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#include "EmberPch.h"
#include "Renderer.h"
namespace EmberNs
/// <summary>
/// Constructor that sets default values and allocates iterators.
/// The thread count is set to the number of cores detected on the system.
/// </summary>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
Renderer<T, bucketT>::Renderer()
m_Abort = false;
m_LockAccum = false;
m_EarlyClip = false;
m_InsertPalette = false;
m_ReclaimOnResize = false;
m_SubBatchSize = 1024 * 10;
m_NumChannels = 3;
m_BytesPerChannel = 1;
m_SuperSize = 0;
m_PixelAspectRatio = 1;
m_Transparency = false;
m_StandardIterator = auto_ptr<StandardIterator<T>>(new StandardIterator<T>());
m_XaosIterator = auto_ptr<XaosIterator<T>>(new XaosIterator<T>());
m_Iterator = m_StandardIterator.get();
m_Callback = NULL;
m_ProgressParameter = NULL;
m_LastPass = 0;
m_LastTemporalSample = 0;
m_LastIter = 0;
m_LastIterPercent = 0;
m_InteractiveFilter = FILTER_LOG;
m_ProcessState = NONE;
m_ProcessAction = FULL_RENDER;
m_InRender = false;
m_InFinalAccum = false;
/// <summary>
/// Virtual destructor so derived class destructors get called.
/// </summary>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
Renderer<T, bucketT>::~Renderer()
/// <summary>
/// Compute the bounds of the histogram and density filtering buffers.
/// These are affected by the final requested dimensions, spatial and density
/// filter sizes and supersampling.
/// </summary>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::ComputeBounds()
unsigned int maxDEFilterWidth = 0;
m_GutterWidth = ClampGte((m_SpatialFilter->FinalFilterWidth() - Supersample()) / 2, 0u);
//Check the size of the density estimation filter.
//If the radius of the density estimation filter is greater than the
//gutter width, have to pad with more. Otherwise, use the same value.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Embers.size(); i++)
maxDEFilterWidth = max((unsigned int)(ceil(m_Embers[i].m_MaxRadDE) * m_Ember.m_Supersample), maxDEFilterWidth);
//Need an extra ss = (int)floor(m_Supersample / 2.0) of pixels so that a local iteration count for DE can be determined.//SMOULDER
if (maxDEFilterWidth > 0)
maxDEFilterWidth += (unsigned int)Floor<T>(m_Ember.m_Supersample / T(2));
//To have a fully present set of pixels for the spatial filter, must
//add the DE filter width to the spatial filter width.//SMOULDER
m_DensityFilterOffset = maxDEFilterWidth;
m_GutterWidth += m_DensityFilterOffset;
m_SuperRasW = (Supersample() * FinalRasW()) + (2 * m_GutterWidth);
m_SuperRasH = (Supersample() * FinalRasH()) + (2 * m_GutterWidth);
m_SuperSize = m_SuperRasW * m_SuperRasH;
/// <summary>
/// Compute the camera.
/// This sets up the bounds of the cartesian plane that the raster bounds correspond to.
/// This must be called after ComputeBounds() which sets up the raster bounds.
/// </summary>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::ComputeCamera()
m_Scale = pow(T(2.0), Zoom());
m_ScaledQuality = Quality() * m_Scale * m_Scale;
m_PixelsPerUnitX = PixelsPerUnit() * m_Scale;
m_PixelsPerUnitY = m_PixelsPerUnitX;
m_PixelsPerUnitX /= PixelAspectRatio();
T shift = 0;
T t0 = T(m_GutterWidth) / (Supersample() * m_PixelsPerUnitX);
T t1 = T(m_GutterWidth) / (Supersample() * m_PixelsPerUnitY);
//These go from ll to ur, moving from negative to positive.
m_LowerLeftX = CenterX() - FinalRasW() / m_PixelsPerUnitX / T(2.0);
m_LowerLeftY = CenterY() - FinalRasH() / m_PixelsPerUnitY / T(2.0);
m_UpperRightX = m_LowerLeftX + FinalRasW() / m_PixelsPerUnitX;
m_UpperRightY = m_LowerLeftY + FinalRasH() / m_PixelsPerUnitY;
T carLlX = m_LowerLeftX - t0;
T carLlY = m_LowerLeftY - t1 + shift;
T carUrX = m_UpperRightX + t0;
T carUrY = m_UpperRightY + t1 + shift;
m_CarToRas.Init(carLlX, carLlY, carUrX, carUrY, m_SuperRasW, m_SuperRasH, PixelAspectRatio());
/// <summary>
/// Abort the render and call a function to do something, most likely change a value.
/// Then update the current process action to the one specified.
/// The current process action will only be set if it makes sense based
/// on the current process state. If the value specified doesn't make sense
/// the next best choice will be made. If nothing makes sense, a complete
/// re-render will be triggered on the next call to Run().
/// </summary>
/// <param name="func">The function to execute</param>
/// <param name="action">The desired process action</param>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::ChangeVal(std::function<void (void)> func, eProcessAction action)
//If they want a full render, don't bother inspecting process state, just start over.
if (action == FULL_RENDER)
m_ProcessState = NONE;
m_ProcessAction = FULL_RENDER;
//Keep iterating is when rendering has completed and the user increases the quality.
//Rendering can be started where it left off by adding just the difference between the
//new and old quality values.
else if (action == KEEP_ITERATING)
if (m_ProcessState == ACCUM_DONE && TemporalSamples() == 1 && Passes() == 1)
m_ProcessState = ITER_STARTED;
m_ProcessAction = KEEP_ITERATING;
else//Invaid process state to handle KEEP_ITERATING, so just start over.
m_ProcessState = NONE;
m_ProcessAction = FULL_RENDER;
else if (action == FILTER_AND_ACCUM)
//If in the middle of a render, cannot skip to filtering or accum, so just start over.
if (m_ProcessState == NONE || m_ProcessState == ITER_STARTED)
m_ProcessState = NONE;
m_ProcessAction = FULL_RENDER;
//If passes == 1, set the state to ITER_DONE and the next process action to FILTER_AND_ACCUM.
m_ProcessState = Passes() == 1 ? ITER_DONE : NONE;
m_ProcessAction = Passes() == 1 ? FILTER_AND_ACCUM : FULL_RENDER;//Cannot just filter if passes > 1 because filtering is done with each pass.
//Run accum only.
else if (action == ACCUM_ONLY)
//Doesn't make sense if in the middle of iterating, so just start over.
if (m_ProcessState == NONE || m_ProcessState == ITER_STARTED)
m_ProcessAction = FULL_RENDER;
else if (m_ProcessState == ITER_DONE)//If iterating is done, can start at density filtering and proceed.
m_ProcessAction = FILTER_AND_ACCUM;
else if (m_ProcessState == FILTER_DONE)//Density filtering is done, so the process action is assigned as desired.
m_ProcessAction = ACCUM_ONLY;
else if (m_ProcessState == ACCUM_DONE)//Final accum is done, so back up and run final accum again.
m_ProcessState = FILTER_DONE;
m_ProcessAction = ACCUM_ONLY;
/// <summary>
/// Set the current ember.
/// This will also populate the vector of embers with a single element copy
/// of the ember passed in.
/// Temporal samples will be set to 1 since there's only a single ember.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ember">The ember to assign</param>
/// <param name="action">The requested process action. Note that it's critical the user supply the proper value here.
/// For example: Changing dimensions without setting action to FULL_RENDER will crash the program.
/// However, changing only the brightness and setting action to ACCUM_ONLY is perfectly fine.
/// </param>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::SetEmber(Ember<T>& ember, eProcessAction action)
m_Embers[0].m_TemporalSamples = 1;//Set temporal samples here to 1 because using the real value only makes sense when using a vector of Embers for animation.
m_Ember = m_Embers[0];
}, action);
/// <summary>
/// Set the vector of embers and set the m_Ember member to a copy of the first element.
/// Reset the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="embers">The vector of embers</param>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::SetEmber(vector<Ember<T>>& embers)
m_Embers = embers;
if (!m_Embers.empty())
m_Ember = m_Embers[0];
/// <summary>
/// Add an ember to the end of the embers vector and reset the rendering process.
/// Reset the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ember">The ember to add</param>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::AddEmber(Ember<T>& ember)
if (m_Embers.size() == 1)
m_Ember = m_Embers[0];
/// <summary>
/// Create the temporal filter if the current filter parameters differ
/// from the last temporal filter created.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newAlloc">True if a new filter instance was created, else false.</param>
/// <returns>True if the filter is not NULL (whether a new one was created or not), else false.</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
bool Renderer<T, bucketT>::CreateTemporalFilter(bool& newAlloc)
newAlloc = false;
//Use intelligent testing so it isn't created every time a new ember is passed in.
if ((m_TemporalFilter.get() == NULL) ||
(m_Ember.m_Passes != m_LastEmber.m_Passes) ||
(m_Ember.m_TemporalSamples != m_LastEmber.m_TemporalSamples) ||
(m_Ember.m_TemporalFilterType != m_TemporalFilter->FilterType()) ||
(m_Ember.m_TemporalFilterWidth != m_LastEmber.m_TemporalFilterWidth) ||
(m_Ember.m_TemporalFilterExp != m_LastEmber.m_TemporalFilterExp))
m_TemporalFilter = auto_ptr<TemporalFilter<T>>(
TemporalFilterCreator<T>::Create(m_Ember.m_TemporalFilterType, m_Ember.m_Passes, m_Ember.m_TemporalSamples, m_Ember.m_TemporalFilterWidth, m_Ember.m_TemporalFilterExp));
newAlloc = true;
return m_TemporalFilter.get() != NULL;
/// <summary>
/// Resize the passed in vector to be large enough to handle the output image.
/// If m_ReclaimOnResize is true, and the vector is already larger than needed,
/// it will be shrunk to the needed size. However if m_ReclaimOnResize is false,
/// it will be left alone if already large enough.
