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synced 2025-03-09 05:11:35 -04:00

--User Changes Size is no longer fixed to the window size. Size scaling is done differently in the final render dialog. This fixes several bugs. Remove Xml saving size from settings and options dialog, it no longer applies. Final render can be broken into strips. Set default save path to the desktop if none is found in the settings file. Set default output size to 1920x1080 if none is found in the settings file. --Bug Fixes Better memory size reporting in final render dialog. --Code Changes Migrate to C++11, Qt 5.3.1, and Visual Studio 2013. Change most instances of unsigned int to size_t, and int to intmax_t. Add m_OrigPixPerUnit and m_ScaleType to Ember for scaling purposes. Replace some sprintf_s() calls in XmlToEmber with ostringstream. Move more non-templated members into RendererBase. Add CopyVec() overload that takes a per element function pointer. Add vector Memset(). Replace '&' with '+' instead of "&" in XmlToEmber for much faster parsing. Break strips rendering out into EmberCommon and call from EmberRender and Fractorium. Make AddAndWriteBuffer() just call WriteBuffer(). Make AddAndWriteImage() delete the existing image first before replacing it. Add SetOutputTexture() to RendererCL to support making new textures in response to resize events. Remove multiple return statements in RendererCL, and replace with a bool that tracks results. Add ToDouble(), MakeEnd(), ToString() and Exists() wrappers in Fractorium. Add Size() wrapper in EmberFile. Make QString function arguments const QString&, and string with const string&. Make ShowCritical() wrapper for invoking a message box from another thread. Add combo box to TwoButtonWidget and rename.
635 lines
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635 lines
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#include "EmberPch.h"
#include "RendererBase.h"
namespace EmberNs
/// <summary>
/// Constructor that sets default values.
/// The thread count is set to the number of cores detected on the system.
/// </summary>
m_Abort = false;
m_LockAccum = false;
m_EarlyClip = false;
m_YAxisUp = false;
m_InsertPalette = false;
m_ReclaimOnResize = false;
m_SubBatchSize = 1024 * 10;
m_NumChannels = 3;
m_BytesPerChannel = 1;
m_SuperSize = 0;
m_Transparency = false;
m_Callback = nullptr;
m_ProgressParameter = nullptr;
m_LastPass = 0;
m_LastTemporalSample = 0;
m_LastIter = 0;
m_LastIterPercent = 0;
m_InteractiveFilter = FILTER_LOG;
m_ProcessState = NONE;
m_ProcessAction = FULL_RENDER;
m_InRender = false;
m_InFinalAccum = false;
/// <summary>
/// Non-virtual processing functions.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Abort the render and call a function to do something, most likely change a value.
/// Then update the current process action to the one specified.
/// The current process action will only be set if it makes sense based
/// on the current process state. If the value specified doesn't make sense
/// the next best choice will be made. If nothing makes sense, a complete
/// re-render will be triggered on the next call to Run().
/// </summary>
/// <param name="func">The function to execute</param>
/// <param name="action">The desired process action</param>
void RendererBase::ChangeVal(std::function<void(void)> func, eProcessAction action)
//If they want a full render, don't bother inspecting process state, just start over.
if (action == FULL_RENDER)
m_ProcessState = NONE;
m_ProcessAction = FULL_RENDER;
//Keep iterating is when rendering has completed and the user increases the quality.
//Rendering can be started where it left off by adding just the difference between the
//new and old quality values.
else if (action == KEEP_ITERATING)
if (m_ProcessState == ACCUM_DONE && TemporalSamples() == 1 && Passes() == 1)
m_ProcessState = ITER_STARTED;
m_ProcessAction = KEEP_ITERATING;
else//Invaid process state to handle KEEP_ITERATING, so just start over.
m_ProcessState = NONE;
m_ProcessAction = FULL_RENDER;
else if (action == FILTER_AND_ACCUM)
//If in the middle of a render, cannot skip to filtering or accum, so just start over.
if (m_ProcessState == NONE || m_ProcessState == ITER_STARTED)
m_ProcessState = NONE;
m_ProcessAction = FULL_RENDER;
//If passes == 1, set the state to ITER_DONE and the next process action to FILTER_AND_ACCUM.
m_ProcessState = Passes() == 1 ? ITER_DONE : NONE;
m_ProcessAction = Passes() == 1 ? FILTER_AND_ACCUM : FULL_RENDER;//Cannot just filter if passes > 1 because filtering is done with each pass.
