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synced 2025-03-08 20:01:32 -05:00

Make xaos display a matrix rather than a single column. This will be moved out into its own tab since it's no longer xform dependent, but that will be in a future commit. Remove xaos from/to button since it's no longer applicable. Add test function to Isaac to return just one random byte. Might be used in the future.
432 lines
12 KiB
432 lines
12 KiB
#pragma once
#include "EmberDefines.h"
/// <summary>
/// C++ TEMPLATE VERSION OF Robert J. Jenkins Jr.'s
/// ISAAC Random Number Generator.
/// Ported from vanilla C to to template C++ class
/// by Quinn Tyler Jackson on 16-23 July 1998.
/// quinn@qtj.net
/// The function for the expected period of this
/// random number generator, according to Jenkins is:
/// f(a,b) = 2**((a+b*(3+2^^a)-1)
/// (where a is ALPHA and b is bitwidth)
/// So, for a bitwidth of 32 and an ALPHA of 8,
/// the expected period of ISAAC is:
/// 2^^(8+32*(3+2^^8)-1) = 2^^8295
/// Jackson has been able to run implementations
/// with an ALPHA as high as 16, or
/// 2^^2097263
/// -Modified by Matt Feemster to eliminate needless dynamic memory allocation and virtual functions and bring inline with Ember coding style.
/// </summary>
#ifndef __ISAAC64
typedef uint ISAAC_INT;
typedef size_t ISAAC_INT;
const ISAAC_INT GOLDEN_RATIO = ISAAC_INT(0x9e3779b97f4a7c13);
namespace EmberNs
union UintBytes
unsigned char Bytes[4];
uint Uint;
/// <summary>
/// QTIsaac class which allows using ISAAC in an OOP manner.
/// </summary>
template <int ALPHA = 4, class T = ISAAC_INT>
class EMBER_API QTIsaac
enum { N = (1 << ALPHA) };
UintBytes m_Cache;
int m_LastIndex;
/// <summary>
/// Global ISAAC RNG to be used from anywhere. This is not thread safe, so take caution to only
/// use it when no other threads are.
/// </summary>
static unique_ptr<QTIsaac<ALPHA, ISAAC_INT> > GlobalRand;
/// <summary>
/// The structure which holds all of the random information.
/// </summary>
struct EMBER_API randctx
T randcnt;
T randrsl[N];
T randmem[N];
T randa;
T randb;
T randc;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor which initialized the random context using the values passed in.
/// Leaving these as their defaults is fine, and will still give different
/// results because time is internally used if they are default.
/// However, specifying specific values is useful if you want to duplicate
/// a sequence of random numbers.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="a">First random seed. Default: 0.</param>
/// <param name="b">Second random seed. Default: 0.</param>
/// <param name="c">Third random seed. Default: 0.</param>
/// <param name="s">Pointer to a buffer of 256 random integer seeds. Default: nullptr.</param>
QTIsaac(T a = 0, T b = 0, T c = 0, T* s = nullptr)
Srand(a, b, c, s);
m_LastIndex = 0;
m_Cache.Uint = Rand();
T temp = RandByte();//Need to call at least once so other libraries can link.
/// <summary>
/// Return the next random integer in the range of 0-255.
/// If only a byte is needed, this is a more efficient way because
/// it only calls rand 1/4 of the time.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The next random integer in the range of 0-255</returns>
inline T RandByte()
T ret = m_Cache.Bytes[m_LastIndex++];
if (m_LastIndex == 4)
m_LastIndex = 0;
m_Cache.Uint = Rand();
return ret;
/// <summary>
/// Return the next random integer.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The next random integer</returns>
inline T Rand()
return (!m_Rc.randcnt-- ? (Isaac(&m_Rc), m_Rc.randcnt=N-1, m_Rc.randrsl[m_Rc.randcnt]) : m_Rc.randrsl[m_Rc.randcnt]);
return (m_Rc.randcnt++ == N ? (Isaac(&m_Rc), m_Rc.randcnt=0, m_Rc.randrsl[m_Rc.randcnt]) : m_Rc.randrsl[m_Rc.randcnt]);
/// <summary>
/// Return the next random integer between 0 and the value passed in minus 1.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="upper">A value one greater than the maximum value that will be returned</param>
/// <returns>A value between 0 and the value passed in minus 1</returns>
inline T Rand(T upper)
return (upper == 0) ? Rand() : Rand() % upper;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a random floating point value between the specified minimum and maximum.