/// ComputeBounds() must be called before calling this function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pixels">The vector to allocate</param>
/// <returns>True if the vector contains enough space to hold the output image</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
bool Renderer<T, bucketT>::PrepFinalAccumVector(vector<unsigned char>& pixels)
size_t size = FinalBufferSize();
if (m_ReclaimOnResize)
if (pixels.size() != size)
if (m_ReclaimOnResize)
if (pixels.size() < size)
return pixels.size() >= size;//Ensure allocation went ok.
/// <summary>
/// The main render loop. This is the core of the algorithm.
/// The processing steps are: Iterating, density filtering, final accumulation.
/// Various functions in it are virtual so they will resolve
/// to whatever overrides are provided in derived classes. This
/// future-proofs the algorithm for GPU-based renderers.
/// If the caller calls Abort() at any time, or the progress function returns 0,
/// the entire rendering process will exit as soon as it can.
/// The loop structure is:
/// {
/// Passes (Default 1)
/// {
/// Temporal Samples (Default 1 for single image)
/// {
/// Iterate (Either to completion or to a specified number of iterations)
/// {
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// Density filtering (Basic log, or full density estimation)
/// Final accumulation (Color correction and spatial filtering)
/// }
/// This loop structure has admittedly been severely butchered from what
/// flam3 did. The reason is that it was made to support interactive rendering
/// that can exit the process and pick up where it left off in response to the
/// user changing values in a fractal flame GUI editor.
/// To achieve this, each step in the rendering process is given an enumeration state
/// as well as a goto label. This allows the renderer to pick up in the state it left
/// off in if no changes prohibiting that have been made.
/// It also allows for the bare minimum amount of processing needed to complete the requested
/// action. For example, if the process has completed and the user only adjusts the brightness
/// of the last rendered ember then there is no need to perform the entire iteration process
/// over again. Rather, only final accumulation is needed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="finalImage">Storage for the final image. It will be allocated if needed.</param>
/// <param name="time">The time if animating, else ignored.</param>
/// <param name="subBatchCountOverride">Run a specified number of sub batches. Default: 0, meaning run to completion.</param>
/// <param name="forceOutput">True to force rendering a complete image even if iterating is not complete, else don't. Default: false.</param>
/// <param name="finalOffset">Offset in finalImage to store the pixels to. Default: 0.</param>
/// <returns>True if nothing went wrong, else false.</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
eRenderStatus Renderer<T, bucketT>::Run(vector<unsigned char>& finalImage, double time, unsigned int subBatchCountOverride, bool forceOutput, size_t finalOffset)
m_InRender = true;
m_Abort = false;
bool filterAndAccumOnly = (m_ProcessAction == FILTER_AND_ACCUM && Passes() == 1);
bool accumOnly = m_ProcessAction == ACCUM_ONLY;
bool resume = m_ProcessState != NONE;
bool newFilterAlloc;
unsigned int temporalSample, pass;
eRenderStatus success = RENDER_OK;
//Timing it;
//Reset timers and progress percent if: Beginning anew or only filtering and/or accumulating.
if (!resume || accumOnly || filterAndAccumOnly)
if (!resume)//Only set this if it's the first run through.
m_ProcessState = ITER_STARTED;
if (!resume)//Beginning, reset everything.
m_LastPass = 0;
m_LastTemporalSample = 0;
m_LastIter = 0;
m_LastIterPercent = 0;
m_Stats.m_Iters = 0;
m_Stats.m_Badvals = 0;
m_Gamma = 0;
m_Vibrancy = 0;//Accumulate these after each temporal sample.
m_VibGamCount = 0;
//User requested an increase in quality after finishing.
else if (m_ProcessState == ITER_STARTED && m_ProcessAction == KEEP_ITERATING && TemporalSamples() == 1 && Passes() == 1)
m_LastPass = 0;
m_LastTemporalSample = 0;
m_LastIter = m_Stats.m_Iters;
m_LastIterPercent = 0;//Might skip a progress update, but shouldn't matter.
m_Gamma = 0;
m_Vibrancy = 0;
m_VibGamCount = 0;
pass = (resume ? m_LastPass : 0);
//Make sure values are within valid range.
ClampGteRef(m_Ember.m_Passes, 1u);
ClampGteRef(m_Ember.m_Supersample, 1u);
//Make sure to get most recent update since loop won't be entered to call Interp().
//Vib, gam and background are normally summed for each temporal sample. However if iteration is skipped, make sure to get the latest.
if ((filterAndAccumOnly || accumOnly) && TemporalSamples() == 1)//Disallow jumping when temporal samples > 1.
m_Ember = m_Embers[0];
m_Vibrancy = m_Ember.m_Vibrancy;
m_Gamma = m_Ember.m_Gamma;
m_Background = m_Ember.m_Background;
if (filterAndAccumOnly)
goto FilterAndAccum;
if (accumOnly)
goto AccumOnly;
if (m_Embers.size() > 1)
Interpolater<T>::Interpolate(m_Embers, T(time), 0, m_Ember);
//it.Toc("Interp 1");
//Save only for palette insertion.
if (m_InsertPalette && BytesPerChannel() == 1)
m_TempEmber = m_Ember;
//Field would go here, however Ember omits it. Would need temps for width and height if ever implemented.
if (m_SpatialFilter.get() == NULL || m_TemporalFilter.get() == NULL)
m_ErrorReport.push_back("Spatial and temporal filter allocations failed, aborting.\n");
success = RENDER_ERROR;
goto Finish;
if (!resume && !Alloc())
m_ErrorReport.push_back("Histogram, accumulator and samples buffer allocations failed, aborting.\n");
success = RENDER_ERROR;
goto Finish;
if (!resume)
ResetBuckets(true, false);//Only reset hist here and do accum when needed later on.
double iterationTime = 0;
double accumulationTime = 0;
//Passes, outermost loop 1.
for (; (pass < Passes()) && !m_Abort;)
T deTime = T(time) + m_TemporalFilter->Deltas()[pass * m_Ember.m_TemporalSamples];
//Interpolate and get an ember for DE purposes.
//Additional interpolation will be done in the temporal samples loop.
if (m_Embers.size() > 1)
Interpolater<T>::Interpolate(m_Embers, deTime, 0, m_Ember);
//it.Toc("Interp 2");
ClampGte<T>(m_Ember.m_MinRadDE, 0);
ClampGte<T>(m_Ember.m_MaxRadDE, 0);
if (!CreateDEFilter(newFilterAlloc))
m_ErrorReport.push_back("Density filter creation failed, aborting.\n");
success = RENDER_ERROR;
goto Finish;
//Temporal samples, loop 2.
temporalSample = resume ? m_LastTemporalSample : 0;
for (; (temporalSample < TemporalSamples()) && !m_Abort;)
T colorScalar = m_TemporalFilter->Filter()[pass * TemporalSamples() + temporalSample];
T temporalTime = T(time) + m_TemporalFilter->Deltas()[pass * TemporalSamples() + temporalSample];
//Interpolate again.
if (m_Embers.size() > 1)
Interpolater<T>::Interpolate(m_Embers, temporalTime, 0, m_Ember);//This will perform all necessary precalcs via the ember/xform/variation assignment operators.
//it.Toc("Interp 3");
if (!resume && !AssignIterator())
m_ErrorReport.push_back("Iterator assignment failed, aborting.\n");
success = RENDER_ERROR;
goto Finish;
//For each temporal sample, the palette m_Dmap needs to be re-created with color scalar. 1 if no temporal samples.
//The actual number of times to iterate. Each thread will get (totalIters / ThreadCount) iters to do.
//This is based on zoom and scale calculated in ComputeCamera().
//Note that the iter count is based on the final image dimensions, and not the super sampled dimensions.
unsigned __int64 totalIterCount = TotalIterCount();
unsigned __int64 itersPerTemporalSample = ItersPerTemporalSample();//The total number of iterations for this temporal sample in this pass without overrides.
unsigned __int64 sampleItersToDo;//The number of iterations to actually do in this sample in this pass, considering overrides.
if (subBatchCountOverride > 0)
sampleItersToDo = subBatchCountOverride * SubBatchSize() * ThreadCount();//Run a specific number of sub batches.
sampleItersToDo = itersPerTemporalSample;//Run as many iters as specified to complete this temporal sample.
sampleItersToDo = min(sampleItersToDo, itersPerTemporalSample - m_LastIter);
EmberStats stats = Iterate(sampleItersToDo, pass, temporalSample);//The heavy work is done here.
//If no iters were executed, something went catastrophically wrong.
if (stats.m_Iters == 0)
m_ErrorReport.push_back("Zero iterations ran, rendering failed, aborting.\n");
success = RENDER_ERROR;
goto Finish;
if (m_Abort)
success = RENDER_ABORT;
goto Finish;
//Accumulate stats whether this batch ran to completion or exited prematurely.
m_LastIter += stats.m_Iters;//Sum of iter count of all threads, reset each temporal sample.
m_Stats.m_Iters += stats.m_Iters;//Sum of iter count of all threads, cumulative from beginning to end.
m_Stats.m_Badvals += stats.m_Badvals;
//After each temporal sample, accumulate these.
//Allow for incremental rendering by only taking action if the iter loop for this temporal sample is completely done.
if (m_LastIter >= itersPerTemporalSample)
m_Vibrancy += m_Ember.m_Vibrancy;
m_Gamma += m_Ember.m_Gamma;
m_Background.r += m_Ember.m_Background.r;
m_Background.g += m_Ember.m_Background.g;
m_Background.b += m_Ember.m_Background.b;
m_LastIter = 0;
m_LastTemporalSample = temporalSample;
if (subBatchCountOverride > 0)//Don't keep going through this loop if only doing an incremental render.
}//Temporal samples.
//If we've completed all temporal samples and all passes, then it was a complete render, so report progress.
if ((Passes() == 1 || pass == Passes() - 1) && (temporalSample >= TemporalSamples()))
m_ProcessState = ITER_DONE;
if (m_Callback && !m_Callback->ProgressFunc(m_Ember, m_ProgressParameter, 100.0, 0, 0))
success = RENDER_ABORT;
goto Finish;
if (filterAndAccumOnly || temporalSample >= TemporalSamples() || forceOutput)
//t.Toc("Iterating and accumulating");
//Compute k1 and k2.
eRenderStatus fullRun = RENDER_OK;//Whether density filtering was run to completion without aborting prematurely or triggering an error.
