
421 lines
13 KiB

* =====================================================================================
* Filename: libcvautomation-xlib.c
* Description:
* Created: 06/21/2012 08:34:21 AM
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: Bradlee Speice,
* Organization: MOSAIC at University of North Carolina at Charlotte
* =====================================================================================
#include <libcvautomation/libcvautomation-xlib.h>
* === FUNCTION ======================================================================
* Name: cvaOpenDisplay
* Description: Custom wrapper for XOpenDisplay function
* =====================================================================================
Display* cvaOpenDisplay ( char *displayName )
return XOpenDisplay( displayName);
* === FUNCTION ======================================================================
* Name: cvaCloseDisplay
* Description: Custom wrapper for XOpenDisplay function
* =====================================================================================
void cvaCloseDisplay ( Display *displayLocation )
XCloseDisplay( displayLocation );
* === FUNCTION ======================================================================
* Name: matchSubImage_X11
* Description: Match a sub image using the X11 root window as root
* =====================================================================================
cvaPoint matchSubImage_X11( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int searchMethod, int tolerance )
/* First things first, grab the root X window and convert it to
* the IplImage format.
* Much of this code was ripped lovingly from:
* */
IplImage *X_IPL;
CvSize imageSize;
cvaPoint resultPoint;
XImage *rootImage;
XColor color;
Screen *screen;
unsigned long rmask, gmask, bmask;
unsigned long rshift, rbits,
gshift, gbits,
bshift, bbits;
unsigned char colorChannel[3];
int startX = 0, startY = 0;
unsigned int width, height;
/* Setting up the X screengrab is the first order of business */
screen = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(displayLocation);
width = screen->width;
height = screen->height;
rootImage = XGetImage( displayLocation, DefaultRootWindow(displayLocation),
startX, startY, width, height,
AllPlanes, ZPixmap );
/* Make sure that we're good to go before going any farther */
if ( rootImage == NULL || displayLocation == NULL || screen == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't grab the root window!" );
resultPoint.x = -1;
resultPoint.y = -1;
return resultPoint;
/* Set up the OpenCV Image */
imageSize.width = rootImage->width;
imageSize.height = rootImage->height;
X_IPL = cvCreateImage( imageSize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 ); /* 3 channels - RGB */
/* This if block converts the X root window to an IPL image. See you on the other side! */
unsigned int x, y; /* To be used later */
if ( screen->depths->depth == 24 )
/* Actually convert the XImage to Ipl */
rmask = screen->root_visual->red_mask;
gmask = screen->root_visual->green_mask;
bmask = screen->root_visual->blue_mask;
/* I honestly have no clue how most of the below code works */
/* TODO: Figure out how this code works and document it */
rshift = 0; rbits = 0;
while ( !(rmask & 1) ){
rmask >>= 1; /* Right bitshift by 1 */
while (rmask & 1) {
rmask >>= 1; /* Right bitshift by 1 */
if (rbits > 8) {
rshift += rbits - 8;
rbits = 8;
gshift = 0; gbits = 0;
while ( !(gmask & 1) ){
gmask >>= 1; /* Right bitshift by 1 */
while (gmask & 1) {
gmask >>= 1; /* Right bitshift by 1 */
if (gbits > 8) {
gshift += gbits - 8;
gbits = 8;
bshift = 0; bbits = 0;
while ( !(bmask & 1) ){
bmask >>= 1; /* Right bitshift by 1 */
while (bmask & 1) {
bmask >>= 1; /* Right bitshift by 1 */
if (bbits > 8) {
bshift += bbits - 8;
bbits = 8;
for ( x = 0; x < rootImage->width; x++) {
for ( y = 0; y < rootImage->height; y++) {
color.pixel = XGetPixel ( rootImage, x, y );
colorChannel[0] = ((color.pixel >> bshift) & ((1 << bbits) - 1)) << (8 - bbits);
colorChannel[1] = ((color.pixel >> gshift) & ((1 << gbits) - 1)) << (8 - gbits);
colorChannel[2] = ((color.pixel >> rshift) & ((1 << rbits) - 1)) << (8 - rbits);
CV_IMAGE_ELEM(X_IPL, uchar, y, x * X_IPL->nChannels) = colorChannel[0];
CV_IMAGE_ELEM(X_IPL, uchar, y, x * X_IPL->nChannels + 1) = colorChannel[1];
CV_IMAGE_ELEM(X_IPL, uchar, y, x * X_IPL->nChannels + 2) = colorChannel[2];
/* Slow alternative for non-24-bit-depth images */
/* I don't know how this works either. */
/* TODO: Figure out how this code works and document it */
Colormap colormap;
colormap = DefaultColormap( displayLocation, DefaultScreen( displayLocation ));
for ( x = 0; x < rootImage->width; x++ ) {
for ( y = 0; y < rootImage->height; y++ ) {
color.pixel = XGetPixel ( rootImage, x, y );
XQueryColor( displayLocation, colormap, &color );
CV_IMAGE_ELEM(X_IPL, uchar, y, x * X_IPL->nChannels) =;
CV_IMAGE_ELEM(X_IPL, uchar, y, x * X_IPL->nChannels + 1) =;
CV_IMAGE_ELEM(X_IPL, uchar, y, x * X_IPL->nChannels + 2) =;
/* Now that we've got the image we want as X_IPL, time to actually do the comparison.