//Run accum only.
else if (action == ACCUM_ONLY)
//Doesn't make sense if in the middle of iterating, so just start over.
if (m_ProcessState == NONE || m_ProcessState == ITER_STARTED)
m_ProcessAction = FULL_RENDER;
else if (m_ProcessState == ITER_DONE)//If iterating is done, can start at density filtering and proceed.
m_ProcessAction = FILTER_AND_ACCUM;
else if (m_ProcessState == FILTER_DONE)//Density filtering is done, so the process action is assigned as desired.
m_ProcessAction = ACCUM_ONLY;
else if (m_ProcessState == ACCUM_DONE)//Final accum is done, so back up and run final accum again.
m_ProcessState = FILTER_DONE;
m_ProcessAction = ACCUM_ONLY;
/// <summary>
/// Return the amount of memory needed to render the current ember.
/// Optionally include the memory needed for the final output image.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="includeFinal">If true include the memory needed for the final output image, else don't.</param>
/// <returns>The memory required to render the current ember</returns>
size_t RendererBase::MemoryRequired(size_t strips, bool includeFinal)
bool newFilterAlloc = false;
//Because ComputeBounds() was called, this includes gutter.
size_t histSize = (SuperSize() * HistBucketSize()) / strips;
return (histSize * 2) + (includeFinal ? FinalBufferSize() : 0);//Multiply hist by 2 to account for the density filtering buffer which is the same size as the histogram.
/// <summary>
/// Get a copy of the vector of random contexts.
/// Useful for debugging because the returned vector can be used for future renders to
/// produce the exact same output.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The vector of random contexts to assign</returns>
vector<QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>> RendererBase::RandVec() { return m_Rand; }
/// <summary>
/// Set the vector of random contexts.
/// Assignment will only take place if the size of the vector matches
/// the number of threads used for rendering.
/// Reset the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="randVec">The vector of random contexts to assign</param>
/// <returns>True if the size of the vector matched the number of threads used for rendering, else false.</returns>
bool RendererBase::RandVec(vector<QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>>& randVec)
bool b = false;
if (randVec.size() == ThreadCount())
m_Rand = randVec;
b = true;
return b;
/// <summary>
/// Resize the passed in vector to be large enough to handle the output image.
/// If m_ReclaimOnResize is true, and the vector is already larger than needed,
/// it will be shrunk to the needed size. However if m_ReclaimOnResize is false,
/// it will be left alone if already large enough.
/// ComputeBounds() must be called before calling this function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pixels">The vector to allocate</param>
/// <returns>True if the vector contains enough space to hold the output image</returns>
bool RendererBase::PrepFinalAccumVector(vector<unsigned char>& pixels)
size_t size = FinalBufferSize();
if (m_ReclaimOnResize)
if (pixels.size() != size)
if (pixels.size() < size)
return pixels.size() >= size;//Ensure allocation went ok.
/// <summary>
/// Virtual processing functions.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Get a status indicating whether this renderer is ok.
/// Return true for this class, derived classes will inspect GPU hardware
/// to determine if they are ok.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Always true for this class</returns>
bool RendererBase::Ok() const
return true;
/// <summary>
/// The amount of RAM available to render with.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>An unsigned 64-bit integer specifying how much memory is available</returns>
size_t RendererBase::MemoryAvailable()
size_t memAvailable = 0;
#ifdef WIN32
stat.dwLength = sizeof(stat);
memAvailable = stat.ullTotalPhys;
#elif defined(_SC_PHYS_PAGES) && defined(_SC_PAGESIZE)
memAvailable = sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES) * sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
#elif defined __APPLE__
#ifdef __LP64__
long physmem;
size_t len = sizeof(physmem);
static int mib[2] = { CTL_HW, HW_MEMSIZE };
size_t physmem;
size_t len = sizeof(physmem);
static int mib[2] = { CTL_HW, HW_PHYSMEM };
if (sysctl(mib, 2, &physmem, &len, nullptr, 0) == 0 && len == sizeof(physmem))
memAvailable = physmem;
cout << "Warning: unable to determine physical memory." << endl;
memAvailable = 4e9;
cout << "Warning: unable to determine physical memory." << endl;
memAvailable = 4e9;
return memAvailable;
/// <summary>
/// Non-virtual renderer properties, getters only.
