and the rest of that evening was a joy. My TypeScript/JavaScript skills were rusty, but the online documentation was helpful. I had never understood the appeal of JSX (why put a DOM in JavaScript?) until it made connecting an `onEvent` handler and a function easy.\\n\\nSome quick dimensional analysis later and there was a sine wave oscillator playing A=440 through the speakers. I specifically remember thinking \\"modern browsers are magical.\\"\\n\\n## Continuing on\\n\\nNow comes the first mistake: I began to worry about \\"scale\\" before encountering an actual problem. Rather than rendering audio in the main thread, why not use audio worklets and render in a background thread instead?\\n\\nThe first sign something was amiss came from the TypeScript compiler errors showing the audio worklet API [was missing](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/28308). After searching out Github issues and (unsuccessfully) tweaking the `.tsconfig` settings, I settled on installing a package and moving on.\\n\\nThe next problem came from actually using the API. Worklets must load from separate \\"modules,\\" but it wasn\'t clear how to guarantee the worklet code stayed separate from the application. I saw recommendations to use `new URL(<local path>, import.meta.url)` and it worked! Well, kind of:\\n\\n![Browser error](./video_mp2t.png)\\n\\nThat file has the audio processor code, so why does it get served with `Content-Type: video/mp2t`?\\n\\n## Floundering about\\n\\nNow comes the second mistake: even though I d