T passFilter = T(1) / T(Passes());//Original used an array, but every element in the array had the same value, so just use a single value here.
T area = FinalRasW() * FinalRasH() / (m_PixelsPerUnitX * m_PixelsPerUnitY);//Need to use temps from field if ever implemented.
m_K1 = (Brightness() * T(268.0) * passFilter) / 256;
//When doing an interactive render, force output early on in the render process, before all iterations are done.
//This presents a problem with the normal calculation of K2 since it relies on the quality value; it will scale the colors
//to be very dark. Correct it by pretending the number of iters done is the exact quality desired and then scale according to that.
if (forceOutput)
T quality = ((T)m_Stats.m_Iters / (T)FinalDimensions()) * (m_Scale * m_Scale);
m_K2 = (Supersample() * Supersample() * Passes()) / (area * quality * m_TemporalFilter->SumFilt());
m_K2 = (Supersample() * Supersample() * Passes()) / (area * m_ScaledQuality * m_TemporalFilter->SumFilt());
if (filterAndAccumOnly || pass == 0)
ResetBuckets(false, true);//Only the histogram was reset above, now reset the density filtering buffer.
//Apply appropriate filter if iterating is complete.
if (filterAndAccumOnly || temporalSample >= TemporalSamples())
fullRun = m_DensityFilter.get() ? GaussianDensityFilter() : LogScaleDensityFilter();
//Apply requested filter for a forced output during interactive rendering.
if (m_DensityFilter.get() && m_InteractiveFilter == FILTER_DE)
fullRun = GaussianDensityFilter();
else if (!m_DensityFilter.get() || m_InteractiveFilter == FILTER_LOG)
fullRun = LogScaleDensityFilter();
//Only update state if iterating and filtering finished completely (didn't arrive here via forceOutput).
if (fullRun == RENDER_OK && m_ProcessState == ITER_DONE && (Passes() == 1 || pass == Passes() - 1))
m_ProcessState = FILTER_DONE;
//Take special action if filtering exited prematurely.
if (fullRun != RENDER_OK)
if (Passes() > 1)//Since all filtering is cummulative with passes > 1, must restart the entire process.
m_ProcessState = NONE;
m_ProcessAction = FULL_RENDER;
ResetBuckets(false, true);//Reset the accumulator, come back and try again on the next call.
success = fullRun;
goto Finish;
if (m_Abort)
success = RENDER_ABORT;
goto Finish;
//t.Toc("Density estimation filtering time: ", true);
//Only increment pass if the temporal samples loop has been completed, which could have been done incrementally.
//Also skip if rendering jumped straight here after completely finishing beforehand.
if (!filterAndAccumOnly && temporalSample >= TemporalSamples())//This may not work if filtering was prematurely exited.
if (!filterAndAccumOnly)
m_LastPass = pass;
if (subBatchCountOverride > 0)//Don't keep going through this loop if only doing an incremental render.
if (m_ProcessState == FILTER_DONE || forceOutput)
if (m_Callback && !m_Callback->ProgressFunc(m_Ember, m_ProgressParameter, 0, 2, 0))//Original only allowed stages 0 and 1. Add 2 to mean final accum.
success = RENDER_ABORT;
goto Finish;
//Make sure a filter has been created.
if (AccumulatorToFinalImage(finalImage, finalOffset) == RENDER_OK)
m_Stats.m_RenderSeconds = m_RenderTimer.Toc() / 1000.0;//Record total time from the very beginning to the very end, including all intermediate calls.
//Even though the ember changes throughought the inner loops because of interpolation, it's probably ok to assign here.
//This will hold the last interpolated value (even though spatial and temporal filters were created based off of one of the first interpolated values).
m_LastEmber = m_Ember;
if (m_ProcessState == FILTER_DONE)//Only update state if gotten here legitimately, and not via forceOutput.
m_ProcessState = ACCUM_DONE;
if (m_Callback && !m_Callback->ProgressFunc(m_Ember, m_ProgressParameter, 100.0, 2, 0))//Finished.
success = RENDER_ABORT;
goto Finish;
success = RENDER_ERROR;
if (success == RENDER_OK && m_Abort)//If everything ran ok, but they've aborted, record abort as the status.
success = RENDER_ABORT;
else if (success != RENDER_OK)//Regardless of abort status, if there was an error, leave that as the return status.
m_InRender = false;
return success;
/// <summary>
/// Return EmberImageComments object with image comments filled out.
/// Run() should have completed before calling this.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="printEditDepth">The depth of the edit tags</param>
/// <param name="intPalette">If true use integers instead of floating point numbers when embedding a non-hex formatted palette, else use floating point numbers.</param>
/// <param name="hexPalette">If true, embed a hexadecimal palette instead of Xml Color tags, else use Xml color tags.</param>
/// <returns>The EmberImageComments object with image comments filled out</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
EmberImageComments Renderer<T, bucketT>::ImageComments(unsigned int printEditDepth, bool intPalette, bool hexPalette)
ostringstream ss;
EmberImageComments comments;
comments.m_Genome = m_EmberToXml.ToString(m_Ember, "", printEditDepth, false, intPalette, hexPalette);
ss << ((double)m_Stats.m_Badvals / (double)m_Stats.m_Iters);//Percentage of bad values to iters.
comments.m_Badvals = ss.str(); ss.str("");
ss << m_Stats.m_Iters;
comments.m_NumIters = ss.str(); ss.str("");//Total iters.
ss << m_Stats.m_RenderSeconds;
comments.m_Runtime = ss.str();//Number of seconds for iterating, accumulating and filtering.
return comments;
/// <summary>
/// Return the amount of memory needed to render the current ember.
/// Optionally include the memory needed for the final output image.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="includeFinal">If true include the memory needed for the final output image, else don't.</param>
/// <returns>The memory required to render the current ember</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
unsigned __int64 Renderer<T, bucketT>::MemoryRequired(bool includeFinal)
bool newFilterAlloc = false;
//Because ComputeBounds() was called, this includes gutter.
unsigned __int64 histSize = SuperSize() * sizeof(glm::detail::tvec4<bucketT, glm::defaultp>);
return (histSize * 2) + (includeFinal ? FinalBufferSize() : 0);//Multiply hist by 2 to account for the density filtering buffer which is the same size as the histogram.
/// <summary>
/// Virtual functions to be overriden in derived renderers that use the GPU.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The amount of RAM available to render with.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>An unsigned 64-bit integer specifying how much memory is available</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
unsigned __int64 Renderer<T, bucketT>::MemoryAvailable()
unsigned __int64 memAvailable = 0;
#ifdef WIN32
stat.dwLength = sizeof(stat);
memAvailable = stat.ullTotalPhys;
#elif defined(_SC_PHYS_PAGES) && defined(_SC_PAGESIZE)
memAvailable = sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES) * sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
#elif defined __APPLE__
#ifdef __LP64__
long physmem;
size_t len = sizeof(physmem);
static int mib[2] = { CTL_HW, HW_MEMSIZE };
unsigned int physmem;
size_t len = sizeof(physmem);
static int mib[2] = { CTL_HW, HW_PHYSMEM };
if (sysctl(mib, 2, &physmem, &len, NULL, 0) == 0 && len == sizeof(physmem))
memAvailable = physmem;
cout << "Warning: unable to determine physical memory." << endl;
memAvailable = 4e9;
cout << "Warning: unable to determine physical memory." << endl;
memAvailable = 4e9;
return memAvailable;
/// <summary>
/// Stop rendering, ensure all locks are exited and reset the rendering state.
/// </summary>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::Reset()
m_ProcessState = NONE;
m_ProcessAction = FULL_RENDER;
/// <summary>
/// Get a status indicating whether this renderer is ok.
/// Return true for this class, derived classes will inspect GPU hardware
/// to determine if they are ok.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Always true for this class</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
bool Renderer<T, bucketT>::Ok() const
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Create the density filter if the current filter parameters differ
/// from the last density filter created.
/// The filter will be deleted if the max DE radius is 0, in which case regular
/// log scale filtering will be used.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newAlloc">True if a new filter instance was created, else false.</param>
/// <returns>True if the filter is not NULL (whether a new one was created or not) or if max rad is 0, else false.</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
bool Renderer<T, bucketT>::CreateDEFilter(bool& newAlloc)
//If they wanted DE, create it if needed, else clear the last DE filter which means we'll do regular log filtering after iters are done.
newAlloc = false;
if (m_Ember.m_MaxRadDE > 0)
//Use intelligent testing so it isn't created every time a new ember is passed in.
if ((m_DensityFilter.get() == NULL) ||
(m_Ember.m_MinRadDE != m_DensityFilter->MinRad()) ||
(m_Ember.m_MaxRadDE != m_DensityFilter->MaxRad()) ||
(m_Ember.m_CurveDE != m_DensityFilter->Curve()) ||
(m_Ember.m_Supersample != m_LastEmber.m_Supersample))
m_DensityFilter = auto_ptr<DensityFilter<T>>(new DensityFilter<T>(m_Ember.m_MinRadDE, m_Ember.m_MaxRadDE, m_Ember.m_CurveDE, m_Ember.m_Supersample));
newAlloc = true;
if (newAlloc)
if (!m_DensityFilter.get()) { return false; }//Did object creation succeed?
if (!m_DensityFilter->Create()) { return false; }//Object creation succeeded, did filter creation succeed?
//cout << m_DensityFilter->ToString() << endl;
if (!m_DensityFilter->Valid()) { return false; }//Previously created, are values ok?
m_DensityFilter.reset();//They want to do log filtering. Return true because even though the filter is being deleted, nothing went wrong.
