mirror of https://github.com/bspeice/metrik synced 2024-09-27 13:11:37 -04:00

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from unittest import TestCase
from datetime import datetime
from pandas_datareader.data import get_data_yahoo
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
import pytest
from six.moves import map
from pytz import utc
from metrik.tasks.tradeking import Tradeking1mTimesales, TradekingOptionsQuotes, TradekingApi, batch
from metrik.trading_days import TradingDay
from metrik.targets.mongo import MongoTarget
from test.mongo_test import MongoTest
@pytest.mark.parametrize('ticker', [
'AAPL', 'GOOG', 'SPY', 'REGN', 'SWHC', 'BAC', 'NVCR', 'ARGT'
def test_returns_verifiable(ticker):
# Test that the quotes line up with data off of Yahoo
now = datetime.now()
prior_day = now - TradingDay(1)
quotes = Tradeking1mTimesales.retrieve_data(prior_day, ticker)
yahoo_ohlc = list(map(tuple, get_data_yahoo(ticker, prior_day, prior_day)[
['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']
open = high = close = 0
low = 999999
for index, quote in enumerate(quotes['quotes']):
if index == 0:
open = quote['opn']
if index == len(quotes['quotes']) - 1:
close = quote['last']
high = max(high, quote['hi'])
low = min(low, quote['lo'])
tradeking_ohlc = (open, high, low, close)
assert_allclose(tradeking_ohlc, yahoo_ohlc, rtol=1e-3)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('ticker', [
'AAPL', 'GOOG', 'SPY', 'REGN', 'SWHC', 'BAC', 'NVCR', 'ARGT'
def test_chain_returns(ticker):
api = TradekingApi()
chain = TradekingOptionsQuotes.retrieve_chain_syms(api, ticker)
assert len(chain) > 20
@pytest.mark.parametrize('ticker', [
def test_options_quote(ticker):
demo_length = 25
api = TradekingApi()
chain = TradekingOptionsQuotes.retrieve_chain_syms(api, ticker)[:demo_length]
quotes = TradekingOptionsQuotes.retrieve_quotes(api, chain)
assert len(quotes) == demo_length
class TradekingTest(MongoTest):
def test_record_is_saveable(self):
# Had an issue previously where the `date` type would cause saving
# to fail. Make sure that doesn't continue
now = datetime.now()
prior_day = now - TradingDay(1)
quotes = Tradeking1mTimesales.retrieve_data(prior_day, 'AAPL')
t = MongoTarget('tradeking', hash('just_testing'))
quotes_retrieved = t.retrieve()
for quote in quotes_retrieved['quotes']:
quote['datetime'] = utc.localize(quote['datetime'])
quote['timestamp'] = utc.localize(quote['timestamp'])
assert quotes == quotes_retrieved