* However, we don't want to do any more work than we have to - send our images off
* to matchSubImage in libopencvautomation-opencv. */
resultPoint = matchSubImage ( X_IPL, subImage, searchMethod, tolerance );
/* Clean up the CV image we created, as well as all X resources */
XDestroyImage( rootImage );
cvReleaseImage( &X_IPL );
/* Return and be done */
return resultPoint;
} /* ----- end of function matchSubImage_X11 ----- */
* === FUNCTION ======================================================================
* Name: matchSubImage_X11_location
* Description: Match a sub image using the X11 root window as root, from filename
* =====================================================================================
cvaPoint matchSubImage_X11_location( Display *displayLocation, const char *subImage_location, int searchMethod, int tolerance )
/* This is basically a wrapper for matchSubImage_X11( char *display, IplImage )
* All we do is load the sub-image from the given filename, and then
* pass off the result to the above-named function */
IplImage *subImage;
subImage = cvLoadImage( subImage_location, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR );
cvaPoint resultPoint;
resultPoint.x = -1;
resultPoint.y = -1;
/* Make sure we have a good image */
if ( subImage == 0 )
/* Return error */
return resultPoint;
resultPoint = matchSubImage_X11( displayLocation, subImage, searchMethod, tolerance );
/* Free up the memory we created */
cvReleaseImage( &subImage );
/* Our resultPoint will already be bad if there's no match,
* we don't need to worry about setting it. */
return resultPoint;
} /* ----- end of function matchSubImage_X11_location ----- */
* === FUNCTION ======================================================================
* Name: matchSubImage_X11_center
* Description: Match a sub image using the X11 root window as root
* The code is mostly the same as matchSubImage_X11, but use
* matchSubImage_center to get the center of the result, rather than
* the top-left corner.
* =====================================================================================
cvaPoint matchSubImage_X11_center( Display *displayLocation, IplImage *subImage, int searchMethod, int tolerance )
/* First things first, grab the root X window and convert it to
* the IplImage format.
* Much of this code was ripped lovingly from:
* */
IplImage *X_IPL;
CvSize imageSize;
cvaPoint resultPoint;
XImage *rootImage;
XColor color;
Screen *screen;
unsigned long rmask, gmask, bmask;
unsigned long rshift, rbits,
gshift, gbits,
bshift, bbits;
unsigned char colorChannel[3];
int startX = 0, startY = 0;
unsigned int width, height;
/* Setting up the X screengrab is the first order of business */
screen = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(displayLocation);
width = screen->width;
height = screen->height;
rootImage = XGetImage( displayLocation, DefaultRootWindow(displayLocation),
startX, startY, width, height,
AllPlanes, ZPixmap );
/* Make sure that we're good to go before going any farther */
if ( rootImage == NULL || displayLocation == NULL || screen == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't grab the root window!" );
resultPoint.x = -1;
resultPoint.y = -1;
return resultPoint;
/* Set up the OpenCV Image */
imageSize.width = rootImage->width;
imageSize.height = rootImage->height;
X_IPL = cvCreateImage( imageSize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 ); /* 3 channels - RGB */
/* This if block converts the X root window to an IPL image. See you on the other side! */
unsigned int x, y; /* To be used later */
if ( screen->depths->depth == 24 )
/* Actually convert the XImage to Ipl */
rmask = screen->root_visual->red_mask;
gmask = screen->root_visual->green_mask;