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Create the spatial filter if the current filter parameters differ
/// from the last spatial filter created.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newAlloc">True if a new filter instance was created, else false.</param>
/// <returns>True if the filter is not NULL (whether a new one was created or not), else false.</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
bool Renderer<T, bucketT>::CreateSpatialFilter(bool& newAlloc)
newAlloc = false;
//Use intelligent testing so it isn't created every time a new ember is passed in.
if ((m_SpatialFilter.get() == NULL) ||
(m_Ember.m_SpatialFilterType != m_SpatialFilter->FilterType()) ||
(m_Ember.m_SpatialFilterRadius != m_SpatialFilter->FilterRadius()) ||
(m_Ember.m_Supersample != m_LastEmber.m_Supersample) ||
(m_PixelAspectRatio != m_SpatialFilter->PixelAspectRatio()))
m_SpatialFilter = auto_ptr<SpatialFilter<T>>(
SpatialFilterCreator<T>::Create(m_Ember.m_SpatialFilterType, m_Ember.m_SpatialFilterRadius, m_Ember.m_Supersample, m_PixelAspectRatio));
newAlloc = true;
return m_SpatialFilter.get() != NULL;
/// <summary>
/// Get the sub batch size. This is the size of of the chunks that the iteration
/// trajectory will be broken up into.
/// Default: 10k.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The sub batch size</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
unsigned int Renderer<T, bucketT>::SubBatchSize() const { return m_SubBatchSize; }
/// <summary>
/// Set the sub batch size. This is the size of of the chunks that the iteration
/// trajectory will be broken up into.
/// Reset the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sbs">The sub batch size to set</param>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::SubBatchSize(unsigned int sbs)
ChangeVal([&] { m_SubBatchSize = sbs; }, FULL_RENDER);
/// <summary>
/// Get the number of channels per pixel in the output image. 3 for RGB images
/// like Bitmap and Jpeg, 4 for Png.
/// Default is 3.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The number of channels per pixel in the output image</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned int Renderer<T, bucketT>::NumChannels() const { return m_NumChannels; }
/// <summary>
/// Set the number of channels per pixel in the output image. 3 for RGB images
/// like Bitmap and Jpeg, 4 for Png.
/// Default is 3.
/// Set the render state to ACCUM_ONLY.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="numChannels">The number of channels per pixel in the output image</param>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::NumChannels(unsigned int numChannels)
ChangeVal([&] { m_NumChannels = numChannels; }, ACCUM_ONLY);
/// <summary>
/// Get the renderer type enum.
/// CPU_RENDERER for this class, other values for derived classes.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>CPU_RENDERER</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
eRendererType Renderer<T, bucketT>::RendererType() const { return CPU_RENDERER; }
/// <summary>
/// Get the number of threads used when rendering.
/// Default: use all avaliable cores.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The number of threads used when rendering</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
unsigned int Renderer<T, bucketT>::ThreadCount() const { return m_ThreadsToUse; }
/// <summary>
/// Set the number of threads to use when rendering.
/// This will also reset the vector of random contexts to be the same size
/// as the number of specified threads.
/// Since this is where they get set up, the caller can optionally pass in
/// a seed string, however it's only used if threads is 1.
/// This is useful for debugging since it will run the same point trajectory
/// every time.
/// Reset the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="threads">The number of threads to use</param>
/// <param name="seedString">The seed string to use if threads is 1. Default: NULL.</param>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::ThreadCount(unsigned int threads, const char* seedString)
Timing t;
unsigned int i, size;
const unsigned int isaacSize = 1 << ISAAC_SIZE;
ISAAC_INT seeds[isaacSize];
m_ThreadsToUse = threads > 0 ? threads : 1;
if (seedString)
memset(seeds, 0, isaacSize * sizeof(ISAAC_INT));
memcpy((char*)seeds, seedString, min(strlen(seedString), isaacSize * sizeof(ISAAC_INT)));
//This is critical for multithreading, otherwise the threads all happen
//too close to each other in time, resulting in bad randomization.
while (m_Rand.size() < m_ThreadsToUse)
size = (unsigned int)m_Rand.size();
if (seedString)
unsigned int newSize = size + 5;
QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT> isaac(newSize, newSize * newSize, newSize * newSize * newSize, seeds);
for (i = 0; i < (isaacSize * sizeof(ISAAC_INT)); i++)
((unsigned char*)seeds)[i]++;
for (i = 0; i < isaacSize; i++)
seeds[i] = (ISAAC_INT)(t.EndTime() * i) + (size + 1);
ISAAC_INT r = (size * i) + i + (ISAAC_INT)t.EndTime();
QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT> isaac(r, r * 2, r * 3, seeds);
/// <summary>
/// Set the callback object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="callback">The callback object to set</param>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::Callback(RenderCallback* callback)
m_Callback = callback;
/// <summary>
/// Virtual functions to be overriden in derived renderers that use the GPU, but not accessed outside.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Make the final palette used for iteration.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="colorScalar">The color scalar to multiply the ember's palette by</param>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::MakeDmap(T colorScalar)
m_Ember.m_Palette.MakeDmap<bucketT>(m_Dmap, colorScalar);
/// <summary>
/// Allocate various buffers if the image dimensions, thread count, or sub batch size
/// has changed.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if success, else false</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
bool Renderer<T, bucketT>::Alloc()
bool b = true;
bool lock =
(m_SuperSize != m_HistBuckets.size()) ||
(m_SuperSize != m_AccumulatorBuckets.size()) ||
(m_ThreadsToUse != m_Samples.size()) ||
(m_Samples[0].size() != m_SubBatchSize);
if (lock)
if (m_SuperSize != m_HistBuckets.size())
if (m_ReclaimOnResize)
b &= (m_HistBuckets.size() == m_SuperSize);
if (m_SuperSize != m_AccumulatorBuckets.size())
if (m_ReclaimOnResize)
b &= (m_AccumulatorBuckets.size() == m_SuperSize);
if (m_ThreadsToUse != m_Samples.size())
if (m_ReclaimOnResize)
b &= (m_Samples.size() == m_ThreadsToUse);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Samples.size(); i++)
if (m_Samples[i].size() != m_SubBatchSize)
if (m_ReclaimOnResize)
b &= (m_Samples[i].size() == m_SubBatchSize);
if (lock)
return b;
/// <summary>
/// Clear histogram and/or density filtering buffers to all zeroes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="resetHist">Clear histogram if true, else don't.</param>
/// <param name="resetAccum">Clear density filtering buffer if true, else don't.</param>
/// <returns>True if anything was cleared, else false.</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
bool Renderer<T, bucketT>::ResetBuckets(bool resetHist, bool resetAccum)
if (resetHist && !m_HistBuckets.empty())
memset((void*)m_HistBuckets.data(), 0, m_HistBuckets.size() * sizeof(m_HistBuckets[0]));
if (resetAccum && !m_AccumulatorBuckets.empty())
memset(m_AccumulatorBuckets.data(), 0, m_AccumulatorBuckets.size() * sizeof(m_AccumulatorBuckets[0]));
return resetHist || resetAccum;
/// <summary>
/// Perform log scale density filtering.
/// Base case for simple log scale density estimation as discussed (mostly) in the paper
/// in section 4, p. 6-9.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if not prematurely aborted, else false.</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
eRenderStatus Renderer<T, bucketT>::LogScaleDensityFilter()
unsigned int startRow = 0;
unsigned int endRow = m_SuperRasH;
unsigned int startCol = 0;
unsigned int endCol = m_SuperRasW;
//Timing t(4);
//Original didn't parallelize this, doing so gives a 50-75% speedup.
//If there is only one pass, the value can be directly assigned, which is quicker than summing.
if (Passes() == 1)
parallel_for(startRow, endRow, [&] (unsigned int j)
unsigned int row = j * m_SuperRasW;
//__m128 logm128;//Figure out SSE at some point.
//__m128 bucketm128;
//__m128 scaledBucket128;
for (unsigned int i = startCol; (i < endCol) && !m_Abort; i++)
unsigned int index = row + i;
//Check for visibility first before doing anything else to avoid all possible unnecessary calculations.
if (m_HistBuckets[index].a != 0)
T logScale = (m_K1 * log(1 + m_HistBuckets[index].a * m_K2)) / m_HistBuckets[index].a;
//Original did a temporary assignment, then *= logScale, then passed the result to bump_no_overflow().
//Combine here into one operation for a slight speedup.
m_AccumulatorBuckets[index] = (m_HistBuckets[index] * (bucketT)logScale);
else//Passes > 1, so sum.
parallel_for(startRow, endRow, [&] (unsigned int j)
unsigned int row = j * m_SuperRasW;
for (unsigned int i = startCol; (i < endCol) && !m_Abort; i++)
unsigned int index = row + i;
//Check for visibility first before doing anything else to avoid all possible unnecessary calculations.
if (m_HistBuckets[index].a != 0)
//Figure out SSE at some point.
T logScale = (m_K1 * log(1 + m_HistBuckets[index].a * m_K2)) / m_HistBuckets[index].a;
//logm128 = _mm_load1_ps(&logScale);
//bucketm128 = _mm_load_ps(m_HistBuckets[index].Channels);
//scaledBucket128 = _mm_mul_ps(logm128, bucketm128);
m_AccumulatorBuckets[index] += (m_HistBuckets[index] * bucketT(logScale));
return m_Abort ? RENDER_ABORT : RENDER_OK;
/// <summary>
/// Perform the more advanced Gaussian density filter.
/// More advanced density estimation filtering given less mention in the paper, but used
/// much more in practice as it gives the best results.
