Bradlee Speice dab4d28932 Add functions to return the center of a sub-image, rather than top-left corner
Fix up the build process to make sure out-of-tree builds work correctly
Fix the example script not finding the cva-match binary correctly
2012-06-22 15:38:41 -04:00

8 lines
393 B

#Need to include the -Ilibcvautomation so that libcvautomation.h can find everything that it needs
AM_CFLAGS = -Wall -O2 -I$(top_srcdir)/include #-I$(top_srcdir)/include/libcvautomation
AM_LDFLAGS = -L../libcvautomation/.libs -lcvautomation `pkg-config --libs x11` `pkg-config --libs opencv`
#Build only if we're building the examples
bin_PROGRAMS = cva-match
cva_match_SOURCES = cva-match.c