/// Template argument expected to be float or double.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fMin">The minimum value allowed, inclusive.</param>
/// <param name="fMax">The maximum value allowed, inclusive.</param>
/// <returns>A new random floating point value within the specified range, inclusive.</returns>
template<typename floatType>
inline floatType Frand(floatType fMin, floatType fMax)
floatType f = static_cast<floatType>(Rand()) / static_cast<floatType>(std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
return fMin + (f * (fMax - fMin));
/// <summary>
/// Thin wrapper around a call to Frand() with a range of 0-1.
/// Template argument expected to be float or double.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A new random number in the range of 0-1, inclusive.</returns>
template<typename floatType>
inline floatType Frand01()
return (Rand() & 0xfffffff) / (floatType)0xfffffff;
return Frand<floatType>(floatType(0), floatType(1));
/// <summary>
/// Thin wrapper around a call to Frand() with a range of -1-1.
/// Template argument expected to be float or double.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A new random number in the range of -1-1, inclusive.</returns>
template<typename floatType>
inline floatType Frand11()
return ((Rand() & 0xfffffff) - 0x7ffffff) / (floatType)0x7ffffff;
return Frand<floatType>(floatType(-1), floatType(1));
/// <summary>
/// Not sure what this does.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Something that is golden</returns>
template<typename floatType>
inline floatType GoldenBit()
return RandBit() ? floatType(0.38196) : floatType(0.61804);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a random 0 or 1.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A random 0 or 1</returns>
inline uint RandBit()
return Rand() & 1;
/// <summary>
/// A different way of getting a floating point rand in the range -1-1.
/// Flam3 used this but it seems unnecessary now, keep around if it's ever needed.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A new random number in the range of -1-1, inclusive.</returns>
//double drand11()
// return (((int)Rand() & 0xfffffff) - 0x7ffffff) / (double) 0x7ffffff;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a random context.
/// Unsure exacly how this works, but it does.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ctx">The random context to initialize</param>
/// <param name="useSeed">Whether to use the seeds passed in to the constructor, else zero.</param>
void RandInit(randctx* ctx, bool useSeed)
int i;
T a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
T* m = ctx->randmem;
T* r = ctx->randrsl;
a = b = c = d = e = f = g = h = GOLDEN_RATIO;
if (!useSeed)
ctx->randa = 0;
ctx->randb = 0;
ctx->randc = 0;
//Scramble it.
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
Shuffle(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
if (useSeed)
//Initialize using the contents of r[] as the seed.
for (i = 0; i < N; i += 8)
a += r[i ]; b += r[i + 1]; c += r[i + 2]; d += r[i + 3];
e += r[i + 4]; f += r[i + 5]; g += r[i + 6]; h += r[i + 7];
Shuffle(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
m[i ] = a; m[i + 1] = b; m[i + 2] = c; m[i + 3] = d;
m[i + 4] = e; m[i + 5] = f; m[i + 6] = g; m[i + 7] = h;
//Do a second pass to make all of the seed affect all of m.
for (i = 0; i < N; i += 8)
a += m[i ]; b += m[i + 1]; c += m[i + 2]; d += m[i + 3];
e += m[i + 4]; f += m[i + 5]; g += m[i + 6]; h += m[i + 7];
Shuffle(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
m[i ] = a; m[i + 1] = b; m[i + 2] = c; m[i + 3] = d;
m[i + 4] = e; m[i + 5] = f; m[i + 6] = g; m[i + 7] = h;
//Fill in mm[] with messy stuff.
Shuffle(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
m[i ] = a; m[i + 1] = b; m[i + 2] = c; m[i + 3] = d;
m[i + 4] = e; m[i + 5] = f; m[i + 6] = g; m[i + 7] = h;
Isaac(ctx); //Fill in the first set of results.
ctx->randcnt = N;//TODO//0;//Prepare to use the first set of results.
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the seeds of the member random context using the specified seeds.
/// If s is null, time plus index up to 256 is used for the random buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="a">First random seed. Default: 0.</param>
/// <param name="b">Second random seed. Default: 0.</param>
/// <param name="c">Third random seed. Default: 0.</param>
/// <param name="s">Pointer to a buffer of 256 random integer seeds. Default: nullptr.</param>
void Srand(T a = 0, T b = 0, T c = 0, T* s = nullptr)
if (s == nullptr)//Default to using time plus index as the seed if s was nullptr.
