mfeemster 04e72c27de --User changes
-Add a new dialog for editing QSS stylesheets. Allow for saving, reloading and setting styles as default.
  --Include a dark style with the installation called dark.qss.
  --Also add support for themes such as Fusion.
  --Resize some controls to better fit with the new style.
 -Add an option to specify the number of random embers generated on startup. 1 is the minimum and the default.

--Bug fixes
 -Properly enable/disable thread priority label in final render dialog in response to enable/disable of the OpenCL checkbox.
 -Remove all inline stylesheets.
 -Show xaos spinners with 6 decimal places.

--Code changes
 -Remove redundant comparisons to nullptr, use ! instead;
 -Give some controls valid names instead of the auto generated ones.
 -DoubleSpinBoxTableItemDelegate.h: Add virtual keyword to overridden functions.
2015-10-26 21:31:35 -07:00

163 lines
4.1 KiB

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