/// Section 8, p. 11-13.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if not prematurely aborted, else false.</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
eRenderStatus Renderer<T, bucketT>::GaussianDensityFilter()
Timing totalTime, localTime;
int scf = !(Supersample() & 1);
unsigned int ss = Floor<T>(Supersample() / T(2));
T scfact = pow(Supersample() / (Supersample() + T(1.0)), T(2.0));
unsigned int threads = m_ThreadsToUse;
unsigned int startRow = Supersample() - 1;
unsigned int endRow = m_SuperRasH - (Supersample() - 1);//Original did + which is most likely wrong.
unsigned int startCol = Supersample() - 1;
unsigned int endCol = m_SuperRasW - (Supersample() - 1);
unsigned int chunkSize = (unsigned int)ceil(double(endRow - startRow) / double(threads));
//parallel_for scales very well, dividing the work almost perfectly among all processors.
parallel_for((unsigned int)0, threads, [&] (unsigned int threadIndex)
unsigned int pixelNumber = 0;
unsigned int localStartRow = min(startRow + (threadIndex * chunkSize), endRow - 1);
unsigned int localEndRow = min(localStartRow + chunkSize, endRow);
unsigned int pixelsThisThread = (localEndRow - localStartRow) * m_SuperRasW;
double lastPercent = 0;
glm::detail::tvec4<bucketT, glm::defaultp> logScaleBucket;
for (unsigned int j = localStartRow; (j < localEndRow) && !m_Abort; j++)
unsigned int bucketRowStart = j * m_SuperRasW;//Pull out of inner loop for optimization.
const glm::detail::tvec4<bucketT, glm::defaultp>* bucket;
const glm::detail::tvec4<bucketT, glm::defaultp>* buckets = m_HistBuckets.data();
const T* filterCoefs = m_DensityFilter->Coefs();
const T* filterWidths = m_DensityFilter->Widths();
for (unsigned int i = startCol; i < endCol; i++)
int ii, jj, arrFilterWidth;
unsigned int filterSelectInt, filterCoefIndex;
T filterSelect = 0;
bucket = buckets + bucketRowStart + i;
//Don't do anything if there's no hits here. Must also put this first to avoid dividing by zero below.
if (bucket->a == 0)
T cacheLog = (m_K1 * log(T(1.0) + bucket->a * m_K2)) / bucket->a;//Caching this calculation gives a 30% speedup.
if (ss == 0)
filterSelect = bucket->a;
//The original contained a glaring flaw as it would run past the boundaries of the buffers
//when calculating the density for a box centered on the last row or column.
//Clamp here to not run over the edge.
int densityBoxLeftX = i - min(i, ss);
int densityBoxRightX = i + min(ss, m_SuperRasW - i - 1);
int densityBoxTopY = j - min(j, ss);
int densityBoxBottomY = j + min(ss, m_SuperRasH - j - 1);
//Count density in ssxss area.
//Original went one col at a time, which is cache inefficient. Go one row at at time here for a slight speedup.
for (jj = densityBoxTopY; jj <= densityBoxBottomY; jj++)
for (ii = densityBoxLeftX; ii <= densityBoxRightX; ii++)
filterSelect += buckets[ii + (jj * m_SuperRasW)].a;//Original divided by 255 in every iteration. Omit here because colors are already in the range of [0..1].
//Scale if supersample > 1 for equal iters.
if (scf)
filterSelect *= scfact;
if (filterSelect > m_DensityFilter->MaxFilteredCounts())
filterSelectInt = m_DensityFilter->MaxFilterIndex();
else if (filterSelect <= DE_THRESH)
filterSelectInt = (int)ceil(filterSelect) - 1;
filterSelectInt = (int)DE_THRESH + Floor<T>(pow(filterSelect - DE_THRESH, m_DensityFilter->Curve()));
//If the filter selected below the min specified clamp it to the min.
if (filterSelectInt > m_DensityFilter->MaxFilterIndex())
filterSelectInt = m_DensityFilter->MaxFilterIndex();
//Only have to calculate the values for ~1/8 of the square.
filterCoefIndex = filterSelectInt * m_DensityFilter->KernelSize();
arrFilterWidth = (int)ceil(filterWidths[filterSelectInt]) - 1;
for (jj = 0; jj <= arrFilterWidth; jj++)
for (ii = 0; ii <= jj; ii++, filterCoefIndex++)
//Skip if coef is 0.
if (filterCoefs[filterCoefIndex] == 0)
T logScale = filterCoefs[filterCoefIndex] * cacheLog;
//Original first assigned the fields, then scaled them. Combine into a single step for a 1% optimization.
logScaleBucket = (*bucket * bucketT(logScale));
if (jj == 0 && ii == 0)
AddToAccum(logScaleBucket, i, ii, j, jj);
else if (ii == 0)
AddToAccum(logScaleBucket, i, 0, j, -jj);
AddToAccum(logScaleBucket, i, -jj, j, 0);
AddToAccum(logScaleBucket, i, jj, j, 0);
AddToAccum(logScaleBucket, i, 0, j, jj);
else if (jj == ii)
AddToAccum(logScaleBucket, i, -ii, j, -jj);
AddToAccum(logScaleBucket, i, ii, j, -jj);
AddToAccum(logScaleBucket, i, -ii, j, jj);
AddToAccum(logScaleBucket, i, ii, j, jj);
//Attempting to optimize cache access by putting these in order makes no difference, even on large images, but do it anyway.
AddToAccum(logScaleBucket, i, -ii, j, -jj);
AddToAccum(logScaleBucket, i, ii, j, -jj);
AddToAccum(logScaleBucket, i, -jj, j, -ii);
AddToAccum(logScaleBucket, i, jj, j, -ii);
AddToAccum(logScaleBucket, i, -jj, j, ii);
AddToAccum(logScaleBucket, i, jj, j, ii);
AddToAccum(logScaleBucket, i, -ii, j, jj);
AddToAccum(logScaleBucket, i, ii, j, jj);
if (m_Callback && threadIndex == 0)
pixelNumber += m_SuperRasW;
double percent = (double(pixelNumber) / double(pixelsThisThread)) * 100.0;
double percentDiff = percent - lastPercent;
double toc = localTime.Toc();
if (percentDiff >= 10 || (toc > 1000 && percentDiff >= 1))
double etaMs = ((100.0 - percent) / percent) * totalTime.Toc();
if (!m_Callback->ProgressFunc(m_Ember, m_ProgressParameter, percent, 1, etaMs))
lastPercent = percent;
if (m_Callback && !m_Abort)
m_Callback->ProgressFunc(m_Ember, m_ProgressParameter, 100.0, 1, 0);
return m_Abort ? RENDER_ABORT : RENDER_OK;
/// <summary>
/// Thin wrapper around AccumulatorToFinalImage().
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pixels">The pixel vector to allocate and store the final image in</param>
/// <param name="finalOffset">Offset in the buffer to store the pixels to</param>
/// <returns>True if not prematurely aborted, else false.</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
eRenderStatus Renderer<T, bucketT>::AccumulatorToFinalImage(vector<unsigned char>& pixels, size_t finalOffset)
if (PrepFinalAccumVector(pixels))
return AccumulatorToFinalImage(pixels.data(), finalOffset);
/// <summary>
/// Produce a final, visible image by clipping, gamma correcting and spatial filtering the color values
/// in the density filtering buffer and save to the passed in buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pixels">The pre-allocated pixel buffer to store the final image in</param>
/// <param name="finalOffset">Offset in the buffer to store the pixels to. Default: 0.</param>
/// <returns>True if not prematurely aborted, else false.</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
eRenderStatus Renderer<T, bucketT>::AccumulatorToFinalImage(unsigned char* pixels, size_t finalOffset)
if (!pixels)
//Timing t(4);
unsigned int filterWidth = m_SpatialFilter->FinalFilterWidth();
T g, linRange, vibrancy;
Color<T> background;
pixels += finalOffset;
PrepFinalAccumVals(background, g, linRange, vibrancy);
//If early clip, go through the entire accumulator and perform gamma correction first.
//The original does it this way as well and it's roughly 11 times faster to do it this way than inline below with each pixel.
if (EarlyClip())
parallel_for((unsigned int)0, m_SuperRasH, [&] (unsigned int j)
unsigned int rowStart = j * m_SuperRasW;//Pull out of inner loop for optimization.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_SuperRasW && !m_Abort; i++)
GammaCorrection(m_AccumulatorBuckets[i + rowStart], background, g, linRange, vibrancy, true, false, &(m_AccumulatorBuckets[i + rowStart][0]));//Write back in place.
if (m_Abort)
//Note that abort is not checked here. The final accumulation must run to completion
//otherwise artifacts that resemble page tearing will occur in an interactive run. It's
//critical to never exit this loop prematurely.
//for (unsigned int j = 0; j < FinalRasH(); j++)//Keep around for debugging.
parallel_for((unsigned int)0, FinalRasH(), [&] (unsigned int j)
Color<bucketT> newBucket;
int pixelsRowStart = j * FinalRowSize();//Pull out of inner loop for optimization.
unsigned int y = m_DensityFilterOffset + (j * Supersample());//Start at the beginning row of each super sample block.
unsigned short* p16;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < FinalRasW(); i++, pixelsRowStart += PixelSize())
unsigned int ii, jj;
unsigned int x = m_DensityFilterOffset + (i * Supersample());//Start at the beginning column of each super sample block.
//Original was iterating column-wise, which is slow.
//Here, iterate one row at a time, giving a 10% speed increase.
for (jj = 0; jj < filterWidth; jj++)
unsigned int filterKRowIndex = jj * filterWidth;
unsigned int accumRowIndex = (y + jj) * m_SuperRasW;//Pull out of inner loop for optimization.
for (ii = 0; ii < filterWidth; ii++)
//Need to dereference the spatial filter pointer object to use the [] operator. Makes no speed difference.
bucketT k = bucketT((*m_SpatialFilter)[ii + filterKRowIndex]);
newBucket += (m_AccumulatorBuckets[(x + ii) + accumRowIndex] * k);
if (BytesPerChannel() == 2)
p16 = (unsigned short*)(pixels + pixelsRowStart);
if (EarlyClip())
p16[0] = (unsigned short)(Clamp<bucketT>(newBucket.r, 0, 255) * bucketT(256));
p16[1] = (unsigned short)(Clamp<bucketT>(newBucket.g, 0, 255) * bucketT(256));
p16[2] = (unsigned short)(Clamp<bucketT>(newBucket.b, 0, 255) * bucketT(256));
if (NumChannels() > 3)
if (Transparency())
p16[3] = (unsigned char)(Clamp<bucketT>(newBucket.a, 0, 1) * bucketT(65535.0));
p16[3] = 65535;
GammaCorrection(*(glm::detail::tvec4<bucketT, glm::defaultp>*)(&newBucket), background, g, linRange, vibrancy, NumChannels() > 3, true, p16);
if (EarlyClip())
pixels[pixelsRowStart] = (unsigned char)Clamp<bucketT>(newBucket.r, 0, 255);
pixels[pixelsRowStart + 1] = (unsigned char)Clamp<bucketT>(newBucket.g, 0, 255);
pixels[pixelsRowStart + 2] = (unsigned char)Clamp<bucketT>(newBucket.b, 0, 255);
if (NumChannels() > 3)
if (Transparency())
pixels[pixelsRowStart + 3] = (unsigned char)(Clamp<bucketT>(newBucket.a, 0, 1) * bucketT(255.0));
pixels[pixelsRowStart + 3] = 255;
GammaCorrection(*(glm::detail::tvec4<bucketT, glm::defaultp>*)(&newBucket), background, g, linRange, vibrancy, NumChannels() > 3, true, pixels + pixelsRowStart);
//Insert the palette into the image for debugging purposes. Only works with 8bpc.