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
m_Rc.randrsl[i] = static_cast<T>(NowMs()) + i;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
m_Rc.randrsl[i] = s[i];
if (a == 0 && b == 0 && c == 0)
m_Rc.randa = static_cast<T>(NowMs());
m_Rc.randb = static_cast<T>(NowMs()) * static_cast<T>(NowMs());
m_Rc.randc = static_cast<T>(NowMs()) * static_cast<T>(NowMs()) * static_cast<T>(NowMs());
m_Rc.randa = a;
m_Rc.randb = b;
m_Rc.randc = c;
RandInit(&m_Rc, true);
/// <summary>
/// Compute the next batch of random numbers for a random context.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ctx">The context to populate.</param>
void Isaac(randctx* ctx)
T x,y;
T* mm = ctx->randmem;
T* r = ctx->randrsl;
T a = (ctx->randa);
T b = (ctx->randb + (++ctx->randc));
T* m = mm;
T* m2 = (m + (N / 2));
T* mend = m2;
for(; m < mend; )
#ifndef __ISAAC64
RngStep((a << 13), a, b, mm, m, m2, r, x, y);
RngStep((a >> 6) , a, b, mm, m, m2, r, x, y);
RngStep((a << 2) , a, b, mm, m, m2, r, x, y);
RngStep((a >> 16), a, b, mm, m, m2, r, x, y);
#else // __ISAAC64
RngStep(~(a ^ (a << 21)), a, b, mm, m, m2, r, x, y);
RngStep( a ^ (a >> 5) , a, b, mm, m, m2, r, x, y);
RngStep( a ^ (a << 12) , a, b, mm, m, m2, r, x, y);
RngStep( a ^ (a >> 33) , a, b, mm, m, m2, r, x, y);
#endif // __ISAAC64
m2 = mm;
for(; m2<mend;)
#ifndef __ISAAC64
RngStep((a << 13), a, b, mm, m, m2, r, x, y);
RngStep((a >> 6) , a, b, mm, m, m2, r, x, y);
RngStep((a << 2) , a, b, mm, m, m2, r, x, y);
RngStep((a >> 16), a, b, mm, m, m2, r, x, y);
#else // __ISAAC64
RngStep(~(a ^ (a << 21)), a, b, mm, m, m2, r, x, y);
RngStep( a ^ (a >> 5) , a, b, mm, m, m2, r, x, y);
RngStep( a ^ (a << 12) , a, b, mm, m, m2, r, x, y);
RngStep( a ^ (a >> 33) , a, b, mm, m, m2, r, x, y);
#endif // __ISAAC64
ctx->randb = b;
ctx->randa = a;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves a value using indirection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mm">The buffer.</param>
/// <param name="x">The offset.</param>
/// <returns>A new value</returns>
inline T Ind(T* mm, T x)
#ifndef __ISAAC64
return (*reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<byte*>(mm) + ((x) & ((N - 1) << 2))));
#else // __ISAAC64
return (*reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<byte*>(mm) + ((x) & ((N - 1) << 3))));
#endif // __ISAAC64
/// <summary>
/// Unsure what this does.
/// </summary>
void RngStep(T mix, T& a, T& b, T*& mm, T*& m, T*& m2, T*& r, T& x, T& y)
x = *m;
a = (a ^ (mix)) + *(m2++);
*(m++) = y = Ind(mm, x) + a + b;
*(r++) = b = Ind(mm, y >> ALPHA) + x;
/// <summary>
/// Unsure what this does.
/// </summary>
void Shuffle(T& a, T& b, T& c, T& d, T& e, T& f, T& g, T& h)
#ifndef __ISAAC64
a ^= b << 11; d += a; b += c;
b ^= c >> 2; e += b; c += d;
c ^= d << 8; f += c; d += e;
d ^= e >> 16; g += d; e += f;
e ^= f << 10; h += e; f += g;
f ^= g >> 4; a += f; g += h;
g ^= h << 8; b += g; h += a;
h ^= a >> 9; c += h; a += b;
#else // __ISAAC64
a -= e; f ^= h >> 9; h += a;
b -= f; g ^= a << 9; a += b;
c -= g; h ^= b >> 23; b += c;
d -= h; a ^= c << 15; c += d;
e -= a; b ^= d >> 14; d += e;
f -= b; c ^= e << 20; e += f;
g -= c; d ^= f >> 17; f += g;
h -= d; e ^= g << 14; g += h;
#endif // __ISAAC64
randctx m_Rc;//The random context which holds all of the seed and state information as well as the random number values.