mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 23:31:35 -04:00

-Highlight power is now on by default. -Allow for adjustments on the Flame tab to apply to all open flames in the file. -Add two new buttons to the color tab to randomize and toggle the xform color indices. -Remove the --strip option from EmberGenome. It was useless and was likely just a carry over from flam3 during its early debugging stages when testing strips. -Make randoms in EmberGenome have default dimensions of 1920 x 1080. -Prevent --inter and --rotate in EmberGenome from rotating backward before the first flame since it doesn't really make sense. -Ensure every loaded flame has at least one xform in it. -Change dark.qss to hide dotted selection outline around checkboxes. Users must reload it to take effect. --Bug fixes -The saving of last.flame during editing was appending the file when it should have been replacing. -It was impossible for EmberGenome to create a random flame. It can now be done by specifying no arguments: EmberGenome.exe -Crossing in EmberGenome was not logging the performed actions to the edit Xml tag. -Apply sub batch size and fuse count to template files used on the command line. -Use new default filter types with template files. --Code changes -Use cerr in SheepTools instead of cout. -Set m_SubBatchSize and m_FuseCount to default values in Ember::Clear(). -Clean up some command line options text formatting.
395 lines
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395 lines
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#include "FractoriumPch.h"
#include "FractoriumEmberController.h"
#include "Fractorium.h"
#include "GLEmberController.h"
/// <summary>
/// Constructor which initializes the non-templated members contained in this class.
/// The renderer, other templated members and GUI setup will be done in the templated derived controller class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fractorium">Pointer to the main window.</param>
FractoriumEmberControllerBase::FractoriumEmberControllerBase(Fractorium* fractorium)
Timing t;
m_Fractorium = fractorium;
m_Rand = QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>(ISAAC_INT(t.Tic()), ISAAC_INT(t.Tic() * 2), ISAAC_INT(t.Tic() * 3));//Ensure a different rand seed on each instance.
m_RenderTimer = make_unique<QTimer>(m_Fractorium);
m_Fractorium->connect(m_RenderTimer.get(), SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(IdleTimer()));
m_RenderRestartTimer = make_unique<QTimer>(m_Fractorium);
m_Fractorium->connect(m_RenderRestartTimer.get(), SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(StartRenderTimer()));
/// <summary>
/// Destructor which stops rendering and deletes the timers.
/// All other memory is cleared automatically through the use of STL.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Constructor which passes the main window parameter to the base, initializes the templated members contained in this class.
/// Then sets up the parts of the GUI that require templated Widgets, such as the variations tree and the palette table.
/// Note the renderer is not setup here automatically. Instead, it must be manually created by the caller later.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fractorium">Pointer to the main window.</param>
template <typename T>
FractoriumEmberController<T>::FractoriumEmberController(Fractorium* fractorium)
: FractoriumEmberControllerBase(fractorium),
bool b = false;
m_GLController = make_unique<GLEmberController<T>>(fractorium, fractorium->ui.GLDisplay, this);
//Initial combo change event to fill the palette table will be called automatically later.
//Look hard for a palette.
static vector<string> paths =
QString(QDir::homePath() + "/.config/fractorium").toLocal8Bit().data(),
for (auto& path : paths)
if (b = InitPaletteList(path))
m_SheepTools = make_unique<SheepTools<T, float>>(m_PaletteList.Name(0), new EmberNs::Renderer<T, float>());
if (!b)
throw "No palettes found, exiting.";
BackgroundChanged(QColor(0, 0, 0));//Default to black.
m_PreviewRenderer->SetEmber(m_Ember);//Give it an initial ember, will be updated many times later.
//m_PreviewRenderer->ThreadCount(1);//For debugging.
m_PreviewRenderFunc = [&](uint start, uint end)
while (m_PreviewRun || m_PreviewRunning)
m_PreviewRun = true;
m_PreviewRunning = true;
m_PreviewRenderer->ThreadCount(std::max(1u, Timing::ProcessorCount() - 1));//Leave one processor free so the GUI can breathe.
auto tree = m_Fractorium->ui.LibraryTree;
if (auto top = tree->topLevelItem(0))
size_t i = start;
for (auto b = Advance(m_EmberFile.m_Embers.begin(), start); m_PreviewRun && i < end && b != m_EmberFile.m_Embers.end(); ++b, ++i)
Ember<T> ember = *b;
ember.SetSizeAndAdjustScale(PREVIEW_SIZE, PREVIEW_SIZE, false, eScaleType::SCALE_WIDTH);
ember.m_TemporalSamples = 1;
ember.m_Quality = 25;
ember.m_Supersample = 1;
if (m_PreviewRenderer->Run(m_PreviewFinalImage) == eRenderStatus::RENDER_OK)
if (auto treeItem = dynamic_cast<EmberTreeWidgetItem<T>*>(top->child(int(i))))
//It is critical that Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection is passed because this is running on a different thread than the UI.
//This ensures the events are processed in order as each preview is updated, and that control does not return here
//until the update is complete.