if (m_InsertPalette && BytesPerChannel() == 1)
unsigned int i, j, ph = 100;
if (ph >= FinalRasH())
ph = FinalRasH();
for (j = 0; j < ph; j++)
for (i = 0; i < FinalRasW(); i++)
unsigned char* p = pixels + (NumChannels() * (i + j * FinalRasW()));
p[0] = (unsigned char)(m_TempEmber.m_Palette[i * 256 / FinalRasW()][0] * WHITE);//The palette is [0..1], output image is [0..255].
p[1] = (unsigned char)(m_TempEmber.m_Palette[i * 256 / FinalRasW()][1] * WHITE);
p[2] = (unsigned char)(m_TempEmber.m_Palette[i * 256 / FinalRasW()][2] * WHITE);
return m_Abort ? RENDER_ABORT : RENDER_OK;
//#define TG 1
//#define NEWSUBBATCH 1
/// <summary>
/// Run the iteration algorithm for the specified number of iterations.
/// This is only called after all other setup has been done.
/// This function will be called multiple times for an interactive rendering, and
/// once for a straight through render.
/// The iteration is reset and fused in each thread after each sub batch is done
/// which by default is 10,000 iterations.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="iterCount">The number of iterations to run</param>
/// <param name="pass">The pass this is running for</param>
/// <param name="temporalSample">The temporal sample within the current pass this is running for</param>
/// <returns>Rendering statistics</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
EmberStats Renderer<T, bucketT>::Iterate(unsigned __int64 iterCount, unsigned int pass, unsigned int temporalSample)
//Timing t2(4);
unsigned int fuse = EarlyClip() ? 100 : 15;//EarlyClip was one way of detecting a later version of flam3, so it used 100 which is a better value.
unsigned __int64 totalItersPerThread = (unsigned __int64)ceil((double)iterCount / (double)m_ThreadsToUse);
double percent, etaMs;
EmberStats stats;
#ifdef TG
unsigned int threadIndex;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_ThreadsToUse; i++)
threadIndex = i;
m_TaskGroup.run([&, threadIndex] () {
parallel_for((unsigned int)0, m_ThreadsToUse, [&] (unsigned int threadIndex)
Timing t;
unsigned __int64 subBatchSize = (unsigned int)min(totalItersPerThread, (unsigned __int64)m_SubBatchSize);
m_BadVals[threadIndex] = 0;
//Sub batch iterations, loop 3.
for (m_SubBatch[threadIndex] = 0; (m_SubBatch[threadIndex] < totalItersPerThread) && !m_Abort; m_SubBatch[threadIndex] += subBatchSize)
//Must recalculate the number of iters to run on each sub batch because the last batch will most likely have less than m_SubBatchSize iters.
//For example, if 51,000 are requested, and the sbs is 10,000, it should run 5 sub batches of 10,000 iters, and one final sub batch of 1,000 iters.
subBatchSize = min(subBatchSize, totalItersPerThread - m_SubBatch[threadIndex]);
//Use first as random point, the rest are iterated points.
//Note that this gets reset with a new random point for each subBatchSize iterations.
//This helps correct if iteration happens to be on a bad trajectory.
m_Samples[threadIndex][0].m_X = (T)m_Rand[threadIndex].Frand11<T>();
m_Samples[threadIndex][0].m_Y = (T)m_Rand[threadIndex].Frand11<T>();
m_Samples[threadIndex][0].m_Z = 0;//m_Ember.m_CamZPos;//Apo set this to 0, then made the user use special variations to kick it. It seems easier to just set it to zpos.
m_Samples[threadIndex][0].m_ColorX = (T)m_Rand[threadIndex].Frand01<T>();
//Finally, iterate.
//Iterating, loop 4.
m_BadVals[threadIndex] += (unsigned __int64)m_Iterator->Iterate(m_Ember, (unsigned int)subBatchSize, fuse, m_Samples[threadIndex].data(), m_Rand[threadIndex]);
//iterationTime += t.Toc();
if (m_LockAccum)
//Map temp buffer samples into the histogram using the palette for color.
Accumulate(m_Samples[threadIndex].data(), (unsigned int)subBatchSize, &m_Dmap);
//accumulationTime += t.Toc();
if (m_LockAccum)
if (m_Callback && threadIndex == 0)
percent = 100.0 *
//Takes progress of current thread and multiplies by thread count.
//This assumes the threads progress at roughly the same speed.
double(m_LastIter + (m_SubBatch[threadIndex] * m_ThreadsToUse)) / double(ItersPerTemporalSample())
) + temporalSample
) / (double)TemporalSamples()
) + (double)pass
) / (double)Passes();
double percentDiff = percent - m_LastIterPercent;
double toc = m_ProgressTimer.Toc();
if (percentDiff >= 10 || (toc > 1000 && percentDiff >= 1))//Call callback function if either 10% has passed, or one second (and 1%).
etaMs = ((100.0 - percent) / percent) * m_RenderTimer.Toc();
if (!m_Callback->ProgressFunc(m_Ember, m_ProgressParameter, percent, 0, etaMs))
m_LastIterPercent = percent;
#ifdef TG
stats.m_Iters = std::accumulate(m_SubBatch.begin(), m_SubBatch.end(), 0ULL);//Sum of iter count of all threads.
stats.m_Badvals += std::accumulate(m_BadVals.begin(), m_BadVals.end(), 0ULL);
return stats;
/// <summary>
/// Accessors for render properties.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Get a copy of the vector of random contexts.
/// Useful for debugging because the returned vector can be used for future renders to
/// produce the exact same output.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The vector of random contexts to assign</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
vector<QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>> Renderer<T, bucketT>::RandVec() { return m_Rand; };
/// <summary>
/// Set the vector of random contexts.
/// Assignment will only take place if the size of the vector matches
/// the number of threads used for rendering.
/// Reset the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="randVec">The vector of random contexts to assign</param>
/// <returns>True if the size of the vector matched the number of threads used for rendering, else false.</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
bool Renderer<T, bucketT>::RandVec(vector<QTIsaac<ISAAC_SIZE, ISAAC_INT>>& randVec)
bool b = false;
if (randVec.size() == ThreadCount())
m_Rand = randVec;
b = true;
return b;
/// <summary>
/// Get whether the histogram is locked during accumulation.
/// This is to prevent two threads from writing to the same histogram
/// bucket at once.
/// The current implementation matches flam3 and is very innefficient
/// to the point of negating any gains gotten from multi-threading.
/// Future workarounds may be tried in the future.
/// Default: false.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the histogram is locked during accumulation, else false.</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
bool Renderer<T, bucketT>::LockAccum() const { return m_LockAccum; }
/// <summary>
/// Set whether the histogram is locked during accumulation.
/// This is to prevent two threads from writing to the same histogram
/// bucket at once.
/// The current implementation matches flam3 and is very innefficient
/// to the point of negating any gains gotten from multi-threading.
/// Different workarounds may be tried in the future.
/// Reset the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lockAccum">True if the histogram should be locked when accumulating, else false</param>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::LockAccum(bool lockAccum)
ChangeVal([&] { m_LockAccum = lockAccum; }, FULL_RENDER);
/// <summary>
/// Get whether color clipping and gamma correction is done before
/// or after spatial filtering.
/// Default: false.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if early clip, else false.</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
bool Renderer<T, bucketT>::EarlyClip() const { return m_EarlyClip; }
/// <summary>
/// Set whether color clipping and gamma correction is done before
/// or after spatial filtering.
/// Set the render state to FILTER_AND_ACCUM.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="earlyClip">True if early clip, else false.</param>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::EarlyClip(bool earlyClip)
ChangeVal([&] { m_EarlyClip = earlyClip; }, FILTER_AND_ACCUM);
/// <summary>
/// Get whether to insert the palette as a block of colors in the final output image.
/// This is useful for debugging palette issues.
/// Default: 1.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if inserting the palette, else false.</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
bool Renderer<T, bucketT>::InsertPalette() const { return m_InsertPalette; }
/// <summary>
/// Set whether to insert the palette as a block of colors in the final output image.
/// This is useful for debugging palette issues.
/// Set the render state to ACCUM_ONLY.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="insertPalette">True if inserting the palette, else false.</param>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::InsertPalette(bool insertPalette)
ChangeVal([&] { m_InsertPalette = insertPalette; }, ACCUM_ONLY);
/// <summary>
/// Get whether to reclaim unused memory in the final output buffer
/// when a smaller size is requested than has been previously allocated.
/// Default: false.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if reclaim, else false.</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
bool Renderer<T, bucketT>::ReclaimOnResize() const { return m_ReclaimOnResize; }
/// <summary>
/// Set whether to reclaim unused memory in the final output buffer
/// when a smaller size is requested than has been previously allocated.
/// Reset the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reclaimOnResize">True if reclaim, else false.</param>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::ReclaimOnResize(bool reclaimOnResize)
ChangeVal([&] { m_ReclaimOnResize = reclaimOnResize; }, FULL_RENDER);
/// <summary>
/// Get whether to use transparency in the alpha channel.
/// This only applies when the number of channels is 4 and the output
/// image is Png.
/// Default: false.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if using transparency, else false.</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT> bool Renderer<T, bucketT>::Transparency() const { return m_Transparency; }
/// <summary>
/// Set whether to use transparency in the alpha channel.
/// This only applies when the number of channels is 4 and the output
/// image is Png.
/// Set the render state to ACCUM_ONLY.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="transparency">True if using transparency, else false.</param>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::Transparency(bool transparency)
ChangeVal([&] { m_Transparency = transparency; }, ACCUM_ONLY);
/// <summary>
/// Get the bytes per channel of the output image.
