extern crate libc; extern crate qadapt_macro; extern crate spin; // Re-export the proc macros to use by other code pub use qadapt_macro::*; use libc::c_void; use libc::free; use libc::malloc; use libc::pthread_self; use spin::RwLock; use std::alloc::Layout; use std::alloc::GlobalAlloc; use std::thread; thread_local! { static PROTECTION_LEVEL: RwLock = RwLock::new(0); } pub struct QADAPT; pub fn enter_protected() { if thread::panicking() { return } PROTECTION_LEVEL.try_with(|v| { *v.write() += 1; }).unwrap_or_else(|_e| ()); } pub fn exit_protected() { if thread::panicking() { return } PROTECTION_LEVEL.try_with(|v| { let val = { *v.read() }; match val { v if v == 0 => panic!("Attempt to exit protected too many times"), _ => { *v.write() -= 1; } } }).unwrap_or_else(|_e| ()); } static INTERNAL_ALLOCATION: RwLock = RwLock::new(u64::max_value()); unsafe fn claim_internal_alloc() -> u64 { // std::thread::current() isn't safe because of thread-local allocations let tid = pthread_self(); loop { match INTERNAL_ALLOCATION.write() { ref mut lock if **lock == u64::max_value() => { **lock = tid; break }, _ => () } } tid } unsafe fn release_internal_alloc() -> u64 { let tid = pthread_self(); // TODO: Potential issues with releasing lock too early? match INTERNAL_ALLOCATION.write() { ref mut lock if **lock == tid => **lock = u64::max_value(), _ => panic!("Internal allocation tracking error") } tid } unsafe fn alloc_immediate() -> bool { thread::panicking() || *INTERNAL_ALLOCATION.read() == pthread_self() } unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for QADAPT { unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 { // If we're attempting to allocate our PROTECTION_LEVEL thread local, // just allow it through if alloc_immediate() { return malloc(layout.size()) as *mut u8; } // Because accessing PROTECTION_LEVEL has the potential to trigger an allocation, // we need to spin until we can claim the INTERNAL_ALLOCATION lock for our thread. claim_internal_alloc(); let protection_level: Result = PROTECTION_LEVEL.try_with(|v| *v.read()).or(Ok(0)); release_internal_alloc(); match protection_level { Ok(v) if v == 0 => malloc(layout.size()) as *mut u8, Ok(v) => { // Tripped a bad allocation, but make sure further allocation/deallocation during unwind // doesn't have issues PROTECTION_LEVEL.with(|v| *v.write() = 0); panic!("Unexpected allocation for size {}, protection level: {}", layout.size(), v) }, Err(_) => { // Shouldn't be possible to get here panic!("Unexpected error checking protection level") } } } unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout) { if alloc_immediate() { return free(ptr as *mut c_void); } claim_internal_alloc(); let protection_level: Result = PROTECTION_LEVEL.try_with(|v| *v.read()).or(Ok(0)); release_internal_alloc(); free(ptr as *mut c_void); match protection_level { Ok(v) if v > 0 => { // Tripped a bad dealloc, but make sure further memory access during unwind // doesn't have issues PROTECTION_LEVEL.with(|v| *v.write() = 0); panic!("Unexpected deallocation for size {}, protection level: {}", layout.size(), v) }, _ => () } } }