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_Fractorium, "SetLibraryTreeItemData", Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection,
Q_ARG(EmberTreeWidgetItemBase*, dynamic_cast<EmberTreeWidgetItemBase*>(treeItem)),
Q_ARG(vector<byte>&, m_PreviewFinalImage),
m_PreviewRun = false;
m_PreviewRunning = false;
/// <summary>
/// Empty destructor that does nothing.
/// </summary>
template <typename T>
FractoriumEmberController<T>::~FractoriumEmberController() { }
/// <summary>
/// Setters for embers, ember files and palettes which convert between float and double types.
/// These are used to preserve the current ember/file when switching between renderers.
/// Note that some precision will be lost when going from double to float.
/// </summary>
template <typename T> void FractoriumEmberController<T>::SetEmber(const Ember<float>& ember, bool verbatim, bool updatePointer) { SetEmberPrivate<float>(ember, verbatim, updatePointer); }
template <typename T> void FractoriumEmberController<T>::CopyEmber(Ember<float>& ember, std::function<void(Ember<float>& ember)> perEmberOperation) { ember = m_Ember; perEmberOperation(ember); }
template <typename T> void FractoriumEmberController<T>::SetEmberFile(const EmberFile<float>& emberFile) { m_EmberFile = emberFile; }
template <typename T> void FractoriumEmberController<T>::CopyEmberFile(EmberFile<float>& emberFile, std::function<void(Ember<float>& ember)> perEmberOperation)
emberFile.m_Filename = m_EmberFile.m_Filename;
CopyCont(emberFile.m_Embers, m_EmberFile.m_Embers, perEmberOperation);
template <typename T> void FractoriumEmberController<T>::SetTempPalette(const Palette<float>& palette) { m_TempPalette = palette; }
template <typename T> void FractoriumEmberController<T>::CopyTempPalette(Palette<float>& palette) { palette = m_TempPalette; }
#ifdef DO_DOUBLE
template <typename T> void FractoriumEmberController<T>::SetEmber(const Ember<double>& ember, bool verbatim, bool updatePointer) { SetEmberPrivate<double>(ember, verbatim, updatePointer); }
template <typename T> void FractoriumEmberController<T>::CopyEmber(Ember<double>& ember, std::function<void(Ember<double>& ember)> perEmberOperation) { ember = m_Ember; perEmberOperation(ember); }
template <typename T> void FractoriumEmberController<T>::SetEmberFile(const EmberFile<double>& emberFile) { m_EmberFile = emberFile; }
template <typename T> void FractoriumEmberController<T>::CopyEmberFile(EmberFile<double>& emberFile, std::function<void(Ember<double>& ember)> perEmberOperation)
emberFile.m_Filename = m_EmberFile.m_Filename;
CopyCont(emberFile.m_Embers, m_EmberFile.m_Embers, perEmberOperation);
template <typename T> void FractoriumEmberController<T>::SetTempPalette(const Palette<double>& palette) { m_TempPalette = palette; }
template <typename T> void FractoriumEmberController<T>::CopyTempPalette(Palette<double>& palette) { palette = m_TempPalette; }
template <typename T> Ember<T>* FractoriumEmberController<T>::CurrentEmber() { return &m_Ember; }
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::ConstrainDimensions(Ember<T>& ember)
ember.m_FinalRasW = std::min<int>(m_Fractorium->ui.GLDisplay->MaxTexSize(), int(ember.m_FinalRasW));
ember.m_FinalRasH = std::min<int>(m_Fractorium->ui.GLDisplay->MaxTexSize(), int(ember.m_FinalRasH));
/// <summary>
/// Set the ember at the specified index from the currently opened file as the current Ember.
/// Clears the undo state.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The index in the file from which to retrieve the ember</param>
/// <param name="verbatim">If true, do not overwrite temporal samples, quality or supersample value, else overwrite.</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::SetEmber(size_t index, bool verbatim)
if (index < m_EmberFile.Size())
if (auto top = m_Fractorium->ui.LibraryTree->topLevelItem(0))
for (int i = 0; i < top->childCount(); i++)
if (auto emberItem = dynamic_cast<EmberTreeWidgetItem<T>*>(top->child(i)))
emberItem->setSelected(i == index);
SetEmber(*m_EmberFile.Get(index), verbatim, true);
/// <summary>
/// Wrapper to call a function, then optionally add the requested action to the rendering queue.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="func">The function to call</param>
/// <param name="updateRender">True to update renderer, else false. Default: true.</param>
/// <param name="action">The action to add to the rendering queue. Default: eProcessAction::FULL_RENDER.</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::Update(std::function<void(void)> func, bool updateRender, eProcessAction action)
if (updateRender)
/// <summary>
/// Wrapper to call a function on the current ember and optionally all other embers in the file.