/// </summary>
size_t RendererBase::SuperRasW() const { return m_SuperRasW; }
size_t RendererBase::SuperRasH() const { return m_SuperRasH; }
size_t RendererBase::SuperSize() const { return m_SuperSize; }
size_t RendererBase::FinalRowSize() const { return FinalRasW() * PixelSize(); }
size_t RendererBase::FinalDimensions() const { return FinalRasW() * FinalRasH(); }
size_t RendererBase::FinalBufferSize() const { return FinalRowSize() * FinalRasH(); }
size_t RendererBase::PixelSize() const { return NumChannels() * BytesPerChannel(); }
size_t RendererBase::GutterWidth() const { return m_GutterWidth; }
size_t RendererBase::DensityFilterOffset() const { return m_DensityFilterOffset; }
size_t RendererBase::TotalIterCount() const { return (size_t)((size_t)Round(ScaledQuality()) * FinalRasW() * FinalRasH()); }//Use Round() because there can be some roundoff error when interpolating.
size_t RendererBase::ItersPerTemporalSample() const { return (size_t)ceil(double(TotalIterCount()) / double(Passes() * TemporalSamples())); }
eProcessState RendererBase::ProcessState() const { return m_ProcessState; }
eProcessAction RendererBase::ProcessAction() const { return m_ProcessAction; }
EmberStats RendererBase::Stats() const { return m_Stats; }
/// <summary>
/// Non-virtual render properties, getters and setters.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Get whether the histogram is locked during accumulation.
/// This is to prevent two threads from writing to the same histogram
/// bucket at once.
/// The current implementation matches flam3 and is very innefficient
/// to the point of negating any gains gotten from multi-threading.
/// Future workarounds may be tried in the future.
/// Default: false.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the histogram is locked during accumulation, else false.</returns>
bool RendererBase::LockAccum() const { return m_LockAccum; }
/// <summary>
/// Set whether the histogram is locked during accumulation.
/// This is to prevent two threads from writing to the same histogram
/// bucket at once.
/// The current implementation matches flam3 and is very innefficient
/// to the point of negating any gains gotten from multi-threading.
/// Different workarounds may be tried in the future.
/// Reset the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lockAccum">True if the histogram should be locked when accumulating, else false</param>
void RendererBase::LockAccum(bool lockAccum)
ChangeVal([&] { m_LockAccum = lockAccum; }, FULL_RENDER);
/// <summary>
/// Get whether color clipping and gamma correction is done before
/// or after spatial filtering.
/// Default: false.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if early clip, else false.</returns>
bool RendererBase::EarlyClip() const { return m_EarlyClip; }
/// <summary>
/// Set whether color clipping and gamma correction is done before
/// or after spatial filtering.
/// Set the render state to FILTER_AND_ACCUM.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="earlyClip">True if early clip, else false.</param>
void RendererBase::EarlyClip(bool earlyClip)
ChangeVal([&] { m_EarlyClip = earlyClip; }, FILTER_AND_ACCUM);
/// <summary>
/// Get whether the positive Y coordinate of the final output image is up.
/// Default: false.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if up, else false.</returns>
bool RendererBase::YAxisUp() const { return m_YAxisUp; }
/// <summary>
/// Set whether the positive Y axis of the final output image is up.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="yup">True if the positive y axis is up, else false.</param>
void RendererBase::YAxisUp(bool yup)
ChangeVal([&] { m_YAxisUp = yup; }, ACCUM_ONLY);
/// <summary>
/// Get whether to insert the palette as a block of colors in the final output image.
/// This is useful for debugging palette issues.