/// The only acceptable values are 1 and 2, and 2 is only
/// used when the output is Png.
/// Default: 1.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned int Renderer<T, bucketT>::BytesPerChannel() const { return m_BytesPerChannel; }
/// <summary>
/// Set the bytes per channel of the output image.
/// The only acceptable values are 1 and 2, and 2 is only
/// used when the output is Png.
/// Set the render state to ACCUM_ONLY.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bytesPerChannel">The bytes per channel.</param>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::BytesPerChannel(unsigned int bytesPerChannel)
if (bytesPerChannel == 0 || bytesPerChannel > 2)
m_BytesPerChannel = 1;
m_BytesPerChannel = bytesPerChannel;
/// <summary>
/// Get the pixel aspect ratio of the output image.
/// Default: 1.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The pixel aspect ratio.</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::PixelAspectRatio() const { return m_PixelAspectRatio; }
/// <summary>
/// Set the pixel aspect ratio of the output image.
/// Reset the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pixelAspectRatio">The pixel aspect ratio.</param>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::PixelAspectRatio(T pixelAspectRatio)
ChangeVal([&] { m_PixelAspectRatio = pixelAspectRatio; }, FULL_RENDER);
/// <summary>
/// Get the type of filter to use for preview renders during interactive rendering.
/// Using basic log scaling is quicker, but doesn't provide any bluring.
/// Full DE is much slower, but provides a more realistic preview of what the final image
/// will look like.
/// Default: FILTER_LOG.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The type of filter to use</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT> eInteractiveFilter Renderer<T, bucketT>::InteractiveFilter() const { return m_InteractiveFilter; }
/// <summary>
/// Set the type of filter to use for preview renders during interactive rendering.
/// Using basic log scaling is quicker, but doesn't provide any bluring.
/// Full DE is much slower, but provides a more realistic preview of what the final image
/// will look like.
/// Reset the rendering process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filter">The filter.</param>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::InteractiveFilter(eInteractiveFilter filter)
ChangeVal([&] { m_InteractiveFilter = filter; }, FULL_RENDER);
/// <summary>
/// Non-virtual functions that might be needed by a derived class.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Prepare various values needed for producing a final output image.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="background">The computed background value, which may differ from the background member</param>
/// <param name="g">The computed gamma</param>
/// <param name="linRange">The computed linear range</param>
/// <param name="vibrancy">The computed vibrancy</param>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::PrepFinalAccumVals(Color<T>& background, T& g, T& linRange, T& vibrancy)
//If they are doing incremental rendering, they can get here without doing a full temporal
//sample, which means the values will be zero.
vibrancy = m_Vibrancy == 0 ? m_Ember.m_Vibrancy : m_Vibrancy;
unsigned int vibGamCount = m_VibGamCount == 0 ? 1 : m_VibGamCount;
T gamma = m_Gamma == 0 ? m_Ember.m_Gamma : m_Gamma;
g = T(1.0) / ClampGte<T>(gamma / vibGamCount, T(0.01));//Ensure a divide by zero doesn't occur.
linRange = GammaThresh();
vibrancy /= vibGamCount;
background.r = (IsNearZero(m_Background.r) ? m_Ember.m_Background.r : m_Background.r) / (vibGamCount / T(256.0));//Background is [0, 1].
background.g = (IsNearZero(m_Background.g) ? m_Ember.m_Background.g : m_Background.g) / (vibGamCount / T(256.0));
background.b = (IsNearZero(m_Background.b) ? m_Ember.m_Background.b : m_Background.b) / (vibGamCount / T(256.0));
/// <summary>
/// Miscellaneous functions used only in this class.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Accumulate the samples to the histogram.
/// To be called after a sub batch is finished iterating.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="samples">The samples to accumulate</param>
/// <param name="sampleCount">The number of samples</param>
/// <param name="palette">The palette to use</param>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::Accumulate(Point<T>* samples, unsigned int sampleCount, const Palette<bucketT>* palette)
unsigned int histIndex, intColorIndex, histSize = (unsigned int)m_HistBuckets.size();
bucketT colorIndex, colorIndexFrac;
const glm::detail::tvec4<bucketT, glm::defaultp>* dmap = &(palette->m_Entries[0]);
//It's critical to understand what's going on here as it's one of the most important parts of the algorithm.
//A color value gets retrieved from the palette and
//its RGB values are added to the existing RGB values in the histogram bucket.
//Alpha is always 1 in the palettes, so that serves as the hit count.
//This differs from the original since redundantly adding both an alpha component and a hit count is omitted.
//This will eventually leave us with large values for pixels with many hits, which will be log scaled down later.
//Original used a function called bump_no_overflow(). Just do a straight add because the type will always be float or double.
//Doing so gives a 25% speed increase.
//Splitting these conditionals into separate loops makes no speed difference.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sampleCount && !m_Abort; i++)
if (Rotate() != 0)
T p00 = samples[i].m_X - CenterX();
T p11 = samples[i].m_Y - CenterY();
samples[i].m_X = (p00 * m_RotMat.A()) + (p11 * m_RotMat.B()) + CenterX();
samples[i].m_Y = (p00 * m_RotMat.D()) + (p11 * m_RotMat.E()) + CenterY();
//Checking this first before converting gives better performance than converting and checking a single value, which the original did.
//Second, an interesting optimization observation is that when keeping the bounds vars within m_CarToRas and calling its InBounds() member function,
//rather than here as members, about a 7% speedup is achieved. This is possibly due to the fact that data from m_CarToRas is accessed
//right after the call to Convert(), so some caching efficiencies get realized.
if (m_CarToRas.InBounds(samples[i]))
if (samples[i].m_VizAdjusted != 0)
m_CarToRas.Convert(samples[i], histIndex);
//There is a very slim chance that a point will be right on the border and will technically be in bounds, passing the InBounds() test,
//but ends up being mapped to a histogram bucket that is out of bounds due to roundoff error. Perform one final check before proceeding.
//This will result in a few points at the very edges getting discarded, but prevents a crash and doesn't seem to make a speed difference.
if (histIndex < histSize)
//Linear is a linear scale for when the color index is not a whole number, which is most of the time.
//It uses a portion of the value of the index, and the remainder of the next index.
//Example: index = 25.7
//Fraction = 0.7
//Color = (dmap[25] * 0.3) + (dmap[26] * 0.7)
//Use overloaded addition and multiplication operators in vec4 to perform the accumulation.
if (PaletteMode() == PALETTE_LINEAR)
colorIndex = (bucketT)samples[i].m_ColorX * COLORMAP_LENGTH;
intColorIndex = (unsigned int)colorIndex;
if (intColorIndex < 0)
intColorIndex = 0;
colorIndexFrac = 0;
else if (intColorIndex >= COLORMAP_LENGTH_MINUS_1)
intColorIndex = COLORMAP_LENGTH_MINUS_1 - 1;
colorIndexFrac = 1;
colorIndexFrac = colorIndex - (bucketT)intColorIndex;//Interpolate between intColorIndex and intColorIndex + 1.
if (samples[i].m_VizAdjusted == 1)
m_HistBuckets[histIndex] += ((dmap[intColorIndex] * (1 - colorIndexFrac)) + (dmap[intColorIndex + 1] * colorIndexFrac));
m_HistBuckets[histIndex] += (((dmap[intColorIndex] * (1 - colorIndexFrac)) + (dmap[intColorIndex + 1] * colorIndexFrac)) * (bucketT)samples[i].m_VizAdjusted);
else if (PaletteMode() == PALETTE_STEP)
intColorIndex = Clamp<unsigned int>((unsigned int)(samples[i].m_ColorX * COLORMAP_LENGTH), 0, COLORMAP_LENGTH_MINUS_1);
if (samples[i].m_VizAdjusted == 1)
m_HistBuckets[histIndex] += dmap[intColorIndex];
m_HistBuckets[histIndex] += (dmap[intColorIndex] * (bucketT)samples[i].m_VizAdjusted);
/// <summary>
/// Add a value to the density filtering buffer with a bounds check.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bucket">The bucket being filtered</param>
/// <param name="i">The column of the bucket</param>
/// <param name="ii">The offset to add to the column</param>
/// <param name="j">The row of the bucket</param>
/// <param name="jj">The offset to add to the row</param>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::AddToAccum(const glm::detail::tvec4<bucketT, glm::defaultp>& bucket, int i, int ii, int j, int jj)
if (j + jj >= 0 && j + jj < (int)m_SuperRasH && i + ii >= 0 && i + ii < (int)m_SuperRasW)
m_AccumulatorBuckets[(i + ii) + ((j + jj) * m_SuperRasW)] += bucket;
/// <summary>
/// Clip and gamma correct a pixel.
/// Because this code is used in both early and late clipping, a few extra arguments are passed
/// to specify what actions to take. Coupled with an additional template argument, this allows
/// using one function to perform all color clipping, gamma correction and final accumulation.