/// Then optionally add the requested action to the rendering queue.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="func">The function to call</param>
/// <param name="updateRender">True to update renderer, else false. Default: true.</param>
/// <param name="action">The action to add to the rendering queue. Default: eProcessAction::FULL_RENDER.</param>
/// <param name="applyAll">True to apply the action to all embers in the file in addition to the curent one, false to apply the action only to the current one.</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::UpdateAll(std::function<void(Ember<T>& ember)> func, bool updateRender, eProcessAction action, bool applyAll)
if (applyAll)
for (auto& it : m_EmberFile.m_Embers)
if (updateRender)
/// <summary>
/// Wrapper to call a function on the specified xforms, then optionally add the requested action to the rendering queue.
/// If no xforms are selected via the checkboxes, and the update type is UPDATE_SELECTED, then the function will be called only on the currently selected xform.
/// If the update type is UPDATE_CURRENT_AND_SELECTED, and the current is not among those selected, then the function will be called on the currently selected xform as well.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="func">The function to call</param>
/// <param name="updateType">Whether to apply this update operation on the current, all or selected xforms. Default: eXformUpdate::UPDATE_CURRENT.</param>
/// <param name="updateRender">True to update renderer, else false. Default: true.</param>
/// <param name="action">The action to add to the rendering queue. Default: eProcessAction::FULL_RENDER.</param>
template <typename T>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::UpdateXform(std::function<void(Xform<T>*)> func, eXformUpdate updateType, bool updateRender, eProcessAction action)
int i = 0;
bool isCurrentFinal = m_Ember.IsFinalXform(CurrentXform());
bool doFinal = updateType != eXformUpdate::UPDATE_SELECTED_EXCEPT_FINAL && updateType != eXformUpdate::UPDATE_ALL_EXCEPT_FINAL;
switch (updateType)
case eXformUpdate::UPDATE_CURRENT:
if (auto xform = CurrentXform())
bool currentDone = false;
auto current = CurrentXform();
while (auto xform = m_Ember.GetTotalXform(i))
if (auto child = m_Fractorium->m_XformsSelectionLayout->itemAt(i))
if (auto w = qobject_cast<QCheckBox*>(child->widget()))
if (w->isChecked())
if (xform == current)
currentDone = true;
if (!currentDone)//Current was not among those selected, so apply to it.
case eXformUpdate::UPDATE_SELECTED:
bool anyUpdated = false;
while (auto xform = (doFinal ? m_Ember.GetTotalXform(i) : m_Ember.GetXform(i)))
if (auto child = m_Fractorium->m_XformsSelectionLayout->itemAt(i))
if (auto w = qobject_cast<QCheckBox*>(child->widget()))
if (w->isChecked())
anyUpdated = true;
if (!anyUpdated)//None were selected, so just apply to the current.
if (doFinal || !isCurrentFinal)//If do final, call func regardless. If not, only call if current is not final.
if (auto xform = CurrentXform())
case eXformUpdate::UPDATE_ALL:
while (auto xform = m_Ember.GetTotalXform(i++))
while (auto xform = m_Ember.GetXform(i++))
if (updateRender)
/// <summary>
/// Set the current ember, but use GUI values for the fields which make sense to
/// keep the same between ember selection changes.
/// Note the extra template parameter U allows for assigning ember of different types.
/// Resets the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ember">The ember to set as the current</param>
/// <param name="verbatim">If true, do not overwrite temporal samples, quality or supersample value, else overwrite.</param>
/// <param name="updatePointer">If true, update the current ember pointer to the address of the one passed in.</param>
template <typename T>
template <typename U>
void FractoriumEmberController<T>::SetEmberPrivate(const Ember<U>& ember, bool verbatim, bool updatePointer)
if (ember.m_Name != m_Ember.m_Name)
m_LastSaveCurrent = "";
size_t w = m_Ember.m_FinalRasW;//Cache values for use below.
size_t h = m_Ember.m_FinalRasH;
m_Ember = ember;
if (updatePointer)
m_EmberFilePointer = &ember;
if (!verbatim)
m_Ember.m_TemporalSamples = 1;//Change once animation is supported.
m_Ember.m_Quality = m_Fractorium->m_QualitySpin->value();
m_Ember.m_Supersample = m_Fractorium->m_SupersampleSpin->value();
static EmberToXml<T> writer;//Save parameters of last full render just in case there is a crash.
#ifdef _WIN32
string filename = "last.flame";
QDir dir(QDir::homePath() + "/.config/fractorium");
if (!dir.exists())
string filename = QDir::homePath().toStdString() + "/.config/fractorium/last.flame";
writer.Save(filename.c_str(), m_Ember, 0, true, true, false, true, true);
FillXforms();//Must do this first because the palette setup in FillParamTablesAndPalette() uses the xforms combo.
//If a resize happened, this won't do anything because the new size is not reflected in the scroll area yet.
//However, it will have been taken care of in SyncSizes() in that case, so it's ok.
//This is for when a new ember with the same size was loaded. If it was larger than the scroll area, and was scrolled, re-center it.
if (m_Ember.m_FinalRasW == w && m_Ember.m_FinalRasH == h)
template class FractoriumEmberController<float>;
#ifdef DO_DOUBLE
template class FractoriumEmberController<double>;