/// Default: 1.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if inserting the palette, else false.</returns>
bool RendererBase::InsertPalette() const { return m_InsertPalette; }
/// <summary>
/// Set whether to insert the palette as a block of colors in the final output image.
/// This is useful for debugging palette issues.
/// Set the render state to ACCUM_ONLY.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="insertPalette">True if inserting the palette, else false.</param>
void RendererBase::InsertPalette(bool insertPalette)
ChangeVal([&] { m_InsertPalette = insertPalette; }, ACCUM_ONLY);
/// <summary>
/// Get whether to reclaim unused memory in the final output buffer
/// when a smaller size is requested than has been previously allocated.
/// Default: false.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if reclaim, else false.</returns>
bool RendererBase::ReclaimOnResize() const { return m_ReclaimOnResize; }
/// <summary>
/// Set whether to reclaim unused memory in the final output buffer
/// when a smaller size is requested than has been previously allocated.
/// Reset the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reclaimOnResize">True if reclaim, else false.</param>
void RendererBase::ReclaimOnResize(bool reclaimOnResize)
ChangeVal([&] { m_ReclaimOnResize = reclaimOnResize; }, FULL_RENDER);
/// <summary>
/// Get whether to use transparency in the alpha channel.
/// This only applies when the number of channels is 4 and the output
/// image is Png.
/// Default: false.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if using transparency, else false.</returns>
bool RendererBase::Transparency() const { return m_Transparency; }
/// <summary>
/// Set whether to use transparency in the alpha channel.
/// This only applies when the number of channels is 4 and the output
/// image is Png.
/// Set the render state to ACCUM_ONLY.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="transparency">True if using transparency, else false.</param>
void RendererBase::Transparency(bool transparency)
ChangeVal([&] { m_Transparency = transparency; }, ACCUM_ONLY);
/// <summary>
/// Set the sub batch size. This is the size of of the chunks that the iteration
/// trajectory will be broken up into.
/// Reset the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sbs">The sub batch size to set</param>
void RendererBase::SubBatchSize(size_t sbs)
ChangeVal([&] { m_SubBatchSize = sbs; }, FULL_RENDER);
/// <summary>
/// Set the callback object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="callback">The callback object to set</param>
void RendererBase::Callback(RenderCallback* callback)
m_Callback = callback;
/// <summary>
/// Set the number of threads to use when rendering.
/// This will also reset the vector of random contexts to be the same size
/// as the number of specified threads.
/// Since this is where they get set up, the caller can optionally pass in
/// a seed string, however it's only used if threads is 1.
/// This is useful for debugging since it will run the same point trajectory
/// every time.
/// Reset the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="threads">The number of threads to use</param>
/// <param name="seedString">The seed string to use if threads is 1. Default: nullptr.</param>
void RendererBase::ThreadCount(size_t threads, const char* seedString)
Timing t;
size_t i, size;
const size_t isaacSize = 1 << ISAAC_SIZE;
ISAAC_INT seeds[isaacSize];
m_ThreadsToUse = threads > 0 ? threads : 1;
if (seedString)
memset(seeds, 0, isaacSize * sizeof(ISAAC_INT));
memcpy((char*)seeds, seedString, min(strlen(seedString), isaacSize * sizeof(ISAAC_INT)));
//This is critical for multithreading, otherwise the threads all happen
//too close to each other in time, resulting in bad randomization.
while (m_Rand.size() < m_ThreadsToUse)
size = m_Rand.size();
if (seedString)
ISAAC_INT newSize = (ISAAC_INT)(size + 5 + (t.Toc() + t.EndTime()));
QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT> isaac(0, 0, 0, seeds);
QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT> isaac(newSize, newSize * 2, newSize * 3, seeds);
for (i = 0; i < (isaacSize * sizeof(ISAAC_INT)); i++)
((unsigned char*)seeds)[i]++;
for (i = 0; i < isaacSize; i++)
seeds[i] = (ISAAC_INT)((t.EndTime() * i) + (size + 1));
ISAAC_INT r = (ISAAC_INT)((size * i) + i + t.EndTime());
QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT> isaac(r, r * 2, r * 3, seeds);
/// <summary>
/// Get the bytes per channel of the output image.