/// Template argument accumT is expected to match T for the case of early clipping, unsigned char for late clip for
/// images with one byte per channel and unsigned short for images with two bytes per channel.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bucket">The pixel to correct</param>
/// <param name="background">The background color</param>
/// <param name="g">The gamma to use</param>
/// <param name="linRange">The linear range to use</param>
/// <param name="vibrancy">The vibrancy to use</param>
/// <param name="doAlpha">True if either early clip, or late clip with 4 channel output, else false.</param>
/// <param name="scale">True if late clip, else false.</param>
/// <param name="correctedChannels">The storage space for the corrected values to be written to</param>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
template <typename accumT>
void Renderer<T, bucketT>::GammaCorrection(glm::detail::tvec4<bucketT, glm::defaultp>& bucket, Color<T>& background, T g, T linRange, T vibrancy, bool doAlpha, bool scale, accumT* correctedChannels)
T alpha, ls, a;
bucketT newRgb[3];//Would normally use a Color<bucketT>, but don't want to call a needless constructor every time this function is called, which is once per pixel.
static T scaleVal = (numeric_limits<accumT>::max() + 1) / T(256.0);
if (bucket.a <= 0)
alpha = 0;
ls = 0;
alpha = Palette<T>::CalcAlpha(bucket.a, g, linRange);
ls = vibrancy * T(255) * alpha / bucket.a;
ClampRef<T>(alpha, 0, 1);
Palette<T>::CalcNewRgb<bucketT>(&bucket[0], ls, HighlightPower(), newRgb);
for (unsigned int rgbi = 0; rgbi < 3; rgbi++)
a = newRgb[rgbi] + ((T(1.0) - vibrancy) * T(255) * pow(T(bucket[rgbi]), g));
if (NumChannels() <= 3 || !Transparency())
a += ((T(1.0) - alpha) * background[rgbi]);
if (alpha > 0)
a /= alpha;
a = 0;
if (!scale)
correctedChannels[rgbi] = (accumT)Clamp<T>(a, 0, 255);//Early clip, just assign directly.
correctedChannels[rgbi] = (accumT)(Clamp<T>(a, 0, 255) * scaleVal);//Final accum, multiply by 1 for 8 bpc, or 256 for 16 bpc.
if (doAlpha)
if (!scale)
correctedChannels[3] = (accumT)alpha;//Early clip, just assign alpha directly.
else if (Transparency())
correctedChannels[3] = (accumT)(alpha * numeric_limits<accumT>::max());//Final accum, 4 channels, using transparency. Scale alpha from 0-1 to 0-255 for 8 bpc or 0-65535 for 16 bpc.
correctedChannels[3] = numeric_limits<accumT>::max();//Final accum, 4 channels, but not using transparency. 255 for 8 bpc, 65535 for 16 bpc.
/// <summary>
/// Set the m_Iterator member to point to the appropriate
/// iterator based on whether the ember currently being rendered
/// contains xaos.
/// After assigning, initialize the xform selection buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if assignment and distribution initialization succeeded, else false.</returns>
template <typename T, typename bucketT>
bool Renderer<T, bucketT>::AssignIterator()
//Setup iterator and distributions.
//Both iterator types were setup in the constructor (add more in the future if needed).
//So simply assign the pointer to the correct type and re-initialize its distributions
//based on the current ember.
if (XaosPresent())
m_Iterator = m_XaosIterator.get();
m_Iterator = m_StandardIterator.get();
//Timing t;
return m_Iterator->InitDistributions(m_Ember);
//t.Toc("Distrib creation");
/// <summary>
/// Threading control.
/// </summary>
template <typename T, typename bucketT> void Renderer<T, bucketT>::EnterRender() { m_RenderingCs.Enter(); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> void Renderer<T, bucketT>::LeaveRender() { m_RenderingCs.Leave(); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> void Renderer<T, bucketT>::EnterFinalAccum() { m_FinalAccumCs.Enter(); m_InFinalAccum = true; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> void Renderer<T, bucketT>::LeaveFinalAccum() { m_FinalAccumCs.Leave(); m_InFinalAccum = false; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> void Renderer<T, bucketT>::EnterResize() { m_ResizeCs.Enter(); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> void Renderer<T, bucketT>::LeaveResize() { m_ResizeCs.Leave(); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> void Renderer<T, bucketT>::Abort() { m_Abort = true; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> bool Renderer<T, bucketT>::Aborted() { return m_Abort; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> bool Renderer<T, bucketT>::InRender() { return m_InRender; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> bool Renderer<T, bucketT>::InFinalAccum() { return m_InFinalAccum; }
/// <summary>
/// Renderer properties, getters only.
/// </summary>
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned int Renderer<T, bucketT>::SuperRasW() const { return m_SuperRasW; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned int Renderer<T, bucketT>::SuperRasH() const { return m_SuperRasH; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned int Renderer<T, bucketT>::SuperSize() const { return m_SuperSize; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned int Renderer<T, bucketT>::FinalBufferSize() const { return FinalRowSize() * FinalRasH(); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned int Renderer<T, bucketT>::FinalRowSize() const { return FinalRasW() * PixelSize(); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned int Renderer<T, bucketT>::FinalDimensions() const { return FinalRasW() * FinalRasH(); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned int Renderer<T, bucketT>::PixelSize() const { return NumChannels() * BytesPerChannel(); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned int Renderer<T, bucketT>::GutterWidth() const { return m_GutterWidth; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned int Renderer<T, bucketT>::DensityFilterOffset() const { return m_DensityFilterOffset; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> double Renderer<T, bucketT>::ScaledQuality() const { return m_ScaledQuality; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::Scale() const { return m_Scale; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::PixelsPerUnitX() const { return m_PixelsPerUnitX; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::PixelsPerUnitY() const { return m_PixelsPerUnitY; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> double Renderer<T, bucketT>::LowerLeftX(bool gutter) const { return gutter ? m_CarToRas.CarLlX() : m_LowerLeftX; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> double Renderer<T, bucketT>::LowerLeftY(bool gutter) const { return gutter ? m_CarToRas.CarLlY() : m_LowerLeftY; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> double Renderer<T, bucketT>::UpperRightX(bool gutter) const { return gutter ? m_CarToRas.CarUrX() : m_UpperRightX; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> double Renderer<T, bucketT>::UpperRightY(bool gutter) const { return gutter ? m_CarToRas.CarUrY() : m_UpperRightY; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::K1() const { return m_K1; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::K2() const { return m_K2; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned __int64 Renderer<T, bucketT>::TotalIterCount() const { return (unsigned __int64)((unsigned __int64)Round(m_ScaledQuality) * (unsigned __int64)FinalRasW() * (unsigned __int64)FinalRasH()); }//Use Round() because there can be some roundoff error when interpolating.
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned __int64 Renderer<T, bucketT>::ItersPerTemporalSample() const { return (unsigned __int64)ceil(double(TotalIterCount()) / double(Passes() * TemporalSamples())); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> eProcessState Renderer<T, bucketT>::ProcessState() const { return m_ProcessState; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> eProcessAction Renderer<T, bucketT>::ProcessAction() const { return m_ProcessAction; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> EmberStats Renderer<T, bucketT>::Stats() const { return m_Stats; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> const CarToRas<T>* Renderer<T, bucketT>::CoordMap() const { return &m_CarToRas; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> glm::detail::tvec4<bucketT, glm::defaultp>* Renderer<T, bucketT>::HistBuckets() { return m_HistBuckets.data(); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> glm::detail::tvec4<bucketT, glm::defaultp>* Renderer<T, bucketT>::AccumulatorBuckets() { return m_AccumulatorBuckets.data(); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> SpatialFilter<T>* Renderer<T, bucketT>::GetSpatialFilter() { return m_SpatialFilter.get(); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> TemporalFilter<T>* Renderer<T, bucketT>::GetTemporalFilter() { return m_TemporalFilter.get(); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> DensityFilter<T>* Renderer<T, bucketT>::GetDensityFilter() { return m_DensityFilter.get(); }
/// <summary>
/// Ember wrappers, getters only.
/// </summary>
template <typename T, typename bucketT> bool Renderer<T, bucketT>::XaosPresent() { return m_Ember.XaosPresent(); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned int Renderer<T, bucketT>::FinalRasW() const { return m_Ember.m_FinalRasW; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned int Renderer<T, bucketT>::FinalRasH() const { return m_Ember.m_FinalRasH; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned int Renderer<T, bucketT>::Supersample() const { return m_Ember.m_Supersample; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned int Renderer<T, bucketT>::Passes() const { return m_Ember.m_Passes; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned int Renderer<T, bucketT>::TemporalSamples() const { return m_Ember.m_TemporalSamples; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned int Renderer<T, bucketT>::PaletteIndex() const { return m_Ember.PaletteIndex(); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::Time() const { return m_Ember.m_Time; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::Quality() const { return m_Ember.m_Quality; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::SpatialFilterRadius() const { return m_Ember.m_SpatialFilterRadius; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::PixelsPerUnit() const { return m_Ember.m_PixelsPerUnit; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::Zoom() const { return m_Ember.m_Zoom; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::CenterX() const { return m_Ember.m_CenterX; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::CenterY() const { return m_Ember.m_CenterY; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::Rotate() const { return m_Ember.m_Rotate; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::Hue() const { return m_Ember.m_Hue; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::Brightness() const { return m_Ember.m_Brightness; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::Gamma() const { return m_Ember.m_Gamma; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::Vibrancy() const { return m_Ember.m_Vibrancy; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::GammaThresh() const { return m_Ember.m_GammaThresh; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> T Renderer<T, bucketT>::HighlightPower() const { return m_Ember.m_HighlightPower; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> Color<T> Renderer<T, bucketT>::Background() const { return m_Ember.m_Background; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> const Xform<T>* Renderer<T, bucketT>::Xforms() const { return m_Ember.Xforms(); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> Xform<T>* Renderer<T, bucketT>::NonConstXforms() { return m_Ember.NonConstXforms(); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> unsigned int Renderer<T, bucketT>::XformCount() const { return m_Ember.XformCount(); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> const Xform<T>* Renderer<T, bucketT>::FinalXform() const { return m_Ember.FinalXform(); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> Xform<T>* Renderer<T, bucketT>::NonConstFinalXform() { return m_Ember.NonConstFinalXform(); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> bool Renderer<T, bucketT>::UseFinalXform() const { return m_Ember.UseFinalXform(); }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> const Palette<T>* Renderer<T, bucketT>::GetPalette() const { return &m_Ember.m_Palette; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> ePaletteMode Renderer<T, bucketT>::PaletteMode() const { return m_Ember.m_PaletteMode; }
/// <summary>
/// Iterator wrappers.
/// </summary>
template <typename T, typename bucketT> const unsigned char* Renderer<T, bucketT>::XformDistributions() const { return m_Iterator != NULL ? m_Iterator->XformDistributions() : NULL; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> const unsigned int Renderer<T, bucketT>::XformDistributionsSize() const { return m_Iterator != NULL ? m_Iterator->XformDistributionsSize() : 0; }
template <typename T, typename bucketT> Point<T>* Renderer<T, bucketT>::Samples(unsigned int threadIndex) const { return threadIndex < m_Samples.size() ? (Point<T>*)m_Samples[threadIndex].data() : NULL; }
} |