bmask = screen->root_visual->blue_mask;
/* I honestly have no clue how most of the below code works */
/* TODO: Figure out how this code works and document it */
rshift = 0; rbits = 0;
while ( !(rmask & 1) ){
rmask >>= 1; /* Right bitshift by 1 */
while (rmask & 1) {
rmask >>= 1; /* Right bitshift by 1 */
if (rbits > 8) {
rshift += rbits - 8;
rbits = 8;
gshift = 0; gbits = 0;
while ( !(gmask & 1) ){
gmask >>= 1; /* Right bitshift by 1 */
while (gmask & 1) {
gmask >>= 1; /* Right bitshift by 1 */
if (gbits > 8) {
gshift += gbits - 8;
gbits = 8;
bshift = 0; bbits = 0;
while ( !(bmask & 1) ){
bmask >>= 1; /* Right bitshift by 1 */
while (bmask & 1) {
bmask >>= 1; /* Right bitshift by 1 */
if (bbits > 8) {
bshift += bbits - 8;
bbits = 8;
for ( x = 0; x < rootImage->width; x++) {
for ( y = 0; y < rootImage->height; y++) {
color.pixel = XGetPixel ( rootImage, x, y );
colorChannel[0] = ((color.pixel >> bshift) & ((1 << bbits) - 1)) << (8 - bbits);
colorChannel[1] = ((color.pixel >> gshift) & ((1 << gbits) - 1)) << (8 - gbits);
colorChannel[2] = ((color.pixel >> rshift) & ((1 << rbits) - 1)) << (8 - rbits);
CV_IMAGE_ELEM(X_IPL, uchar, y, x * X_IPL->nChannels) = colorChannel[0];
CV_IMAGE_ELEM(X_IPL, uchar, y, x * X_IPL->nChannels + 1) = colorChannel[1];
CV_IMAGE_ELEM(X_IPL, uchar, y, x * X_IPL->nChannels + 2) = colorChannel[2];
/* Slow alternative for non-24-bit-depth images */
/* I don't know how this works either. */
/* TODO: Figure out how this code works and document it */
Colormap colormap;
colormap = DefaultColormap( displayLocation, DefaultScreen( displayLocation ));
for ( x = 0; x < rootImage->width; x++ ) {
for ( y = 0; y < rootImage->height; y++ ) {
color.pixel = XGetPixel ( rootImage, x, y );
XQueryColor( displayLocation, colormap, &color );
CV_IMAGE_ELEM(X_IPL, uchar, y, x * X_IPL->nChannels) =;
CV_IMAGE_ELEM(X_IPL, uchar, y, x * X_IPL->nChannels + 1) =;
CV_IMAGE_ELEM(X_IPL, uchar, y, x * X_IPL->nChannels + 2) =;
/* Now that we've got the image we want as X_IPL, time to actually do the comparison.
* However, we don't want to do any more work than we have to - send our images off
* to matchSubImage in libopencvautomation-opencv. */
resultPoint = matchSubImage_center( X_IPL, subImage, searchMethod, tolerance );
/* Clean up the CV image we created, as well as all X resources */
XDestroyImage( rootImage );
cvReleaseImage( &X_IPL );
/* Return and be done */
return resultPoint;
} /* ----- end of function matchSubImage_X11_center ----- */
* === FUNCTION ======================================================================
* Name: matchSubImage_X11_location_center
* Description: Match a sub image using the X11 root window as root, from filename
* =====================================================================================
cvaPoint matchSubImage_X11_location_center( Display *displayLocation, const char *subImage_location, int searchMethod, int tolerance )
/* This is basically a wrapper for matchSubImage_X11( char *display, IplImage )
* All we do is load the sub-image from the given filename, and then
* pass off the result to the above-named function */
IplImage *subImage;
subImage = cvLoadImage( subImage_location, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR );
cvaPoint resultPoint;
resultPoint.x = -1;
resultPoint.y = -1;
/* Make sure we have a good image */
if ( subImage == 0 )
/* Return error */
return resultPoint;
resultPoint = matchSubImage_X11_center( displayLocation, subImage, searchMethod, tolerance );
/* Free up the memory we created */
cvReleaseImage( &subImage );
/* Our resultPoint will already be bad if there's no match,
* we don't need to worry about setting it. */
return resultPoint;
} /* ----- end of function matchSubImage_X11_location_center ----- */