import requests from enum import Enum from os import path from copy import deepcopy import logging from bs4 import BeautifulSoup _base_url = '' class WebAPI(Enum): news = 'ISteamNews' user_stats = 'ISteamUserStats' user = 'ISteamUser' player_service = 'IPlayerService' class SteamAPI(object): def __init__(self): file_dir = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__)) api_file = path.join(file_dir, 'api_key.txt') with open(api_file, 'r') as handle: self.api_key = def _make_request(self, api, function, version, extra_params): full_params = deepcopy(extra_params) full_params['key'] = self.api_key request_url = '/'.join([_base_url, api.value, function, version]) + '/' logging.debug('GET: {}'.format(request_url)) response = requests.get( request_url, params=full_params ) logging.debug('Return code: {}'.format(response.status_code)) return response.json() def get_friends(self, steam_id): """ Return the steam_id's of all users this user is friends with :param steam_id: ID for the user we are looking up :type steam_id: str :return: List of all id's this user is friends with :rtype: list[str] """ friends_list = self._make_request( WebAPI.user, 'GetFriendList', 'v0001', { 'steamid': steam_id })['friendslist'] return [ f['steamid'] for f in friends_list['friends'] ] def get_games(self, steam_id): """ Get all the appid's for a user that they can play. Structure for return is a dict with `appid: name` values. :param steam_id: :return: List of appid's :rtype: dict """ games = self._make_request( WebAPI.player_service, 'GetOwnedGames', 'v0001', { 'steamid': steam_id, 'include_appinfo': 1, 'include_played_free_games': 1 })['response']['games'] return {g['appid']: g['name'] for g in games} def get_recent_games(self, steam_id): """ Get all appid's that a user has recently played :param steam_id: ID for a steam user :type steam_id: str :return: List of appids the user has recently played """ games = self._make_request( WebAPI.player_service, 'GetRecentlyPlayedGames', 'v0001', { 'steamid': steam_id } )['response']['games'] return [g['appid'] for g in games] def get_player_summary(self, steam_id): return self._make_request( WebAPI.user, 'GetPlayerSummaries', 'v0002', { 'steamids': steam_id } ) def get_steam64_id(self, profile_url): """ Get the Steam64 ID for a user, given their profile URL. This is by far and above the mostly likely piece of code to break, be careful in the future. :param profile_url: Steam community profile URL :type profile_url: str :return: Steam64 ID :rtype: str """ profile_html = requests.get(profile_url) soup = BeautifulSoup(profile_html.content, 'lxml') comment_paging = soup.find('div', {'class': 'commentthread_paging'}) steamid = comment_paging.attrs['id'].split('_')[2] return steamid