/// The only acceptable values are 1 and 2, and 2 is only
/// used when the output is Png.
/// Default: 1.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
size_t RendererBase::BytesPerChannel() const { return m_BytesPerChannel; }
/// <summary>
/// Set the bytes per channel of the output image.
/// The only acceptable values are 1 and 2, and 2 is only
/// used when the output is Png.
/// Set the render state to ACCUM_ONLY.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bytesPerChannel">The bytes per channel.</param>
void RendererBase::BytesPerChannel(size_t bytesPerChannel)
if (bytesPerChannel == 0 || bytesPerChannel > 2)
m_BytesPerChannel = 1;
m_BytesPerChannel = bytesPerChannel;
/// <summary>
/// Get the number of channels per pixel in the output image. 3 for RGB images
/// like Bitmap and Jpeg, 4 for Png.
/// Default is 3.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The number of channels per pixel in the output image</returns>
size_t RendererBase::NumChannels() const { return m_NumChannels; }
/// <summary>
/// Get the type of filter to use for preview renders during interactive rendering.
/// Using basic log scaling is quicker, but doesn't provide any bluring.
/// Full DE is much slower, but provides a more realistic preview of what the final image
/// will look like.
/// Default: FILTER_LOG.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The type of filter to use</returns>
eInteractiveFilter RendererBase::InteractiveFilter() const { return m_InteractiveFilter; }
/// <summary>
/// Set the type of filter to use for preview renders during interactive rendering.
/// Using basic log scaling is quicker, but doesn't provide any bluring.
/// Full DE is much slower, but provides a more realistic preview of what the final image
/// will look like.
/// Reset the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filter">The filter.</param>
void RendererBase::InteractiveFilter(eInteractiveFilter filter)
ChangeVal([&] { m_InteractiveFilter = filter; }, FULL_RENDER);
/// <summary>
/// Virtual render properties, getters and setters.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Set the number of channels per pixel in the output image. 3 for RGB images
/// like Bitmap and Jpeg, 4 for Png.
/// Default is 3.
/// Set the render state to ACCUM_ONLY.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="numChannels">The number of channels per pixel in the output image</param>
void RendererBase::NumChannels(size_t numChannels)
ChangeVal([&] { m_NumChannels = numChannels; }, ACCUM_ONLY);
/// <summary>
/// Get the number of threads used when rendering.
/// Default: use all avaliable cores.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The number of threads used when rendering</returns>
size_t RendererBase::ThreadCount() const { return m_ThreadsToUse; }
/// <summary>
/// Get the sub batch size. This is the size of of the chunks that the iteration
/// trajectory will be broken up into.
/// Default: 10k.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The sub batch size</returns>
size_t RendererBase::SubBatchSize() const { return m_SubBatchSize; }
/// <summary>
/// Get the renderer type enum.
/// CPU_RENDERER for this class, other values for derived classes.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>CPU_RENDERER</returns>
eRendererType RendererBase::RendererType() const { return CPU_RENDERER; }
/// <summary>
/// //Non-virtual threading control.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Stop rendering, ensure all locks are exited and reset the rendering state.
/// </summary>
void RendererBase::Reset()
m_ProcessState = NONE;
m_ProcessAction = FULL_RENDER;
void RendererBase::EnterRender() { m_RenderingCs.Enter(); }
void RendererBase::LeaveRender() { m_RenderingCs.Leave(); }
void RendererBase::EnterFinalAccum() { m_FinalAccumCs.Enter(); m_InFinalAccum = true; }
void RendererBase::LeaveFinalAccum() { m_FinalAccumCs.Leave(); m_InFinalAccum = false; }
void RendererBase::EnterResize() { m_ResizeCs.Enter(); }
void RendererBase::LeaveResize() { m_ResizeCs.Leave(); }
void RendererBase::Abort() { m_Abort = true; }
bool RendererBase::Aborted() { return m_Abort; }
bool RendererBase::InRender() { return m_InRender; }
bool RendererBase::InFinalAccum() { return m_InFinalAccum; }
} |